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Events & Conferences

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Using ReCap for events and conferences

ReCap can be used to record presentations delivered during conferences and events held within the University. If you would like to explore recording your own event or conference then please read the information below.

Things to Consider

  • Only current members of university staff can make bookings as a username and password is required. External event organisers MUST arrange and liaise via a university point of contact.
  • It is your responsibility to ensure that all speakers have given advance consent for their talks to be recorded.
  • ReCap will only record digital content from devices connected to the audio-visual system and the voice of the presenter - it WILL NOT record actual video (i.e. talking heads) of the presenter.
  • By default recordings will be available to view without the need to log in, meaning that anyone with the link could potentially watch your recording. If your audience is restricted to university staff or students only we can add authentication groups. Please include any specific authentication requirements within the booking request form.

Request Process

To request use of ReCap for your event or conference please complete our booking request form in advance. Note that we require a minimum of 10 working days to process your request.

Recordings will be scheduled as a minimum of one hour and a maximum of four hour sessions, dependent on your event programme. You will receive an email confirming your request has been scheduled, and afterwards links to your recordings.

In-venue Functionality

On the day of your event you will not need to do anything relating to the ReCap recording as it will start and finish automatically at the requested time in the requested venue. There is limited functionality via the presenter PC enabling you to start your recording early, pause it mid-presentation or stop it early if required.

Post Recording and File Retention
  • Once the recording stops it will automatically upload to our servers and be available for you to view within 24 hours.
  • If you wish to edit your ReCap recording then please see these user guides. Note that whilst we are happy to assist you in understanding the edit functionality, unfortunately we do not have the resource to edit the recordings for you.
  • When you made the booking you will have stated the distribution method; you will therefore be able to distribute a URL or the embed code to include the recordings in your website if required.
  • Recordings will be available to view on our servers for one year. Should you require them to be available for longer than this period you will need to download and host via your own infrastructure.