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Presentations and video assessments

NEW: A vision for education and skills at Newcastle University: Education for Life 2030+

Live Presentations

  • Students can deliver individual or group presentations live during  online synchronous sessions in Zoom or Teams as part of your assessment. Consider:  

    • Do your students normally present to other students as well as to you, and are the other students required to ask questions?  
    • How will questions and dialogues be facilitated?  
    • Is this accessible to all students? Consider those with limited technology (mobile phones) or faulty technology (poor internet), students in different time zones, or students with SSPs (Student Support Plans).  The guidance onconsiderations for teaching and studying with poor internetmay be helpful.  
    • How do you normally provide feedback?  
    • How can summative presentations be recorded for second marking or moderation? Could formative presentations benefit from recording?  
    • How are auxiliary materials submitted?  
  • Assessing online presentation 

Watching each other’s presentation provided a mutual learning opportunity and the marking criteria were shared with the students to enable a differentiated understanding of the grade.

Dr Jessica Komes on assessing students via peer-reviewed video presentations

Video assessments and recorded presentations

You can ask students to record and submit a video for assessment, which may be a recorded alternative to a live presentation, or another type of video content. 

There are a number of options available.  The information below is designed to help you decide on the most appropriate method for students to create their recordings, and on the best option to manage the submission and marking.