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NEW: A vision for education and skills at Newcastle University: Education for Life 2030+


  • Rather than displaying raw data, NULA processes data into Metrics, which are scores out of 100.
  • Currently, students will receive 3 metrics for each module they are studying: one for attendance, one for Canvas engagement and one for submitted work.
  • Each metric is calculated in a slightly different manner and examples of these calculations can be found below.
  • Note that data is calculated over a two week period to give timely insights into a student's engagement.


The attendance metric is calculated as the percentage of attended/excused absences out of the total possible attendance over the last 2 weeks.

For example:

StudentAttendedAbsentExcused AbsenceExpected to attendMetric
A 3 5 2 10 50%
B 5 0 0 5 100%
C 8 0 2 10 100%
D 20 0 0 20 100%
E 20 5 0 25 80%


The Canvas engagement metrics are calculated as a percentage of the median engagment of students studying the same module in the same academic year.

The Canvas engagement metrics use engagement data from the last 2 weeks.


For example:

  • We have 10 students and their number of engagement activities for a particular Canvas module shown on the right.
  • The median is 62.5, halfway between 50 and 75, and the metric for each student is then calculated as a percentage of this median value.
  • Any student whose engagement meets or exceeds the average is given a metric value of 100.




StudentNo of Canvas ActivitiesMetric
A 10 16
B 20 32
C 30 48
D 30 48
E 50 80
F 75 100
G 100 100
H 100 100
I 200 100
J 400 100


For Submissions, the metric is calculated as the number of on time submissions + number of late submissions halved and then divided the the total number of expected submissions (the number of assignments) and then turned into a percentage.

On time + Late x 0.5

Number of assignments

Note if there are any non submissions then the metric is halved again.

The submissions metric uses submissions from the last 2 weeks.

For example:

We have the submission data for 5 students over the last 2 weeks show below.

StudentOn TimeLateNon SubmissionExpectedMetric
A 1 1 1 3 25%
B 1 2 0 3 67%
C 1 0 0 1 100%
D 0 0 1 1 0%
E 10 0 1 11 45%