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Educational Challenge Areas

NEW: A vision for education and skills at Newcastle University: Education for Life 2030+

The Educational Challenge Areas consist of a series of initiatives designed to foster collaboration among colleagues and facilitate the exchange of ideas and the development of new approaches to the University’s education provision. Our University Executive Board identified four areas of focus, each of which involve a degree of interdisciplinarity.

Strategic Importance

As part of our education strategy, we need to ensure that our programmes are fit for the future and research-enriched so we can attract the very best students from all over the world.

We are doing this in several ways. One of which is ‘fit for the future in the way that we deliver and the students we attract’, whether that be through more flexible offerings such as the development of our online flexible Data Sciences masters programmes or helping to develop regional, national and international skills through our degree apprenticeship route in Electrification.

Interdisciplinary developments in Climate Change and Sustainability and Drug Discovery and Medicinal Chemistry will continue to strengthen our research enriched educational offer.

We need to continuously develop a global learning experience that provides our students with the skills to thrive and act in an interconnected world and the Educational Challenge Areas are part of that commitment. Please do get in touch if you have new ideas that could be taken forwards.

Professor Ruth Valentine (Pro-Vice-Chancellor Education) and Professor Richard Davies (Pro-Vice Chancellor Global)

Educational Challenge Areas

Each of the Educational Challenge Areas also spans the four key University strategies (Education, Global, Research, and Engagement and Place), and advances how we deliver our educational provision through new and different modes of delivery.