Staff Profile
Dr Jiabao He
Senior Lecturer in Medical Imaging
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 1150
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- Address: Newcastle Magnetic Resonance Centre
Newcastle University
Campus for Ageing and Vitality
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 5PL
United Kingdom
Dr He is a Senior Lecturer in Medical Imaging with a research focus on clinical translation of novel imaging methods. He was awarded BSc from Fund University, China after completing a four-year degree within 3 years. He then moved to the University of Nottingham for his PhD study under the supervision of Prof Peter Morris (CBE) in Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre. Despite significant health issue leading to the loss of majority of eye sight, he successfully completed his PhD for the effective combination of functional MRI and magnetoencephalography (MEG). Subsequently, he undertook 2 postdoctoral training on preclinical and clinical brain imaging at the University of Sheffield and Newcastle University respectively. In 2013, he was appointed Lecturer in Medical Imaging by the University of Aberdeen to develop cancer imaging programme. In 2022, Dr He was appointed Senior Lecturer in Medical Imaging by Newcastle University, to consolidate the strength in brain ageing research and develop cross cutting research programme in cancer imaging.The long term mission of Dr He's group is to relieve human suffering through the delivery of change to healthcare based on high quality clinical translational research leveraging novel imaging methods.
The long term mission of Dr He's group is to relieve human suffering through the delivery of change to healthcare based on high quality clinical translational research leveraging novel imaging methods.Jiabao's current research has 2 branches: cancer imaging research aligning with 1 of the 7 Cancer Research UK (CRUK) centres in Newcastle, and brain imaging research aligning with National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) Centre for healthy ageing. Jiabao's group has conducted clinical trial in patients with breast cancer using novel imaging methods, leading to 6 last author journal papers in the past 2 years and 82 last author conference abstracts (26 oral presentations).
Selected grants
[1] 2021, Chief Scientist Office. J. He, Z. Miedzybrodzka, Y. Masannat, S. M. Cheung. Robust EArly Detection of bReast cancer in hIgh-riSK premenopausal population using novel lipid based imaging methods (READ RISK). £296,114
[2] 2020, Commonwealth Scholarship Commission. J. He. Non-invasive mapping of exygen extraction fraction in patients with breast cancer. £78,120
[3] 2020, Scottish Funding Council. J. He, Z. Miedzybrodzka, Y. Masannat. Is lipid composition mapping using magnetic resonance imaging an effective early detection tool for breast cancer in high risk populations? £35,764
[4] 2019, Cancer Research UK. J. He, Z. Miedzybrodzka, Y. Masannat, T. Gagliardi. Is lipid composition mapping using magnetic resonance imaging an effective early detection tool for breast cancer in high risk populations? £72,085
[5] 2016, Princess Royal Tenovus Scotland Medical Research Scotland. J. He, K. Wahle, Y. Masannat, E. Husain. Non-invasive mapping of lipid and metabolite profiles in breast cancer: translational development of advanced multi-dimensional Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging (MRSI) methods. £80,000
[6] 2015, LUPUS UK. N. Basu, L. P. Erwig, J. He, G. D. Waiter, S. R. Gray. Unravelling SLE Related Fatigue: Investigating the Role of Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Skeletal Muscle. £35,052
[7] 2015, BBSRC EastBio. J. He. Development of quantitative microstructure measurement method using diffusion MRI for the application in human heart and breast cancer. £80,000
Dr He is currently the primary supervisor of 1 research fellow and 2 PhD students. He has supervised 3 PhD students to successful completion (each with multiple first author publications), and 10 MSc students (8 receiving distinction and 2 receiving commendation). His underlying teaching philosophy is to focus on quality and long term career development, so that students' full potential can be fulfilled.During Jiabao's tenure at the University of Aberdeen, he was the course coordinator of MBChB Year 4 Student Selected Component (SSC), and effected a course reform leading to high student satisfaction and achievement. He also contributed to the teaching in MSc in Biomedical Physics programme both in classroom lectures and research project supervision, contributing to an expansion of students from approximately 20 per year to 70 per year.
- Cheung SM, Chan K-S, Zhou W, Husain E, Gagliardi T, Masannat Y, He J. Spatial heterogeneity of peri-tumoural lipid composition in postmenopausal patients with oestrogen receptor positive breast cancer. Scientific Reports 2024, 14, 4699.
- Cheung SM, Wu W-S, Senn N, Sharma R, McGoldrick T, Gagliardi T, Husain E, Masannat Y, He J. Towards detection of early response in neoadjuvant chemotherapy of breast cancer using Bayesian intravoxel incoherent motion. Frontiers in Oncology 2023, 13, 1277556.
- Chan K-S, Cheung SM, Senn N, Husain E, Masannat Y, Heys S, He J. Peri-tumoural spatial distribution of lipid composition and tubule formation in breast cancer. BMC Cancer 2022, 22(1), 285.
- Cheung SM, Husain E, Mallikourti V, Masannat Y, Heys S, He J. Intra-tumoural lipid composition and lymphovascular invasion in breast cancer via non-invasive magnetic resonance spectroscopy. European Radiology 2021, 31(6), 3703-3711.
- Mallikourti V, Cheung SM, Gagliardi T, Senn N, Masannat Y, McGoldrick T, Sharma R, Heys SD, He J. Phased-array combination of 2D MRS for lipid composition quantification in patients with breast cancer. Scientific Reports 2020, 10(1), 20041.
- Cheung SM, Husain E, Masannat Y, Miller ID, Wahle K, Heys SD, He J. Lactate concentration in breast cancer using advanced magnetic resonance spectroscopy. British Journal of Cancer 2020, 123(2), 261-267.
- Senn N, Masannat Y, Husain E, Siow B, Heys SD, He J. Q-space imaging yields a higher effect gradient to assess cellularity than conventional diffusion-weighted imaging methods at 3.0 t: A pilot study with freshly excised whole-breast tumors. Radiology: Imaging Cancer 2019, 1(1), e190008.
- Mallikourti V, Cheung SM, Gagliardi T, Masannat Y, Heys SD, He J. Optimal Phased-Array Signal Combination For Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Measurement In Breast Cancer Using Multiple Quantum Coherence MR Spectroscopy At 3T. Scientific Reports 2019, 9(1), 9259.
- Cheung SM, Keenan K, Senn N, Hutcheon G, Chan K, Erwig L, Schrepf A, Dospinescu P, Gray S, Waiter G, He J, Basu N. Metabolic and Structural Skeletal Muscle Health in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus–Related Fatigue: A Multimodal Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study. Arthritis Care and Research 2019, 71(12), 1640-1646.
- Finkelmeyer A, He J, MacLachlan L, Blamire AM, Newton JL. Intracranial compliance is associated with symptoms of orthostatic intolerance in chronic fatigue syndrome. PLoS ONE 2018, 13(7), e0200068.
- Finkelmeyer A, He J, Maclachlan L, Watson S, Gallagher P, Newton JL, Blamire AM. Grey and white matter differences in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – A voxel-based morphometry study. NeuroImage: Clinical 2018, 17, 24-30.
- Su L, Blamire AM, Watson R, He J, Hayes L, O'Brien JT. Whole-brain patterns of 1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy imaging in Alzheimer's disease and dementia with Lewy bodies. Translational Psychiatry 2016, 6(8), e877-e877.
- Cameron D, Siddiqi N, Neil CJ, Jagpal B, Bruce M, Higgins DM, He J, Singh S, Redpath TW, Frenneaux MP, Dawsona DK. T1 mapping for assessment of myocardial injury and microvascular obstruction at one week post myocardial infarction. European Journal of Radiology 2016, 85(1), 279-285.
- Firbank MJ, Watson R, Mak E, Aribisala B, Barber R, Colloby SJ, He J, Blamire AM, O'Brien JT. Longitudinal diffusion tensor imaging in dementia with Lewy bodies and Alzheimer’s disease . Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 2016, 24, 76-80.
- Su L, Blamire AM, Watson R, He JB, Aribisala B, O'Brien JT. Cortical and Subcortical Changes in Alzheimer's Disease: A Longitudinal and Quantitative MRI Study. Current Alzheimer Research 2016, 13(5), 534-544.
- Finkelmeyer A, Nilsson J, He J, Stevens L, Maller JJ, Moss RA, Small S, Gallagher P, Coventry K, Ferrier IN, McAllister-Williams RH. Altered hippocampal function in major depression despite intact structure and resting perfusion. Psychological Medicine 2016, 46(10), 2157-2168.
- Keogh MJ, Aribisala BS, He J, Tulip E, Butteriss D, Morris C, Gorman G, Horvath R, Chinnery PF, Blamire AM. Voxel-based analysis in neuroferritinopathy expands the phenotype and determines radiological correlates of disease severity. Journal of Neurology 2015, 262(10), 2232-2240.
- Su L, Blamire AM, Watson R, He JB, Aribisala B, O'Brien JT. Tissue microstructural changes in dementia with Lewy bodies revealed by quantitative MRI. Journal of Neurology 2015, 262(1), 165-172.
- Moore SA, Hallsworth K, Jakovljevic DG, Blamire AM, He JB, Ford GA, Rochester L, Trenell MI. Effects of Community Exercise Therapy on Metabolic, Brain, Physical, and Cognitive Function Following Stroke: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial. Neurorehabilitation & Neural Repair 2015, 29(7), 623-635.
- Bohr I, McDonald C, He J, Kerr S, Newton J, Blamire AM. Brain oxygenation responses to autonomic challenge: a quantitative fMRI investigation of the Valsalva manoeuvre. AGE 2015, 37, 91.
- Croall ID, Cowie CJA, He J, Peel A, Wood J, Aribisala B, Mitchell P, Mendelow AD, Smith FE, Millar D, Kelly T, Blamire AM. White matter correlates of cognitive dysfunction after mild traumatic brain injury. Neurology 2014, 83(6), 494-501.
- Bentley R, Gray SR, Schwarzbauer C, Dawson D, Frenneaux M, He J. Dietary nitrate reduces skeletal muscle oxygenation response to physical exercise: a quantitative muscle functional MRI study. Physiological Reports 2014, 2(17), e12089.
- Aribisala BS, Cowie CJA, He JB, Wood J, Mendelow DA, Mitchell P, Blamire AM. A Histogram-Based Similarity Measure for Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Application in Acute Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography 2014, 38(6), 915-923.
- Tryambake D, He J, Firbank MJ, O'Brien JT, Blamire AM, Ford GA. Blood Pressure Lowering and Cerebral Blood Flow:Intensive Blood Pressure Lowering Increases Cerebral Blood Flow in Older Subjects With Hypertension. Hypertension 2013, 61(6), 1309-1315.
- Taylor JP, Firbank MJ, He JB, Barnett N, Pearce S, Livingstone A, Vuong Q, McKeith IG, O'Brien JT. Visual cortex in dementia with Lewy bodies: magnetic resonance imaging study. British Journal of Psychiatry 2012, 200(6), 491-498.
- Watson R, Blamire AM, Colloby SJ, Wood JS, Barber R, He JB, O'Brien JT. Characterizing dementia with Lewy bodies by means of diffusion tensor imaging. Neurology 2012, 79(9), 906-914.
- Firbank MJ, He J, Blamire AM, Singh B, Danson P, Kalaria RN, O'Brien JT. Cerebral blood flow by arterial spin labeling in poststroke dementia. Neurology 2011, 76(17), 1478-1484.
- He JB, Blamire AM. Application of Variable-Rate Selective Excitation Pulses for Spin Labeling in Perfusion MRI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2010, 63(3), 842-847.