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In-Sessional English

NEW: A vision for education and skills at Newcastle University: Education for Life 2030+

In sessional programme

The In-Sessional Programme provides free Academic English sessions for students whose first language is not English. The purpose of the sessions is to help students apply their existing skills with the English language in their studies at Newcastle University.

Depending on the time of the year, up to 8 hours of provision is available per week. Students can choose from seminars, interactive lectures and 1-to-1 tutorials, covering academic reading, writing, listening & speaking.

Some areas in which we can develop students’ skills are:

  • Getting started with assignments
  • Organising and structuring their writing
  • Making use of sources and avoiding plagiarism
  • Understanding unfamiliar text types such as proposals, literature reviews and dissertations / theses
  • Giving effective presentations

Students in some Schools are automatically registered for a writing module. A full list of In-Sessional writing courses with automatic registration is available. 

Further details are available on the In-Sessional website.