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Open Badges

NEW: A vision for education and skills at Newcastle University: Education for Life 2030+

Open Badges

Open badges are digital badges which show a range of learning achievements. You can share them on social media and employability websites such as LinkedIn.

Open badges:

  • Indicate an accomplishment or skill
  • Include metadata held within the badge that has information about the awarding institution and the criteria for achieving the badge

Open Badges at Newcastle University

We offer a wide variety of Open Badges at Newcastle University. Some are school-specific, whereas others can be awarded more broadly across the university. Examples include:

Open Badge Sample

Data Innovation Bootcamp

Open Badge Sample

In-Sessional Academic Language and Literacy

Open Badge Sample

NCL+ Advanced Award in Leadership

Developing an extra-curricular Open Badge at Newcastle

If you have an idea for an extra-curricular Open Badge we would like to hear your proposal. It is important that badges awarded by Newcastle University have value, and are difficult to achieve.

Please consider the following when developing your badge:

  • Developing criteria that each student should achieve before being awarded a badge
  • Identifying what assessment will determine achievement of the badge and who will carry out the assessment

Application process

  1. Complete the open badge application form and send it to
  2. LTDS consider the application and complete a supporting statement
  3. The Student Experience Sub-Committee consider the full application
  4. If approved LTDS set up the badge on Open Badge Factory
  5. You manage the assessment process and confirm which students who should be awarded the badge
  6. Schools or Services can administer the awarding of badges to successful students via NU Reflect