Stage 1 induction
Welcome all stage 1 students
Congratulations on obtaining a place on our Law LLB degree!
The Law School induction begins on Monday 16th September 2024 and teaching will commence on the Monday the 23th September 2024.
You will find your activities and schedule for the induction week below.
This map (2.2 MB) will help you find your way to our Law School. Please see map reference number 38.
Induction timetable
The induction timetable is where you will find a breakdown of the sessions offered during induction week at Newcastle Law School. This year, it will run from Monday 16th September until Friday 20th September.
Do remember that you are expected to meet with your assigned personal tutor within the next two weeks, starting Monday 16th September.

Pre-reading list
There is no obligation to read, listen to, or watch anything in particular before you start your degree. However, if you do have a bit of time and the enthusiasm then it will certainly be worth getting your mind tuned to law.
Our suggestions here are for sources that will help you to do that. Thinking about interesting questions in law is more valuable, at this stage, than starting to read textbooks or in any other way trying to anticipate the precise topics of your first year studies. This is a long list and there is no expectation that you would consult everything on it. We share this list only to provide you with some ideas.
Other than these suggestions, it will be very valuable if you just start thinking more about what is happening around you and how it relates to the law. So, for example, keep up with the news, read a good newspaper (and any legal section in particular) and listen to some law related podcasts.
Stage 1 pre-reading list 23/24 [PDF: 132.6 kB]
Induction timetable
*Please note: all face to face start times are provisional and subject to change*
Monday 16th September - Civic Centre in-person sessions
09.30 - 10.00 BREAKFAST
10.00 - 10.20 Introduction and Welcome
10.20 - 10.40 What it means to be part of a Law Community
10.40 - 11.00 Ethics and the Legal Profession
11.00 - 11.15 BREAK
11.15 - 11.45 What is Stage 1 going to be like?
11.45 - 12.10 Roadmap for this academic year
12.10 - 12.15 Library Support - Hello!
12.15 - 13.15 LUNCH
13.15 - 13.30 Peer mentoring
13.30 - 13.45 Why you belong at Newcastle Law School
13.45 - 14.00 Next steps - your first lectures
14.00 - 16.00 Peer Mentor Meetings with your mentor (in allocated campus rooms)
Tuesday 17th September - Law School in-person sessions and Canvas online sessions
09.30 - 12.00 STAGE 1 LAW LIBRARY TOURS (Law Library - Please note: we will provide specific instructions about the Library tour groupings during your induction session)
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (Canvas Online Session)
Wellbeing (Canvas Online Session)
Student Focus: Overview of the Pastoral Systems (Canvas Online Session)
Newcastle University induction sessions (Canvas Online Session)
Wednesday 18th September - Law School in-person sessions and Canvas online sessions
09.30 - 12.00 STAGE 1 LAW LIBRARY TOURS (Law Library - Please note: we will provide specific instructions about the Library tour groupings during your induction session)
Student Community - Student Representation and Student Voice (Canvas Online Session)
Social Media and Online Safety (Canvas Online Session)
Communication: emails and office hours (Canvas Online Session)
Newcastle University induction sessions (Canvas Online Session)
Thursday 19th September - Law School in-person sessions and Canvas online sessions
09.30 - 12.00 STAGE 1 LAW LIBRARY TOURS (Law Library - Please note: we will provide specific instructions about the Library tour groupings during your induction session)
Canvas and NU Reflect (Canvas Online Session)
Zoom for Law (Canvas Online Session)
Microsoft Teams for Law (Canvas Online Session)
Newcastle University induction sessions (Canvas Online Session)
Friday 20th September - Curtis Auditorium (HERB.G CA) in-person session and Canvas online sessions
12.00 - 12.30 Induction Task Feedback Lecture
12.30 - 13.30 Learning in Lectures and Seminars
Employability and Enterprise (Canvas Online Session)
Pro Bono and Volunteering (Canvas Online Session)
Newcastle University induction sessions (Canvas Online Session)