Newcastle Experience Survey
NEW: A vision for education and skills at Newcastle University: Education for Life 2030+
Newcastle Experience Survey
The Newcastle Experience Survey is open to all undergraduate students who are not in their final year of study (final year undergraduate students complete the National Student Survey - NSS). The Newcastle Experience Survey opens in February and will be open for 3 weeks. The survey is used to gather feedback on the students’ experiences of their programme and their time at Newcastle University so far.
The Newcastle Experience Survey covers the following areas:
- Teaching
- Learning Community
- Learning Opportunities
- Assessment and Feedback
- Academic support
- Organisation and Management
- Learning Resources
- Student Voice
- Wellbeing
- Overall Experience
The survey includes a mix of scaled questions and free text questions.
Questions for 2024-25 will be added here once they have been approved by University Education Committee.
Promoting the Newcastle Experience Survey
Academic staff play a vital role in promoting the Newcastle Experience Survey to students. School support demonstrates how student feedback matters and allows staff the opportunity to respond to student queries. All academic staff have a responsibility to make sure the Newcastle Experience Survey is available to all eligible students. Staff should explain the purpose of the survey to their students and particularly how student voice can impact student experience.
There is a Newcastle Experience Survey toolkit to help facilitate promotion in schools - the toolkit provides editable resources in many different formats - for lecture shout-outs, to posters and digital screens in your schools. Please email with any questions, we are very happy to provide support for local survey promotion.
Survey window and results
The Newcastle Experience Survey opens to students in February 2025 and will remain open for 3 weeks
The survey can be accessed through a QR code, on Canvas and by email, staff must make sure all students have access to the survey and are given time to complete it in class.
EPGS provide weekly response rates; results and feedback will be made available in March 2025.
Resources and Contacts
If you have any queries about the survey please contact us at