LTDS Person Profile
Educational policy and governance guidance can now be found on the new EPGS website
Terry Charlton
Learning Enhancement and Technology Team Manager
- Telephone: Available on Teams
- Address: Learning and Teaching Development Service (LTDS)
1st Floor, Marjorie Robinson
Library Rooms
89 Sandyford Road
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
I work in LTDS as a Learning Enhancement and Technology (LET) Manager. I have a background in Computing Science and educational research, and a PhD from Newcastle University in the use of social technologies to enable collaborative, distributed learning. My interests include accessibility, instructional design, and technology enhanced teaching and learning.
- Charlton T, Devlin M, Drummond S. Using Facebook to improve communication in undergraduate software development teams. Computer Science Education 2009, 19(4), 273-292.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Gorra A, Finaly J, Devlin M, Lavery J, Neagle R, Ross JS, Charlton T, Boyle R. Learning with Technology: What do Students Want?. In: 5th International Conference on e-Learning. 2010, Penang, Malaysia: Academic Conferences Ltd.
- Charlton T, Devlin M, Marshall L, Drummond S. Encouraging Interaction and Status Awareness in Undergraduate Software Engineering Projects: The Role of Social Networking Services. In: IEEE Engineering Education. 2010, Madrid, Spain: Universidad Politecnica de Madrid.
- Charlton T, Marshall L, Devlin M. Evaluating the extent to which sociability and social presence affects learning performance. In: 13th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITICSE 08). 2008, Madrid, Spain: ACM.