Viktoriia Hamaiunova
Viktoriia's thesis focuses on the risks of violation of Article 6 of the ECHR in connection with the integration of mediation into the judicial system.
Project title
Evolution of Article 6 of the ECHR in connection with the integration of mediation into the judicial systems of the ECtHR countries.
Bryan Clark and Conall Mallory (external supervisor)
The overall objective of Hamaiunova's study is to determine what criteria currently exist for assessing the observance of the right to a fair trial under Article 6 and what criteria and tests should be introduced, reflecting the introduction of mediation into the judicial system. Her PhD project includes both issues in human rights law as well as consideration of cultural and historical issues currently affecting legal rules in this area. It explores the potential need for reform of these legal norms. Her main research interests are legal culture, human rights, ADR and justice.

Academic articles
Viktoriia Hamaiunova. Legal Position of LOS Tribunal regarding Mixed Diptutes // Technology Transfer: Innovative Solutions in Social Sciences and Humanities, 2020, p.80-83, DOI: https:// doi.org10.21303/2613- 5647.2020.001311
І.І.Коваленко, В.О.Гамаюнова. Теоретико-світоглядні засади екологічної медіації у правовиховному аспекті: до постановки питання. Вісник національного університету Юридична академія України імені Ярослава Мудрого . Серія: Філософія/ редкол.: А.П.Гетьман та ін.. – А. : Право, 2016. - №1 (28). – 234с. УДК 340. 12+1:316.3 С.128 – 135.
Viktoriia Hamaiunova. Influence of Implicit and Visible Legal Cultures on Modernisation of Judicial Systems in European Countries, Athens Journal of Law - Volume 9, Issue 4, October 2023 – Pages 653-666 (
BA Law - Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (Ukraine)
MA International Law and Human Rights - Tartu University (Estonia)
Certificate of Accreditation for Completing the PDSL Mediation Training Course including Examinable Practical and Written Assessments to the Required Standard. (Phoenix Dispute Solutions)
Law School research group membership