NUSolve Launch
Could your research benefit from mathematics, statistics or physics expertise?
27 January 2021
The School of Mathematics, Statistics & Physics (MSP) are delighted to announce the launch of Newcastle University Solve (NUSolve), a new business and engagement unit within the School.
Newcastle University Solve provides a “front-door” to the School of MSP for external businesses and internal collaborators.
NUSolve provides a mechanism for establishing and managing projects across all of the School’s main fields of research, such as data science and machine learning; renewable energy and demand forecasting; mathematics for biology and biotechnology; ageing and health; mobility and transport; astronomy; manufacturing and industrial processes… and more.
Interdisciplinary projects
School of MSP academics have worked on interdisciplinary projects with colleagues across the SAgE faculty from Sciences, Engineering and Computing. With particular successes including:
- £2 million savings within the gas utilities sector as a result of advanced statistical modelling
- 24% collision reductions and a significant contribution to £22.5M accident prevention savings on North Yorkshire roads due to statistics-based software
- 50% efficiency savings within the high-value manufacturing sector due to applied maths
Find out more on the NUSolve website. A comprehensive external launch will happen in 2021, including the development of a new dynamic website.
If you would like to collaborate with mathematicians, statisticians and/or physicists on business engagement projects; have an opportunity that requires some mathematical sciences or physics expertise; and/or would just generally like to find out more, please email the unit’s manager Matthew Linsley.