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Newcastle Educational Practice Scheme (NEPS)

NEW: A vision for education and skills at Newcastle University: Education for Life 2030+

About NEPS

Newcastle Educational Practice Scheme (NEPS) is a supportive and personalised route to Fellowship of Advance HE. It provides new staff without a teaching qualification, with the knowledge and skills they need to enhance their teaching/support of learning and be able to make a successful claim for Fellowship (D2) of Advance HE. The scheme includes a two-day Introduction to NEPS event, core and elective units and blended learning materials. The route through the scheme is fully supported by a mentor and the Academic Practice Team.

Introduction to NEPS

The first step on the NEPS pathway is a two-day Introduction to NEPS event. This is open to all new staff who support learning and teaching to introduce them to learning and teaching at Newcastle.  Introduction to NEPS enables participants to begin to think about their own practice and to build networks with colleagues across disciplines. During the event we will explain how the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) is part of NEPS and of your application for Fellowship.

Introduction to NEPS is in-person event scheduled in September and January.

The Core and Elective Units

As everyone's teaching role is different, we have developed a suite of short units of learning, each with a workshop and blended materials to support you. Each unit addresses specific aspects of supporting learning and teaching and links to the Newcastle context. Together with your Mentor, you will consider your role and its requirements, which of these units are appropriate for you and how they will fit into your other commitments and agree a Development Needs Analysis. Each unit will run 3 or 4 times a year and at least one of the workshops will be a webinar, rather than face to face.

Benefits of NEPS

  • Gain Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy
  • Establish networks with colleagues across disciplines and campuses
  • Consolidate evidence of professional development
  • Align your learning and teaching practice with the UKPSF
  • Develop new skills and approaches to enhance your teaching practice
  • Have the support of an experienced colleague as a Mentor
  • Have a personalised, bespoke route through the scheme which is tailored to what you need
  • Flexibility in dates and times of the workshops and webinars