Introduction to Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
NEW: A vision for education and skills at Newcastle University: Education for Life 2030+
Introduction to Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (ILTHE) is a blended learning provision that provides an opportunity for those with no or very limited teaching experience to explore some of the main ideas and issues relating to learning and teaching in Higher Education in a supportive environment.
It aims to provide participants with the necessary practical skills and knowledge to enable them to begin teaching and supporting learning at Newcastle University with confidence and enthusiasm.
ILTHE consists of online learning materials and a face-to-face workshop. The online learning materials are available via Canvas and must be completed before attending the workshop.
Graphics: Storyset
The workshop improved my teaching skills and clarified some of the requirements of teaching in higher education
There are both immediate and longer terms benefits for participants who fully attend the workshop.
After completion of ILTHE participants will:
- Be able to facilitate seminar discussions or demonstration sessions
- Understand some issues relating to student assessment
- Be aware of the research basis for the techniques in which they have been trained
- Better understand their role in respect of pastoral and other duties, quality assurance and enhancement, and of appropriate professional behaviour
- Be able to use reflective processes to evaluate and develop their teaching
- Be orientated in Teaching and Learning at Newcastle University
ILTHE can also help develop a range of communication skills.
Teaching and Supporting Learning at Newcastle University
Full attendance of the ILTHE workshop makes participants eligible to teach (leading seminars, fieldwork, demonstrating and assessing student work) at Newcastle University.
Postgraduate Researcher Development
Both the SAgE and HASS PostGraduate Researcher Development Programmes (PGRDP) have mapped the ILTHE workshop onto the Researcher Development Framework.
The SAgE PostGraduate Researcher Development Programme (PGRDP) currently allocates programme credits to the ILTHE workshop.
Please see individual faculty handbooks for further information.
Participants can use NU Reflect to record and reflect on their attendance of the ILTHE workshop and share their experiences and progress afterwards.
ILTHE has two parts. Part 1 is an online Canvas course which lays the foundation for Part 2 an in-person workshop. This interactive workshop provides an opportunity for participants to explore and enhance their understanding of Higher Education as presented in the Canvas course and associated reading materials with their peers. It aims to provide participants with the necessary practical skills and knowledge to enable them to begin teaching and supporting learning at Newcastle University with confidence and enthusiasm.
The Canvas online material should be worked through first before attending the workshop.
Once completed, ILTHE will make participants eligible to teach at Newcastle University even if the nature of this teaching should change in the future.
Workshops run regularly throughout the academic year.
Topics and Activities
Participants are expected to actively engage in activities and discussions on a number of topics, including:
- your role in teaching students
- developing and understanding student learning and the diversity of student needs
- teaching small groups, and using questioning and discussion
- the skills of demonstrating and supporting students’ learning in laboratories
- some principles of assessing learning
- using e-learning technologies to enhance teaching
- ideas for evaluating and enhancing your teaching
Participants will be expected to prepare a 5 minute microteach before the workshop and will deliver this to a small group of peers during the workshop.
Assessment and Credits
The ILTHE workshop is not formally assessed and thus carries no academic credit itself. Participants receive a certificate for full attendance.
Note: The SAgE Postgraduate Researcher Development Programme (PGRDP) currently allocates programme credits to the ILTHE workshop, while HASS allocates programme hours.
The ILTHE is suitable for:
- PhD students who teach or demonstrate
- Postdoctoral research staff with teaching or marking duties
- Other staff involved with learning and teaching, such as technicians
Note: It is possible to be exempted from attending this workshop if you have sufficient previous experience and/ or qualifications. Postgraduate Deans are responsible for granting and keeping a record of individual exemptions for postgraduates from University training, based on agreed criteria outlined in the Postgraduates who Teach Policy. Please contact your Postgraduate Dean in the first instance.
How to Apply
Online Materials
The online learning materials are available via Canvas and must be completed before undertaking the ILTHE workshop.
To access the online components of ILTHE:
- Use this self-enrol link to Canvas (or copy and paste this link-
- Log in using your Newcastle University credentials.
- Click the ‘Enrol in the Course’ button.
Introduction to Learning and Teaching in Higher Education should now appear in your list of courses (this list is accessed through the ‘Courses’ tab in the left-hand sidebar).
Workshop Sign-Up
You can view available dates for the ILTHE workshop and reserve your place through NCL Workshop Booking.
Please let us know now if you have any individual needs regarding access, mobility, communication or workshop materials as soon as possible. If you have a Student Support Plan (SSP) from the Student Wellbeing Service which identifies one of more specific learning difficulties it would be helpful to inform us and provide your consent for us to talk to Student Wellbeing about your circumstances.
The ILTHE is supported by a small and experienced team in the Learning and Teaching Development Service.
- Simon Jones-Anderson is the Programme Administrator and first point of contact for queries.
- Dangeni and Rebecca Gill in the Academic Practice team and a wider team in LTDS share the delivery of the ILTHE workshops.