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NEW: A vision for education and skills at Newcastle University: Education for Life 2030+

Looking for tips to raise awareness and boost response rates?

In the resource sections below, you will find a few ideas on how to promote both internal and national surveys in your School. Each of the surveys has a toolkit, with tools you can use in your communication with students: 


Email headers and signatures – for you to raise awareness when emailing students. 

PowerPoint slides – for you to use in class or in dedicated sessions to encourage students to complete surveys on their own devices. Actively encourage completion using a mobile device. When using a mobile phone students just need to follow the link in their email which will automatically take them to the mobile version of the survey. 

(Editable) posters – for you to showcase what was changed in response to previous feedback. This resource page also highlights the Student Voice Forums, where colleagues come together and discuss good practices. For more ideas on what you can do to boost response rates, this blog post holds additional tips. 

Postcards – for you to print and use as you see fit (these will also be printed at central level and disseminated across campus. 

Plasma screen content – for you to display in your School. 

Banner stands – these will be put across campus.  

NCL Voice: Let's Talk!

We have launched 'NCL Voice: Let's Talk!' this is the overarching campaign for all of our student voice activity. This includes: internal and external surveys, mid-module check-ins and student representation.

Alongside the promotion of all student voice activity that we will be doing, your help in sharing this with students is really important and we encourage all schools to help promote student voice activity.

That's why we have created some promotional assets which all staff are welcome to use to help encourage students to take part and learn more about the opportunities they have to share their voice. You can find an email header and logo below.

Email Header

Logo 1

Logo 2

Survey Guides
Newcastle Experience Survey Resources

The resources below can be used by all staff to promote the Newcastle Experience Survey within their academic unit.

If you have any queries about the survey please contact us at 


Toolkit for Schools 

Newsletter Header

Power Point Slide

National Student Survey Resources

The resources below can be used by any staff promoting the NSS within their academic unit.

However, please be reminded that there are strict guidelines around the sharing of response rates and these must be adhered to when promoting the survey. You are strongly advised to read this guidance carefully before promoting the survey.

If you have any queries about the survey or wish to check whether something you are planning to do will be considered appropriate, please contact us at


Resources for Staff

NSS 2025 Good Practice Guide

NSS 2025 Help card - Producing own materials

NSS 2025 Help card - Inappropriate Influence

NSS 2025 Help card - Sharing response rates


Toolkit for Schools

To be added soon for NSS 2025


Icons and Logos

Icon 1

Icon 2

NSS Logo


Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey Resources

PTES Toolkit for Schools

Staff Guide to the survey



Email/newsletter banner



To print

For screens




Postgraduate Research Experience Survey Resources

PRES Toolkit for Schools

Staff Guide to the survey



Newsletter/email banner

Signature banner


Twitter asset
