Race, Crime and Justice Regional Research Network
The Network brings together the 5 North East Universities
About us
The Race, Crime and Justice Regional Research Network (RCJRRN) is a grouping of researchers. They're from academic, research and policy backgrounds. They represent all five North East Universities:
- Durham
- Newcastle
- Northumbria
- Sunderland
- Teesside
Research and analysis of policy and practice
The group undertakes independent and commissioned research. It analyses and comments on policy and practice issues in relation to the experience of ethnic minorities in a wide variety of contexts within criminal and social justice. It publishes reports on relevant issues.
Most recent publications: Experiences of Minority Ethnic Women Defendants in English Criminal Courts
This pilot qualitative study was funded by Barrow Cadbury Trust and the Pilgrim Trust. The purpose was to look at the experiences of minority ethnic women defendants involved in or who have been involved in Criminal Proceedings in English Criminal Courts. The lack of knowledge of their experiences was highlighted by David Lammy in his independent review into the treatment of, and outcomes for, Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic individuals in the criminal justice system. Our research findings suggest that minority ethnic women still feel unheard, misunderstood, and excluded from criminal proceedings.
Supporting the North East Race Equality Forum
RCJRRN supports the work of the North East Race Equality Forum (NEREF). NEREF was formally launched in December 2014.
It provides a voice for all community-based organisations, policymakers, institutions and academics involved in ensuring race equality throughout the region.
NEREF has approximately 300 individuals and organisations in its membership. We have develop core priorities for the group. To contact NEREF please email: equalityforum@newcastle.ac.uk
To contact the North East Regional Race Crime and Justice Network please email: racecrimejustice@newcastle.ac.uk
Modern Slavery Garden
This rose garden at the Law School marks the commitment of the University to fighting all forms of Modern Slavery.
The modern slavery roses were first bred and exhibited as part of the Modern Slavery Garden which won a gold medal at the Chelsea Flower show in 2016.
Professor Gary Craig, Visiting Professor, Newcastle University, 2016

Briefings and other events
For details of the current research and information briefings please click HERE
Research briefings
NEREF Research Briefing No. 1: The Chinese population in the North East Region
NEREF Research Briefing No. 2: Local Ethnic Inequalities
NEREF Research Briefing No. 3: How has Britain’s integration debate developed
NEREF Research Briefing No. 4: The North East: A warm and friendly welcome?
NEREF Research Briefing No. 5: Ethnic inequalities in admission (Universities)
NEREF Research Briefing No. 6: The budget’s impact
NEREF Research Briefing No. 7: Tell MAMA: the picture of anti-Muslim hatred
NEREF Research Briefing No 8: Who voted for leaving the EU?
NEREF Research Briefing No. 9: Exploring third party reporting
NEREF Research Briefing No. 10: Who is vulnerable?: Adult social care and MS
NEREF Research Briefing No 11: Migration in Middlesbrough Data Mapping Project
NEREF Research Briefing No 12: Diversity and vulnerability in Prisons
NEREF Research Briefing No. 13: Developing a national barometer
NEREF Research Briefing No 14: The Missing Dimension
NEREF Research Briefing No 15: Participatory Arts based Methods
NEREF Research Briefing No 16: Race inequality in the workplace
NEREF Research Briefing No 17: The impact of the new UK immigration system
Should you wish to contribute a research briefing then please contact: Jenny Johnstone, Newcastle University, jenny.johnstone@newcastle.ac.uk
Information briefings
NEREF Information Briefing No. 1: ‘Race’, Immigration and the General Election
NEREF Information Briefing No. 2: Ethnic minorities and experience of diabetes
NEREF Information Briefing No. 3: The economic impacts of immigration
NEREF Information Briefing No. 4: The Modern Slavery Act
NEREF Information Briefing No. 5: Who damages our economy? Migrants or the banks
NEREF Information Briefing No 6: How far have we come?
NEREF Information Briefing No 7: 50 years of Race Relations legislation
NEREF Information Briefing No 8: Prosecuting Hate Crime
NEREF Information Briefing No 9: The Lammy Review
NEREF Information Briefing No 10: Information required for proposed UK B of R
NEREF Information Briefing No. 11: Parliamentary Enquiry into Hate Crime
NEREF Information Briefing No. 12: Challenging Race Hate Crime
NEREF Information Briefing No 13: Sajid Javid, Racism and The State
NEREF Information Briefing No. 14: The embedding of state hostility
NEREF Information Briefing No. 15: Is Britain Fairer project
NEREF Information Briefing No. 16: Welcome Here
NEREF Information Briefing No. 17: Feedback on Post MacPherson Conference
NEREF Information Briefing No 18: Tackling Racial Harassment: Universities
NEREF Information Briefing No 19: The Windrush Betrayal
NEREF Information Briefing No 20: CERD Submission of Evidence
NEREF Information Briefing No 21: Runnymede Trust, Facts Don't Lie
NEREF Information Briefing No 22: Covid-19 and the Banks
Should you wish to contribute an information briefing then please contact Professor Gary Craig, email: gary.craig@newcastle.ac.uk
Recent Event: Race, Poverty and Inequality in the North East: how will the cost of living crisis effect ethnic minorities in the region
Race, Poverty and Inequality in the North East: how will the cost of living crisis effect ethnic minorities in the region
NEREF Event: Thursday 1st December, 2-4pm
Research over recent years has demonstrated that ethnic minorities are more prone to poverty in all its forms (Income, health, housing, education etc). This latest webinar from NEREF will review the data now available on poverty and ethnic minorities in the region and explore how the cost of living crisis is likely to impact on them. It will include some of the most recent reports on this underreported issue. And a very early look at the results of the 2021 census.
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Recent Event - The Word on the Street
The Word On the Street Webinar: young people and anti-racist work
NEREF Event: Wednesday 30th March, 2022
This Webinar focused on the work done with young people in Schools - and by young people in the community and on the streets - to combat the growing threat of racism in the UK. It has become commonplace for politicians and right wing media to blame 'foreigners' - immigrants, refugees, minority ethnic people in general - for all the present ills effecting our country. The growth of far right organisations, tacitly supported by many politicians and openly by tabloid newspapers, have generated a discourse which has led to record numbers of hate crimes - especially race hate crimes across the country. In this context work with young people, both in Schools and the community is increasingly important in confronting the myths and lies about minorities so they, in turn can contribute to campaigns against racism and race hate.
We were delighted to be joined by Youth Futures, All in Youth Project and Streetwise for this Webinar which can be viewed here
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The group has been involved in organising a number of events over the past 10 years and we have some examples of those events, with links and resources that are accessible.
Download presentations from recent events and let colleagues know about your relevant event.
The Word On the Street Webinar: young people and anti-racist work
NEREF Event: Wednesday 30th March, 2022
This Webinar focused on the work done with young people in Schools - and by young people in the community and on the streets - to combat the growing threat of racism in the UK. It has become commonplace for politicians and right wing media to blame 'foreigners' - immigrants, refugees, minority ethnic people in general - for all the present ills effecting our country. The growth of far right organisations, tacitly supported by many politicians and openly by tabloid newspapers, have generated a discourse which has led to record numbers of hate crimes - especially race hate crimes across the country. In this context work with young people, both in Schools and the community is increasingly important in confronting the myths and lies about minorities so they, in turn can contribute to campaigns against racism and race hate.
We were delighted to be joined by Youth Futures, All in Youth Project and Streetwise for this Webinar which can be viewed here
Levelling Up - Challenging the Government attack on race and class
NEREF Event: Wednesday July 7th 2021
Please see details of the event Levelling Up Webinar. We were delighted to invite to speak John Page from the Runnymede Trust and Alice Wiseman, Director of Public Health, Gateshead. Please click for the John Page Presentation and for the Alice Wiseman Presentation.
Racism in Higher Education Webinar
NEREF Event: Wednesday 18th November 2020 1:45-4:30pm
In recent years, and accelerated by the nationwide Black Lives Matters movement, there has been growing concern within higher education about the continuing ‘whiteness ‘ of the curriculum. Even disciplines within the social sciences, which are nominally concerned with such issue as equality, poverty, social inclusion and diversity have tended to have very weak strands of work around ‘race’ and ethnicity. In the last few years however several major reports have emerged which are beginning to address this shameful gap. NEREF is convening a national webinar which will present the findings of some of these reports including the Social Policy Association’s report on the lack of a dimension of ‘race’ in most higher education teaching; the Royal Historical Society’s report on the failure of history teaching properly to address key issues such as empire, colonialism and slavery, and the Equality and Human Rights Commission report on racism in higher education. All are welcome to attend this zoom event details of which are appended but we are limiting numbers to ensure that the webinar is manageable.
Please click here to see the Anti Racism Framework
25 years on: Racism and (In)Equality since MacPherson
Neref Event: Thursday 29 November 2018
Northumbria University, Sutherland Building
This event will provided the opportunity for our members to engage in a dialogue about the impact of the MacPherson Inquiry 25 years on from the death of Stephen Lawrence and 19 years on from the publication of the MacPherson Report. We were delighted to have very distinguished guest speakers, Dr Nadia Habashi and Marsha Garrett who set the scene for participant discussion in the afternoon.
‘Working with Young People – everyday racism and the Prevent Agenda’
Tuesday 27 March 2018, Teesside University
This event provided an opportunity for our members to engage in a dialogue about the Prevent strategy, what it is, how it affects them and particularly how it affects their work and relationship with young people. We were delighted to welcome Professor Paul Thomas and Paul Giannassi, OBE (Police Superintendent, Government Lead for Hate Crime) as keynote speakers and a range of workshops aimed at providing a varied discussion to produce ideas for moving forward. Many thanks to all our Workshop Leads – Marsha Garratt, All In Youth Project (Racism, colourism and skin bleaching); Claire Rodgerson, Helen Gray and James Kingett, Show Racism the Red Card (The Routes Project: Working with young people in a pre-Prevent space) and Dr Bankole Cole, Reader, Sheffield Hallam University and Dr Nadia Habashi (Policing Young People)
Challenging Race Hate Crime Event
June 15 2017
We were delighted to host the Challenging Race Hate Crime Event on Thursday June 15th. We would like to thank the Institute for Social Renewal for supporting the event through their funding programme and also to the Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioners Office for their support. We were also delighted to have the support of Chi Onwurah MP (Newcastle Central).
Many thanks to all our speakers: Dame Vera Baird (Northumbria PCC), Dr Ian Fitzgerald, Reader, Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University, Newcastle and Professor Rafal Smoczynski, Professor, Polish Academy of Sciences, Ijjou Thompson, Diverse Women’s Network, Michelle Redfern, Community Engagement Officer, Northumbria Police, Merwa Zen, Regional Refugee Forum, North East Community Safety Working Group, Dr Rick Bowler & Dr Amina Razak, Centre of Applied Social Studies, University of Sunderland. They have allowed us to add their presentations on the website so that you can have access to them:
Merwa Zen and Georgina Fletcher, Regional Refugee Forum, North East Community Safety Working Group: Regional Refugee Forum, Action to address the distinct factors that deter Refugee and Asylum Seekers from reporting Hate
- Download Regional Refugee Forum Presentation (Download 3MB)
Dr Ian Fitzgerald, Reader, Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University Newcastle and Professor Rafal Smoczynski, Professor, Polish Academy of Sciences: Brexit and the Polish ‘community’ in the North of England
- Download Brexit and the Polish ‘community’ in the North of England presentation (Download 3MB)
Dr Rick Bowler & Dr Amina Razak, Centre of Applied Social Studies, University of Sunderland: Young People as Cultural Critics: Resisting Mono-Cultural Landscapes]
- Young People as Cultural Critics (Download 0.2MB)
For more information on Hate Crime and how to report please see the following link: https://www.northumbria.police.uk/advice_and_information/advice_for_victims_of_crime/hate_crime/types_of_hate_crime/
Ustinov Race Crime and Justice events
These events are hosted by the Ustinov College Race Crime and Justice Scholarship students (Durham University). The Scholarship was developed by Professor Maggie O'Neill and has been continued by Professor Glenn McGregor. The Scholarship students continue to remain linked to the North East Race Crime and Justice Research Network developing events in this area.
Members of the Race Crime and Justice Network have been involved in speaking at these events.
Scholarship holders include:
- 2012-2013 [year 1]. Celine Opphelder [MSc in Criminology]
- 2013-2014 -[year 2]. Jesper Pederson [PhD School of Government and International Affairs]
- 2014-2015 [year 3]. Valentina Amuso and Jason Haynes [PhD Politics/School of Government and International Affairs]
- 2015-16 [year 4]. Vicky Meaby and Raven Bowen [PhD in the School of Applied Social Sciences]
NEREF and PCC Hate Crime Conference October 2015
- 'Hate in the City': similarities and differences in third party reporting across categories of hate in Tyne and Wear.' Dr Stephen Macdonald, Dr John Clayton, Professor Catherine Donovan
- Hate Crime: To Prosecute or Not to Prosecute Caroline Airs (CPS) and Deborah Alderson
- 'Revisiting hate and integration: Reflections from critical youth work theory and practice' Rick Bowler (and Young Asian Voices Group)
- The work of the North East Race Crime and Justice Network with a specific focus on our collaborative research with women. Maggie O’Neill and Ijjou Thompson
- Disability Hate Crime Sarah Wilson, Cleveland PCC
- The Elephant and the Iceberg (Race Equality and LGBT and other equality strands). Louise Evan-Wong, LGBT Federation NE, Julia Lyford and Justine King, North East Equalities Coalition
- Prosecuting race hate crime: what can we do better Caroline Airs and Jonathan Bambro, NE CPS
Should you wish us to notify NEREF Members of an event then please contact: Jenny Johnstone, Newcastle University, email: jenny.johnstone@newcastle.ac.uk
Addressing the rise in hate crime
Within the North East region, post-industrial areas voted strongly for the UK to leave the EU. In these areas (but across the region), there has been an alarming rise in ‘race’ hate crime incidents.
Hostility has grown to those who are, or appear to be, of non-white British origin. This involves many minorities who have been born and grown up in the UK.
We've held two events:
Dame Vera Baird - Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner
“Dame Vera Baird was delighted to address Challenging Race Hate Crime. Vera re-enforced our message. It's fundamental that all victims - whoever they are - have the confidence to report hate crimes. There's no place in Northumbria for targeting someone for who or what they are. Officers will take action against anyone perpetuating this unacceptable type of behaviour. Meanwhile the police are continuing to work with key partners such as the forum. They're helping us engage with communities, listen to concerns and build a picture of hate crime.”
Nitin Shukla, Policy, Performance & Scrutiny Officer, Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner for Northumbria

Prosecuting Race Hate Crime - Dec 2016
"The forum provides a unique opportunity to reach a large number of BME groups in the North East. They can disseminate information and seek views and feedback. The event raised awareness of the CPS approach to the prosecution of hate crime. There was useful feedback on the proposed new CPS policy statement to feed into the national consultation."
Caroline Airs, Inclusion & Community Engagement Manager, CPS North East

The network and steering group
Get in touch with members of the network.
- Professor Gary Craig, Newcastle University, gary.craig@newcastle.ac.uk
- Professor Maggie O'Neill, University College Cork, email: maggie.oneill@ucc.ie
- Ms Jenny Johnstone, Newcastle University, email: jenny.johnstone@newcastle.ac.uk
- Dr Louise Wattis, Northumbria University, email: louise.wattis@northumbria.ac.uk
- Dr Carol Devanney, Teesside University, email: c.devanney@tees.ac.uk
- Professor Carlene Firmin, Durham University
We have also established a Steering Group from NEREF. We are very grateful for the support and involvement of all our Steering Group members.
- Nitin Shukla
- Nadeem Ahmad
- Marsha Garratt
- Shahda Khan
- Claire Rodgerson
- Mwenza Blell
- Rick Bowler
- Bankole Cole
We are always looking for new members so if you are interested then please contact Jenny at racecrimejustice@newcastle.ac.uk.
- Experiences of Minority Ethnic Women Defendants in English Criminal Courts
- Race, crime and justice in the North East Region
- A place called Townsville: Rural racism in a North East context
- Community safety and access to justice for refugees and asylum-seekers
- Race, crime and justice in the North East Region - Searching for Asylum - Film
- The Modern Slavery Agenda, edited by Gary Craig, University of Newcastle upon Tyne and University of York, Alex Balch, University of Liverpool, Hannah Lewis, University of Sheffield and Louise Waite, University of Leeds
Published in association with the Group
- Between destitution and a hard place (Fiona Cuthill, Omer Siddiq Abdalla and Khalid Bashir)
- Written out of the picture: child poverty and refugees (Steve Crossley and Georgina Fletcher)
Experiences of Minority Ethnic Women Defendants in English Criminal Courts
This pilot qualitative study was funded by Barrow Cadbury Trust and the Pilgrim Trust. The purpose was to look at the experiences of minority ethnic women defendants involved in, or who have been involved in, Criminal Proceedings in English Criminal Courts. The lack of knowledge of their experiences was highlighted by David Lammy in his independent review into the treatment of, and outcomes for, Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic individuals in the criminal justice system. Our research findings suggest that minority ethnic women still feel unheard, misunderstood, and excluded from criminal proceedings.

Research: directory and best practice models
As a result of the Forum Meeting in February 2016 it was decided that we would try and develop a directory of organisations that work to promote race equality in the region. In addition to identify models of best practice that these organisations are engaged with. We have developed pro-formas which have been disseminated to NEREF members and they are going through the process of completing them.
To help us with this we have, with the support of Newcastle University Law School, three students working with us over the summer undertaking various tasks. They are:
- Ewan Smith (2016) and Lucy Hodgeon (2021) who have been responsible for undertaking a scoping study of all organisations that currently exist to promote race equality in the North East.
- Chloe Abbott (2016) and Tashbir Hasan (2021) who have been looking at the incidences of hate crime post Brexit in the North East and also looking at the national picture.
- Raymond Chan (2016) and Chang Chen (2021) have been identifying organisations which have publicly available examples of best practice in responding to race equality and hate crime – both from public agencies and voluntary sector organisations.
Ewan, Chloe, Raymond were all Graduates of Newcastle Law School in 2016. Lucy and Chang graduated in 2021 from our LLM programme and Tashbir is continuing his PhD study. The Research Network and Forum are grateful to them for their hard work and input which will form the basis of future events, activities and research.
The directory will be uploaded shortly.