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Core features in Placements

NEW: A vision for education and skills at Newcastle University: Education for Life 2030+

The following are the core features of the Placements system. Programmes currently using the system can request additional features to enhance their placement provision.

For a list of all features within the system, please access the Placements system overview.

Custom forms  Manage/create custom forms for a placement scheme 

The ability to develop context specific bespoke forms for student completion in line with programme requirements, supporting a range of functions e.g., assessment, reflection, placement evaluation etc. 

Automated deadlines set relative to placement start/end dates

Rubric-based assessment 

Including scheme-specific skills/competencies and level identifiers 

View a Rubric-based assessment example here

The ability to assess student work against skills/competencies in line with programme context 
Three-way file sharing  Between student, external supervisor & University tutor  The ability to share forms with relevant users to support scheme requirements 
Competency sign-off  Sign-off of skills/competencies/ outcomes, including by external supervisors  To support sign-off by external supervisors and other third parties
Reporting  Data feeds or data download  Required for reporting to funding/regulatory bodies 
Admin access  Tools to monitor placement cohort/assign to placement, location & supervisor etc. Set automated deadlines relative to placement dates Scheme specific control to amend information as/when required, delegated to school/programme teams 

Feature request process

If you would like to request new features in the Placements system to enhance your placement provision this will be considered by the Placements management group. Cost/resource estimates for new features and enhancements can be provided, with the following considerations:

  • Requests are to be made by May for work to be undertaken during the next academic year.
  • Requests which have wider applicability and benefit to other programmes are more likely to be accepted.
  • We reserve the right to reject requests if developments are counter to the wider interests of existing users, or if development capacity is limited.