Staff Profile
Dr Aamir Khan
I began my studies at Newcastle in 2010 where I gained an MMathStat and went on to gain a PhD in Statistics titled "Bayesian calibration of stochastic kinetic models using a Dirichlet process mixture of Gaussian processes". In 2018 I accepted a Teaching Fellow post where I taught a number of modules to a variety of degree programmes at all stages. I was later appointed to the position of “Lecturer in Mathematical E-Learning” (now Digital Learning).
As well as teaching a variety of modules, my current role as Lecturer in Mathematical Digital Learning involves promoting the use of the Numbas e-assessment system across service modules and help to ensure that the School’s Digital Learning Team makes a significant contribution to the teaching and learning of mathematical subjects across the University.
Current roles
Degree Programme Director for UG Mathematics and Statistics,
Degree Programme Director for MSc Statistics and Medical Statistics,
Previous roles
Teaching Curriculum Coordinator (22/23)
Current modules taught in 24/25:
- MAS3091 Group Project supervision
- MAS3904 Stochastic Financial Modelling
Previous modules taught:
- ACC1012/1053 Professional Skills for Accounting and Finance
- BIO2020 Experimental Design and Statistics for Biologists
- CEG1716 Geospatial Mathematics and Statistics
- CME1027/ENG2012 Data Analysis in Process Industries
- MAS3909/8909 Markov Processes
- MAS3910/8910 Discrete Stochastic Modelling
- MAS8406 Numeric Skills for Digital Biology
- Supervised MMathStat project: Jordan Childs, Laura Morgan, Andrew Pach, Naomi Parry, Laura Pester, Adrian Scollick.
- Graham C, Stagg G, Lawson-Perfect C, Khan A. Automatic Assessment of Mathematical Programming Exercises with Numbas. MSOR Connections 2023, 21(1), 29-42.