Zora Kizilyurek
Zora’s research focuses on how compulsory mediation could be implemented for civil and commercial cases in England and Wales.
Project title
The Compulsory Mediation Debate from the English Perspective – How Voluntary is Voluntary?
Bryan Clark and Myriam Gicquello
Compulsory mediation is one of the most controversial topics in contemporary law. The issue of whether parties of a dispute could or should be coerced into participating in mediation, through legislative framework, has been critically debated for a long time. In light of the recent developments, Zora’s research will focus on how compulsory mediation could be implemented for civil and commercial cases in England and Wales. This is intended to be carried out by considering various elements such as referral, timing, compliance and schemes types. In developing the English position, this research will draw lessons from experiences of other jurisdictions.
Newcastle University Fees Only PhD Studentship in Mediation, Civil Justice and/or ADR