Staff Profiles
NEW: A vision for education and skills at Newcastle University: Education for Life 2030+
Dr Karen Laing
Principal Research Associate
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 5719
- Address: Room 2.58
School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences
King George VI Building
Newcastle University
Queen Victoria Road
Newcastle Upon Tyne
I am Principal Research Associate and Co-Director of the Centre for Learning and Teaching. My work centres around conducting research that aims to make a difference to the lives of vulnerable children, young people and families. This includes specialising in how different professionals work together to deliver services and opportunities for children (particularly involving schools), the participation of young people in research, interventions and social justice. I also work within the Inclusive Newcastle Knowledge Centre to tackle inequities for Newcastle students in terms of access, success and progression.
Methodologically, I am developing new ways of using theory-based methodologies (theory of change) in project development and evaluation, and incorporating visual and participatory methods. Theoretically, I am influenced by the ideas of Paulo Freire and Anne Edwards among others. My PhD focused on developing a critical pedagogy for undertaking activist research.
I have a keen interest in co-creation, and of the processes involved in stimulating change from research. I sit on the Social Justice Advisory Group, working to encourage engagement with the university by those living and working in the region and beyond. In addition, I am founder of a local charity, the Newcastle West End Children's Community, which is a comprehensive community initiative led by educational institutions to bring together local people and organisations to address poverty and enhance children's life-chances, acting from pre-cradle to career and across all aspects of children's lives.
Two new co-authored reports:
Todd L, Pini S, Mathai M, Wood M, et al. Building the foundations of a new ‘Sure Start’: An evidence-based plan for connecting and coordinating support and services for children and families in and around schools. Manchester: N8 Child of the North, Health Equity North, Centre for Young Lives, 2024.
Ayadurai, C., Todd, L. et al. An evidence-based plan for addressing poverty with and through education settings. Manchester: N8 Child of the North, Health Equity North, Centre for Young Lives, 2024.
Conference papers since 2015
Laing, K., Thomas, U., Tiplady, L. and Todd, L. (2024) Partnership to tackle the effects of socio-economic inequality on children's experiences of school, European Conference on Educational Research, Symposium, 27-30 August, Nicosia: Cyprus.
Brown, M and Laing, K. (2024) Impact of Early Childhood Education in Students' Basic Skills: A scoping review, European Conference on Educational Research, Symposium, 27-30 August, Nicosia: Cyprus.
Kerr, K., Laing, K. and Todd, L. (2024) Promoting equity through Comprehensive Community Initiatives in England, The Spatial Turn for Equitable Inclusive Systems in Education, Symposium, 5-6 June 2024, Dublin.
Laing, K. (2023) Developing a Model of Co-learning for Activist Research-Practice Partnerships, European Conference on Educational Research, 22-25 August 2023, Glasgow: UK.
Laing, K. and Todd, L. (2022) Partnerships to Tackle Educational Disadvantage: A Risky Business? European Conference on Educational Research, 23-25 August 2022, Yerevan: Armenia.
Boulton, C., Douglas-Dodd, K., Laing, K., Razak, A., Shaw, A. and Todd, L. (2022) ‘Using theory of change as a framework for stimulating and evaluating change’. Symposium: Reimagining the inclusive university, British Educational Research Association Conference, 6-8 September 2022, Liverpool: UK.
Douglas-Dodd, K., Laing, K., Razak, A., Shaw, A. and Todd, L. ‘Narrowing the Awarding Gap between Black and white (home) students in Engineering’, British Educational Research Association Conference, 13-16 September 2021, (online).
Laing, K. and Todd, L. ‘Developing a Children’s Community in Partnership’ European Conference on Educational Research, 6-10 September 2021, Geneva (online).
Clark, J., Laing, K., Woolner, P., Thomas, U. and Tiplady, L. ‘Using Co-production In Research: Challenges and Opportunities’, European Conference on Educational Research, 3-6 September 2019, Hamburg: Germany.
Laing, K. (2018) ‘Working with young people in research’, Youth Summer School, Groningen University.
Bertova, M. and Laing, K. (2018) ‘Communication and design principles for the co-creation of impact’, CO-CREaction Summit, in Barcelona, Spain.
Clark, J. and Laing, K, (2018) ‘Residential as research method: research co-creation with young women’, British Educational Research Association Conference, 11-13 September 2018, Northumbria University, Newcastle: UK.
Clark, J. and Laing, K, (2018) Residential as research method: research co-creation with young women, CfLaT Research Showcase, 27th September, Newcastle University.
Laing, K. and Hasenfuss, J. ‘Tales from ACCOMPLISSH’, UK Knowledge Mobilisation Forum, 7th-8th March 2018, Bristol: UK.
Laing, K. and Hasenfuss, J. ‘Tales from ACCOMPLISSH’, NCPPE ENGAGE Conference, December 2017, Bristol: UK.
Laing, K., Hasenfuss, J. and Hansen, S. ‘Developing a culture of partnership working’, ACSIS 2017 ACCOMPLISSH Co-creation and Social Innovation Summit, Tallinn: Estonia.
Laing, K. (2017) Children’s Communities: a model for creating resilient communities, Blackpool Resilience Forum, 2017.
Laing, K. and Todd, L. (2017) ‘Pedagogies of knowledge exchange. What happens when university researchers engage with individuals working in educational contexts in order to learn from each other with the aim of creating new knowledge?’ Learning for Change: researching pedagogies, BERA PRESIDENT’S ROUNDTABLE SEMINAR SERIES
Todd, L., Laing, K. and Mazzoli Smith L. (2017) ‘Community Led Educational Reform: looking at school engagement, out of school activities, co-defining a future and responding to poverty’, European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) Conference, 29 Aug – 2 September 2017, Tampere: Finland.
Kerr, K. and Laing, K. ‘Evaluating impact of area-based partnerships using theory of change’, Community Network UK Conference, 7th July 2017, Manchester: UK.
Laing, K. ‘Principles for promoting the impact of SSH research by co-creation: key issues in research design and communication’ H2020 ACCOMPLISSH dialogue platform, 29-30 May 2017, Zagreb: Croatia.
Clark, J. and Laing, K. ‘Making connections: Theory and practice of using visual methods to aid participation in research’, Youth Matters: Moving from the Margins, Newcastle University, 8-9th June 2016.
Laing, K. and Clark, J. ‘Capacity building in research skills and methods: Involving young people as agents of change’, British Educational Research Association Conference, 13th – 15th September 2016, Leeds: UK.
Laing, K. ‘Understanding the relationship between out of school activities and attainment’, British Educational Research Association Conference, 13th – 15th September 2016, Leeds: UK.
Laing, K., Mazzoli Smith, L., and Todd, L. ‘Out of school hours activities: looking at school staff, parent and pupil meanings and theories’, British Educational Research Association Conference, 13th – 15th September 2016, Leeds: UK.
Clark, J. and Laing, K. ‘Working with young people around crime and anti-social behaviour: exploring the capacity for change in their communities’, North East Crime Research Network Conference, Northumbria University, 7th April 2016.
Shucksmith, M and Laing, K. ‘Research design and communication for impact’, H2020 ACCOMPLISSH dialogue platform 2016, Groningen University: Netherlands.
Laing, K., Mazzoli Smith, L. and Todd, L. ‘Out of school activities and the education gap’, European Conference on Educational Research, 23-26 August 2016, Dublin: Ireland.
Laing, K. and Lofthouse, R. ‘The role of models as tools in the ecology of research and practice partnerships’, European Conference on Educational Research, 23-26 August 2016, Dublin: Ireland.
Clark, J., Laing, K., Todd, L., Woolner, P., Thomas, U. and Tiplady, L. ‘Using a Theory of Change to Evaluate Complex Initiatives: Theory and practice’, Innovation session at the British Educational Research Association Conference, 15-17 September 2015, Belfast, UK.
Laing, K. and Todd, L. ‘Co-producing Evaluation – The Contribution of Theory-based Methods’, European Conference on Educational Research, 8-11 September 2015, Budapest, Hungary.
Laing, K. and Todd, L. ‘Unequal Access to Out of School Activities and the Education Gap’, European Conference on Educational Research, 8-11 September 2015, Budapest, Hungary.
Todd, L. and Laing, K. ‘Engaging educational researchers in the pursuit of social justice for children and young people’, American Association of Educational Research (AERA), 16-20 April 2015, Chicago: Illinois.
Current research projects:
Social action for social justice: Children and young people making a difference (NU)
Evaluating NU Access and Participation Plan (Newcastle University)
Newcastle West End Children's Community (various funders. Involving multiple organisations, and close collaboration with the West End Schools Trust, Newcastle City Council, Children North East, Action for Children, Ways to Wellness)
‘Belonging’ at university? A participatory study of students’ experiences of inclusion within HE spaces (NU)
Previous research projects:
Evaluating the Cost of the School Day (Child Poverty Action Group)
Evaluating place-based initiatives (Leading Link/Northumberland County Council)
Partnership working in a Children's Community: Young in Wallsend (Wallsend Action for Youth).
The Good Education project. Using parent power to stimulate change (Newcastle University).
Developing tools for co-creation (in collaboration with colleagues from FMS, APL, and Carnegie UK Trust, Newcastle City Council, Federation of Small Businesses, Children North East and Success4All) (NISR/FIF)
Evaluating In Harmony music provision in schools (Sage Gateshead/ Arts Council)
Encouraging Early Permanence change processes (with GPS) (After Adoption/Barnardo's)
H2020 MyCorridor: Youth and travel (in collaboration with colleagues in SAGE and CREA, Barcelona) (Horizon 2020)
H2020 ACCOMPLISSH: Principles in designing co-creation for research impact/ The role of the knowledge broker (in collaboration with Newcastle City Council, Federation of Small Businesses, Children North East, colleagues from FMS and APL, and universities in 12 European countries) (Horizon 2020)
Evaluation of Pathways to Creativity (Little Big Butterfly)
Knowledge Exchange secondment with Wallsend Action for Youth (ESRC IAA)
Changing Stories (ESRC IAA)
Developing a theory of change and evaluation plan for Blackpool HeadStart (Blackpool Council)
Organisational review of Wallsend Action for Youth (WAfY)
Evaluation of InHarmony (Sage Gateshead)
Developing a new model of Video Interaction Guidance (VIG) for Blackpool (NSPCC)
Youth Participation in Council Services (Northumberland County Council)
Evaluation of Gateshead MASH (Gateshead Council)
Evaluation of Thinking Differently (young people's role in alcohol reduction projects in Scotland) (Joseph Rowntree Foundation)
Evaluation of MPACT in schools (intervention for families affected by substance misuse) (Comic Relief/Royal Foundation)
Out of school activities and the education gap (Nuffield Foundation)
Building a Children's Community in Newcastle West - a feasibility study (Children NorthEast)
Choices Together - Widening Participation for Looked After Children (Catherine Cookson Foundation)
Young people's Views of Fairness in Education (NISR)
Supporting aphasia (Catherine Cookson Foundation)
Language for All: Understanding the multi-agency pathway for children with speech, language and communication needs (North Tynesdie Council)
Evaluation of the Pupil Premium (DfE)
Narrowing the Gap: Technology enhanced learning initiatives
Evaluation of the Diamond model: co-production of services (ILG)
Links into Language: Evaluation of projects to encourage language acquisition
Review of Fairness in Education (ILG)
The participation of children and young people in research (AHRC)
A review of research of interventions in aspirations and attitudes: influencing educational attainment (Joseph Rowntree Foundation)
Evaluation of Sub 21 alcohol prevention project (Mentor UK)
Just for A Laugh Evaluation of Alcohol Education (Mentor UK)
Evaluation of the Disadvantage Subsidy in Somerset and Wiltshire
National Evaluation of Extended Schools (DfE)
National Evaluation of the Disadvantage Subsidy (DfE)
Understanding Child Contact in Scottish Courts (Scottish Executive).
National Evaluation of Budget-holding Lead Professionals for Children in Care (DCSF).
National Evaluation of Family Pathfinders with York Consulting (DCSF)
Understanding the needs of adults, particularly parents, for relationship support (DCSF)
The evaluation of Information Meetings and Associated Provisions under the Family Law Act 1996 (Funder - Lord Chancellors Dept.).
Two Years On - A follow-up study of those attending an Information Meeting under the Family Law Act 1996 (Dept. for Constitutional Affairs).
Work to support the evaluation of 'On Track' - developing a guide to assessing children at risk of offending behaviour (Home Office).
Dysfunctional Families: A web-based toolkit for Crime Reduction Partnerships (Home Office).
Risk, resilience and diversity: Pathways into and out of crime – Prisoners Families (ESRC Priority Network).
Parenting under Pressure: Prison - An evaluation of a book about the family relationships of prisoners in collaboration with Young Voice (Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund)
National evaluation of Youth Inclusion and Support Panels (Dept.for Education and Skills).
National evaluation of Family Group Conferencing (Youth Justice Board).
National evaluation of Family Advice and Information Services (Legal Services Commission).
National Evaluation of Budget-holding Lead Professionals (Dept for Education and Skills).
I am currently teaching on research methods modules for postgraduate students in the school of ECLS.
I also contribute to the HASS PGR Training Course, and the Nine DTP Visual Methods Course.
Student supervision:
Sam Robson: How can different organisations work more effectively together to improve educational outcomes for children in Newcastle’s West End Children’s Community? (current EdD)
David Pearce (current EdD)
Lee Robinson: The motivations and aspirations of level 1 learners in North East England (EdD 2023)
Raychel Johnson: Exploring the experiences of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic students studying in a predominantly White academic space (DAppEdPsych 2022)
Zoe Whitby An exploration of the experiences of children and young people (CYP) considered to have additional educational needs (AEN) in taking part in decision making processes in an English educational context (DAppEdPsych 2021)
Helen Owen-Hughes The inclusion of refugee and asylum-seeking children in UK schools: Exploring the perspectives of educational professionals (DAppEdPsych 2019)
Helen Woodley "That’s me when I am angry”: seeking the authentic voices of pupils and teachers from inside a Pupil Referral Unit through autoethnography (EdD 2016)
Jill Henderson Primary to Secondary School Transition: Personal and critical reflections arising from co-research (EdD 2011)
- Laing K, Thomas U, Tiplady L, Todd L. Partnerships to tackle the effects of socio-economic inequality on children's experiences of school. European Educational Research Journal 2025. In Press.
- Laing K. Democratising evaluation: The contribution of a 'synergic theory of change' approach. Research for All 2022, 6(1), 8.
- Casadó RC, Golightly D, Laing K, Palacin R, Todd L. Children, Young people and Mobility as a Service: Opportunities and barriers for future mobility. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 2020, 4, 100107.
- Laing K, Mazzoli Smith L, Todd L. Using the concept of relational justice to apply fairness in schools. International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives 2019, 18(1), 128-142.
- Laing K, McWhirter J, Templeton L, Russell C. M-PACT+: Supporting families affected by parental substance misuse. Health Education 2019, 119(1), 63-82.
- Forbes J, McCartney E, McKean C, Laing K, Cockerill M, Law J. Co/productive practitioner relations for children with SLCN: an affect inflected agentic frame. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education 2019, 40(6), 859-872.
- Laing K, Mazzoli-Smith L, Todd L. The impact agenda and critical social research in education: hitting the target but missing the spot?. Policy Futures in Education 2018, 16(2), 169-184.
- Mazzoli Smith L, Todd L, Laing K. Students' views on fairness in education: the importance of relational justice and stakes fairness. Research Papers in Education 2018, 33(3), 336-353.
- Clark J, Laing K. Co-production with young people to tackle alcohol misuse. Drugs and Alcohol Today 2018, 18(1), 17-27.
- Clark J, Laing K, Leat D, Lofthouse R, Thomas U, Tiplady L, Woolner P. Transformation in interdisciplinary research methodology: the importance of shared experiences in landscapes of practice. International Journal of Research and Method in Education 2017, 40(3), 243-256.
- McKean C, Law J, Laing K, Cockerill M, Allon-Smith J, McCartney E, Forbes J. A qualitative case study in the social capital of co-professional collaborative co-practice for children with speech language and communication needs. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 2017, 52(4), 514-527.
- Woolner P, Clark J, Laing K, Thomas U, Tiplady L. A school tries to change: How leaders and teachers understand changes to space and practices in a UK secondary school. Improving Schools 2014, 17(2), 148-162.
- Woolner P, Clark J, Laing K, Thomas U, Tiplady L. Changing spaces: preparing students and teachers for a new learning environment. Children, Youth and Environments 2012, 22(1), 52-74.
- Melville A, Laing K. Closing the Gate: Family lawyers as gatekeepers to a holistic service. International Journal of Law in Context 2009, 6(2), 167-189.
- Melville A, Laing K. Personal Action Plans: evaluating self-management initiatives in family law. International Journal of Law in Context 2008, 4(2), 149-167.
- Melville A, Laing KJC. 'I just drifted into it': Family law and human capital theory. International Journal of the Legal Profession 2007, 14(3), 281-300.
- Laing K. 'Doing the right thing' Cohabiting parents, separation and child contact. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family 2006, 20(2), 169-80.
Authored Books
- Laing K. Developing a critical pedagogy for activist research (PhD). Newcastle University, 2024. Submitted.
- Walker J, McCarthy P, Stark C, Laing K. Picking Up The Pieces: Marriage and Divorce Two Years After Information Provision. London: Department for Constitutional Affairs, 2004.
- McCarthy P, Laing K, Walker J. Offenders of the future: Assessing the risk of children and young people becoming involved in criminal or antisocial behaviour. London: Department for Education and Skills, 2004.
Book Chapters
- Kerr K, Laing K, Todd L. Promoting equity through Comprehensive Community Initiatives in England. In: Paul Downes, Guofang Li, Lore Van Praag, Stephen Lamb, ed. Promoting Equity in Education through Inclusive Systems and Societies. Routledge, 2024.
- Laing K, Todd L. Using a collaborative theory of change approach for evaluating out-of-school learning. In: Repositioning Out-of-school Learning: Methodological Challenges and Possibilities for Researching Learning Beyond School. Emerald Publishing Limited, 2022.
- Clark J, Laing K. Research Co-production with Young Women through an Out-of-School Residential Trip. In: Jo Rose, Tim Jay, Janet Goodall, Laura Mazzoli Smith and Liz Todd, ed. Repositioning Out-of-School Learning: Methodological Challenges and Possibilities for Researching Learning Beyond School. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited, 2022, pp.61-71.
- Laing K, Mazzoli Smith L, Todd L. Out-of-School Activities and the Attainment Gap: A Mixed Methods Exploration of Secondary Data Analysis with Narrative Intersectional Analysis. In: Repositioning Out-of-School Learning: Methodological Challenges and Possibilities for Researching Learning Beyond School. Emerald, 2022, pp.11-24.
- Jay T, Laing K. Negotiating the researcher role in out-of-school learning research. In: Repositioning Out-of-school Learning: Methodological Challenges and Possibilities for Researching Learning Beyond School. Emerald, 2022, pp.131-140.
- Clark J, Haines Lyon C, Jay T, Laing K. Ethical Practice in Out-of-School Learning. In: Jo Rose, Tim Jay, Janet Goodall, Laura Mazzoli Smith and Liz Todd, ed. Repositioning Out-of-School Learning: Methodological Challenges and Possibilities for Researching Learning Beyond School. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited, 2022, pp.163-168.
- Laing K, Robson S, Thomson H, Todd L. Creating transformational change through partnership. In: Otrel-Cass, K; Wolf, J; Laing, K, ed. Partnerships in education: Risks in transdisciplinary educational research. Cham: Springer, 2022, pp.359-384.
- Laing K, Todd L. Schools and Child Poverty: from extended schools to closing the attainment gap. Where to from here?. In: Tucker J, ed. 2020 Vision : Ending Child Poverty for Good. London: Child Poverty Action Group, 2020.
- Laing K, Mazzoli Smith L, Todd L. Poverty and school processes: from equality of opportunity to relational justice. In: Gannon S; Hattam R; Sawyer W, ed. Resisting Educational Inequality: Reframing Policy and Practice in Schools Serving Vulnerable Communities. London: Routledge, 2018.
- Laing K, Mazzoli Smith L, Todd L. Educating urban youth: fair or foul?. In: Davoudi,S; Bell,D, ed. Justice and Fairness in the City: A multi-disciplinary approach to 'ordinary' cities. Bristol, UK: Policy Press, 2016, pp.231-248.
- Mazzoli Smith L, Laing K. Creating a transformational space through narrative: Looked after young people tell their life stories. In: Formenti, L; West, L, ed. Stories that Make a Difference: Exploring the collective, social and political potential of narratives in adult education research. Milan: Pensa Multimedia, 2016, pp.247-255.
- Melville A, Laing K, Stephen F. Family Lawyers and Multi-agency Approaches: Why Don't Lawyers Work with Other Service Providers?. In: Maclean, M; Eekelaar, J; Bastard, B, ed. Delivering Family Justice in the 21st Century. Oxford: Hart, 2015, pp.163-174.
- Melville A, Laing K. Chapter 8: The use of Personal Action Plans. In: Walker JA, ed. The Family Advice and Information Service: A changing role for family lawyers in England and Wales?. London: Legal Services Comission, 2007, pp.159-186.
- McCarthy P, Laing K. Chapter 3: Family Law Practice Before and After FAInS. In: Walker JA, ed. The Family Advice and Information Service: A changing role for family lawyers in England and Wales?. London: Legal Services Commission, 2007, pp.31-56.
- McCarthy P, Laing K. Receiving information in a group. In: Walker JA, ed. Information Meetings and associated provision within the Family Law Act 1996: Final Evaluation Report. London: Lord Chancellors Department, 2001, pp.163-204.
- Laing K, McCarthy P. Individual Information Meetings. In: Walker JA, ed. Information Meetings and associated provision within the Family Law Act 1996: Final Evaluation Report. London: Lord Chancellors Department, 2001, pp.131-62.
- Stark C, Laing K, McCarthy P. Giving Information to Parents. In: Walker JA, ed. Information Meetings and Associated Provision Within the Family Law Act 1996: Final Evaluation Report. London: Lord Chancellors Department, 2001, pp.507-536.
- Stark C, Laing K, Richards M. Developing and using a parenting plan. In: Walker JA, ed. Information Meetings and Associated Provision Within the Family Law Act 1996: Final Evaluation Report. London: Lord Chancellors Department, 2001, pp.577-598.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Clark J, Laing K, Tiplady L, Woolner P. Making Connections: Theory and Practice of Using Visual Methods to Aid Participation in Research. In: Visual In-Sights: Theory, Method, Practice International Conference. 2014, Newcastle, UK.
- Woolner P, Clark J, Thomas U, Laing K, Tiplady L. Teachers Preparing For Changes to Learning Environment and Practices in a UK Secondary School. In: ECER 2013, Creativity and Innovation in Educational Research. 2013, Istanbul, Turkey: European Educational Research Association.
- Clark J, Laing K, Woolner P. Making Connections: Theory and Practice of Using Visual Methods to Aid Children’s Participation in Educational Research. In: ECER 2013, Creativity and Innovation in Educational Research. 2013, Istanbul, Turkey: European Educational Research Association.
- Clark J, Laing K, Tiplady L, Woolner P. Making Connections. In: AHRC Connected Communities Showcase. 2013, London, UK: Research Councils UK.
- Clark J, Laing K, Tiplady L, Woolner P. Pushing the Boundaries: Theory and Practice of Using Visual Methods to Aid Children’s Participation in Educational Research. In: The European Conference on Educational Research. 2012, Cadiz, Spain.
- Clark J, Laing K. The involvement of young people in research within the criminal justice area – what do we know and what do we need to find out?. In: British Society of Criminology Conference. 2011, University of Northumbria, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
- Todd L, Laing K, Cummings C, Dyson A. Issues in The Extent to Which Schools, Through Extended Services, Can Impact Upon Disadvantaged Children, Families and Communities. In: European Conference on Educational Research 2010 (ECER 2010). 2010, Helsinki, Finland: European Educational Research Association.
Edited Book
- Otrel-Cass K, Laing KJC, Wolf J, ed. Partnerships in Education: Risks in Transdisciplinary Educational Research. Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2022.
Online Publications
- Chanfreau J, Tanner E, Callanan M, Laing K, Paylor J, Skipp A, Todd L. Out of school activities: understanding who does what. 2015. Available at:
- Laing K, Thomas U, Tiplady L, Todd L. UK Cost of the School Day Final Evaluation: Short Report. London: Child Poverty Action Group, 2023.
- Douglas-Dodd K, Braakmann N, Laing K. Newcastle University Contextual Offers Evaluation. Newcastle University, 2023. Submitted.
- Douglas-Dodd K, Braakmann N, Laing K. Newcastle University Contextual Offers Evaluation. Newcastle University, 2023. Submitted.
- Razak A, Laing K. Narrowing the Awarding Gap in Engineering: Pilot project. Newcastle University, 2023. Submitted.
- Boulton C, Douglas-Dodd K, Laing K, Razak A, Shaw A, Todd L. A Framework for Action (Theory of Change) for an Inclusive University. Newcastle upon Tyne: Inclusive Newcastle Knowledge Centre, Newcastle University, 2023.
- Laing K, Przyborski L, Todd L. The evaluation of the STEPS programme. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2021.
- Laing K. Northumberland asset-based partnership working. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2021.
- Laing K, Thomas U, Tiplady L, Todd L. Cost of the School Day Interim Evaluation Report. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2021.
- Laing K, Todd L. Evaluation of Newcastle University widening participation activity (APP). Year 0 evaluation report. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2020.
- Clark J, Laing K, Newbury-Birch D, Papps I, Todd L. 'Thinking Differently' about young people and alcohol: An evaluation of preventative trial interventions in Scotland. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2017.
- Callanan M, Laing K, Chanfreau J, Paylor J, Skipp A, Tanner E, Todd L. The value of after school clubs for disadvantaged children. Briefing paper 3. London: NatCen Social Research, 2016. Out of school activities & the education gap 3.
- Chanfreau J, Tanner E, Callanan M, Laing K, Skipp A, Todd L. Out of school activities during primary school and KS2 attainment. London: Centre for Longitudinal Studies, 2016. Centre for Longitudinal Studies Working Paper Series 2016/1.
- Tanner E, Chanfreau J, Challanan M, Laing K, Paylor J, Skipp A, Todd L. Can out of school activities close the education gap? Briefing paper 4. London: NatCen Social Research, 2016. Out of school activities & the education gap 4.
- Chanfreau J, Tanner E, Callanan M, Laing KL, Paylor J, Skipp A, Todd L. Unequal access to Out of School Activities. Nuffield Foundation, 2015.
- Laing K, Todd L. Theory-based Methodology: Using theories of change for development, research and evaluation. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Newcastle University, 2015.
- Chanfreau J, Tanner E, Callanan M, Laing K, Paylor J, Skipp A, Todd L. Out of school Activities: Understanding who does what. Briefing Paper 2. London: NatCen Social Research, 2015. Out of school activities & the education gap 2.
- Laing K, Clark J. Investigating the impact of social participation programmes for people with aphasia: The NETA Support Centre: Final report. Newcastle University: Research Centre for Learning and Teaching, 2015.
- McWhirter J, Laing K, Templeton L, Russell C. Evaluation of the Moving Parents and Children Together Programme when Delivered by Place2Be (M-PACT Plus). London: Mentor Foundation UK, 2015.
- Laing K, Mazzoli Smith L, Todd L. Evaluation of Gateshead MASH: Final report. Newcastle University: Research Centre for Learning and Teaching, 2015.
- Laing K, Todd L. Developing a Children's Community for the West End of Newcastle: A feasibility study. Newcastle upon Tyne: Research Centre for Learning and Teaching, Newcastle University, 2015.
- Mazzoli Smith L, Laing K. Choices Together: Evaluation of the Raising Aspirations Partnership. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2015.
- Clark J, Laing K, Tiplady L, Woolner P. Making Connections: Theory and Practice of Using Visual Methods to Aid Participation in Research. Newcastle University: Research Centre for Learning and Teaching, 2013.
- Carpenter H, Papps P, Bragg J, Dyson A, Harris D, Kerr K, Todd L, Laing K. Evaluation of Pupil Premium: Research Report. London: Department for Education, 2013.
- Clark J, Laing K. The involvement of children and young people in research within the criminal justice area. Newcastle University: Newcastle upon Tyne, 2012. AHRC Connected Communities programme: Scoping Reviews.
- Tiplady L, Laing K. Just For a Laugh? Evaluation Report. London: Mentor UK, 2012.
- Laing K, Todd L. Fair or Foul? Towards practice and policy in fairness in education. Newcastle upon Tyne: Centre for Learning and Teaching, Newcastle University, 2012.
- Laing K, Clark J, Todd L. Evaluation report for Sub 21 Wallsend. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Mentor UK, 2012.
- Bell V, Watson P, Crawshaw P, Dunkerley E, Laing K, Todd L. Evaluation of the Diamond Model pilots: Interim Report. Newcastle upon Tyne: Teeside University, Newcastle University, 2012.
- Cummings C, Laing K, Law J, McLaughlin J, Papps I, Todd L, Woolner P. Can changing aspirations and attitudes impact on educational attainment? A review of interventions. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2012.
- Carpenter H, Cummings C, Dyson A, Jones L, Kassam N, Laing K, Muijs D, Papps I, Peters M, Todd L. Extended services in practice - A summary of evaluation evidence for head teachers. London: Department for Eduction, 2011. DFE-RR155.
- Cummings C, Dyson A, Jones L, Laing K, Todd L. Evaluation of extended services Thematic review 2: local authorities and extended services. London, UK: Department of Education, 2011.
- Wilson GB, Laing K. Understanding Child Contact Cases in Scottish Sheriff Courts. Edinburgh: Scottish Government, 2010. Research Findings 27/2010.
- Laing K, Wilson GB. Understanding Child Contact Cases in Scottish Courts. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive, 2010. DPPAS 11002.
- Cummings C, Dyson A, Jones L, Laing K, Scott K, Todd L. Thematic Review: Reaching Disadvantaged Groups and Individuals. London, UK: Department for Education, 2010. DCSF Research report RR196 (DCSF).
- Cummings C, Dyson A, Jones L, Laing K, Scott K, Todd L. Reaching Disadvantaged Groups and Individuals: Thematic Review 1. London: Department for Children, Schools and Families, 2010.
- Cummings C, Dyson A, Jones L, Laing K, Todd L. Local Authorities and extended services: Thematic review 2. London: Department for Education, 2010.
- Walker J, Thompson C, Wilson G, Laing K. Family Group Conferencing in Youth Inclusion and Support Panels: Empowering Families and Preventing Crime and Antisocial Behaviour?. London: Youth Justice Board, 2010.
- Walker J, Thompson C, Wilson G, Laing K, Coombes M, Raybould S. Family Group Conferencing in Youth Inclusion and Support Panels: empowering families and preventing crime and antisocial behaviour?. London: Youth Justice Board (YJB), 2010. Youth Justice Board (YJB) Research Reports D123.
- Carpenter H, Cummings C, Dyson A, Jones L, Laing K, Oseman D, Papps I, Peters M, Todd L. Extended Services Evaluation: End of Year One Report. London: Department of Education, 2010. DFE-RB016.
- Carpenter H, Cummings C, Hall I, Laing K, Norden O, Peters M, Todd L. Extended Schools Subsidy Pathfinder Evaluation. Final Report. London: DCSF, 2010. DCSF Research Report RR132.
- Walker J, Wilson G, Laing K, Pennington M. Care Matters: Budget Holding Lead Professionals (BHLPs) with Looked After Children in England. London: Department for Children Schools and Families, 2010. DCSF Research Briefs DCSF-RB225.
- Walker J, Donaldson C, Laing K, Pennington M, Wilson G, Procter S, Bradley D, Dickinson H, Gray J. Evaluating Budget-Holding in Lead Professionals within Multi-Agency Children’s Services in England. London, UK: Department of Children, Schools and Families, 2009. DCSF Research Reports RR143.
- Walker J, Donaldson C, Laing K, Pennington M, Wilson G, Proctor S, Bradley D, Dickinson H, Gray J, Thompson C, Coombes M. Budget holding lead professional pilots in multi-agency children’s services in England: national evaluation. London: Department for Children, Schools and Families, 2009. Research Report RR143.
- Walker J, Wilson G, Laing K. Being There for Children at Risk of Offending: An Evaluation of the Youth Inclusion and Support Panels in Cambridgeshire. Cambridge: Cambridgeshire Children’s Fund, 2008.
- Walker J, Thompson C, Laing K, Raybould S, Coombes M, Procter S, Wren C. Youth Inclusion and Support Panels: Preventing Crime and Antisocial Behaviour. London: Department for Children, Schools and Families, 2007. DCSF-RW018.
- Walker J, McCarthy P, Laing K, Melville A, Coombes MG, Raybould SR, Finch S, Kitchen S, Wood N, Bridge C, Richards M, Sclater Day S, Webber P. The Family Advice and Information Service: A Changing Role for Family Lawyers in England and Wales?. London: Legal Services Commission, 2007.
- Walker J, Laing KJC, Coombes MG, Raybould SR. Evaluating the Family Advice and Information Service. London: Legal Services Commission, 2006. Family Advice and Information Service Final Evaluation Report.
Working Paper
- Laing K, Bertosa M, Hriberski D, Hasenfuss J, Shucksmith M, Todd L, Tewdwr-Jones M, Sutrop M, Parder M, Lõuk K, Vabamäe E. Principles for promoting the impact of SSH research by co-creation: key issues in research design and communication. 2017.