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Inspera Grading Committees

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Inspera Digital Exams have the option to grade using a committee to divide the student's submission between academic colleagues. 

This enables graders to only assess and grade a specific set of student submissions 

The use of a grading committee in Inspera is useful for large-scale assessments, where a single marker is not evaluating all student submissions 

Benefits of Grading Committees: 

  • You can assign specific graders to specific student submissions using Grading Committees. 
  • You can create multiple committees and have multiple markers within the same committee. 
  • You can choose the number of candidates in each committee.
  • If multiple colleagues are marking within Inspera, this option helps divide the marking up by student submission within the Inspera system itself. 

Please note it is not possible to divide submissions for Markers to grade certain sections/questions of the exam. The Digital Exams Team recommend this is communicated to your Grading team.

How do I set up a grading committee?

Video demonstration of Grading Committees set up

LTDS have created a video demo that illustrates setting up a Grading Committee for a manually marked Inspera exam.