What Can Mathematicians Do?
What Can Mathematicians Do? is a series of online public maths presentations organised by Newcastle University’s School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics. The presentations cover a wide range of topics in maths, stats and physics, such as how colours mix, how to make a mint on the stock market, and how to pick your next Netflix binge.
What Can Mathematicians Do?
What Can Mathematicians Do? was a series of online public maths presentations organised by Newcastle University’s School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics.
The presentations covered a wide range of topics in maths, stats and physics, such as how colours mix, how to make a mint on the stock market, and how to pick your next Netflix binge.
All of the presenters are disabled: we hope to show that anyone can be a mathematician, and mathematicians can do just about anything!
Each session consisted of two 30-minute presentations, followed by a question-and-answer session.
The live sessions were interpreted live in British Sign Language. Unfortunately, it wasn’t possible to include the interpreters in the session recordings.
There is a recording of each session, including the question-and-answer part, as well as independent recordings of each talk.

Monday December 12th – Morning 09:30 – 11:00
Recording of the whole session
Tanya Gleadow, Loughborough University - “Giant sky lasers and other shiny things.”
Wednesday December 14th – Afternoon – 13:00 – 14:30
Recording of the whole session
Abi Kirk, Open University - “Shifting Shapes: Euler's Formula for Polyhedra”
Amy Mason, University of Cambridge - “What to watch next on Netflix?”
Friday December 16th – Afternoon 13:00 – 14:30
Recording of the whole session
Lucy Rycroft-Smith, University of Cambridge - “Periodic functions: the mathematics of menstruation”
Chetna Patel - “I introduce myself as a mathematician … yes, really”
Tuesday December 20th – Afternoon – 13:30 – 15:00
Recording of the whole session
Sophie Maclean - "How to get rich quick"
Lauren Gilbert, Newcastle University - “Disabled in Physics: how did I get here?”
Thursday December 22nd – Morning 10:30 – 12:00
Recording of the whole session
Naomi Wray, Cardiff University - "Count to ten or count to twelve? The decimal system revised."