Mengyu Cui
Mengyu's research attempts to explain the rationales and limitations of compensation regimes for environmental damage from the perspectives of reasons for formation and effectiveness.
Project Title
Regimes of Compensation for Environmental Damage: Rationales and Choice
Sue Farran and Christine Beuermann
Cui's research examines three types of significant compensation regimes for environmental damage: the administrative method, civil suits, and a mixed method. By comparing these tools, this research attempts to explain the rationales and limitations of each regime from the perspectives of reasons for formation and effectiveness. Cui argues that both private and administrative liability have their scope and limitations. Notably, the suitability of a particular regime depends on the common law or civil law tradition, maturity of environmental law, property rights of environmental elements, and role of the judiciary in a specific jurisdiction.

Conference papers and publications
Mengyu Cui, The Application of the Conditional Administrative Act in China's Sewage Discharge Permit System: Existing Practice Analysis and Possible Legislation, (2020) 4 Graduate Law Review, 150
Jing Hu and Mengyu Cui, Feasibility Study on Responsibility Performance of Ecological Environment Restoration under Binary Litigation Mode, (2019) 6 Journal of China University of Geosciences, 13
Jing Hu and Mengyu Cui, Research on the Framework of Ecological Damage Compensation System, China Environmental News, December 29, 2019
Environmental and Natural Resources Law (MA) ,China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL) ,Beijing, China
Bachelor of Law, China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL), Beijing, China
Chinese Judicial Examination, November 2017
Law School Research group membership