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PCap Updates

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Now that the ReCap service has successfully migrated to the cloud, you may need to update PCap to the latest version. If your PCap application has not updated you will see this message when trying to log in:

'Panopto requires a licence, but the selected server has no licences available'

 You will not be able to log in and record until the application is updated to the current version. There are two ways to action this, dependent on whether your computer is a personal laptop or a managed machine.


Updating to the current version on a Personal Laptop

  • Log into the ReCap service via
  • Click on the create button in the top left of the user interface
  • From the options available, select the top option 'Panopto for Windows'
  • Select 'Launch Panopto'

This action will launch the application and you will be prompted to update the application. 


Updating to the current version on a Managed Machine

  • From the start menu on your desktop, search for 'Software Center' and open it
  • In Software Center, under applications, click on 'PCap Recorder'
  • Click Install