Staff Profile
Professor Richard Collier
Professor of Law and Social Theory
- Address: Newcastle Law School
Newcastle University
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Education, Qualifications and Awards
2023 Recipient of the Socio-Legal Studies Association (SLSA) Award for Lifetime Contribution to the Socio-Legal Community
2023 Newcastle University Academic Distinction Award, awarded in recognition of contribution to research
FAcSS, Elected Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (nominated by the UK Socio-Legal Studies Association)
FRSA, Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts
Ph.D. Thesis ‘Family, Law and Gender’, University of Leicester. Awards: University of Leicester Research Scholarship [funded]
M.A. (Socio-Legal Studies) Awarded with Distinction, University of Sheffield Awards: ESRC Quota Award [funded]
LLB. (Hons) Upper Second, University of Sheffield
Academic Posts, Visiting and Honorary Appointments
Newcastle University Professor, 1999 - present
Reader, 1995-1999
Lecturer, 1990 - 1995
University of Warwick Lecturer, 1988 - 1990
University of Leicester Research Scholar, 1985 – 1988
2018 Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowship (Nov 2017-Nov 18)
2015 Visiting Fellowship, College of Law, Australian National University
2011 Senior Visiting Research Scholar, European Centre of Gender Excellence (GEXcel) Sweden,
Linköping University/Örebro University, 2011).
2011 Research Fellowship, Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales
2011 Visiting Fellowship, College of Law, Australian National University
2007-8 Senior Research Fellowship, British Academy/Leverhulme ‘Thank-Offer to Britain
2007 Visiting Professor, Center on Children & Families, University of Florida, Levin College of
Law, USA
2007 Visiting Professor, School of Law, Emory University, Atlanta, USA
2006 Visiting Fellow, Socio-Legal Research Centre, Griffith University, Australia
2004 Parsons Visiting Scholar, University of Sydney, Australia
2004 Visiting Professor, University of Melbourne, Australia
2004 Visiting Lecturer, University of British Columbia, Canada, 2004
2000 Visiting Dorothea S. Clarke Scholarship, Law Faculty, Cornell University, USA
2000 Visiting Lecturer, Amherst College, USA
Examples of Esteem, Consultation, Engagement, Membership of Advisory Groups, and Editorial Appointment etc
Recipient of the Socio-Legal Studies Association (SLSA) Award for Lifetime Contribution to the Socio-Legal Community (2023)
Newcastle University Academic Distinction Award, awarded in recognition of contribution to research (2023)
FAcSS, Elected Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (nominated by the UK Socio-
Legal Studies Association) (2015)
FRSA, Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts
Invited member research team LawCare ‘Life in the Law’ survey of the Uk legal Profession, 2020-21 (see above)
Co-Founder and member of the Uk Advancing Wellness in Law Network – regular coordinate chair monthly meetings>)
Adviser to International Bar Association on their global lawyer mental health survey (2021/2020) Mental Wellbeing in the Legal Profession: A Global Survey available at
Adviser to Solicitors Regulation Authority Thematic Review of Workplace Culture in Law (2022), report and guidance published 10/2/22 accessed via:
Member of Editorial Board Social and Legal Studies: An International Journal Sage Publications (previously an editor)
International Advisory Board Member, NORMA: International Journal for Masculinity Studies Taylor & Francis/Routledge
Member of Research Committee of the Sociology of Law (RCSL) Working Groups on (i) Gender and Law, (ii) Working Group for the Comparative Study of the Legal Professions, (iii) Law and Popular Culture
Invited Member of the Advisory Board of the Mental Health Institute of the Legal Professions, Spain (2019)
Award of Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowship in connection with the project on Wellbeing in the Law (2018) (see details above).
Invited academic member of National Taskforce on Wellbeing and Mental Health in the Legal Profession (spearheaded by Lawcare and the Law Society with membership drawn from across the legal community) (2016-18)
Invited member of International Advisory Board for Nordic Centre of Excellence project “Solving the gender paradox in research and innovation”, coordinated Örebro University (2016)
Appointed Visiting Fellow, College of Law, Australian National University (2014)
Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Peer Review College member (2015 >, 4 year appointment, 1/10/15-30/9/19)
Member of Steering group for the ESRC funded project Beyond Male Role Models: Gender Identities and Work with Young Men, led by The Open University in partnership with Action for Children (2012-15)
Advisory Board, University of Lincon Stand Together Project (2015)
Internal NCL: invited participant Celebrating Success events various
International Editorial Board Member, Entertainment and Sports Law Journal.
Global Affiliate, Vulnerability and the Human Condition Initiative, Faculty of Law, Emory University, USA
What Works Centre for Wellbeing Community Evidence Programme Network, 2015
Editorial Adviser (2004) The New Oxford Companion to Law (Oxford University Press)
Senior Research Scholar GEXcel’s Theme 9, ‘Gendered Sexualed Transnationalisations, Deconstructing the Dominant: Transforming Men, “Centres” and Knowledge/Policy/Practice,’ directed by Jeff Hearn, Linköping University Sweden, Linköping University/Örebro University, 2011.
Invited Consultant (1997-2000): Lord Chancellor's Department: Evaluation of Information Meetings: Family Law Act 1996. I served as Consultant and member of the Research Programme Team concerned with the evaluation of the Information Meetings Pilots Project funded by the Lord Chancellor's Department (LCD). Author and co-author of two chapters in Final Report. Other work included the preparation of working papers, providing advice on statutory interpretation directly to the LCD and presentation of 'work in progress' reports in connection with the project.
Member of AHRC Research Network 2011-2013 Post-separation families and shared residence: setting the interdisciplinary research agenda for the future ESRC Seminar series Parenting Culture Studies, Cambridge 2009,
Associate, Centre for Parenting Culture Studies, University of Kent
Member, International Co-operation Group on Fatherhood, ZIF/Centre for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research, Bielefeld University, Germany 2008
Member of ESRC Advisory Group (2003-6), Gay and Lesbian Marriage: Socio-Legal, Familial and Cultural implications in England 2003-6: Centre for Research on Family, Kinship & Childhood Department of Sociology and Social Policy University of Leeds.
Member of ESRC Advisory Group (2004-7) Masculinities in Transition: Identity, Home and Workplace: University of Sheffield, Department of Sociology.
AHRC Management Committee member, AHRC Research Centre for Gender, Law and Sexuality, University of Kent at Canterbury (2004-2009)
ESRC Panel member, Assessor, Postgraduate Studentship Competition 2010, 2009, 2006, ESRC (Research Training and Development)
Member of Network of Excellence ‘Gender and Citizenship in Europe’ (6th Framework Programme of the European Commission)(2005)
Research Integrity Co-Ordinator (2024>)
NINE Doctoral Training Centre ESRC, Subject Area Coordinator
Northern Bridge Management AHRC, Subject Area Coordinator
PDR Reviewer
Deputy Postgraduate Research Director, PGR Admissions
Chair Search Group Co-ordinator
Law School Scholarship Co-ordinator
Director of Research
Director of Funded Research
Faculty Research Strategy Group
Deputy Research Director
University Institute for the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities Steering Group
Co-ordinator of External Funding
Degree Programme Director (LLB) and Third Year Tutor: role embracing range of Liaison, Co-Ordination and Organisational Duties, Student Management, Student Progress and Achievement and Quality Management and Enhancement.
School (previously Departmental) Research Committee
School Ethics Committee
Departmental Dissertations Co-ordinator
Personal Tutor
Member of Steering Group of the University Research Institute in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (NIASSH)
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Teaching and Learning Committee (incl. External Examination Sub-Group)
University Teaching and Learning Committee Programme Approval Panel
School Teaching and Learning Committee
Faculty College of Reviewers
Departmental Seminar Series co-ordinator
Management Committee and Founder Member of the Centre of Gender and Women's Studies, University of Newcastle
University Appointments Committee
University Staff Student Committee
University Examination Adviser
Alumni Co-Ordinator
Departmental Profile Committee
Head of Department's Consultative Committee
School Executive Board
Chair and Secretary of Newcastle Law School Staff/Student Committee (1990-1994, 1996)
Undergraduate and Postgraduate Faculty Brochure Co-ordinator (1990-1993)
Schools Liaison Team (1990-1993)
Member of Departmental Teaching Observation Team
Misc. I have been involved in a wide range of Staff and Professional Development activities and have attended courses on pro-active media relations and 'Facing the Media' and numerous workshops on small group teaching and developing lecturing skills.
Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, FAcSS
Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, FRSA.
Advancing Wellness in Law Network
Member of ISA/Research Committee of the Sociology of Law (RCSL) Working Groups on (i) Gender and Law, (ii) Working Group for the Comparative Study of the Legal Professions, (iii) Law and Popular Culture
Invited Global Affiliate, Vulnerability and the Human Condition Initiative, Faculty of Law, Emory University, USA
Institute of Inclusion in the Legal Profession, USA.
What Works Centre for Wellbeing Community Evidence Programme Network, 2015>
Executive Committee Member (1999 - 2005, 1992 - 1996), Secretary (April 1994-6) and Co-ordinator of Prizes 1995-2000 of the Socio Legal Studies Association (SLSA), Member 1994 to date.
Society of Legal Scholars (formally the Society of the Public Teachers of Law)
Member of the Legal Education Group and UK/Canadian Legal Studies Group
Member, University of Cambridge Socio-Legal Group
Member of Sub-Committee of American Law and Society Association (LSA) (Conditions of Academic Work) 1998-9
Member, International Co-operation Group on Fatherhood, ZIF/Centre for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research, Bielefeld University, Germany
Member European Men’s Health Institute and Thematic Research Network ‘The Social Problem and Societal Problematisation of Men and Masculinities’.
Various Other:: University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia (Family Action Centre, Engaging Fathers Research Program), Children North East / Fathers Plus Network
Past member of: British Society for Criminology: Institute for the Study and Treatment of Delinquency: Haldane Society: National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders: Law and Society Association: British Sociological Association.
Engagement (General): In the course of research projects detailed above I have developed networks and engaged with a wide range of stakeholders; e,.g., more recently, and in relation to legal profession and wellbeing, fatherhood studies incl. Lawcare, Law Society, Fatherhood Institute, BBC, fathers groups and equal parenting organisations, AHRC/ESRC Project Networks (detailed above), British Library, EU Gender Networks (e.g. GEXCEL), Family and Work Research Networks, and public engagement via events such as the ‘Battle for Ideas’, London, BBC ‘Free Thinking’ Festival, amongst others.
Frequent peer reviewer of research grant applications for funding authorities (UK and abroad) incl: Leverhulme, ESRC, AHRC, Nuffield Foundation, Joseph Rowntree, British Academy and frequent reviewer of manuscripts, articles and book proposals for a wide range of academic publications Incl recently Bristol University Press, Routledge, Elgar, Ashgate: International Institute for the Sociology of Law: Sage Publications (Commissioning): Hart Publications: Oxford University Press: Pearson: Butterworths: Cassell: Longman, plus others: also regular editorial article refereeing of articles and special issues for a range of journals a selection of which incl. Legal Studies, Men and Masculinities, NORMA, Journal of Social Policy, Journal of Law and Society, Current Sociology, Gender Work and Organisation, Sociology of Health and Illness, Law, Culture and the Humanities, Sociological Research Online, Women’s Studies International Forum, Feminist Legal Studies, Studies in Law, Politics and Society, International Journal of the Legal Profession, Law and Society Review, Web Journal of Current Legal Issues plus many others.
External REF Reviewer, University of Warwick 2017.
Occasional rapporteur, ESRC End of Award Reports
Regular External Assessor for chair, tenure and other promotions at Universities internationally (most recent, UK, Canada and Sweden, the latter as external assessor Uppsala University. In 2006 I was invited to Act as Assessor for the Monash University (Australia) Research Quality Framework Exercise.
Organiser of various seminar series e.g. ‘Law, Families and Personal Life: New Reflections’ Newcastle law School, Newcastle University. Co-organiser of stream 'Sexuality, Gender and the Bodies of Law' 1997 Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference, University of Wales Cardiff: Socio Legal Studies Association 'Research Study Day', Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London May 1993; Co-organiser Socio Legal Studies Association One Day Conference 'Exploring the Socio Legal Curriculum: Teaching Socio-Legal Skills', Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, May 1994.
My primary areas of research interest have been in the field of law and gender, with a particular focus in the past on issues around men and masculinities. The work has encompassed primarily (although not exclusively) the fields of Law, Families and Social Change (e.g. work on fatherhood and law, fathers’ rights and responsibilities) , Gender and the Legal Profession (e.g. male lawyers and work-life balance) and Gender and Crime/Criminology. In recent years I have been working extensively in the area of Wellbeing in the Legal Profession and Law Schools and am completing a book on the topic for Cambridge University Press. I have worked as a member of research teams and as an adviser of a wide range of projects on wellbeing in the law across the legal community. In 2023 I was the Recipient of the Socio-Legal Studies Association (SLSA) Award for Lifetime Contribution to the Socio-Legal Community
Publications, Funding, Invited papers, keynotes and conference presentations, collaborations and engagement etc are detailed below.
Wellbeing, Law and Society: Politics, Policy and Practice [Monograph], Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2025.
Men, Law and Gender: Rethinking The ‘Man of Law’ 2010, Routledge, London and New York 292pp [plus preface and acknowledgements] [monograph]. Published in Paperback edition June 2011.
Fragmenting Fatherhood: A Socio-Legal Study, 2008, Hart Publications, Oxford 324pp [plus preface and acknowledgments. Co-written with Sally Sheldon [monograph].
Fathers’ Rights Activism and Law Reform in Comparative Perspective, 2006, [co-edited with Sally Sheldon] Hart Publications, Oxford, 173pp plus preface and acknowledgements [edited collection].
Masculinities, Crime and Criminology: Men, Corporeality and the Criminal(ised) Body, 1998, London and New York, Sage 224pp plus preface and acknowledgements [monograph].
Masculinity, Law and the Family, 1995, London and New York, Routledge 331pp plus preface and acknowledgements [monograph].
In Progress
Men, Masculinities and the Legal Profession: From the ‘Gentleman Lawyer’ to the ‘Man Question’, preparing for Bristol University Press 2025.
Other Planned Monographs
An Introduction to Men, Masculinities and Law (preparing for Edward Elgar Shorts Series).
Family Men: Fatherhood and Law From the Late Nineteenth-Century to the Present [on back burner]
Articles and Contributions to Collections
‘Whose ‘wellbeing’ are we talking about? Culture change and the politics of the legal profession’s wellness turn’ (2025) article commissioned for Special Issue on the Professional Identity of Public Sector Professionals of the International Journal of the Legal Profession. 1-20
‘The Professional Identities of Legal Academics’ (2025 in press) in F.Cownie and E.Jones (eds) Elgar Concise Encyclopaedia of Legal Education London, Edward Elgar
‘Men, Masculinities and the Legal Profession: Asking the Man Question’ (2025, in preparation) in J.Bourne (ed) Edward Elgar Research Handbook on Gender and the Legal Profession London, Edward Elgar
‘Masculinities’ commissioned (2025) for C. Ashford and L. Graham (eds) Concise Encyclopaedia of Gender, Sexuality and the Law London Edward Elgar.
‘Men and Masculinities in Business and finance organisations’ (2024) (with Helen
Longlands Anika Thym) in J. Hearn, K.Aavik, D.L. Collinson and A. Thym (eds) (2024) Handbook on Men, Masculinities and Organizations: Theories, Practices and Futures of Organizing London, Routledge pp 235-249.
“Masculinities and Legal Professions: Asking the ‘Man Question’” (2022) in R. Abel, H.Sommerlad, O Hammerslev and U Schultz (eds), Lawyers in 21st-Century Societies: Volume 2: Comparisons and Theories (Oxford, Hart Publishing) pp 151-173.
Rethinking Masculinities and the Legal Academy: Or, Whatever Happened to the ‘Nutty Professor?’” (2022) chapter in U.Schultz, G.Shaw, M.Thornton and R.Auchmuty (eds) Gender and Careers in the Legal Academy, Oxford, Hart: Onati International Series in Law and Society.
Research Report (co-author, member of research team) ‘Life in the Law Report on Wellbeing in the UK Legal Profession’ (2021) LawCare, London, available at
‘Blackstone’s Tower Revisited: legal Academic Wellbeing, Marketization and the Post-pandemic Law School’ (2021) 2(3) Amicus Curiae pp 474-500 DOI:
“‘Left Pessimists’ in Rose Coloured Glasses? Reflections on the Political Economy of Socio-Legal Studies and (Legal) Academic wellbeing” (2020) in D.Cowan and S.Wheeler (ed) Special Issue Vol 47 (52) Journal of Law and Society pp 244-261
‘Anxiety in the Legal Community – a study of junior lawyers, legal practice and legal education” (2020) in A. Davies (ed) Lawyer Health and wellbeing: How the legal profession is tackling stress and creating resiliency (London, Ark Publishing), pp 45-55.
‘Moving Across Silos: Legal Academic Wellbeing and the Legal Professions – Some Reflections on the UK Experience’ (2020) in J.Chan, P. Vines and M./Legg (eds)Wellbeing in a Changing World: The Impact of Technology and innovation on the Legal Profession, Cambridge: Insentia pp 311-360.
“Masculinities and Families: Fragmenting Law’s ‘Family Man’” (2020) in C.Ashford and A.Maine (eds) Research Handbook on Gender, Sexuality and Law part of Edward Elgar’s Law and Society series (edited by Austin Sarat (Amherst) and Rosemary Hunter (Queen Mary, London), pp443-457
‘Fatherhood, Gender and the Making of Professional Identity in Large Law Firms: Bringing Men into the Frame’ (2019) 15(1) International Journal of Law in Context 68-87, published online
‘Masculinities, Law and Crime: Socio-Legal Studies and the ‘Man Question’ (2020) in Lucas Gottzén, Ulf Mellström and Tamara Shefer (eds) International Handbook on Masculinity Studies London and New York: Routledge, Ch 43
‘Interrogating Transnational Masculinities, Fatherhood and the Institution of Men ~Rethinking Gender Equity in Global Finance and Large International Law Firms’ (2019) chapter (co-written with Helen Longlands), invited contribution to book The Unsustainable Institutions of Men: Interrogating Transnational Centres, Institutions and Power Editors: Jeff Hearn, Winifred Poster, Ernesto Vasquez del Aguila, pp 25-41.
‘Redressing the Balance? Masculinities, Law and Crime – Asking Criminology’s ‘Man Question’ Forty Years On’ (2017) in Women, Crime and Criminology: A Celebration pp 23-57. An invited chapter for a book of lectures based on a public presentation (2016) at an event celebrating the 40 years since publication of Carol Smart’s Women Crime and Criminology (J. Sim and H. Monk (eds) London, EG Press.
“Wellbeing in the Legal Profession: Reflections on Recent Developments (or, what do we talk about when we talk about wellbeing?” (2016) 23(1) International Journal of the Legal Profession pp 41-60.
“Naming Men as Men in Corporate Legal Practice: Gender and the Idea of ‘Virtually 4/7 Commitment’ in Law” (2015) 83 Fordham Law Review pp 101 – 120.
“On Reading Men, Law and Gender: Legal Regulation and the New Politics of Masculinity’ (2015) in Stefan Horlacher (ed) Configuring Masculinity in Theory and Literary Practice Lieden, Boston: Brill Rodolphi pp53-75.
‘‘Love Law, Love Life’: Neo-Liberalism, Wellbeing and Gender in the Legal Profession - The Case of Law School’ (2014) 17(2) Legal Ethics pp202-230
“Men, Gender and Fathers’ Rights ‘After Legal Equality’: New Formations of Rights and Responsibilities in Family Justice” (2014) in Robert Leckey (ed) After Legal Equality: Family, Sex, Kinship (Routledge) pp 59-76 [drawing on paper presented McGill University, Canada, April 2013]
"Rechtswissenschaft" (2015) (Law and Masculinities: European Perspectives) in Stefan Horlacher, Bettina Schötz, Wieland Schwanebeck (eds.). Handbuch Männlichkeitsforschung. Verlag J.B. Metzler. Stuttgart, Weimar. Männlichkeit: Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch Männlichkeit: Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch. Stuttgart/Weimar: Metzler
‘Taking masculinity seriously’? Theory, practice and the (hetero)sexing of criminology’ (2014) in Routledge Major Works Collection: Critical Criminology (Walter DeKeseredy and Molly Dragiewicz eds.) 2014 London, Routledge: revised from R. Collier Masculinities, Crime and Criminology (Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 1998), pp. 156–182.
“Reflections on Men, Law and Masculinities in an Interdisciplinary Context: Rethinking the ‘Man’ of Law” (2014) in Nina Jakoby, Brigitte Liebig, Martina Peitz, Tina Schmid, Isabelle V. Zinn (eds.) Männer und Männlichkeiten. Disziplinäre Perspektiven. Reihe Zürcher Hochschulforum, Zürich: Vdf.
“Work-Life Balance”, “Equality and Diversity” (2016) three sections in Chis Ashford and Jessica Guth (eds) The Legal Academic’s Handbook London, Palgrave MacMillan.
“Sources, Methods and the ‘Man Question’” (2015) 15 (1) Legal Information Management pp19- 24 paper based on presentation at IALS/British Library / SLSA socio-legal training day on sources and methods in Law Gender and Sexuality May 2014.
“On Masculinities, Law and Family Practices: A Case Study of Fathers’ Rights and Gender’ (2014), in Martha Fineman and Michael Thomson (eds) Exploring Masculinities: Feminist Legal Reflections Aldershot Ashgate pp 251-266 [article based on invited presentation at 2009 Symposium, Law School, Emory University, USA, September 2009].
“Rethinking Men and Masculinities in the Contemporary Legal Profession: The Example of Fatherhood, Transnational Business Masculinities and Work-Life Balance in Large Law Firms” (2013) 13 Nevada Law Journal pp 101-130.
“Privatizing the University and the New Political Economy of Socio-Legal Studies: Remaking the (Legal) Academic Subject” (2013) 40(3) Journal of Law and Society p450-467
“Law and the Remaking of Fatherhood in Late Modernity: Reflections on Family Policy in England and Wales 1997-2010” (2012) in M. Oechsle, U.Mueller and S.Hess (eds) Fatherhood in Late Modernity: Cultural Images, Social Practices, Structural Frames Barbara Budrich Publishers, Leverkusen/Farmington Hills, pp 295-317.
“Good Fathers, Successful Lawyers: Transnational Business Masculinities and the Legal Profession” (2012) in Jeff Hearn and Alp Biricik (eds) GEXcel Work in Progress Report Volume XVI Proceedings from GEXcel Theme 9:Gendered Sexualed Transnationalisations, Deconstructing the Dominant: Transforming men,“centres” and knowledge/policy/practice 2011 – 2012, GEXcel Sweden Pp 53-67
“The Responsible Father in New Labour’s Legal and Social Policy” (2011) in Jo Bridgeman, Heather Keating and Craig Lind (eds) Regulating Family Responsibilities Aldershot: Ashgate, pp47-67.
“Fathers and Birth” (2011) in F. Ebtehaj, J.Herring, M.Johnson and M.Richards (eds) Birth Rites and Rights, Oxford: Hart, pp151-167.
“Masculinities, Law and Personal Life: Towards a New Framework for Understanding Men, Law and Gender” (2010) 33(2) Harvard Journal of Law and Gender pp431-477 [article based on invited keynote presentation given at Harvard Law School, March 2010].
“Identity Matters: Class, Culture and Legal Academics – In Search of Another Voice” (2010) in Fiona Cownie (ed) Stakeholders in the Law School Oxford, Hart Publications, pp15-35.
“Fathers’ Rights, Gender and Welfare: Some Questions for Family Law” (2009) 31(4) Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law pp357-371
“The Fathers Rights Movement, Law Reform and the New Politics of Fatherhood: Reflections on the UK Experience” (2009) 20, Journal of Law and Public Policy, pp 65-110 [article based on public lecture presented at the Center for Children & Families, University of Florida, 2007].
“Fatherhood, Law and Fathers’ Rights: Rethinking the Relationship Between Gender and Welfare” (2009) in Julie Wallbank, Shazia Choudhry and Jonathan Herring (eds) Rights, Gender and Family Law, London, Routledge-Cavendish, pp119-144.
“Rethinking Father’s Rights” (2009) 39 Family Law [January] pp 45-50.
“Engaging Fathers? Responsibility, Law and the ‘Problem of Fatherhood” (2008) in Jo Bridgeman, Craig Lind and Heather Keating (eds) Responsibility, Law and the Family Aldershot, Ashgate Publishing, pp 169-191.
“Fatherhood”, “Fathers’ Rights Movement” and “Gender” (2008) three chapter sections in P.Cane and J.Conaghan (ed.) The New Oxford Companion to Law Oxford University Press.
“Custody”, “Divorce”, “Family Law” (2008) three chapter sections in M.Flood, J.Gardiner and K.Pease and K.Pringle, (eds) The International Encyclopaedia of Men and Masculinities, 1 Vol London, Routledge.
“The Outlaw Fathers Fight Back: Fathers’ Rights Groups, Fathers 4 Justice and the Politics of Family Law Reform – Some Reflections on the UK Experience” (2006) in Richard Collier and Sally Sheldon (eds) Fathers’ Rights Activism and Law Reform in Comparative Perspective Hart Publications, Oxford, pp 53 – 79.
“Fathers’ Rights, Fatherhood and Law Reform – International Perspectives” (2006) (co-written with Sally Sheldon) in Richard Collier and Sally Sheldon (eds) (eds) Fathers’ Rights Activism and Law Reform in Comparative Perspective, Hart Publications, Oxford, pp 1 – 27.
“Feminist Legal Studies and the Subject(s) of Men: Questions of Text, Terrain and Context in the Politics of Family Law and Gender” (2006) in Alison Diduck and KatherineO’Donovan (eds) Feminist Perspectives in Family Law Cavendish, London pp 235 - 251.
“Peter’s Choice: Changing Representations of Lawyers and Legal Academics – Work, Identity and Lifestyle in the New Economy” (2006) in Steve Greenfield and Guy Osborn (eds.) Studies in Law and Popular Culture: Routledge Research Monographs London, Routledge pp 31-64
“Fathers 4 Justice, Law and the New Politics of Fatherhood” (2005) 17 (4) Child and Family Law Quarterly pp 1-29.
“Be Smart, Be Successful, Be Yourself….’: Representations of the Training Contract and the Trainee Solicitor in Advertising by Large Law Firms” (2005) 12 (1) International Journal of the Legal Profession pp 51-92.
“The Liberal Law School, The Restructured University and the Paradox of Socio-Legal Studies” (2005) 68 (3) Modern Law Review pp 475-494.
“Review: Gender, Sexuality and Violence in Organizations” (2005) 12 (6) Gender, Work and Organization (November) pp 593 – 595.
“Restructuring the Universities, Remaking the Legal Academy?’ (2005) in Rosemary Hunter and Mary Keys (eds.) Changing Law: Rights, Regulation and Reconciliation Oxford, Oxford University Press pp 77-104.
“We’re All Socio-Legal Now?’: Legal Education, Scholarship and the Global Knowledge Economy – Reflections on the UK Experience” (2004) 26 (4) Sydney Law Review(50th Anniversary Special Issue) pp 503-537.
“Reflections on the Relationship Between Law and Masculinities: Rethinking The ‘Man Question’” (2003) 56 Current Legal Problems pp345-402 – subsequently reprinted in Evans and Jamieson (ed) Reader in Gender and Crime Buckingham: Open University Press, 2008.
“Men, Masculinities and Crime' (2003) The Blackwell International Companion to Criminology, Colin Sumner (ed) Oxford, Blackwell, pp285-308.
“Introduction to ‘Gothic Horror: The Law School, Legal Education and the Knowledge Economy” Introduction, ‘Debate and Dialogue’ (2005) 14(2) Social and Legal Studies pp 259-265.
“In Search of the ‘Good Father’: Law, Family Practices and the Normative Reconstruction of Parenthood” (2003) in Family Law: Processes, Practices and Pressures John Dewar and Stephen Parker (ed.) Kluwer (reprinted from Sarat and Ewick, ed. below).
“The Changing University and the (Legal) Academic Career - Rethinking the 'Private Life' of the Law School” (2002) 22(1) Legal Studies pp 1-32.
“Masculinities” (2002) 36(3) Sociology pp737-42
“Male Bodies, Family Practices” (2002) in Andree Bainham, Shelly Day Sclater and Martin Richards (eds.for the Cambridge Socio-Legal Group) Body Lore and Laws, Hart Publishers/Cambridge Socio-Legal Group, London pp 149-169.
“A Hard Time to be a Father?: Law, Policy and Family Practices” (2001) 28(4) Journal of Law and Society pp520-545
“'Rat boys' and 'little angels': corporeality, male youth and the bodies of (dis)order” (2001) in Ruth Holliday and John Hassard (eds.) Contested Bodies London, Routledge pp21-35.
“In Search of the ‘Good Father’: Law, Family Practices and the Normative Reconstruction of Parenthood” (2001) 22 Studies in Law, Politics and Society ed. A. Sarat and P. Ewick) pp133-171.
“Dangerousness, Popular Knowledge and the Criminal Law: A Case Study of the Paedophile as Socio-Cultural Phenomenon” (2001) in Peter Alldridge and Chris Brants (eds.) Personal Autonomy, the Private Sphere and the Criminal Law: A Comparative Study (Oxford and Portland Oregon, Hart Publishing) pp 223-245.
“Anxious Parenthood, the Vulnerable Child and the ‘Good Father’: Reflections on the Legal Regulation of the Relationship Between Men and Children” (2001) in Jo Bridgeman and Daniel Monk (eds.) Feminist Perspectives on Child Law London, Cavendish pp 107-129
“Gender, Law and Divorce” (2000) Chapter 30 (Vol 3) of the Final Report submitted to the Lord Chancellor's Department for England and Wales, Information Meetings and Associated Provisions Family Law Act 1996 Jan Walker, ed. London. Lord Chancellor's Department) pp685-711.
“The Challenge of Social, Legal and Policy Change” (co-written with J.Walker and N.Timms), (2000) Chapter 1 (Vol 1) of the Final Report submitted to the Lord Chancellor's Department for England and Wales, Information Meetings and Associated Provisions Family Law Act 1996 Jan Walker. ed. London. Lord Chancellor's Department pp 5-17.
“Straight Families, Queer Lives? Heterosexual(izing) Family Law” (2000) in Carl Stychin and Didi Herman (eds.) Sexuality in the Legal Arena London, The Athlone Press pp 164-179.
“‘The Dashing of a ‘Liberal Dream’?: The Information Meeting, the ‘New Family’ and the Limits of Law” (1999) 11 (3) Child and Family Law Quarterly pp 257 – 270.
“Feminising the Workplace'? (Re)constructing the 'good parent' in employment law and family policy” (1999) in Anne Morris and T. O'Donnell (eds) Feminist Perspectives on Employment Law, London: Cavendish: pp161-181.
“Men, Heterosexuality and the Changing Family: (Re)Constructing Fatherhood in Law and Social Policy” (1999) in C. Wright and Gill Jaggar (ed.) Changing Family Values, London and New York: Routledge: pp38-58.
“Law, Sex Difference and the Body” (1999) 5(2) Res Publica pp217-225.
“From 'Women's Emancipation' to 'Sex War'?: Beyond the 'Masculinized Discourse' of Divorce” (1999) in Shelley Day Sclater and Christine Piper (eds.) Undercurrents of Divorce Aldershot: Dartmouth: pp123-144.
“Nutty Professors, Men in Suits and New Entrepreneurs: Corporeality, Subjectivity and Change in the Law School and Legal Practice” (1998) 7(1) Social and Legal Studies pp27-53
“ (Un)Sexy Bodies: The Making of Professional Legal Masculinities” (1998) in Clare McGlynn (ed) Legal Feminisms: Theory and Practice Aldershot: Dartmouth: pp2 – 21Sections of this text have been selected for inclusion in M.Cottier and A.Büchler (eds), Legal Gender Studies – Rechtliche Geschlechterstudien Konzepte Entwicklungen und Perspektiven – eine kommentierte Quellensammlung Inhaltsverzeichnis Basel: Helbing und Lichtenhahn
“After Dunblane: Crime, Corporeality and the (Hetero)Sexing of the Bodies of Men” (1997) 24(2) Journal of Law and Society pp177-199 [this article has subsequently been republished in S.Tomsen (ed) Crime, Criminal Justice and Masculinities, International Library of Criminology, Criminal Justice and Penology – Second Series London, Ashgate, 2008 and L.Moran (ed) Sexuality and Identity: International Library of Essays in Law and Society London, Ashgate, 2006.
''Coming Together?': Post-Heterosexuality, Masculine Crisis and the New Men's Movement” (1996) 4(1) Feminist Legal Studies pp3 – 48.
“Just (More) Boys Doing Business'? Gender, Sex and the 'Masculinity Turn' in Criminology”, (1996) 5 Social and Legal Studies pp271-278.
“Waiting Till Father Gets Home....': The Reconstruction of Fatherhood in Family Law” (1995) 4(1) Social and Legal Studies pp5 –30 [this article has subsequently been republished in S.Boyd and H.Rhoades ( (ed) Law and Families: International Library of Essays in Law and Society London, Ashgate, 2006.
''A Father's 'Normal Love'?: Masculinities, Criminology and the Family' (1995) in Rebecca Dobash, Russell Dobash and Lesley Noakes (eds) Gender and Crime, Cardiff: University of Wales Press: pp202 - 227.
''Ten Years On: What Is To Be Done About Law and Order'?: Review Article' (1994) 45(3) Northern Ireland Law Quarterly pp308-316.
“The Campaign Against the Child Support Act 1991: 'Errant Fathers' and 'Family Men'' (1994) Family Law, July: pp384 - 387.
''The Art of Living the Married Life': Representations of Male Heterosexuality in Law” (1992) 1(4) Social and Legal Studies pp543 - 563.
“Masculinism, Law and Law Teaching” (1991) 19 International Journal of the Sociology of Law pp427-451
Articles / Work in Progress
“Wellness and the ‘ideal lawyer’: conceptualising the intersections between wellbeing, equality diversity and inclusion within the UK Legal profession’ (2025) (with E. Jones, C. Strevens and L. Soon) for Journal of Law and Society
‘Afterword’ to Kinghan, Mant and Newman (ed) Legal Education and Social Justice (Bristol University Press) (under review).
“Surviving or Thriving?: Wellbeing and Mental Health in the Legal Community –Connecting Legal Practice and University Law Schools’ for Legal Studies: the Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law (c 11,ooo words)
“Wellbeing, Mental Health and ‘Unhappy Lawyers’: Rethinking Resilience and Emotional Competence in the Law” (working title) for submission to the Journal of Law in Society
‘Good Intentions, Sticking Plasters?: Wellbeing and Mental Health in the UK Legal Professions – On the ‘Wicked Problem’ of Lawyer Wellbeing’, for submission to either Political Studies or Sociology.
Other Outputs: Reports, Media, Shorter Pieces, Reviews & Misc.
(2025) Wellbeing in the Legal Profession and Law Schools, Faculti Intervciew available
(November 2024)
(2020) The Legal Mind Podcast: Episode 4, Life in the Law: The Culture and Practice of Law, Interview with Richard Collier And Nick Bloy, released 10 October 2020 for World Mental Health Day, available at
(2020) ‘Towards a new normal? Rethinking wellbeing in the legal profession after Covid-19’ blog for the Socio-Legal Studies Association, September, available at,
(2020) ‘What does it mean to be a good lawyer and a good dad?’ 2 March 2020, Law Society of England and Wales Blog available at
(2019) ‘There’s a lot of suffering out there…: Interview with Richard Collier’ World Trademark Review, 19 November 2019, available at
(2019) ‘Anxiety and wellbeing’ in Anxious Times Winter 2019 p 12.
(2019) Research Report: ‘Mind Your Head: Anxiety and Wellbeing Amongst Junior Lawyers: A Research Report Briefing Funded by Anxiety UK’s Katharine and Harold Fisher Anxiety Research Fund (Newcastle, Manchester Anxiety UK).
(2019) ‘Surviving or Thriving? Researching Wellbeing in the legal profession’ 13 May 2019 Law Society of England and Wales Blog, available at
(2019) ‘How do we tackle the legal profession’s mental health problem?’ 29 April 2019, Legal Cheek Blog, available at and
(2019) ‘The Wellbeing of Legal Academics – A Missing Piece of the Legal Profession’s ‘Wellness Turn’, Socio-Legal Studies Association Blog Post, April 2019, available at
(2019) Research Report: ‘Anxiety and Wellbeing Amongst Junior Lawyers: A Research Report to Anxiety UK’ 2019.
‘Research Project Examines the Wellbeing of Junior Lawyers’ (2018), 108 (Winter 2018) Anxious Times, the online magazine of the charity Anxiety UK.
‘A Lawyers Guide to Managing Stress and Wellbeing’ (2018) Review, Law Society Gazette
‘Wellbeing and Mental Health in the Legal Community: Making the Connections Between Legal Practice and Law Schools’ (2017) SLSA Newsletter, 83 Autumn/Winter 2017 p 12-13
‘Wellbeing in the Legal Profession: The (Un)Happy Lawyer?’ (2015) The Reporter: Newsletter of the Society of Legal Scholars, 51 Autumn pp4-6
“Love Law, Love Life’: Wellbeing in the Legal Profession” (2014) AllRise Magazine, Newcastle University
“This is the Day (Your Life Will Surely Change): Privatizing the Law School” (2012) Socio-Legal Studies Association Newsletter p 5-6
“Fathers, Lawyers and The Work-Life Balance: Managing the Downturn” (2011) Socio-Legal Studies Association Newsletter Autumn/Winter, p 5
Male Lawyers and the Negotiation of Family Commitments: A Research Report to the British Academy – February 2004 (see Research Awards, below) pp169, unpublished report
The Fathers’ Rights Movement and Law Reform: A Research Report to the British Academy – February 2008 (see Research Awards, below, unpublished report).
“Research Capacity, Critical Social Science and Socio-Legal Studies: Reflections on a Growing Debate” (2004, Summer) Socio-Legal Studies Association Newsletter pp1-3
“The Uncertain Future of (Critical) Socio-Legal Studies” (2003, Spring) Socio-Legal Studies Association Newsletter pp3-4.
“Masculinities and Violence” Criminal Justice Matters, vol 42 Winter 2000 pp12-14.
“Masculinities and Crime” Criminal Justice Matters, vol 34 Winter 1998/1999
“Child Support, Class Subversion, Crass Scapegoating”, 1994, Achilles Heel vol17: pp18-22:
“Families Need Fathers”, 1994, Achilles Heel, 17:
“The New Man: Fact or Fad?”, 1992, Achilles Heel vol 13: pp34 - 38.
Selected Media Work
(2025) Wellbeing in the Legal Profession and Law Schools, Faculti Intervciew available
(November 2024)
(2019) Interview with R.Collier (2019) in Catherine Baksi ‘Junior Lawyers Call Time on Poor wellbeing at Work’ The Times 2 July 2019, available at
Interview, in Abby Young Powell (2018) ‘The Toxic, Cut Throat: The Work Culture awaiting Junior Lawyers’ The Guardian 13 December 2018.
Interview, in Catherine Baksi (2018) ‘Help us at hand for students struggling with Mental health’ The Times Brief: Student Law Week 19 February 2018
Interview with Richard Collier (profile) by Sabine Durant, “What Are Fathers’ For” The Guardian 3 January 2009 pp 4-5, Family section.
Interview with Richard Collier, “Who’s the Daddy?” The Irish Times 27 January 2009.
Interview with Richard Collier, Expresso, Newspaper, Portugal, 28 February 2009.
Interview with Richard Collier about his Research by Joanne Mortimer. “Sand in the Blackberry: Male Lawyers and Work-Life Balance” Link: the Official Magazine of the Association of Women Solicitors, Issue 24 Winter 2006/7 pp 26 – 30
“‘Unfamiliar Territory”, 2006, co-written with S.Sheldon, The Guardian, Society section, p 6, 1 November 2006.
“Do Men Want a Life Outside The Office?” The Times 10 May 2005 p 8 Law Section
“Ladies Only? The Legal Profession and Work-life Balance” The Lawyer May 2005
“The Macho World of Academia” Times Higher Education Supplement 5 October 2001.
“Masculinities and Violence” Criminal Justice Matters, vol 42 Winter 2000 pp12-14.
“Masculinities and Crime” Criminal Justice Matters, vol 34 Winter 1998/1999
“Child Support, Class Subversion, Crass Scapegoating”, 1994, Achilles Heel vol17: pp18-22:
“Families Need Fathers”, 1994, Achilles Heel, 17:
“The New Man: Fact or Fad?”, 1992, Achilles Heel vol 13: pp34 - 38.
Book Reviews (Selected):
‘Mind Over Matters: Review of A Lawyer’s Guide to Wellbeing and managing Stress’ (2017), Law Society Gazette 26 June 2017.
‘Binding Men: Stories about Violence and Law in Late Victorian England’ (2015) 42(4) Journal of Law and Society
‘Telling Tales About Men: Conceptions of Conscientious Objectors to Military Service During the First World War’ (2011) 37(4) Journal of Law and Society
‘The New Politics of Masculinity’ (2011) 12(3) Feminist Theory 345-6
‘Gender, Sexuality and Violence’ (2005) Gender, Work and Organisation
'Changing Violent Men' (2000) Child and Family Law Quarterly
'Bodies of Law' (1998) Journal of Law and Society
'Criminological Theory: Context and Consequences' (1998) Web Journal of Current Legal Issues:
'The English Legal System in Context' (1998) Web Journal of Current Legal Issues
‘Law’s Desire’ International Journal of the Sociology of Law
'Lone Fathers and Masculinities' (1996) Journal of Gender Studies
'Regulating Divorce' (1997) International Journal of Law and the Family
'The Making of Men' (1995) Journal of Biosocial Science
'The Presence of the Past: Male Violence in the Family' (1995) International Journal of Law and the Family ‘Silent Revolution’ International Journal of Law and the Family
‘Fathers’ Rights in America’ Sociological Enquiry
‘Contemporary Fatherhood’ Children and Society
‘Binding Men’ Journal of Law and Society
2020 Member of Research Team Co-ordinating the National study of wellbeing in the UK Legal Professions, led by the charity Lawcare. Exploration of the impact of work culture and working practices on the wellbeing of legal professionals.
‘Life in the Law Report on Wellbeing in the UK Legal Profession’ (2021) LawCare, London, available at
2019-20 Awarded: ‘Engaging Men in the Gender Equality Agenda: A Case Study of Senior Management and the Intersections of EDI and Wellbeing in a UK University’ Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Fund Award, £2,354
[project investigating perceptions and experiences of senior men within a UK university, from different disciplines at different stages of the life course, with regard to the interconnections between EDI agendas and contemporary concerns in the UK Higher Education sector around wellbeing and metal health: project deferred due to COVID]
2019 Awarded: Bid Preparation Fund, Newcastle University, £2.005.72
2018 Awarded: ‘The Experiences of Anxiety Amongst UK Junior Lawyers’ funded by the national mental health charity Anxiety UK, Katherine and Harold Fisher Anxiety Research Fund.
2017 Awarded: Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowship 2017-18, ‘Wellbeing, Law and
Society: Politics, Policy and Practice – A Socio-Legal Study’ £47, 587
2014 Awarded: Research Activities Fund Society of Legal Scholars, ‘Wellbeing in the Legal Profession’ £1059
2013 Awarded: Internal Research Seedcorn Funding £850 Newcastle Institute for Social Renewal Social Justice Theme (2013-2104)
2011 Discovery Project 2012-2014) Total $135,000.00, Australian Research Council (ARC) Grant, 'Balancing law and life' (Lead Investigator Prof Margaret Thornton, College of Law, Australian National University, Partner-Investigator, Prof R Collier, Newcastle Law School)
2011 Internal Faculty Bid Development Fund, Newcastle University £1,101
2011 Research Fellowship, Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales, $6,216
2010 Socio-Legal Studies Association Research Grants Scheme, ‘Fathers, Lawyers and Work-Life Balance: Managing the Downturn’ £1,004.60
2007 British Academy/Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowship, ‘Thank- Offer to Britain Fellowship’ (Jan 07 – Jan 08) £28, 164
2006 British Academy Research Grant ‘The Fathers’ Rights Movement and Law Reform’ £6,284
2005 Visiting Fellowship, Socio-Legal Research Centre, Griffith University,
Australia $3,500
2004 AHRC Research Leave Scheme, ‘Fatherhood and Law: Critique and Reconceptualization’ (Graded A*) £13,153
2004 Parsons Visiting Scholar at the Faculty of Law, University of Sydney, April $1000
2003 Internal Research Fellowship Scheme, University of Newcastle £11,000
2004 British Academy, ‘Male Lawyers and the Negotiation of Work and Family Commitments’ £2,600
2002 Faculty of Law, Environment and Social Sciences (FLESS) Innovation Research Grant, ‘Managing Change in Academic Life’ £2,029
1997-2000 Element of Grant from the Lord Chancellor’s Department costed to Law Department (Family Law Act 1996 Information Meetings Research: grant holder Newcastle Centre for Family Studies) (taken from RAE return 2001)
1995 British Academy, 'Fathers' Rights, Law and Social Change' £2511
1998 Society of Public Teachers of Law Fund (with Prof.C. McGlynn) £1000
1995 University of Newcastle Research Committee Small Grants £1206
1994 University of Newcastle Research Committee Small Grants £750
1994 Newcastle Law School, Research Development Award £1000
Previous applications incl. British Academy Small Grants Scheme 2018, “Wellbeing and Mental Health in the Contemporary University: The Example of the Legal Academy”: 2016 British Academy Grant ‘Wellbeing and Mental Health in the Legal Profession’: 2013-14 Senior Research Fellowships - SRF 2014: Family Men: Fatherhood, Law and Gender from the Late Nineteenth Century to the Present Project Ref: BH137763; Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (2005, with Prof. E.Martin and Prof. G.Montague), £167,000: ‘Licensing and Public Order: A Systems Integration Approach’ (Unsuccessful): Network of Excellence ‘Gender and Citizenship in Europe’ (6th Framework Programme of the European Commission) (2005), Participant in ‘Men and Masculinities in Europe: An Interdisciplinary Intersectional Project’ (Unsuccessful): AHRB (2001) £37, 410 (Unsuccessful): Higher Education Academy (2005) £21,385: British Academy Centenary Award (2002) (as part of the ‘Crime and Surveillance’ Stream, Newcastle Research Institute for Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities) for £500,000 (Unsuccessful).
DISSEMINATION/ENGAGEMENT I – INVITED PRESENTATIONS [incl. invited Public Lectures and Plenary/Keynote Conference Addresses]
*[Funded] indicates all expenses met by host organisation.
January 2025 Panel Member, Launch Webinar of ‘Life in the Law II’ London, LawCare
November 2024 Panel Member, Lord Upjohn Lecture, Wellbeing in the Legal Community, London 21 Nov 2024.
February 2024, Invited Keynote Legal Wellness Forum, Melbourne University Australia, February [unable to present due to teaching commitments]
November 2023, ‘(Un)happy lawyers? Exploring the wellness turn in the legal profession and university law schools and the wicked problem of wellbeing’ paper presented at the University of Westminster Law School, London, 30th November.
September, 2023 ‘Wellbeing – A Wicked Problem for the Legal Profession to Solve?’ paper presented at the Fifth Annual Wellbeing for Lawyers Conference, 28th September
September 2023, ‘The Wellness Turn in the legal profession’ paper delivered at the Westminster Policy Forum Conference ‘Next steps for equality, diversity and inclusion in the legal profession’ in the session ‘Developing an Inclusive workplace culture’ 20th September.
November 2022 ‘What’s Wrong with Wellbeing? Exploring the legal profession’s wellness turn’ paper presented at Manchester Metropolitan University Law School, 16th November .
November 2021, ‘The Elephant in the Room: Fatherhood, Work/Life and Wellbeing in the Legal Profession’ paper presented at the Dads in Law Online Conference, in recognition of International Men’s Day, 18th November 2021.
December 2020: ‘Is Wellbeing a ‘Wicked Problem’ for the Legal Profession’ Keynote presentation at the Legalex Exhibition and Conference, Canary Wharf, London 2 December 2020 (originally scheduled for March 2020, cancelled due to Covid-19).
September 2020: ‘Wellbeing, Mental Health and the ‘New Normal’ Keynote paper at the Law Society of England and Wales Diversity and Inclusion Conference 2020 17th September 2020 (online)
August 2020: ‘Towards a new normal? Rethinking wellbeing in the Legal profession after Covid-19’ inaugural ‘Digital Conversations’ presentation to the UK Advancing Legal wellness Network, 22nd August 2020 (online).
June 2020: ‘Men and Gender Equality in the Legal Profession: Rethinking Work-Life, Fatherhood and Wellbeing in Law’, keynote presentation (online) at the Wellbeing for Lawyers Conference, London, 25th June 2020 (online)
May 2020: ‘Why lawyers are susceptible’ Invited presentation (online) at the Law Society of Scotland Inaugural Wellbeing Conference, ‘Wellbeing and positive mental health in the legal profession’, Edinburgh, Monday 18 May.
May 2019: ‘Surely everyone else is coping, what is wrong with me?’ Wellbeing in University Law Schools – Implications of the Legal Profession’s ‘Wellbeing Turn’ for Managers and Leaders’, keynote presentation to the joint meeting of the Committee of Heads of University Law schools (CHULS)/Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS), One Day Workshop ‘Wellbeing and Resilience for Law School Managers’ IALS, London.
May 2019: Invited keynote speaker, ‘Framing the debate around wellbeing and mental health’, at the 2019 UK Future of Legal Education and Training Conference, London, asked to address issues of wellbeing and mental health in the legal professions raised by the Fellowship research. This is a cross-professions event and attracted considerable press and social media attention in law. See speaker announcement [funded]:
November 2018 Invited keynote presentation paper entitled ‘The (Un)Happy Lawyer: Surviving or Thriving? Wellbeing and Mental Health in the UK Legal Community: Making the Connections Between Legal Practice and the Legal Academy’ at the Wellbeing in a Changing World: The Impact of Technology and Innovation on the Legal Profession conference, November 2018, University of New South Wales, Australia [due to family illness and caring responsibilities unable to attend in person but full submitted paper, with slides, was delivered on my behalf and in absence by another scholar] [funded]
September 2018 Invited keynote speaker at ‘The Futures of Legal Education and Practice’ conference, Open University, Milton Keynes, 20 September 2018 [funded].
September 2018 Paper presentation on the Political Economy of Wellbeing in Law and UK Universities, to be delivered at the Research Committee for the Sociology of Law bi-annual meeting, Lisbon, Portugal 10-13th September.
July 2018 Andorra, paper to Legal Professions Work Group of the RCSL, Andorra [unable to attend for personal reasons].
May 2018: Invited presentation ‘Surviving or Thriving: Wellbeing in the Law’ delivered at the Gendered Globalization of the Legal Professions conference, Geneva, 24- 25 May [funded]
May 2018: Invited paper ‘Wellbeing in the Legal Community’ delivered at the Institute for Advanced Legal Studies, University of London, ‘There’s More to Life…’: Work Life Balance, the Value of the Arts and Wellbeing’ conference 3 May 2018 [funded]
October 2017: Invited presentation ‘What Do We Know about Mental Health in the Legal Community?’ at the Making Mental Health Matter: 20th Anniversary Conference and Celebration, Bethnal Green Town Hall, London, 10th October 2017 [funded].
March 2017: Public Lecture, ‘Asking the ‘Man Question’: Men, Masculinities and the Legal Professions’ in the Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences - Grand Challenges Lectures 2016-7 Series, University of Keele, March 2017 [the public lecture series seeks to offer ‘a range of interdisciplinary perspectives on the pressing scientific and societal problems of our times and is intended to appeal to a broad audience of undergraduates and postgraduates, as well as academic staff and the wider Keele community’ [funded]
Dec 2016: ‘Is there a crisis of wellbeing in the legal profession?: On Researching Wellbeing in Law’, Invited Staff Seminar, Leeds University [funded].
July 2016: ‘The (Un)Happy Lawyer’?: The Political Economy of Wellbeing in Law’, Invited workshop paper delivered at the Research Committee of the Sociology of Law Comparative Studies of the Legal Professions Working Group meeting, July, Andorra la vella.
April 2016: ‘Law Firms, Law Schools and the Legal Profession’s ‘Wellbeing Turn’ Invited Paper Cardiff Law School [funded]
March 2016: ‘Men, Crime and Criminology: Reflections Forty Years On’ Invited lecture on men, masculinity and crime at an event to celebrate the publication of Carol Smart’s 1976 book ‘Women Crime and Criminology’, Liverpool.
December 2015: ‘Balancing on a Tightrope: Law and Life in Legal Practice’ (with Prof Margaret Thornton), invited paper delivered at the Australian Academy of Law (AAL) to an audience of judges, lawyers, academics at the ACT Supreme Court, Canberra, 19 November 2015 [funded].
December 2015: ‘New Directions in Men, Masculinities and Law: the Examples of Wellbeing and Work-Life in Corporate Legal Practice’, Invited paper delivered at College of Law, Australian National University, Canberra [funded].
December 2015, ‘Work life and Wellbeing in the law’ joint paper with Prof. Margaret Thornton, Australian Law and Society Association Annual Conference, Flinders University, 1-3 December [funded].
September 2015: ‘Wellbeing in the Legal Profession’, Society of Legal Scholars Conference, York University, 1-4 September.
May 2015: Invited paper “The (Un)Happy Lawyer?: Wellbeing in Law Firms and Law Schools’ paper delivered at the ‘The End(s) of the Legal Academy’ Seminar, Birkbeck College, London [funded].
March 2015: “Wellbeing in Law” NISR Seminar presentation, Newcastle University.
2016-17 I was invited to take part as panel participant/speaker on ‘the future of the family’, BBC Radio 3 ‘Free Thinking festival, Sage Gateshead, November 7th.; also various other invited papers e.g ‘’Performance Anxieties’: Gender, Management and Metrics In the Accelerated Academy’ at the Gender and Careers in the Legal Academy International Workshop, Schoenberg, Germany- both of these were declined for personal reasons.
October 2014: “Naming Men As Men in Corporate Legal Practice” Invited speaker Fordham Law School & Stanford Law School, New York Colloquium on The Challenge of Equity and Inclusion in the Legal Profession: An International and Comparative Perspective October 16-17 2014 [funded]
October 2014: Discussant, ‘Innovations: Legal Practice – Work Life Balance: Challenges, Differences and Diversities’ School of Law, Portsmouth University 31 October 2014 [funded].
July 2014: Invited speaker, “What do we talk about when we talk about wellbeing in law?” presented at the Research Committee of the Sociology of Law Working Group on the Legal Professions, Frauenchiemsee, Germany, July 6-9th 2014.
July 2014: “Rethinking wellbeing in law school and law firms: critical reflections on a research field” presented at the W.G.Hart Workshop, Legal Education and Training and the Professions: Deliver the LETR? Workshop IALS, London July 2014.
May 2014: Invited speaker (Virtual Participant as unable to attend in person) at the Men’s Groups: Challenging Feminism international workshop held at the University of British Columbia, Canada (Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies, UBC) [funded].
May 2014: Invited Speaker, British Library/Institute for Advanced Legal Studies/Association of Law Teachers/Socio-Legal Studies Association National Training Day, Law, Gender and Sexuality: sources and methods in socio-legal research, IALS London 19 May 2014 [funded].
June 2013: “Rethinking the Academic Subject(s) of Law: ‘Nutty Professors’ and ‘Men in Suits’ Revisited” invited paper to be presented at the Fernuniversitat in Hagen, Germany, ‘JurPro’ project on women professors in jurisprudence funded by the German Federal Ministry, the European Social Fund (ESF) and the European Union [funded]
June 2013: Invited paper, ‘Fatherhood, Gender, Organization: The Example of Law Firms’ paper to be presented at the Gender, Professions and Society Research Group, Newcastle Business School, Newcastle University.
May 2013: Invited speaker, “Fatherhood and Family Practices in Large City Law Firms” paper presented at the Family and Work Research Network Seminar FAWN, School of Social Sciences, Strathclyde University, Glasgow [funded]
May 2013: “ReGendering Law Firms: Global Elites and Transnational Business Masculinities” School of Social Sciences, University of Lincon Invited Seminar presentation [funded]
April 2013: ‘After Equality? Fatherhood, Fathers’ Rights and Gender’ invited paper presented at the ‘After Equality: Family, Sex, Kinship’, Closed [invitee only] international seminar funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Connection Grant, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. April 11-13 2013.
March 2013: “Men Masculinities and Law: Reflections on a Research Field” invited Public Lecture (part of the joint university public lecture series), Der Mann. Eine interdisziplinare Herausforderung, University of Zurich/Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich 14 March 2013 [contribution to be later published in book of Public Lectures]
October 2012: “Lessons Learned”, invited paper and response presented at the ESRC ‘Supporting Fathers on Separation and Divorce’ seminar UEA/Centre for Research on Child and the Family, London [funded].
July 2012 “Fatherhood Male Lawyers and work/life balance in the legal profession” paper presented at the International Working Group for Comparative Studies of Legal Professions Conference, Bonn, Germany July 2012.
March 2012: “Fatherhood, Shared Parenting and the Politics of Family Law: Social and Legal Contexts of Fathers’ Rights Activism” Invited Paper to the AHRC Network on Post Separation Families and Shared Residence, University of Birmingham [funded]
March 2012: “I Don’t See Much of the Kids, But That’s Fine. It’s Just How It Is”: Work-Life Balance and Fathering Practices in Large Law Firms”, Invited Seminar, Law Faculty, Bristol University [funded]
May 2012: ‘Fellowship Applications’ Socio-Legal Studies Association One Day Conference on Funding Socio-Legal Research, May, forthcoming.
November 2011 Public Lecture: ‘Fatherhood, Male Lawyers and Work-Life Balance: Rethinking the Relationship Between Law and Masculinities’ College of Law, Australian National University [funded]
November 2011 Seminar Paper, ‘Men, Law and Gender: A Case Study of Fathers’ Rights’ Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales [funded]
November 2011 Invited Presentation, ‘Male Lawyers, Parenting and Work-Life Balance in Large Law Firms’ Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales [funded]
May 2011 Invited Presentation, “Good Fathers, Successful Lawyers: Transnational Business Masculinities and the Legal Profession” European Centre of Gender Excellence (GEXcel) Sweden, Linköping University/Örebro University [funded].
May 2011 “The Critical Study of Men and Masculinities, Law and the Good father” Invited Paper, Sociology Department, Linköping University May 2011 [funded].
June 2011: Invited Paper, ‘The Responsible Father in New Labour’s Social Policy’ at the European University Institute, Florence, Italy, ‘European Family: New Challenges to Old Paradigms workshop [funded].
May 2011: Invited Paper, Law School, University of Sunderland.
February 2011: Invited Paper, ‘Fathers, Gender and Welfare’, Law School, University of Edinburgh [funded]
January 2011 Invited Paper, “The ‘Man’ of Law and the Hegemony of Men: Law’s ‘Man Question’, Law’s “Centres” and the Critical Study of Masculinities” European Centre of Gender Excellence (GEXcel) Sweden, Linköping University/Örebro University [funded].
October 2010: Invited Panel Participant, The Battle of Ideas, London, Panel: ‘Doting Dads’, [funded].
March 2010: “Towards a New Framework for Understanding Men, Law and Gender” Harvard Law School, Harvard University, USA [invited presentation to Harvard Symposium on Law and Gender] [funded].
March 2010: Invited Participant & Presentation, Birth Rites Workshop, University of Cambridge, 21-23 March 2010.
March 2009: Invited Paper ‘Separation, Fatherhood and Emotion’, University of Sheffield [funded]
September 2009, Invited Workshop Presentation, ‘Masculinities, Law and Fatherhood’ Masculinities and Law Workshop, Emory University, USA [funded].
June 2009: Invited Conference Plenary, ‘Constructions of Masculinity in British Literature from the Middle Ages to the Present: An International Conference’ University of Dresden, Germany 17-19 June 2009 [funded].
April 2009: Invited Keynote Address, Child Welfare Network Conference, University of Cardiff, paper entitled ‘Law, Men and Gender: Rethinking the Terrain’ 22 April 2009 [funded].
April 2009: Invited Paper Presentation, ESRC Seminar Series, ‘Gender and Parenting’, Changing Parenting Culture, University of Cambridge, 3 April 2009 (ESRC Research Seminars Competition 2007/8) [funded]
May 2008: Invited paper entitled ‘Fatherhood, Emotion and Popular Culture’ Law and Popular Culture’, International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Onati, Spain [funded].
March 2009: Invited Paper Presentation, ‘Fathers’ Rights, Feminism and Law’ Feminist
Legal Research Unit, Law School, University of Liverpool, 18 March 2009 [funded].
October 2007: Invited Public Lecture entitled "The Fathers Rights Movement, Law Reform and the New Politics of Fatherhood: Reflections on the UK Experience" Visiting Professor, Center on Children & Families, University of Florida Levin College of Law, USA, 23 October [funded].
October 2007: Invited Public Lecture entitled ‘Fathers’ Rights Groups: Emotion, Protest and Gender Politics’, School of Law, Feminist Legal Theory Project Emory University, Atlanta, USA. Delivery of 15 October 2007 [funded].
June 2007: Invited Plenary Address, paper entitled ‘I’m Not Mad, I’m Not Unreasonable, I’m Angry’: Fathers’ Rights, Law Reform and Masculinities’ delivered to the International Men and Madness: Masculinity, Psychopathology and Mental Disorder in Modern Culture Conference, English Research Institute, Manchester Metropolitan University, 28-30 June 2007 [funded].
April 2007: Invited Conference Address, International Co-operation Group on Fatherhood, paper entitled 'Fatherhood in Late Modernity: Cultural Images, Social Practices, Structural Frames', ZIF/Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, Bielefeld University, Germany, April 2007: Delivery of Paper ‘Fathers’ Rights and Responsibilities: Rethinking Fatherhood’ [funded].
April 2007: Invited Session Participant: the book R.Collier and S.Sheldon, (eds) Fathers’ Rights Activism and Law Reform in Comparative Perspective (2006) Hart Publications, Oxford was the subject of an ‘Author Meets Readers’ session at the Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference, University of Kent, 3-5 April 2007 [funded].
April 2007: Invited Seminar paper entitled ‘Fragmenting Fathers?’’ (with S. Sheldon), delivered at the University of Bristol, Faculty of Law, April 25th 2007 [funded].
November 2006: Invited Lecture, Socio-Legal Research Centre, Griffith Law School Nathan/Gold Coast paper entitled ‘Fathers’ Rights, Law and the New Politics of Fatherhood: Reflection in the UK Experience’, 15 November 2006 [funded].
July 2006: Invited Speaker,’ Rethinking Equality and the Subject(s) of Men: Feminist Legal Scholarship, Family Law and the Politics of Fathers’ Rights’ International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Onati, ‘Revisiting Equality’, 10-12 July 2006.
February 2006: Plenary Address paper entitled ‘Why Research Legal Education? Restructuring Universities, Reshaping the (Legal) Academy – Reflections on the UK Experience’ to the European Law Faculties Association 10th Anniversary Conference, ‘Researching Legal Education: Who Teaches Law? Where is Law Taught? How is Law Taught?’ University of Leuven, Belgium, 9-11 February 2006 [funded].
December 2005: Keynote Address, ‘The Legal Profession and Work-life Balance’, Legal and Professional Services Sector Hudson Human Capital Solutions Conference, London, 2 December 2005 [funded].
September 2005: Invited Speaker, paper entitled ‘Fathers’ Rights Activism and Legal Reform’ ESRC Workshop, Keele Management Centre, September 2005 [funded]
March 2005: Keynote Address, paper entitled ‘Male Lawyers and Work-Life Balance’ The Women Lawyer Forum, Millennium Hotel London, March 2005 [funded]
December 2004: Invited paper entitled ‘Male Lawyers and Work-Life Balance: Please Send Me Evenings and Weekends’, Queen Mary College, University of London, December [funded].
September 2004: Keynote Address, paper entitled ‘Researching Men and Masculinities: The Possibilities – and Limits – of Textual Analysis’ at the Launch of AHRB Research Centre in Law, Gender and Sexuality Colloquium, ‘Text and Terrain: Legal Studies in Gender and Sexuality’, 24-25 September 2004 [funded]
May 2004: Keynote Address, Paper entitled ‘Beyond Backlash?: Caped Crusaders, Law and the New Politics of Fatherhood’, Feminism, Law and Social Change: (Re)Action and Resistance, Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies, University of British Columbia, Canada, May [funded]
April 2004: Invited paper entitled ‘Theorizing Men, Law and Gender’ (Visiting Parsons Scholar), Faculty of Law, University of Sydney, Australia, March [funded].
March 2004: Invited paper entitled ‘Representing Lawyers’, Department of Law, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia, March [funded].
March 2004: Invited paper entitled ‘Be Smart, Be Successful, Be Yourself: Male Lawyers, Work and Family’, Australian Family Law Workshop, Faculty of Law, University of Melbourne, Australia, March [funded].
December 2003: Invited paper entitled ‘Regulating the Gendered Body: Consumption, Identity and Law’, University of Keele, December [funded].
July 2003: Invited plenary address, Paper entitled ‘Once in a Lifetime?: The Liberal Law School, the New Knowledge Economy and the Uncertain Future of (Critical) Socio-Legal Studies’, Australasian Law Teachers Association (ALTA) Conference, 8-9 July, Brisbane, Australia [funded]
March 2003: Invited public lecture entitled ‘Reflections on the Relationship Between Law and Masculinities: Rethinking The ‘Man Question’, Public Lecture 2003 Current Legal Problems Series London, March [funded].
January 2003: Invited paper entitled ‘Selling a Career as a Corporate Lawyer’, University of Durham, January.
October 2002: Invited paper entitled ‘Money, Sex, Power, Travel’, Invited Speaker, Institute for Advanced Legal Studies/Legal Skills Seminar Series, October [funded].
July 2002: Invited paper entitled ‘Imaging Law, Imagining Lawyers’, International Working Group for the Comparative Study of the Legal Professions, Aix en Provence, France, July.
May 2002: Invited paper entitled 'Academic Life and Work-Life Balance', University of Strathclyde, May [funded].
July 2000: Invited Lecture, paper entitled 'Beyond 'Men and Change', 'Fathers and Families': Reconceptualising Equality within Family Policy Debates', University of Sorbonne, Paris, France [organised by Cornell University, USA], 2000 [funded]
September 2001: Invited Speaker paper entitled 'Men, Fatherhood and Change', European Studies Research Institute, Centre for Policy Studies, University of Salford ‘Progressing Gender Relations in Europe: Questions of Equality in Paid and Unpaid Work', UK [funded]
May 2000: Invited Paper entitled 'Fatherhood, Families and Change', Dorothea Clarke Public Lecture Cornell University Law School, New York, USA [funded].
March 2000: Public Houston Lecture, Paper entitled ‘Fatherhood and Family Policy', Amherst College, USA [The Houston Lectureship brings to Amherst distinguished scholars whose work touches on the theme of law and social justice] [funded]
January 2000: Invited paper entitled 'New Directions in Criminology', University of Sheffield, Law School, UK [funded].
October 1999: Invited paper entitled 'Gender, Equality and Family Policy', University of Lancaster, Law School, UK [funded].
April 1999: Invited Paper entitled 'Law, the 'Good Parent' and the 'New Fatherhood', Centre for Research on Family, Kinship and Childhood', University of Leeds ESRC Seminar Programme, UK [funded].
March 1999: Invited paper entitled 'Heterosexualities and New Family Policy', London Legal Theory Seminar, London School of Economics, UK [funded].
March 1999: Invited paper entitled 'Sidney Cooke, the Dangerous Paedophile and the 'Child Killer', University of Leicester, UK [funded].
February1999: Invited paper entitled ''Work' and 'Family Life': Conceptual Issues', University of Portsmouth Business School, UK [funded].
October 1998: Invited Plenary Speaker, paper entitled ‘Gender and Law in the UK: Themes, Issues and Recent Developments’, ‘Gender and Law in Higher Education’ Programme, funded by the Swedish government/UMEA University, Sweden, at University of Helsinki, Finland, October 1998 [funded] [including advice seminars to Faculty and graduate students on gender research]
March 1998: Invited paper entitled 'Post-Divorce Fatherhood', Centre for Legal Studies, University of Sussex, UK.
March 1998: Invited paper entitled 'Men, Heterosexuality and the Politics of Divorce', Feminist Legal Research Unit Seminar Programme, Faculty of Law, University of Liverpool, UK [funded].
November 1997: Invited Plenary Speaker, paper entitled 'From 'Women's Emancipation' to 'Sex War?': Men, Heterosexuality and the Politics of Divorce', Gendered Persons and Communities in Nordic Legal Discourse, Faculty of Law, University of Helsinki, Finland, [Member of Anglo-Finnish research group: work included providing editorial advice on law/gender in socio-legal studies in Nordic countries] [funded]
January 1997: Invited paper entitled 'The Spree Killing: Masculinities and Corporeality', University of Kent, Law School, UK [funded].
November 1996: Invited paper entitled 'The Subject(s) of Men: Re Configuring the Relationship Between Law and Masculinities', Centre for Law and Gender Studies, Opening Speaker, University of Bristol, UK [funded].
November 1996: Invited paper entitled 'Men, The Family and the Crisis of Masculinity', Centre for Family Research, University of Cambridge, UK [funded].
November 1996: Invited paper entitled 'Crime, Corporeality and the Sexed Body', Centre for Gender and Law, University of Keele, UK [funded].
March 1996: Invited paper entitled '(Re)Constructing Resistance: The Politics of Family Law', London School of Economics, Psychology Department Study Weekend, Windsor Park, UK [funded].
September 1995: Invited paper entitled "Coming Together?": Post-Heterosexuality, Masculine Crisis and the New Men's Movement', La Trobe University, National Centre for Socio Legal Studies/School of Law and Legal Studies, Melbourne, Australia [funded].
December 1994: Invited paper entitled 'Gendering Criminology? Yobs, Youth and Moral Panics', University of Nottingham Department of Law, UK [funded].
November 1993: Invited paper entitled 'Family Men and Errant Fathers', Staff Seminar Programme, University of Edinburgh Centre for the Criminology and the Social and Philosophical Study of Law, UK [funded].
February 1993: Invited paper entitled 'Fatherhood: Constructing Subjectivity in Law', Staff Seminar Programme, Faculty of Law, University of Leicester, UK [funded].
January 1992: Invited paper entitled 'Men and Masculinities', Staff Seminar Programme, Law School, Queens University Belfast [funded].
June 1987: Invited paper, 'On Men and Law', M.A. in Socio Legal Studies Day Conference, Centre for Criminology and Socio Legal Studies, University of Sheffield, UK.
Other: I have, in addition, been invited to speak and participate at a wide range of international and national academic and other events, where the invitation has unfortunately had to be declined e.g. Invited to serve as International Observer at the conference: ‘Women, Law and the Nordic Welfare States’ organised by the Nordic Women’s Law Group, Iceland 1999: Invited Visiting Professor, Osgoode Law School, Canada, 2007 and others; Invited Keynote speaker to the II International Colloquium of Studies of Men and Masculinities/I National Congress of the Mexican Academy of Gender studies of Men, Guadalajara, Mexico, June 21-23 2006.
June 2024, ‘The Wellness turn in the legal profession and university law schools and the wicked problem of wellbeing’ paper presented at the Research Committee of the Sociology of Law Legal Professions Working Group meeting at the International Institute for the sociology of law, Onati, Spain 14-14 June 2024.
June 2024 ‘Connecting Legal Academics, Legal :Practice and Legal Education: A case study of the law’s ‘wellbeing turn’ (with C. Shephard) at Connecting Legal Education Festival, University of Leeds, 20 June 2024.
November 2022, ‘(Un)happy lawyers? Exploring the wellbeing turn in the legal profession and university law schools’ Paper Presented at Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, 16th November.
July 2022 ‘The Elephant in the Room: Mental Wellbeing in the Legal Profession – Time to ask the ‘Man Question’? paper presented at the Global Meeting of the Law and Society Association, Lisbon, Portugal 13-16 July 2022.
April 2021 ‘Does the SQE Advance Wellbeing?’ (joint paper with C. Strevens, E.Jones and L.Bleasdale at the SLSA Annual Conference, Cardiff University (online)
October 2019: Paper presentation, ‘Interrogating Legal Academic wellbeing and mental Health in the marketized University’ (written paper presented in absence due to bereavement) at the Vulnerability and the Organisation of Academic Labour Workshop, Nottingham Trent University./Emory University, Nottingham, 25-26 October.
May 2019: Paper presentation, ‘Wellbeing and Mental Health in the Legal Community – Implications for Law Schools’ at Wellbeing and Resilience Session, Newcastle Law School, Newcastle University, 17th May.
May 2019: Invited Participant/Attendee, Intentional Education Design for Wellbeing, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London, 2 May.
April 2019: Paper Presentation ‘The Wellbeing of Legal Academics’ at the Social and Legal Studies Association Annual Conference, Leeds University 2019
September 2018: delivery of paper ‘Wellbeing in Law: Legal Practice and the Legal Academy – A Picture not so different?’ at the annual conference of the Society of Legal Scholars, Queen Mary College, University of London, 3rd-5th September.
May 2017: ‘Gender and Wellbeing in Universities’, invited presentation to NU Women, ‘Wellbeing’ Session Newcastle University.
April 2017: ‘Wellbeing in Academia’, Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference, Newcastle University 5-7 April.
December 2015, ‘Work life and Wellbeing in the law’ joint paper with Prof. Margaret Thornton, Australian Law and Society Association Annual Conference, Flinders University, 1-3 December.
September 2015: ‘Wellbeing in the Legal Profession’, Society of Legal Scholars Conference, York University, 1-4 September.
March 2015: “Wellbeing in Law” NISR Seminar presentation, Newcastle University.
April 2014: Paper presentation at the 'Women and change in higher education: culture and careers' conference’, Durham University/Newcastle University 1 & 2 April 2014
September 2013: "Fatherhood, Transnational Business Masculinities and Work-Life Balance in Large Law Firms - Rethinking Debates on Gender Diversity in Law" paper presented at the Research Committee of the Sociology of Law Annual Conference, Working Group - Comparative Studies of Legal Professions – (Subgroup Women/Gender in the Legal Profession), Toulouse, France, 3-6 September 2013.
November 2013: “Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Men, Law and Gender’ paper presented as part of the Newcastle Law School, Interdisciplinary Perspectives seminar series, Newcastle University.
April 2013: “Fatherhood, Work, Lifestyle” paper presented at the Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference, York University.
November 2012: “The Men Play Catch Up: Fathering and Large Law Firms” paper presented as part of the Newcastle Law School, ‘Law, Families, Personal Life’ seminar series, Newcastle University.
February 2010: ‘Fathers and Law’, Staff Seminar Series paper, University of Newcastle.
September 2009: Paper entitled ‘Fathers’ Rights and Personal Life’ Turning Personal Conference, The Morgan Centre, University of Manchester, 16-17 September 2009.
September 2008: Participant & Presentation, Rights , Gender and Family Law, The Oxford Centre for Family, Law and Policy Workshop, University of Oxford, 26 September 2008
July 2008: Participant/Speaker, Panel on 'Fathers' Rights and Responsibilities' (with J.Ives, S.Sheldon and H.Draper) at the Gender, Family Responsibility and Legal Change: An International, Interdisciplinary Conference, University of Sussex, Brighton, 10 – 12 July 2008. Paper entitled ‘Fathers’ Rights, Legal Wrongs? Fatherhood, Law and the Politics of Protest’
June 2007: Paper entitled ‘Remaking the ‘Father Figure’?: Divorce, Law and the ‘New Politics’ of Fatherhood’, Invited Participant on International Panel on Civilising Parenthood (with R.Van Krieken and H.Reece), Berlin Joint Annual Meetings of the Law and Society Association and Research Committee on Sociology of Law (ISA) co-sponsored by Socio-Legal Studies Association (UK), the Japanese Association of Sociology of Law, the Vereinigung für Rechtssoziologie, and the Sociology of Law Section of the German Sociological Association.
June 2007: Invited Participant on an International Panel on ‘Fatherhood and Law’ at Gender Unbound: An International, Interdisciplinary Conference in Law, Gender, and Sexuality Keele University, Staffordshire, UK, 9-11 July. Delivery of paper entitled ‘Fathers’ Rights and the Policy and Politics of Law Reform’.
February 2006: Paper entitled ‘Fathers For Justice?’ Centre for Gender and Women’s Studies Seminar Programme, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK.
July 2005: Paper entitled ‘Men, Gender and Work-Life Balance: The Case of the Legal Profession’ Annual Meeting of the Research Committee of the Sociology of Law, International Sociological Association/European Network Law and Society/Society of Law Group of the French Sociological Association, Paris, July.
June 2005: Paper entitled ‘Loving and Hating Law: Law and the Fathers’ Rights Movement’ Canadian Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, Harrison Hot Springs, British Columbia, Canada.
June 2005: Paper entitled ‘Please Send Me Evenings and Weekends’, Canadian Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, Harrison Hot Springs, British Columbia, Canada.
September 2004: Paper entitled ‘Fathers4Justice, Law and Contact’ Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference, Sheffield, UK.
June 2002: Paper entitled ‘Men, Law and Work-Life Balance’, Joint Meeting of American Law and Society Association/Canadian Law and Society Association, Vancouver, Canada.
April 2002: Papers entitled ‘Corporate Law: Youth and Consumption’ & ‘We’re all Entrepreneurs Now: A Requiem for (Critical) Socio-Legal Studies’, Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference, University of Aberystwyth, Wales.
June 2002: Paper entitled ‘Selling Law, Gendered Subjects’, Keele 2nd International Gender, Sexuality Law Conference, UK.
February 2002: Paper entitled 'Changing (Academic) Hearts and Minds?: University Restructuring and the Changing University', 5th Theory in Legal Education Colloquium, Institute for Advanced Legal Studies, London, UK.
July 2001: Paper entitled 'Women, Men and the Private Life of the Law School', Meeting of the American Law and Society Association Conference/Research Committee on Sociology of Law of the International Sociological Association Joint International Conference, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary.
April: 2001: Paper entitled 'Our (Not So) Brilliant Careers', Socio-Legal Studies Association Conference, University of Bristol, UK.
July 2000: Paper entitled 'In Search of the Good Father': Men, Family Practices and the Normative Reconstruction of Parenthood', International Society of Family Law 10th World Conference, Brisbane, Australia.
July 1999: Paper entitled 'Family Policy: (Re)Constructing Fatherhood'?, Law and Society Association Annual Meeting.
June 1998: Paper entitled 'Straight Families, Queer Lives?' Gender, Sexuality and Law: An International Conference, University of Keele, UK.
June 1998: Paper entitled 'Rat Boys and Little Angels', Law and Society Association Annual Conference, Aspen, Colorado, USA.
June 1998: Paper entitled 'Reconceptualising Fatherhood in Law and Social Policy', Law and Society Association Annual Conference, Aspen, Colorado, USA.
March 1998: Paper entitled 'From 'Women's Emancipation' to 'Sex War'?: Men, Heterosexuality and the Politics of Divorce', Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference, Manchester, UK.
April 1998: Paper entitled ‘The Trouble With Boys', British Sociological Association Annual Conference, University of Edinburgh.
January 1998: Paper entitled 'Men in Law: the Law School and the Legal Profession', Gender, Work and Organisation Conference, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology,UK.
September 1997: Paper entitled 'Corporeality, male youth and the bodies of (dis)order' 'In the wake of law...', Critical Legal Conference, University College, Dublin, Ireland.
April 1997: Paper entitled 'Nutty Professors, Men in Suits and New Entrepreneurs', Paper presented to the Socio Legal Studies Association Annual Meeting, University of Wales, Cardiff, Wales.
August 1996: Paper entitled 'Nutty Professors, Men in Suits and the New Entrepreneurs: Re-Configuring Subjectivity in the Law School', Women in Law Conference, Grey College, University of Durham, UK.
August 1996:Paper entitled 'The Making of Professional Legal Masculinities: Change and Identity - An 'Anglo' - 'Latin' Encounter, Centre for Gender and Women's Studies, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK.
July 1996: Paper entitled 'A Lonely Man with a Passion for Guns', Law and Society Association Annual Conference, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
April 1996:Paper entitled 'Sexing the (Hidden) Bodies of Men', Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference, University of Southampton, April.
June 1995: Paper entitled 'Post-Heterosexuality, Masculine Crisis and the Politics of the New Men's Movement', Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada.
March 1995: Paper entitled 'Law, Power and Desire For The Other', Socio Legal Studies Association Annual Conference, University of Leeds, UK.
January 1995: Paper entitled 'Presenting a Paper: Communication Skills', Socio Legal Studies Association Postgraduate Conference, University of Leicester, January.
November 1994: Paper entitled 'A New Breed of Man?' Masculinities and the Gendering of Criminology', American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, 'Challenges of Crime and Social Control' Miami, Florida, USA.
September 1994: Paper entitled 'Back to the Woods and On To The Streets: Change and Continuity in Ideas of 'Crisis' and Renewal', Legal Identities/Global Cultures Conference, University of Warwick, UK.
June 1994: Paper entitled 'The Child Support Act 1991: Mythologies of Family Law', Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, Phoenix, United States.
May 1994: Paper entitled 'Teaching Socio Legal Skills: Family Law', Socio Legal Studies Association One Day Conference 'Exploring the Socio Legal Curriculum: Teaching Socio-Legal Skills', Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, UK.
March 1994: Paper entitled ''Detached Fathers' and 'Family Men': Representations of Masculinity in the Campaign Against the Child Support Act 1991', British Sociological Association Annual Conference, University of Central Lancashire, UK.
January 1994: Paper entitled 'Presenting a Conference Paper', Socio Legal Studies Association Postgraduate Conference, University of Strathclyde.
July 1993: Paper entitled 'A Father's 'Normal Love': Changing Discourses of Paternal Masculinity in Law and Criminology', British Criminology Conference, University of Cardiff ,Wales.
May 1993: Paper entitled 'The 'Good Father': The Reconstruction of Fatherhood in Legal Discourse', Law and Society Association Annual Conference, University of Chicago, United States.
March 1993: Paper entitled 'Waiting Till Father Gets Home', Socio Legal Studies Association Annual Conference, University of Exeter.
January 1993: Paper entitled 'How to Present a Conference Paper', Socio Legal Studies Association Postgraduate Conference, University of Cardiff.
February 1992: Paper entitled 'Researching Law and Gender', Staff Seminar Programme, Faculty of Law, University of Newcastle, UK.
September 1991: Paper entitled 'Representations of Male Heterosexuality in Law', Critical Legal Conference, University of Glasgow, UK.
March 1991: Paper entitled 'Law and Popular Culture: Men's and Women's Popular Magazines', Socio Legal Studies Association Annual Conference, University of Leicester, UK.
March 1991: Paper entitled 'The postgraduate student experience', Workshop: Socio Legal Studies Association Annual Conference, University of Leicester, UK.
December 1987: Paper entitled 'Legal Education and Gender', Staff Seminar Programme, Faculty of Law, University of Leicester, UK.
September 1987: Paper entitled 'Masculinity and the Teaching and Study of Law', Critical Legal Conference, 'Critique in Legal Education, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK.
July 1987: Paper entitled 'The Persona of the Judge', 'On Judges and Judging' Conference, University of Leicester, UK.
September 1986: Paper entitled 'The Sexual Offences Act 1985', Critical Legal Conference 'Law, Critique and Social Transformation' University of Kent, UK.
April 1986: Paper entitled 'Prostitution, Masculinity and the Law', ESRC Postgraduate Socio Legal Students Conference, University of Sheffield, UK.
Misc: I have acted as invited Chair/Discussant at numerous conference panels and workshops at both international and national events. In addition to media outputs detailed above I served as BBC Programme Adviser, ‘5 Live Report’ 2008, 2006 and am a regular contact for BBC and other media organisations. I am increasingly approached by the media in connection with my work and have received ‘Proactive Media Relations’ Training, University of Newcastle, September 2008, January 2008: BBC TV Interview ‘Inside Out’ Sept, 2004: BBC TV Interview on crime in Newcastle, May 1993.
Recipient of the Socio-Legal Studies Association (SLSA) Award for Lifetime Contribution to the Socio-Legal Community (2023)
Newcastle University Academic Distinction Award, awarded in recognition of contribution to research (2023)
FAcSS, Elected Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (nominated by the UK Socio-
Legal Studies Association) (2015)
FRSA, Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts
Invited member research team LawCare ‘Life in the Law’ survey of the Uk legal Profession, 2020-21 (see above)
Co-Founder and member of the Uk Advancing Wellness in Law Network – regular coordinate chair monthly meetings>)
Adviser to International Bar Association on their global lawyer mental health survey (2021/2020) Mental Wellbeing in the Legal Profession: A Global Survey available at
Adviser to Solicitors Regulation Authority Thematic Review of Workplace Culture in Law (2022), report and guidance published 10/2/22 accessed via:
Member of Editorial Board Social and Legal Studies: An International Journal Sage Publications (previously an editor)
International Advisory Board Member, NORMA: International Journal for Masculinity Studies Taylor & Francis/Routledge
Member of Research Committee of the Sociology of Law (RCSL) Working Groups on (i) Gender and Law, (ii) Working Group for the Comparative Study of the Legal Professions, (iii) Law and Popular Culture
Invited Member of the Advisory Board of the Mental Health Institute of the Legal Professions, Spain (2019)
Award of Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowship in connection with the project on Wellbeing in the Law (2018) (see details above).
Invited academic member of National Taskforce on Wellbeing and Mental Health in the Legal Profession (spearheaded by Lawcare and the Law Society with membership drawn from across the legal community) (2016-18)
Invited member of International Advisory Board for Nordic Centre of Excellence project “Solving the gender paradox in research and innovation”, coordinated Örebro University (2016)
Appointed Visiting Fellow, College of Law, Australian National University (2014)
Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Peer Review College member (2015 >, 4 year appointment, 1/10/15-30/9/19)
Member of Steering group for the ESRC funded project Beyond Male Role Models: Gender Identities and Work with Young Men, led by The Open University in partnership with Action for Children (2012-15)
Advisory Board, University of Lincon Stand Together Project (2015)
Internal NCL: invited participant Celebrating Success events various
International Editorial Board Member, Entertainment and Sports Law Journal.
Global Affiliate, Vulnerability and the Human Condition Initiative, Faculty of Law, Emory University, USA
What Works Centre for Wellbeing Community Evidence Programme Network, 2015
Editorial Adviser (2004) The New Oxford Companion to Law (Oxford University Press)
Senior Research Scholar GEXcel’s Theme 9, ‘Gendered Sexualed Transnationalisations, Deconstructing the Dominant: Transforming Men, “Centres” and Knowledge/Policy/Practice,’ directed by Jeff Hearn, Linköping University Sweden, Linköping University/Örebro University, 2011.
Invited Consultant (1997-2000): Lord Chancellor's Department: Evaluation of Information Meetings: Family Law Act 1996. I served as Consultant and member of the Research Programme Team concerned with the evaluation of the Information Meetings Pilots Project funded by the Lord Chancellor's Department (LCD). Author and co-author of two chapters in Final Report. Other work included the preparation of working papers, providing advice on statutory interpretation directly to the LCD and presentation of 'work in progress' reports in connection with the project.
Member of AHRC Research Network 2011-2013 Post-separation families and shared residence: setting the interdisciplinary research agenda for the future ESRC Seminar series Parenting Culture Studies, Cambridge 2009,
Associate, Centre for Parenting Culture Studies, University of Kent
Member, International Co-operation Group on Fatherhood, ZIF/Centre for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research, Bielefeld University, Germany 2008
Member of ESRC Advisory Group (2003-6), Gay and Lesbian Marriage: Socio-Legal, Familial and Cultural implications in England 2003-6: Centre for Research on Family, Kinship & Childhood Department of Sociology and Social Policy University of Leeds.
Member of ESRC Advisory Group (2004-7) Masculinities in Transition: Identity, Home and Workplace: University of Sheffield, Department of Sociology.
AHRC Management Committee member, AHRC Research Centre for Gender, Law and Sexuality, University of Kent at Canterbury (2004-2009)
ESRC Panel member, Assessor, Postgraduate Studentship Competition 2010, 2009, 2006, ESRC (Research Training and Development)
Member of Network of Excellence ‘Gender and Citizenship in Europe’ (6th Framework Programme of the European Commission)(2005)
2025 Oxford University, PhD
2025 MMU, PhD.
2021 University of London, Birkbeck College, Phd.
2018 Australian National University, PhD.
2018 University of London, Queen Mary College, PhD
2015- Strathclyde University, LLB
2013 Keele University, PhD Thesis (viva 10 May 2013).
2010 Strathclyde University, PhD thesis
2009 – 2013 Queen Mary College, London, LLB Programme
2009 University of Keele, PhD thesis
2008 ANU, Australia, PhD thesis
2008 University of Keele, PhD thesis
2008 – 2013 University of Reading, LLB Programme
2007 Murdoch University, Australia, PhD thesis
2007 – 2010 University of Keele, Masters programme
2007 University of British Columbia, Canada, PhD thesis
2006 University of Sydney, PhD.
2004 – 2007 University of Liverpool LLB Programme
2001 - 2005 University of Brunel, Masters Programme
2002 - 2007 University of Westminster, Masters Programme
2004 University of London, PhD thesis
2003 University of Warwick, PhD thesis
2002 University of Bristol, PhD thesis
2002 University of Melbourne PhD thesis
2000 University of Kent, M.Phil. thesis
1999 University of New South Wales, PhD thesis
1998 University of Lancaster, PhD thesis
1997 University of Leicester, MPhil thesis
1997 Queen's University Belfast, MPhil thesis
1997 – 2002 University of Keele, LLB Programme
1998 – 2002 University of Lancaster, LLB Programme
1998 - 2002 University of Lancaster, LLM Programme
1996 University of Lancaster, PhD thesis
1996 Sheffield Hallam University, MA thesis
1995 – 1998 University of Strathclyde, LLB Programme
1992 - to date Examiner in English Legal System for the LLB. (London University) External Programme.
I have also served as internal examiner on a wide range of theses at Newcastle University (most recently LLM 2019) and as Senior Examiner in A'Level Law (English Legal System: AS Paper) and Assistant Examiner (English Legal System) 1992-4.
Frequent peer reviewer of research grant applications for funding authorities (UK and abroad) incl: Leverhulme, ESRC, AHRC, Nuffield Foundation, Joseph Rowntree, British Academy and frequent reviewer of manuscripts, articles and book proposals for a wide range of academic publications Incl recently Bristol University Press, Routledge, Elgar, Ashgate: International Institute for the Sociology of Law: Sage Publications (Commissioning): Hart Publications: Oxford University Press: Pearson: Butterworths: Cassell: Longman, plus others: also regular editorial article refereeing of articles and special issues for a range of journals a selection of which incl. Legal Studies, Men and Masculinities, NORMA, Journal of Social Policy, Journal of Law and Society, Current Sociology, Gender Work and Organisation, Sociology of Health and Illness, Law, Culture and the Humanities, Sociological Research Online, Women’s Studies International Forum, Feminist Legal Studies, Studies in Law, Politics and Society, International Journal of the Legal Profession, Law and Society Review, Web Journal of Current Legal Issues plus many others.
External REF Reviewer, University of Warwick 2017.
Occasional rapporteur, ESRC End of Award Reports
Regular External Assessor for chair, tenure and other promotions at Universities internationally (most recent, UK, Canada and Sweden, the latter as external assessor Uppsala University. In 2006 I was invited to Act as Assessor for the Monash University (Australia) Research Quality Framework Exercise.
Organiser of various seminar series e.g. ‘Law, Families and Personal Life: New Reflections’ Newcastle law School, Newcastle University. Co-organiser of stream 'Sexuality, Gender and the Bodies of Law' 1997 Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference, University of Wales Cardiff: Socio Legal Studies Association 'Research Study Day', Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London May 1993; Co-organiser Socio Legal Studies Association One Day Conference 'Exploring the Socio Legal Curriculum: Teaching Socio-Legal Skills', Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, May 1994.
Family Law (2008>) (module co-ordinator, lectures, seminars, marking: 20 credits module).
Criminology and Criminal Justice (2008>2020) lecturer, seminarist, marking.
Legal Institutions and Methods (2010-2019) (lecturer, seminarist, coursework, marking]
Gender, Law and Sexuality (2013>2020) lecturer and seminarist
Criminology [1990 – 2007] (course leader/sole teacher, lectures and seminars: 20 credits
Law Society and Social Change [1998-2008] (course leader/sole teacher, lectures and seminars: 20
M.A. Gender Studies (Theories of Gender, Gender Research and Project Supervision):
LLM Programme (Research Methods)
Sentencing and Penology (course leader, lectures and seminars: 1990 - 1997);
Family Law (1988 –1990), University of Warwick
Methods of Socio-Legal Research (1988-90), University of Warwick.
Other: Legal Institutions and Method (1990-95); Legal Skills (seminars); Constitutional and
Administrative Law; English Legal System (1985-88); Introduction to Legal Studies; Business Law/Introduction to Contract and Tort (1988-90).
Also, in conjunction with Adult Education/WEA, Family, Law and Sexuality (1987-8).
Current Supervisions: LLB Dissertation Supervisions (number varies by year: average 3):
Postgraduate (PGR): PhD. Supervision: LLM: Recent awards
2020, 2018, 2018, 2017
2025 Oxford University, PhD
2025 MMU, PhD.
2021 University of London, Birkbeck College, Phd.
2018 Australian National University, PhD.
2018 University of London, Queen Mary College, PhD
2015- Strathclyde University, LLB
2013 Keele University, PhD Thesis (viva 10 May 2013).
2010 Strathclyde University, PhD thesis
2009 – 2013 Queen Mary College, London, LLB Programme
2009 University of Keele, PhD thesis
2008 ANU, Australia, PhD thesis
2008 University of Keele, PhD thesis
2008 – 2013 University of Reading, LLB Programme
2007 Murdoch University, Australia, PhD thesis
2007 – 2010 University of Keele, Masters programme
2007 University of British Columbia, Canada, PhD thesis
2006 University of Sydney, PhD.
2004 – 2007 University of Liverpool LLB Programme
2001 - 2005 University of Brunel, Masters Programme
2002 - 2007 University of Westminster, Masters Programme
2004 University of London, PhD thesis
2003 University of Warwick, PhD thesis
2002 University of Bristol, PhD thesis
2002 University of Melbourne PhD thesis
2000 University of Kent, M.Phil. thesis
1999 University of New South Wales, PhD thesis
1998 University of Lancaster, PhD thesis
1997 University of Leicester, MPhil thesis
1997 Queen's University Belfast, MPhil thesis
1997 – 2002 University of Keele, LLB Programme
1998 – 2002 University of Lancaster, LLB Programme
1998 - 2002 University of Lancaster, LLM Programme
1996 University of Lancaster, PhD thesis
1996 Sheffield Hallam University, MA thesis
1995 – 1998 University of Strathclyde, LLB Programme
1992 - to date Examiner in English Legal System for the LLB. (London University) External Programme.
I have also served as internal examiner on a wide range of theses at Newcastle University (most recently LLM 2019) and as Senior Examiner in A'Level Law (English Legal System: AS Paper) and Assistant Examiner (English Legal System) 1992-4.
- Collier R. Whose “wellbeing” are we talking about? Culture change and the politics of the legal profession’s wellness turn. International Journal of the Legal Profession 2025, epub ahead of print.
- Collier R. Blackstone's Tower Revisited; Legal academic wellbeing, marketization and the post-pandemic law school. Amicus Curiae 2021, 2 (series 2)(3), 474-500.
- Collier R. 'Left Pessimists' in 'Rose Coloured Glasses'? Reflections on the Political Economy of Socio-Legal Studies and (Legal) Academic Well-Being. Journal of Law and Society 2020, 47(S2), S244-S261.
- Collier R. Fatherhood, gender and the making of professional identity in large law firms: bringing men into the frame. International Journal of Law in Context 2019, 15(1), 68-87.
- Collier R. Wellbeing in the Legal Profession: Reflections on Recent Developments (or, what do we talk about when we talk about wellbing?). International Journal of the Legal Profession 2016, 23(1), 41-60.
- Collier R. Researching Men, Masculinities and Law: on Sources, Methods and the ‘Man Question’. Legal Information Management 2015, 15(1), 19-24.
- Collier R. Naming Men as Men in Corporate Legal Practice: Gender and the Idea of "Virtually 24/7 Commitment" in Law. Fordham Law Review 2015, 83(5), 2387-2406.
- Collier R. 'Love Law, Love Life': Neo-Liberalism, Wellbeing and Gender in the Legal Profession - The Case of Law School. Legal Ethics 2014, 17(2), 202-230.
- Collier R. Work-Life Balance, Men and Professional Identity. International Journal of the Legal Profession 2013. In Preparation.
- Collier R. Rethinking Men and Masculinities in the Contemporary Legal Profession: The Example of Fatherhood, Transnational Business Masculinities and Work-Life Balance in Large Law Firms. Nevada Law Journal 2013, 13(2), 101-130.
- Collier R. Privatizing the University and the New Political Economy of Socio-Legal Studies: Remaking the (Legal) Academic Subject. Journal of Law and Society 2013, 40(3), 450-467.
- Collier R. Fathers, Lawyers and Work-LIfe Balance: Managing the Downturn Funding Report. Socio-Legal Newsletter 2011, (65), 5.
- Collier R. Masculinities, Law, and Personal Life: Towards a New Framework for Understanding Men, Law and Gender. Harvard Journal of Law and Gender 2010, 33(2), 431-477.
- Collier RS. Who's the Daddy? (Interviewed by Sabine Durrant). The Irish Times 2009.
- Collier RS, Durant S. What Are Fathers For?. The Guardian, Family Section 2009, 4.
- Collier RS. The Fathers' Rights Movement, Law Reform and the New Politics of Fatherhood: Reflections on the UK Experience. Journal of Law and Public Policy 2009, 20(1), 65-110.
- Collier RS. Rethinking Fathers' Rights. Family Law 2009, 45, 45-50.
- Collier RS. Interview with Richard Collier. Expresso Newspaper 2009.
- Collier RS. Fathers' rights, gender and welfare: some questions for Family Law. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 2009, 31(4), 357-371.
- Collier R, Sheldon S. Unfamiliar Territory. SocietyGuardian 2006, 6.
- Collier R. The Liberal Law School, the Restructured University and the Paradox of Socio-Legal Studies. Modern Law Review 2005, 68(3), 475-495.
- Collier R. The law school, the legal academy and the 'global knowledge economy' - Reflections on a growing debate: Introduction. Social and Legal Studies 2005, 14(2), 259-265.
- Collier R. Ladies only?: The Legal Profession and Work-Life Balance. The Lawyer 2005.
- Collier R. 'Introduction' to 'Debate and Dialogue: The Law School, the Legal Academy and the 'Global Knowledge Economy' - Reflections on a Growing Debate'. Social and Legal Studies 2005, 14(2), 259-265.
- Collier R. Fathers 4 Justice, law and the new politics of fatherhood. Child and Family Law Quarterly 2005, 17(4), 511-533.
- Collier R. ‘We’re All Socio-Legal Now?’ Legal Education, Scholarship and the ‘Global Knowledge Economy’ — Reflections on the UK Experience. Sydney Law Review 2005, 26(4), 503-536.
- Collier R. ‘Be smart, be successful, be yourself...’?: representations of the training contract and trainee solicitor in advertising by large law firms. International Journal of the Legal Profession 2005, 12(1), 51-92.
- Collier R. Research Capacity, Critical Social Science and Socio-Legal Studies: Reflections on a Growing Debate. Socio-Legal Studies Association Newsletter 2004, (Summer), 1-3.
- Collier R. Reflections on the relationship between law and masculinities: rethinking the "man question" in legal studies. Current Legal Problems 2003, 56(1), 345-402.
- Collier R. The Changing University and the (Legal) Academic Career - Rethinking the 'Private Life' of the Law School. Legal Studies 2002, 22(1), 1-32.
- Collier R. Masculinities. Sociology 2002, 36(3), 737-742.
- Collier R. A Hard Time to Be a Father?: Reassessing the Relationship between Law, Policy, and Family (Practices). Journal of Law and Society 2001, 28(4), 520-545.
- Collier R. 'Do Men Want a Life Outide the Office?' The Times 10 May p 8 Law Section. 2000.
- Collier R. The dashing of a liberal dream?’: The information meeting, the new family and the limits of law. Child and Family Law Quarterly 1999, 11(3), 257-269.
- Collier R. Law, sex difference and the body. Res Publica 1999, 5(2), 217-225.
- COLLIER, R. 'Nutty Professors', 'Men in Suits' and the 'New Entrepreneurs': Corporeality, Subjectivity and Change in the Law School and Legal Practice. Social and Legal Studies , 7(1) 27-53 1998.
- Collier RS. After dunblane: Crime, corporeality, and the (hetero-) sexing of the bodies of men. Journal of Law and Society 1997, 24(2), 177-198.
- COLLIER, R. 'Just (More) Boys Doing Business'? Gender, Sex and the 'Masculinity Turn' in Criminology'. Social and Legal Studies 1996, 5, 271-278.
- COLLIER, R. ''Coming Together?': Post-Heterosexuality, Masculine Crisis and the New Men's Movement'. Feminist Legal Studies 1996, 4(1), 3 - 48.
- Collier RS. 'Waiting Till Father Gets Home....': The Reconstruction of Fatherhood in Family Law. Social and Legal Studies 1995, 4(1), 5-30.
- COLLIER, R. 'The Campaign Against the Child Support Act 1991: 'Errant Fathers' and 'Family Men''. Family Law 1994, (July), 384 - 387.
- COLLIER, R. ''Ten Years On: What Is To Be Done About Law and Order'?: Review Article''. Northern Ireland Law Quarterly 1994, 45(3), 308-316.
- COLLIER, R. ''The Art of Living the Married Life': Reresentations of Male Heterosexuality in Law'. Social and Legal Studies 1992, 1(4), 543 - 563.
- COLLIER, R. 'Masculinism, Law and Law Teaching'. International Journal of the Sociology of Law 1991, 19, 427-451.
Authored Books
- Collier R. Wellbeing, Law and Society: Politics, Policy and Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2025. In Preparation.
- Collier RS. Men, Law and Gender: Essays on the ‘Man’ of Law. Abingdon: Routledge, 2010.
- Collier R, Sheldon S. Fragmenting Fatherhood: A Socio-Legal Study. Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2008.
- Collier RS, Sheldon S. Fathers’ Rights Activism and Legal Reform in Comparative Perspective. Oxford: Hart Publications, 2006.
- Collier RS. Masculinities, Crime and Criminology: Men, Heterosexuality and the Criminal(ised) Other. London: Sage Publications, 1998.
- Collier RS. Masculinity, Law and the Family. London and New York: Routledge, 1995.
Book Chapters
- Collier R. The Professional Identity of Legal Academics. In: Cownie F; Jones E, ed. Edward Elgar Research Handbook on Gender and the Legal Profession. Edward Elgar, 2025. In Press.
- Collier R. Men, Masculinties and the Legal Profession: Asking the Man Question. In: J,Bourne, ed. Edward Elgar Research Handbook on Gender and the Legal Profession. 2025. In Preparation.
- Collier R. Masculinities. In: C.Ashford and L. Graham, ed. Concise Encyclopaedia of Gender, Sexuality and the Law. Edward Elgar, 2025. In Preparation.
- Collier R, Thym A, Longlands H. Hegemonic masculinities and the hegemony of men in business and finance organizations: persistence of and challenges to patriarchal power. In: Hearn J; Aavik K; Collinson D; Thym A, ed. Handbook on Men, Masculinities and Organizations: Theories, Practices and Futures of Organizing. London: Routledge, 2024, pp.235-249.
- Collier R. Men, Masculinities and the Legal Professions: Asking the 'Man Question'. In: Abel R; Sommerlad H; Hammerslev O; Schultz U, ed. Lawyers in 21st-Century Societies: Comparisons and Theories. Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing, 2022, pp.151-172.
- Collier R. Rethinking Masculinities in the Legal Academy: Men, Gender and Legal Careers (Or, Whatever Happened to the 'Nutty Professor'?). In: U. Schultz , G. Shaw , M. Thornton & R. Auchmuty, ed. Gender and Careers in the Legal Academy. Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing, 2021, pp.513–530.
- Collier R. Moving Across Silos: Legal Academic Wellbeing and the Legal Professions – Some Reflections on the UK Experience’. In: Michael Legg, Prue Vines, Janet Chan, ed. Wellbeing in a Changing World: The Impact of Technology and Innovation on the Legal Profession. Cambridge, UK: Insentia, 2020, pp.311-360.
- Collier R. Masculinities, Law and Crime: Socio-Legal Studies and the 'Man Question'. In: Lucas Gottzén, Ulf Mellström and Tamara Shefer (eds.), ed. International Handbook on Masculinity Studies. Routledge, 2020.
- Collier R. Masculinities and families: fragmenting law’s ‘family man’. In: Ashford C; Maine A, ed. Research Handbook on Gender, Sexuality and the Law. London: Edward Elgar, 2020, pp.443-456.
- Collier R. Anxiety and junior lawyers. In: Davies A, ed. Lawyer Health and wellbeing: How the legal profession is tackling stress and creating resiliency. Ark Publishing, 2020, pp.45-55.
- Collier R, Longlands H. Interrogating Transnational Masculinities, Fatherhood and the Institution of Men: Rethinking Gender Equity in Global Finance and Large International Law Firms. In: The Unsustainable Institutions of Men: Interrogating Transnational Centres, Institutions and Power. London, UK: Routledge, 2019, pp.25-41.
- Collier R. Redressing the Balance? Masculinities, Law and Crime – Asking Criminology’s ‘Man Question’ Forty Years On’ (2017). In: J. Sim and H. Monk (eds), ed. Women, Crime and Criminology: A Celebration I. London, UK: EG Press, 2017, pp.23-57.
- Collier R. Reflections on Men, Law and Masculinities in an Interdisciplinary Context: Rethinking the ‘Man’ of Law. In: Jakoby, N., Liebig B., Peitz, M., Schmid, T., Zinn I, ed. Männer und Männlichkeiten: Disziplinäre Perspektiven. Zurich: vdf Hochschulverlag AG and der ETH Zurich, 2016, pp.53-71.
- Collier R. Rechtswissenschaft. In: Horlacher S; Schötz B; Schwanebeck W, ed. Männlichkeit : Ein Interdisziplinäres Handbuch. Stuttgart: Metzler Verlag, 2016, pp.193-204.
- Collier R. "Work-Life Balance", "Equality and Diversity". In: C.Asfiord and J.Guth (eds), ed. The Legal Academics Handbook. Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.
- Collier R. On Reading Men, Law and Gender: Legal Regulation and the New Politics of Masculinity. In: Horlacher S, ed. Configuring Masculinity in Theory and Literary Practice. Lieden; Boston: Brill Rodopi, 2015, pp.53-75.
- Collier R. 'Taking Masculinity Seriously’? Theory, Practice and the (Hetero)sexing of Criminology. In: DeKeseredy, W ; Molly Dragiewicz, M, ed. Critical Criminology. London, UK: Routledge, 2014, pp.156-182.
- Collier R. On Masculinities, Law and Family Practices: A Case Study of Fathers’ Rights and Gender. In: Fineman M; Thomson M, ed. Exploring Masculinities: Feminist Legal Reflections. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2014, pp.251-266.
- Collier R. Men, gender and fathers' rights 'after equality': New formations of rights and responsibilities in family justice. In: Leckey, R, ed. After Legal Equality: Family, Sex, Kinship. London: Routledge, 2014, pp.59-76.
- Collier R. Fathers, Masculinities and Personal Life. In: Fineman, M.; Thomson, M, ed. Exploring Masculinities: Feminist Legal Theory Reflections. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2013, pp.251-266.
- Collier R. Law and the remaking of fatherhood in late modernity: Reflections of family policy in England and Wales 1997-2010. In: Oechsle, M., Mueller, U., Hess, S, ed. Fatherhood in Late Modernity: Cultural Images, Social Practices, Structural Frames. Leverkusen/Farmington Hills: Barbara Budrich Publishers, 2012, pp.295-316.
- Collier RS. The responsible father in New Labour's legal and social policy. In: Lind C; Bridgeman J; Keating H, ed. Regulating Family Responsibilities. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2011, pp.47-66.
- Collier R. Identity Matters: Class, Culture and Legal Academics – In Search of Another Voice. In: F. Cownie, ed. Stakeholders in the Law School. Oxford: Hart Publications, 2010, pp.15-35.
- Collier RS. Fathers, Birth and Law. In: Ebtehaj F; Herring J; Johnson M; Richards M, ed. Birth Rites and Rights. Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2010, pp.151-168.
- Collier R. Fatherhood, law and fathers' rights: Rethinking the relationship between gender and welfare. In: J.Herring, S.Choudry and J.Wallbank, ed. Rights, Gender and Family Law. London: Routledge Cavendish, 2009, pp.119-143.
- Collier R. Reflections on the Relationship Between Law and Masculinities: Rethinking The ‘Man Question’. In: Evans, K. and Jamieson, J, ed. Gender and Crime: A Reader. Buckingham: Open University Press, 2008.
- Collier R. Engaging Fathers? Responsibility, Law and the ‘Problem of Fatherhood'. In: J. Bridgeman, C. Lind and H. Keating, ed. Responsibility, Law and the Family. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, 2008, pp.169-190.
- Collier R. After Dunblane: Crime, Corporeality and the (Hetero)Sexing of the Bodies of Men. In: S.Tomsen, ed. Crime, Criminal Justice and Masculinities. London: Ashgate, 2008, pp.93-116.
- Collier R. Four Chapter Sections: ‘Men, Crime and Criminology’, ‘Custody’ 'Family Law' and ‘Divorce’. In: Flood, M; Gardiner, JK; Pease, B; Pringle, K, ed. The International Encyclopaedia of Men and Masculinities. London: Routledge, 2007.
- Collier R. ‘Fatherhood’, ‘Fathers’ Rights Movement’ and ‘Gender’: Three chapter sections. In: Cane, P; Conaghan, J, ed. The New Oxford Companion to Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.
- Collier R. Waiting Till Father Gets Home....': The Reconstruction of Fatherhood in Family Law. In: S.Boyd and H.Rhoades, ed. Law and Families. London: Ashgate, 2006, pp.175-200.
- Collier R. 'The Outlaw Fathers fight back' : Fathers' Rights Groups, Fathers 4 Justice and the politics of Family Law Reform - reflections on the UK experience. In: Sheldon S; Collier R, ed. Fathers' Rights Activism and Law Reform in Comparative Perspective. Oxford: Hart Publications, 2006, pp.53-77.
- Collier R. Peter's choice : issues of identity, lifestyle and consumption in changing representations of corporate lawyers and legal academics. In: Greenfield S; Osborn G, ed. Readings in Law and Popular Culture. London: Routledge, 2006, pp.31-64.
- Collier R. Feminist Legal Studies and the Subject(s) of Men: Questions of Text, Terrain and Context in the Politics of Family Law and Gender. In: Diduck A; O’Donovan K, ed. Feminist perspectives on family law. London: Routledge Cavendish, 2006, pp.235-251.
- Collier R, Sheldon S. Fathers’ Rights, Fatherhood and Law Reform : International Perspectives. In: Collier R; Sheldon S, ed. Fathers' rights activism and law reform in comparative perspective. Oxford: Hart Publications, 2006, pp.1-27.
- Collier R. After Dunblane: Crime, Corporeality and the (Hetero)Sexing of the Bodies of Men. In: L. Moran, ed. Sexuality and Identity. London: Ashgate, 2006, pp.227-248.
- Collier, R. ‘Restructuring the Universities, Remaking the (Legal) Academy?: Legal Education, the 'Knowledge Economy' and Socio-Legal Studies'. In: R.Hunter and M.Keyes, ed. Changing Law: Rights, Regulation and Reconciliation. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005.
- Collier RS. 'Men, Masculinities and Crime''. In: C. Sumner, ed. The Blackwell International Companion to Criminology. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2004, pp.285-308.
- Collier R. In Search of the ‘Good Father’: Law, Family Practices and the Normative Reconstruction of Parenthood. In: Dewar, J., Parker, S, ed. Family Law: Processes, Practices and Pressures. Portland, Oregon, USA: Kluwer Law International, 2003, pp.241-270.
- Collier R. Male Bodies, Family Practices. In: Bainham, A., Sclater, S.D., Richards, M, ed. Body Lore and Laws: Essays on Law and the Human Body. Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2002, pp.149-169.
- Collier R. 'Rat boys' and 'little angels': corporeality, male youth and the bodies of (dis)order'. In: Holliday, R., Hassard, J, ed. Contested Bodies. London: Routledge, 2001, pp.21-35.
- Collier R. In search of the 'good father': law, family practices and the normative reconstruction of fatherhood. In: Austin Sarat, Patricia Ewick, ed. Studies in Law, Politics and Society. Oxford: Elsevier Science, 2001, pp.133-171.
- Collier R. Dangerousness, Popular Knowledge and the Criminal Law: A Case Study of the Paedophile as Socio-Cultural Phenomenon. In: Alldridge, P; Brants, C, ed. Personal Autonomy, the Private Sphere and the Criminal Law: A Comparative Study. Oxford, UK: Portland, Oregon, USA: Hart Publishing, 2001, pp.223-245.
- Collier R. Anxious Parenthood, the Vulnerable Child and the ‘Good Father’: Reflections on the Legal Regulation of the Relationship Between Men and Children. In: Bridgeman, J; Monk, D, ed. Feminist Perspectives on Child Law. London: Cavendish Publishing, 2001, pp.107-129.
- Collier R. Straight Families, Queer Lives? Heterosexual(izing) Family Law. In: Stychin, C., Herman, D, ed. Sexuality in the Legal Arena. London: The Athlone Press, 2000, pp.164-179.
- Collier R. 'Gender, Law and Divorce'. In: Walker, J, ed. Final Report submitted to the Lord Chancellor's Department for England and Wales, Information Meetings and Associated Provisions Family Law Act 1996. London: Lord Chancellor's Department, 2000, pp.685-711.
- Collier R, Walker J, Timms N. ‘The Challenge of Social, Legal and Policy Change’. In: Walker, J, ed. Final Report submitted to the Lord Chancellor's Department for England and Wales, Information Meetings and Associated Provisions Family Law Act 1996. London: Lord Chancellor's Department, 2000, pp.5-17.
- Collier R. Men, Heterosexuality and the Changing Family: (Re)Constructing Fatherhood in Law and Social Policy. In: Jaggar, G., Wright, C, ed. Changing Family Values. London and New York: Routledge, 1999, pp.38-58.
- COLLIER, R. 'From 'Women's Emancipation' to 'Sex War'?: Beyond the 'Masculinized Discourse' of Divorce'. In: S.D. Sclater and C. Piper, ed. Undercurrents of Divorce. Aldershot: Dartmouth, 1999, pp.123-144.
- Collier R. 'Feminising the Workplace'? (Re)constructing the 'good parent' in employment law and family policy. In: Morris, A., O'Donnell, T, ed. Feminist Perspectives on Employment Law. London: Cavendish, 1999, pp.161-181.
- Collier RS. '(Un)Sexy Bodies: The Making of Professional Legal Masculinities'. In: C. McGlynn, ed. Legal Feminisms: Theory and Practice. Aldershot: Dartmouth, 1998, pp.2-21.
- COLLIER, R. ''A Father's 'Normal Love'?: Masculinities, Criminology and the Family'. In: R.Dobash, R.Dobash and L. Noakes, ed. Gender and Crime. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1995, pp.202 - 227.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstract)
- Collier R. ‘The Outlaw Fathers Strike Back’? Law, Family and the New Politics of Fatherhood. In: Fatherhood in Late Modernity: Cultural Images, Social Practices, Structural Frames. 2008, Bielefeld University, Germany: Center for Interdisciplinary Research, Bielefeld University.
Digital or Visual Media
- COLLIER, R. ‘The Uncertain Future of (Critical) Socio-Legal Studies’. 2003. 3-4.
- COLLIER, R. 'Masculinities and Violence'. 2001. January, 12-14.
- COLLIER, R. 'Masculinities and Crime'. 1998. Criminal Justice Matters, 34(Winter).
- COLLIER, R. 'Child Support, Class Subversion, Crass Scapegoating'. 1994. London: Achilles Heel, 17, 18-22.
- COLLIER, R. 'New Man: Fact or Fad?'. 1992. London: Achilles Heel, 13, 34-38.
Online Publications
- Collier R. What does it mean to be a good lawyer and a good dad?. Law Society of England and Wales, 2020. Available at:
- Collier R. Towards a new normal? Rethinking wellbeing in the legal profession after Covid-19. Birmingham: Socio-Legal Studies Association, 2020. Available at:
- Collier R. The Wellbeing of Legal Academics – A Missing Piece of the Legal Profession’s ‘Wellness’ Turn?. Socio-Legal Studies Association Blog Post: Socio-Legal Studies Association, 2019. Available at:
- Collier R. Surviving or thriving? Researching wellbeing and mental health in the legal profession. Law Society of England and Wales Blog: Law Society, 2019. Available at:
- Collier R. How do we tackle the legal profession’s mental health problem?. Legal Cheek Blog, 2019. Available at:
- Collier R. "There's a lot of suffering out there" - leading academic warns of the legal profession's mental health problem [Interview with Richard Collier]. World Trademark Review, 2019. Available at:
- Collier R. Mind Your Head: Anxiety and Wellbeing Amongst Junior Lawyers: A Research Study. Funded by Anxiety UK’s Katharine and Harold Fisher Anxiety Research Fund . Newcastle: Newcastle University, 2019.
- Collier R. Male Lawyers and the Negotiation of Work and Family Commitments: A Report to the British Academy. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, 2005.
- Collier R. Telling Tales about men: Conceptions of conscientious objectors to military service during the first world war. Journal of Law and Society 2011, 37(4), 678-681.
- Collier R. Ashe, F., 'The New Politics of Masculinity: Men, Power and Resistance', (London: Routledge, 2011). Feminist Theory 2011, 12(3), 345-346.
- Collier R. Gender, sexuality and violence in organizations. Gender, Work and Organization 2005, 12(6), 593-595.
- Collier R. Masculinities. Sociology 2002, 36(3), 737-742.
- COLLIER, R. Family Law and Gender: A Study of Masculinity and Law. Ph.D. thesis, Leicester, 1990.