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Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey: PTES

For postgraduate taught students around the world.

NEW: A vision for education and skills at Newcastle University: Education for Life 2030+

PTES Results 2024

Newcastle University is pleased to share the results of the 2024 Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) conducted by Advance HE. This year’s survey results highlight our commitment to providing an exceptional educational experience for our postgraduate taught students.

Key Highlights from the PTES 2024 Results:

  1. Overall Satisfaction: Newcastle University has achieved an impressive overall satisfaction rate of 85%, reflecting our dedication to excellence in teaching and learning.
  2. Teaching Quality: The quality of teaching continues to be a standout feature, with 86% of respondents expressing satisfaction with the expertise and engagement of our academic staff.
  3. Learning Resources: 93% of students reported being highly satisfied with the availability and quality of learning resources, including libraries, online materials, and laboratory facilities.
  4. Support Services: The effectiveness of our student support services received high praise, with 85% satisfaction in areas such as academic advising, career services, and personal support.
  5. Skill Development: Our focus on developing essential skills for future careers was evident, with 82% of students feeling confident in their ability to apply their learning in professional settings.

Newcastle University is committed to continually improving the postgraduate experience and will use the insights gained from the PTES 2024 results to further enhance our programmes and services.

More detailed analysis is available through the Strategic Insights Portal

What does it ask about?

The survey includes questions about how students chose their programme of study, and their experience of the programme and dissertation or project. It also asks about the whole student learning experience, including:

  • teaching and learning
  • engagement
  • assessment and feedback, including supervisor support for dissertation (or major project)
  • organisation and management
  • skills development
  • overall satisfaction and motivation for taking the programme

Who is eligible to take part?

Eligible students include all full-time and most part-time UK, EU, and international PGT students studying a programme of at least 60 credits, the greater part of which is at M level at all campuses; i.e., Newcastle, NU Medicine Malaysia and NU International Singapore, including eLearning students. The University excludes all first year part-time students from the PTES, except when they are on a programme that is one year part-time only (e.g., PG Certificates). It also excludes students who are studying a single module only; e.g., CPD and occasional students. The PTES population includes study abroad and exchange students.

How do students take part?

The survey must be completed online, using PCs or mobile devices.  Eligible students will receive an email with a personalised link to complete the survey.

The survey can also be accessed via the link/QR code, participants are required to sign in to complete the survey.

PTES 2024 qr

What happens to the responses?

Student responses are anonymous and are collected by Advance HE. All the responses are aggregated to produce an overall national report, published on the Advanced HE website. The responses from students at each participating university also are aggregated into a confidential report for that institution. Our previous year’s PTES results are available on the Planning Office website.

The quantitative results are discussed at relevant Boards of Studies and Student-Staff Committees. Academic Units respond to feedback with action plans, identifying any agreed actions, timescales for implementation, and who is responsible for each action.

Why should I encourage my students to take part?

As well as the importance of providing feedback, taking part in the PTES is giving you an opportunity to win a prize! Every year shopping vouchers can be won (5x £100 and 10x £50), and a charity donation is chosen in collaboration with Newcastle University Students Union. In 2024, for every survey completed in the first three weeks of the survey running, £2 is donated to N.E.S.T and Rape Crisis

Terms and Conditions apply for the prize draw.