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HEA Fellowship

UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF)

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About HEA Fellowship (UKPSF)

Accredited by Advance HE, the UK Professional Standards Framework Continuing Professional Development (UKPSF CPD) Scheme provides routes to recognition as Associate Fellow (UKPSF Descriptor 1), Fellow (UKPSF Descriptor 2), and Senior Fellow (UKPSF Descriptor 3) of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) through one academic Masters level programme route, two mentor supported routes, and a route to support Post-graduate researchers (PGRs). Though not part of the Scheme, we also support direct applications to Advance HE for Principal Fellowship (Descriptor 4) - see below. The basis for all routes is the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) which outlines the criteria you must meet to be awarded recognition.
UKPSF CPD Framework at Newcastle University
For Route Supported by Recognition Categories Award
PGRs  ELTS  Workshops and group support sessions  Associate Fellow (AFHEA)  Single recognition panel ratifies award of D1, D2 and D3 
Clinical and academic staff in medicine  CME  (CME graduates follow Experiential Route) 
Experienced in teaching  Experiential  Workshop and mentor support  Associate Fellow (AFHEA), Fellow (FHEA) or Senior Fellow (SFHEA) 
New to teaching at Newcastle University  NEPS  Blended learning units and mentor support  Fellowship (FHEA)

ELTS  Evidencing Learning and Teaching Skills; CME – Certificate in Medical Education; NEPS – Newcastle Educational Practice Scheme

Through the Advance HE accredited Scheme, we support all those who teach and support learning in the development of their pedagogic practice.

We recognise that there is a diverse range of teaching roles and environments in which staff work and the UKPSF CPD Scheme is open to all staff involved in these activities including PhD students and Research Associates who teach or demonstrate, and professional services staff (e.g. Library, Technical and Careers Service).

Gaining recognition through the UKPSF CPD Scheme is free for Newcastle University colleagues.

Recognition categories

Descriptor 1 (Associate Fellow)Descriptor 2 (Fellow)Descriptor 3 (Senior Fellow)
Relevant to those who do not engage in the full spectrum of activities that might define academic or academic related practice, but who have a specific role in teaching and supporting HE learning. Reflects main grade teaching responsibilities and is the expected descriptor for all staff who undertake substantive teaching as part of their role. Relevant to those who can demonstrate a sustained record of effectiveness and evidence of supporting others in learning and teaching.
Descriptor 4 (Principal Fellow)
The University will support you in your direct application for Principal Fellow (D4) to Advance HE by bearing the cost of the application and holding occasional workshops to guide you through the application process. Find out more about applying for Principal Fellowship.