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Editing Videos

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Editing Videos

Once you have recorded a new video, you'll likely want to edit it. Video editing software allows you to cut and arrange parts of your video to give it a better flow, and add effects to enhance the content.

Recommended Editing Software


Simple edits, like removing unnecessary pauses or errors, can be easily done through ReCap.

However, there may be times you would like to make more advanced edits, such as combining recordings, adding text and images, or applying video transitions, which are out of ReCap's scope. 

Apple iMovie

Apple devices have access to iMovie, a more-advanced video editor which makes editing easy through its simple interface and navigation. With iMovie, you can trim and merge video files, add transitions and titles, and apply basic colour correction to your recordings.

You can download this to your Apple devices via the App Store, if not already installed.


Shotcut is a free and open-source video editor which allows you to trim and merge your recordings, and add subtitles, text and images to your video. Like iMovie, Shotcut also makes it possible to edit things like lighting, as well as adding video transitions and effects. 

You can download and install Shotcut on your computer by visiting their website. 

Editing Software Options

Which video editor is right for you and your project? There are many tools to choose from with many of the same features, though they differ in cost and learning time. To help you choose the best one for you, we have compiled a list of available editors and their capabilities into one handy table for comparison. 

Please note, this information was last updated in October 2023. Some features may have since been added to these video editors. 


Can my video editor...




Record in-app? ✓ 
Top and tail recordings? ✓  ✓  ✓  ✓  ✓ 
Delete unwanted sections? ✓  ✓  ✓  ✓  ✓  ✓ 
Add automatic captions? ✓      ✓  ✓  ✓ 
Merge / combine recordings?  ✓*  ✓  ✓  ✓  ✓  ✓ 
Add titles and text?     ✓  ✓  ✓  ✓ 
Edit lighting / add filters?       ✓ 
Apply video transitions?      ✓  ✓ 
Be used on desktop?  ✓  ✓ ✓     ✓**      ✓***  ✓ 
Be used on mobile / tablet?   ✓    ✓  ✓   ✓        ✓***  ✓ 

* Technically possible but not advisable.

** Free version limited to three exports, but unlimited when editing via mobile or tablet. 

*** Can only be used on Apple devices. 


In most cases, you will find ReCap to be the best choice for simple editing tasks. If you are looking for more features, then Shotcut and iMovie are recommended. If you require an advanced video editor, then we recommend DaVinci Resolve, Final Cut Pro or Adobe Premier Pro. Please note these editors often come with a steep learning curve and require systems with high processing power. 

Editing basics

Editing can be a time-consuming task, so it is always best to try and capture your video right first time. Plan what you want your video to look like before you start, consider writing a script or outline, have everything to hand before you press record, and practice practice practice your delivery.

The following list outlines some of the most popular types of video edit. However, remember that most videos do not have to be perfect! Small errors, pauses or stumbles are very rarely a problem. Rather than spend a long time editing a video or creating recording after recording looking for the perfect take, be happy with the odd error and move on - small hiccups are fine and even tend to add a sense of authenticity and realism to your content.

Exporting videos

If you use ReCap, your videos will automatically be available to share directly in Canvas. However, if you want to edit your videos in a more advanced editing tool, you will need to export or download first - and then reupload later.

The most common and recommended video formats, especially for online videos, are MP4 (H.264) and MOV. Exported files will have an .mp4 or .mov file extension respectively when saved. 

For advanced video editing software, when you export a video, you may need to set a number of export parameters; these are described below along with recommended settings.