Staff Profile
Professor Anvar Shukurov
Professor of Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 5398
- Personal Website:
- Address: School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics
Herschel Building
Newcastle University
PhD in 1982, Dr. Hab. in 1993
Royal Astronomical Society, International Astronomical Union, London Mathematical Society
Research Interests
Interstellar medium, Astrophysical magnetohydrodynamics, Dynamo theory
Other Expertise
Prehistoric population dynamics, Stem cell biology, Air quality in urban environments
Research Roles
Participant in the LOFAR:UK Consortium (, and IMAGINE Consortium (
Postgraduate Supervision (in Newcastle University unless indicated otherwise)
- Maarit Korpi, 1996–1999, Supernova driven interstellar turbulence - the role of supernova explosions (supervised jointly with I. Tuominen and A. Brandenburg), University of Oulu, Finland, PhD awarded in 1999.
- Andrew Fletcher, 1998–2001, Magnetic Fields of Galaxies. Interpretation of Observations and Modelling
- Andrew Snodin, 2001–2008, Magnetic Fields, Cosmic Rays and Synchrotron Emission in Spiral Galaxies
- Anthony J. Mee, 2002–2007, Studies of Interstellar Hydromagnetic Turbulence
- S. Louise Wilkin, 2003–2007, Magnetic Structures Produced by the Fluctuation Dynamo (supervised jointly with C. F. Barenghi)
- Kate Davison, 2004–2008, The Neolithic of Europe. Mathematical Modelling and Radiocarbon Data (supervised jointly with G. R. Sarson)
- Andrew W. Baggaley, 2006–2010, Flux Rope Dynamo (supervised jointly with C. F. Barenghi)
- Andrew Smith, 2007–2011, Galactic magnetic fields (supervised jointly with A. Fletcher)
- Frederick A. Gent, 2008–2012, Supernova-driven turbulence in the interstellar medium (supervised jointly with G. R. Sarson and A. Fletcher); admitted to the degree immediately after the viva in 2012
- Kavita Gangal, 2010–2014, Mathematical modelling for prehistory in Eurasia (supervised jointly with G. R. Sarson)
- Carl Shneider, 2011–2015, Reconstructing Magnetic Fields of Spiral Galaxies from Radiopolarimetric Observations (supervised jointly with M. Haverkorn and A. Fletcher), Leiden University, the Netherlands
- James Hollins, 2014–2019, Correlation properties of interstellar MHD turbulence (supervised jointly with A. Fletcher and G. R. Sarson)
- Amit Seta, 2014–2019, Cosmic rays in turbulent magnetic fields (supervised jointly with P. Bushby and T. Wood)
- Can Evirgen, 2014–2019, Magnetic fields in the multi-phase interstellar medium (supervised jointly with A. Fletcher). Honourable mention at the ABTA DRA awards, London, 11/05/2019; review of the doctoral work published in Nature Applied Sciences,
- Laura Wadkin, since 2016–2020, Mathematical modelling for human stem cell research (supervised jointly with N. Parker and I. Neganova). Silver Award, STEM for BRITAIN Exhibition of Posters, House of Commons, Westminster, 13th March 2017. Prize for poster on Modelling stem cell colony formation at the Women in Mathematics Day, London Mathematical Society ( Honourable mention at the ABTA DRA awards, London, 11/05/2019; review of the doctoral work published in Nature Applied Sciences, PGR Prize 2019 for the greatest achievement in research over the past 12 months., School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics, Newcastle University.
- Devika Tharakkal, 2018-2023 (supervised jointly with G. R. Sarson and F. A. Gent, Aalto Univ., Finland)
- Beverley Linsley, since 2019 (supervised jointly with G. R. Sarson).
- Rachadawan Darlai, since 2021 (supervised jointly with G. R. Sarson and A. Svalova)
- Yasin Qazi, since 2021 (supervised jointly with F. A. Gent, Aalto Univ., Finland)
- Julie Thomas, since 2022 (supervised jointly with A. W. Baggaley)
- Patrick Parkinson, since 2024 (supervised jointly with L. Wadkin)
1997–1999: PI, PPARC Visiting Grant, £12,000
1998–2002: Co-Investigator, PI from 2000, PPARC Research Grant "The effects of magnetic fields on the structure of astrophysical discs", £286,055
1998–2001: Co-Investigator, Leverhulme Trust Research Grant "Magnetohydrodynamic astrophysical jets in three dimensions", £97,121
2001–2005: PI, PPARC Visiting Grant, £10,899
1999–2002, Co-Investigator, NATO Collaborative Linkage Grant, £9,900
2001–2005: PI, PPARC Visiting Grant, £10,899
2004–2008, PI, Leverhulme Trust Research Grant "Nonthermal signatures of interstellar turbulence", £122,02
2004–2007, PI, INTAS Grant "Waterways and early human movements in North-Western Russia", £11,133
2006–2010: Coordinator, FP6 Project NEST-028192 FEPRE, “The formation of Europe: prehistoric population dynamics and the roots of socio-cultural diversity”, , £849,964
2008: PI, NORDITA Research Programme grant, £33,946
2008–2011: Co-Investigator, STFC short-term visitors programme ST/F003080/1, 10,545.
2009–2012: Co-Investigator, Leverhulme Trust Grant F/00 125/AD, “Mathematical models for the developed Neolithic”, £137,960.
2011–2013: Co-Investigator, Royal Society International Joint Project “The origin and observational signatures of cosmic magnetic fields”, £12,000.
2011–2014: Co-Investigator, Leverhulme Trust Grant RPG-097, “Quantitative morphology of interstellar gas in the Milky Way”, £133,902
2013–2015: Co-Investigator, STFC Grant "Cosmic rays in the multi-phase interstellar medium with dynamo-generated magnetic fields", £197,218.
2015–2018, PI, Leverhulme Trust Grant RPG-2014-427, "Observational and models of turbulent lows: a topological approach", £200,457
2016–2019, PI, STFC Grant SC/N0008900/1 "The research programme in astronomy theory at Newcastle University" (£508,530) and Project 2 "“Magnetic fields and cosmic rays in high redshift and nearby galaxies”
2018–2019, PI, STFC Grant ST/S002383/1 "Morphological and topological image analysis for clinical diagnostics and monitoring of cornea damage", £67,567
Research associates
- F. J. Sánchez-Salcedo, Marie Curie Fellow, EU TMR Programme 1997–1999 (supervised jointly with A. Brandenburg)
- W. Dobler, 1998–2001, Magnetohydrodynamic astrophysical jets in three dimensions, The Leverhulme Trust (supervised jointly with A. Brandenburg)
- A. Bardou, 1998–2002, The effects of magnetic fields on the structure of astrophysical discs, PPARC (supervised jointly with A. Brandenburg and C. G. Campbell)
- B. von Rekowski,1998–2002, The effects of magnetic fields on the structure of astrophysical discs, PPARC (supervised jointly with A. Brandenburg)
- F. Fletcher, 2004–2007, Nonthermal signatures of interstellar turbulence, The Leverhulme Trust, Research Grant F/00 125/N
- F. Feugier, 2007–2008, FP6 STREP project NEST-028192 FEPRE, The formation of Europe: prehistoric population dynamics and the roots of socio-cultural diversity (supervised together with P. M. Dolukhanov and G. R. Sarson).
- S. L. Wilkin, 2007, Nonthermal signatures of interstellar turbulence, Leverhulme Trust Grant F/00 125/N (supervised jointly with A. Fletcher)
- R. A. Stepanov, 2007–2008, Nonthermal signatures of interstellar turbulence, Leverhulme Trust Grant F/00 125/N (supervised together with A. Fletcher)
- H. C. Sarson, 2009–2010, FP6 STREP project NEST-028192 FEPRE, The formation of Europe: prehistoric population dynamics and the roots of socio-cultural diversity (supervised together with P. M. Dolukhanov and G. R. Sarson).
- A. W. Baggaley, 2010–2012, Mathematical models for the developed Neolithic, The Leverhulme Trust, Grant F/00 125/AD (supervised jointly with R. J. Boys, A. Golightly and G. R. Sarson).
- D. A. Henderson, 2012–2013, Mathematical models for the developed Neolithic, The Leverhulme Trust, Grant F/00 125/AD (supervised jointly with R. J. Boys, A. Golightly and G. R. Sarson).
- I. Makarenko, 2011–2014, Quantitative morphology of interstellar gas in the Milky Way, The Leverhulme Trust, Research Grant RPG-097 (supervised jointly with A. F. Fletcher)
- L. F. Santiago Rodrigues, 2013–2015, Cosmic rays in the multi-phase interstellar medium with dynamo-generated magnetic fields, STFC ST/L005549/1 (supervised jointly with P. Bushby, A. Fletcher and G. R. Sarson)
- I. Makarenko, 2015–2019, Observations and models of turbulent flows: a topological approach, Leverhulme Trust Research Grant RPG-2014-427 (supervised jointly with P. B. Bushby, R. H. Henderson and A. F. Fletcher)
- L. F. Santiago Rodrigues, 2016–2019, The research programme in astronomy theory at Newcastle University, STFC ST/N000900/1.
- I. Makarenko, 2018–2019, Morphological and Topological image analysis for clinical diagnostics and monitoring of cornea damage, STFC ST/S002383/1.
Undergraduate Teaching
2020/2021 - 2023/2024
MAS2804/PHY2035 (MAS2802/PHY2035)
- Jose C, Chamandy L, Shukurov A, Subramanian K, Rodrigues LFS, Baugh CM. Understanding the radio luminosity function of star-forming galaxies and its cosmological evolution. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2024, 532(2), 1504-1521.
- Qazi Y, Shukurov A, Tharakkal D, Gent FA, Bendre AB. Non-linear magnetic buoyancy instability and turbulent dynamo. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2024, 527(3), 7994-8005.
- Tharakkal D, Shukurov A, Gent FA, Sarson GR, Snodin A. Steady states of the Parker instability: the effects of rotation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2023, 525(2), 2972-2984.
- Tharakkal D, Shukurov A, Gent FA, Sarson GR, Snodin AP, Rodrigues LFS. Steady states of the Parker instability. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2023, 525(4), 5597-5613.
- Tharakkal D, Snodin AP, Sarson GR, Shukurov A. Cosmic rays and random magnetic traps. Physical Review E 2023, 107, 065206.
- Hollins JF, Sarson GR, Evirgen CC, Shukurov A, Fletcher A, Gent FA. Mean fields and fluctuations in compressible magnetohydrodynamic flows. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 2022, 116(4), 261-289.
- Wadkin LE, Orozco-Fuentes S, Neganova I, Lako M, Barrio RA, Baggaley AW, Parker NG, Shukurov A. OCT4 expression in human embryonic stem cells: spatio-temporal dynamics and fate transitions. IOP Physical Biology 2021, 18(2), 026003.
- Wadkin LE, Orozco-Fuentes S, Neganova I, Lako M, Parker NG, Shukurov A. A mathematical modelling framework for the regulation of intra-cellular OCT4 in human pluripotent stem cells. PLoS ONE 2021, 16(8), e0254991.
- Wadkin LE, Orozco-Fuentes S, Neganova I, Lako M, Shukurov A, Parker NG. The recent advances in the mathematical modelling of human pluripotent stem cells. SN Applied Sciences 2020, 2, 276.
- Henderson R, Makarenko I, Bushby P, Fletcher A, Shukurov A. Statistical Topology and the Random Interstellar Medium. Journal of the American Statistical Association 2020, 115(530), 625-635.
- Chamandy L, Shukurov A. Parameters of the supernova-driven interstellar turbulence. Galaxies 2020, 8(3), 1-25.
- Seta A, Bushby PJ, Shukurov A, Wood TS. On the saturation mechanism of the fluctuation dynamo at PrM >= 1. Physical Review Fluids 2020, 5, 043702.
- Evirgen CC, Gent FA, Shukurov A, Fletcher A, Bushby PJ. The supernova-regulated ISM – VI. Magnetic effects on the structure of the interstellar medium. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2019, 488(4), 5065–5074.
- Bera P, Shukurov A, Subramanian K. The origin of large-scale magnetic fields in low-mass galaxies. Galaxies 2019, 7(4), 91.
- Wadkin LE, Orozco-Fuentes S, Neganova I, Bojic S, Laude A, Lako M, Parker NG, Shukurov A. Seeding hESCs to achieve optimal colony clonality. Scientific Reports 2019, 9(1), 15299.
- Orozco-Fuentes S, Neganova I, Wadkin LE, Baggaley AW, Barrio RA, Shukurov AS, Parker NG. Quantification of the morphological characteristics of hESC colonies. Scientific Reports 2019, 9, 17569.
- Haverkorn M, Boulanger F, Ensslin T, Horandel JR, Jaffe T, Jasche J, Rachen JP, Shukurov A. IMAGINE: Modeling the galactic magnetic field. Galaxies 2019, 7(1), 17.
- Rodrigues LFS, Snodin A, Sarson G, Shukurov A. Fickian and non-Fickian diffusion of cosmic rays. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2019, 487(1), 975-980.
- Rodrigues LFS, Chamandy L, Shukurov A, Baugh CM, Taylor AR. Evolution of galactic magnetic fields. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2019, 483(2), 2424-2440.
- Shukurov A, Rodrigues LFS, Bushby PJ, Hollins J, Rachen JP. A physical approach to modelling large-scale galactic magnetic fields. Astronomy & Astrophysics 2019, 623, A113.
- Makarenko I, Shukurov A, Henderson R, Rodrigues LFS, Bushby P, Fletcher A. Topological signatures of interstellar magnetic fields - I. Betti numbers and persistence diagrams. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2018, 475(2), 1843–1858.
- Makarenko I, Bushby P, Fletcher A, Henderson R, Makarenko N, Shukurov A. Topological data analysis and diagnostics of compressible MHD turbulence. Journal of Plasma Physics 2018, 84(4), 1-24.
- Basu A, Mao SA, Fletcher A, Kanekar N, Shukurov A, Schnitzeler D, Vacca V, Junklewitz H. Statistical properties of Faraday rotation measure in external galaxies – I: intervening disc galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2018, 477(2), 2528-2546.
- Seta A, Shukurov A, Wood TS, Bushby PJ, Snodin AP. Relative distribution of cosmic rays and magnetic fields. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2018, 473(4), 4544-4557.
- Boulanger F, Ensslin T, Fletcher A, Girichides P, Hackstein S, Haverkorn M, Hoerandel JR, Jaffe TR, Jasche J, Kachelriess M, Kotera K, Pfrommer C, Rachen JP, Rodrigues LFS, Ruiz-Granados B, Seta A, Shukurov A, Sigl G, Steininger T, Vacca V, van der Velden E, van Vliet A, Wang J. IMAGINE: A comprehensive view of the interstellar medium, Galactic magnetic fields and cosmic rays. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2018, 2018(08), 049.
- Wadkin LE, Orozco-Fuentes S, Neganova I, Swan G, Laude A, Lako M, Shukurov A, Parker NG. Correlated random walks of human embryonic stem cells in vitro. Physical Biology 2018, 15(5), 056006.
- Evirgen CC, Gent FA, Shukurov A, Fletcher A, Bushby P. The distribution of mean and fluctuating magnetic fields in the multiphase interstellar medium. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2017, 464(1), L105-L109.
- Hollins JF, Sarson GR, Shukurov A, Fletcher A, Gent FA. Supernova-regulated ISM. V. Space and Time Correlations. Astrophysical Journal 2017, 850(1), 4.
- Wadkin LE, Elliot LF, Neganova I, Parker NG, Chichagova V, Swan G, Laude A, Lako M, Shukurov A. Dynamics of single human embryonic stem cells and their pairs: a quantitative analysis. Scientific Reports 2017, 7, 570.
- Shukurov A, Snodin AP, Seta A, Bushby PJ, Wood TS. Cosmic rays in intermittent magnetic fields. Astrophysical Journal Letters 2017, 839(1), L16.
- Rodrigues LFS, Sarson GR, Shukurov A, Bushby PJ, Fletcher A. The Parker instability in disk galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 2016, 816(1), 2.
- Chamandy L, Shukurov A, Taylor AR. Statistical Tests of Galactic Dynamo Theory. Astrophysical Journal 2016, 833(1), 43.
- Frick P, Stepanov R, Beck R, Sokoloff D, Shukurov A, Ehle M, Lundgren A. Magnetic and gaseous spiral arms in M83. Astronomy & Astrophysics 2016, 585, A21.
- Snodin AP, Shukurov A, Sarson GR, Bushby PJ, Rodrigues LFS. Global diffusion of cosmic rays in random magnetic fields. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2016, 457(4), 3975-3987.
- Shukurov A, Sarson G, Videiko M, Henderson K, Shiel R, Dolukhanov P, Pashkevich G. Productivity of Premodern Agriculture in the Cucuteni-Trypillia Area. Human Biology 2015, 87(3), 235-282.
- Shukurov A, Sarson G, Videiko M, Henderson K, Shiel R, Dolukhanov P, Pashkevich G. Productivity of Premodern agriculture in the Cucuteni–Trypillia area. Human Biology 2015, 87(3), 235-238.
- Chamandy L, Shukurov A, Subramanian K. Magnetic spiral arms and galactic outflows. Monthly Notices Letters of the Royal Astronomical Society 2015, 446(1), L6-L10.
- Van Eck CL, Brown JC, Shukurov A, Fletcher A. Magnetic fields in a sample of nearby spiral galaxies. Astrophysical Journal 2015, 799(1), 35.
- Rodrigues LFS, Shukurov A, Fletcher A, Baugh CM. Galactic magnetic fields and hierarchical galaxy formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2015, 450(4), 3472-3489.
- Makarenko I, Fletcher A, Shukurov A. 3D morphology of a random field from its 2D cross-section. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astonomical Society 2015, 447(1), L55-L59.
- Gangal K, Sarson GR, Shukurov A. The Near-Eastern Roots of the Neolithic in South Asia. PLoS One 2014, 9(5), e95714.
- Henderson DA, Baggaley AW, Shukurov A, Boys RJ, Sarson GR, Golightly A. Regional variations in the European Neolithic dispersal: the role of the coastlines. Antiquity 2014, 88(342), 1291-1302.
- Chamandy L, Shukurov A, Subramanian K, Stoker K. Non-linear galactic dynamos: a toolbox. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2014, 443(3), 1867-1880.
- Shneider C, Haverkorn M, Fletcher A, Shukurov A. Depolarization of synchrotron radiation in a multilayer magneto-ionic medium. Astronomy & Astrophysics 2014, 567, A82.
- Shneider C, Haverkorn M, Fletcher A, Shukurov A. Constraining regular and turbulent magnetic field strengths in M 51 via Faraday depolarization. Astronomy & Astrophysics 2014, 568, A83.
- Ji Y, Cole L, Bushby P, Shukurov A. Asymptotic solutions for mean-field slab dynamos. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 2014, 108(5), 568-583.
- Stepanov R, Shukurov A, Fletcher A, Beck R, La Porta L, Tabatabaei F. An observational test for correlations between cosmic rays and magnetic fields. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2014, 437(3), 2201-2216.
- Gent FA, Shukurov A, Fletcher A, Sarson GR, Mantere MJ. The supernova-regulated ISM - I. The multiphase structure. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2013, 432(2), 1396-1423.
- Chamandy L, Subramanian K, Shukurov A. Galactic spiral patterns and dynamo action - II. Asymptotic solutions. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2013, 433(4), 3274-3289.
- Chamandy L, Subramanian K, Shukurov A. Galactic spiral patterns and dynamo action - I. A new twist on magnetic arms. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2013, 428(4), 3569-3589.
- Mao SA, McClure-Griffiths NM, Gaensler BM, Brown JC, van Eck CL, Haverkorn M, Kronberg PP, Stil JM, Shukurov A, Taylor AR. New constraints on the galactic halo magnetic field using rotation measures of extragalactic sources toward the outer galaxy. Astrophysical Journal 2012, 755(1), 21.
- Baggaley AW, Boys RJ, Golightly A, Sarson GR, Shukurov A. Inference for population dynamics in the Neolithic period. Annals of Applied Statistics 2012, 6(4), 1352-1376.
- Baggaley AW, Barenghi CF, Shukurov A, Sergeev YA. Coherent vortex structures in quantum turbulence. Europhysics Letters 2012, 98(2), 26002.
- Baggaley AW, Sarson GR, Shukurov A, Boys RJ, Golightly A. Bayesian inference for a wave-front model of the neolithization of Europe. Physical Review E 2012, 86(1), 016105.
- Van Eck CL, Brown JC, Stil JM, Rae K, Mao SA, Gaensler BM, Shukurov A, Taylor AR, Haverkorn M, Kronberg PP, McClure-Griffiths NM. Modeling the Magnetic Field in the Galactic Disk Using New Rotation Measure Observations from the Very Large Array. Astrophysical Journal 2011, 728(2), 97.
- Fletcher A, Beck R, Shukurov A, Berkhuijsen EM, Horellou C. Magnetic fields and spiral arms in the galaxy M51. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2011, 412(4), 2396-2416.
- Patterson MA, Sarson GR, Sarson HC, Shukurov A. Modelling the Neolithic transition in a heterogeneous environment. Journal of Archaeological Science 2010, 37(11), 2929-2937.
- Baggaley AW, Shukurov A, Barenghi CF, Subramanian K. Fluctuation dynamo based on magnetic reconnections. Astronomische Nachrichten 2010, 331(1), 46-62.
- Mao SA, Gaensler BM, Haverkorn M, Zweibel EG, Madsen GJ, McClure-Griffiths NM, Shukurov A, Kronberg PP. A Survey of Extragalactic Faraday Rotation at High Galactic Latitute: the Vertical Magnetic Field of the Milky Way Toward the Galactic Poles. Astrophysical Journal 2010, 714(2), 1170-1186.
- Dolukhanov P, Shukurov A, Davison K, Sarson G, Gerasimenko N, Pashkevich G, Vybornov A, Kovalyukh N, Skripkin V, Zaitseva G, Sapelko T. The spread of the neolithic in the south east european plain: Radiocarbon chronology, subsistence, and environment. Radiocarbon 2009, 51(2), 783-793.
- Baggaley AW, Barenghi CF, Shukurov A. Stretching in a model of a turbulent flow. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 2009, 238(4), 365-369.
- Baggaley A, Barenghi C, Shukurov A, Subramanian K. Reconnecting flux-rope dynamo. Physical Review E 2009, 80(5), 055301.
- Davison K, Dolukhanov PM, Sarson GR, Shukurov A, Zaitseva GI. Multiple sources of the European Neolithic: Mathematical modelling constrained by radiocarbon dates. Quaternary International 2009, 203(1-2), 10-18.
- Mizeva IA, Sokoloff DD, Fletcher A, Frick PG, Shukurov A. Contour-Crossing Statistics for Small Scale Structure on Radio Polarized Intensity Maps of the Interstellar Medium. Astronomy Reports 2009, 53(10), 879-885.
- Mazurkevich AN, Korotkevich BN, Dolukhanov PM, Shukurov AM, Arslanov KhA, Saveleva LA, Dzinoridze EN, Kulkova MA, Zaitseva GI. Climate, Subsistence and Human Movements in the Western Dvina – Lovat River Basins. Quaternary International 2009, 203(1-2), 52-66.
- Shukurov A, Stepanov R, Sokoloff D. Dynamo action in Möbius flow. Physical Review E 2008, 78(2), 025301.
- Shukurov A, Sokoloff D. Course 4 Astrophysical dynamos. Les Houches Summer School Proceedings 2008, 88, 251-299.
- Wilkin SL, Barenghi CF, Shukurov A. Magnetic structures produced by the small-scale dynamo. Physical Review Letters 2007, 99(13), -.
- Moss D, Snodin AP, Englmaier P, Shukurov A, Beck R, Sokoloff DD. Magnetic fields in barred galaxies V. Modelling NGC 1365. Astronomy and Astrophysics 2007, 465(1), 157-170.
- Sur S, Shukurov A, Subramanian K. Galactic dynamos supported by magnetic helicity fluxes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2007, 377(2), 874-882.
- Davison K, Dolukhanov PM, Sarson GR, Shukurov A, Zaitseva GI. A pan-European model of the Neolithic. Documenta Praehistorica 2007, 34, 139-154.
- Davison K, Dolukhanov P, Sarson GR, Shukurov A. The role of waterways in the spread of the Neolithic. Journal of Archaeological Science 2006, 33(5), 641-652.
- Snodin AP, Brandenburg A, Mee AJ, Shukurov A. Simulating field-aligned diffusion of a cosmic ray gas. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2006, 373(2), 643-652.
- Shukurov A, Sokoloff D, Subramanian K, Brandenburg A. Galactic dynamo and helicity losses through fountain flow. Astronomy and Astrophysics 2006, 448(2), L33-L36.
- Subramanian K, Shukurov A, Haugen NEL. Evolving turbulence and magnetic fields in galaxy clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2006, 366(4), 1437-1454.
- Fletcher A, Shukurov A. Canals in Milky Way radio polarization maps. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2006, 371(1), L21-L25.
- Dolukhanov P, Shukurov A, Gronenborn D, Sokoloff D, Timofeev V, Zaitseva G. The chronology of Neolithic dispersal in Central and Eastern Europe. Journal of Archaeological Science 2005, 32(10), 1441-1458.
- Dolukhanov PM, Shukurov AM, Tarasov PE, Zaitseva GI. Reply to Y. V. Kuzmin, S. G. Keates (Journal of Archaeological Science 31 (2004) 141-143). Journal of Archaeological Science 2005, 32(7), 1125-1130.
- Beck R, Fletcher A, Shukurov A, Snodin A, Sokoloff DD, Ehle M, Moss D, Shoutenkov V. Magnetic fields in barred galaxies IV. NGC 1097 and NGC 1365. Astronomy and Astrophysics 2005, 444(3), 739-765.
- Beck R, Fletcher A, Shukurov A, Snodin A, Sokoloff DD, Ehle M, Moss D, Shoutenkov V. Magnetic fields in barred galaxies. Astronomy & Astrophysics 2005, 444(3), 739-U65.
- Fletcher A, Berkhuijsen EM, Beck R, Shukurov A. The magnetic field of M 31 from multi-wavelength radio polarization observations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 2004, 414(1), 53-67.
- Shukurov A, Sarson GR, Nordlund A, Gudiksen B, Brandenburg A. The effects of spiral arms on the multi-phase ISM. Astrophysics and Space Science 2004, 289(3-4), 319-322.
- Sarson GR, Nordlund A, Gudiksen B, Shukurov A, Brandenburg A. Self-regulating supernovae heating in interstellar medium simulations. Astrophysics and Space Science 2004, 292(1-4), 267-272.
- von Rekowski B, Brandenburg A, Dobler W, Shukurov A. Outflows from dynamo-active protostellar accretion discs. Astrophysics and Space Science 2004, 292(1-4), 493-500.
- Willis AP, Shukurov A, Soward AM, Sokoloff D. Non-local effects in the mean-field disc dynamo: II - Numerical and asymptotic solutions. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 2004, 98(4), 345-363.
- Dolukhanov P, Shukurov A. Modelling the Neolithic dispersal in northern Eurasia. Documenta Praehistorica 2004, 31, 35-47.
- Dolukhanov PM, Shukurov AM, Gronenborn D, Zaitseva GI, Timofeev VI, Sokoloff DD. K statistike radiouglerodnoi chronologii rannego neolitha Yuga vostochnoi i centralinoi Evropy. Archeologicheskie Zapiski 2004, 3.
- Moss D, Shukurov A. Accretion disc dynamos opened up by external magnetic fields. Astronomy and Astrophysics 2004, 413(2), 403-414.
- Beck R, Shukurov A, Sokoloff D, Wielebinski R. Systematic bias in interstellar magnetic field estimates. Astronomy and Astrophysics 2003, 411(2), 99-107.
- Von Rekowski B, Brandenburg A, Dobler W, Shukurov A. Structured outflow from a dynamo active accretion disc. Astronomy and Astrophysics 2003, 398(3), 825-844.
- Shukurov A, Berkhuijsen EM. Faraday ghosts: Depolarization canals in the Galactic radio emission. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2003, 342(2), 496-500.
- Stepanov R, Frick P, Shukurov A, Sokoloff D. Wavelet tomography of the Galactic magnetic field - I. The method. Astronomy & Astrophysics 2002, 391(1), 361-368.
- Shukurov A. The origin of magnetic fields in elliptical galaxies. Highlights of Astronomy 2002, 12, 731-732.
- Moss D, Beck R, Shukurov A. Summary of the discussion. Highlights of Astronomy 2002, 12, 745-748.
- Shukurov A. On the origin of galactic magnetic fields. Astrophysics and Space Science 2002, 281(1-2), 285-288.
- Dobler W, Shukurov A, Brandenburg A. Nonlinear states of the screw dynamo. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 2002, 65(3), 036311/1-036311/13.
- Beck R, Shoutenkov V, Ehle M, Harnett JI, Haynes RF, Shukurov A, Sokoloff DD, Thierbach M. Magnetic fields in barred galaxies - I. The atlas. Astronomy & Astrophysics 2002, 391(1), 83-102.
- Dolukhanov PM, Shukurov AM, Tarasov PE, Zaitseva GI. Colonization of Northern Eurasia by modern humans: Radiocarbon chronology and environment. Journal of Archaeological Science 2002, 29(6), 593-606.
- Bardou A, Von Rekowski B, Dobler W, Brandenburg A, Shukurov A. The effects of vertical outflows on disk dynamos. Astronomy and Astrophysics 2001, 370(2), 635-648.
- Frick P, Stepanov R, Shukurov A, Sokoloff D. Structures in the rotation measure sky. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2001, 325(2), 649-664.
- Dolukhanov P, Sokoloff D, Shukurov A. Radiocarbon chronology of upper palaeolithic sites in eastern Europe at improved resolution. Journal of Archaeological Science 2001, 28(7), 699-712.
- Moss D, Shukurov A, Sokoloff D, Beck R, Fletcher A. Magnetic fields in barred galaxies. II. Dynamo models. Astronomy and Astrophysics 2001, 380(1), 55-71.
- Fletcher A, Shukurov A. Hydrostatic equilibrium in a magnetized, warped Galactic disc. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2001, 325(1), 312-320.
- Moss D, Shukurov A. Galactic dynamos with captured magnetic flux and an accretion flow. Astronomy & Astrophysics 2001, 372(3), 1048-1063.
- Priklonsky V, Shukurov A, Sokoloff D, Soward A. Non-local effects in the mean-field disc dynamo: I. An asymptotic expansion. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 2000, 93(1-2), 97-114.
- Frick P, Beck R, Shukurov A, Sokoloff D, Ehle M, Kamphius J. Magnetic and optical spiral arms in the galaxy NGC 6946. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2000, 318, 925-937.
- Moss D, Shukurov A, Sokoloff D. Accretion and galactic dynamos. Astronomy and Astrophysics 2000, 358(3), 1142-1150.
- Beck R, Ehle M, Shoutenkov V, Shukurov A, Sokoloff D. Magnetic fields as a tracer of sheared gas flow in barred galaxies. Nature 1999, 397(6717), 324-327.
- Beck R, Ehle M, Shoutenkov V, Shukurov A, Sokoloff D. Magnetic field as a tracer of sheared gas flow in barred galaxies. Nature 1999, 397(6717), 324-327.
- Beck R, Ehle M, Shoutenkov V, Shukurov A, Sokoloff D. Magnetfelder fütten Schwarzes Loch. Sterne und Weltraum 1999, 6-7, 534-535.
- Dolukhanov P, Shukurov A, Sokoloff D. Improved radiocarbon chronology and the Neolithisation of Europe. Revue d'Archeometrie 1999, 26, 133-136.
- Moss D, Shukurov A, Sokoloff D. Galactic dynamos driven by magnetic buoyancy. Astronomy & Astrophysics 1999, 343, 120-131.
- Moss D, Shukurov A, Sokoloff D. Galactic dynamos driven by magnetic buoyancy. Astronomy and Astrophysics 1999, 343(1), 120-131.
- Korpi MJ, Brandenburg A, Shukurov A, Tuominen I. Evolution of a superbubble in a turbulent, multi-phased and magnetized ISM. Astronomy and Astrophysics 1999, 350(1), 230-239.
- Korpi MJ, Brandenburg A, Shukurov A, Tuominen I, Nordlund A. A supernova-regulated interstellar medium: Simulations of the turbulent multiphase medium. Astrophysical Journal 1999, 514(2), L99-L102.
- Sanchez-Salcedo FJ, Brandenburg A, Shukurov A. Turbulence and magnetic fields in clusters of galaxies. Astrophysics and Space Science 1998, 263(1-4), 87-90.
- Moss D, Shukurov A, Sokoloff DD, Berkhuijsen EM, Beck R. The nature of the magnetic belt in M31. Astronomy and Astrophysics 1998, 335(2), 500-509.
- Shukurov A. Magnetic spiral arms in galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 1998, 299(1), L21-L24.
- Sokoloff DD, Bykov AA, Shukurov A, Berkhuijsen EM, Beck R, Poezd AD. Depolarization and Faraday effects in galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 1998, 299(1), 189-206.
- Moss D, Shukurov A, Sokoloff D. Boundary effects and propagating, magnetic fronts in disc dynamos. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 1998, 89(3-4), 285-308.
Authored Books
- Timofeev VI, Zaitseva GI, Dolukhanov PM, Shukurov AM. Radiocarbon Chronology of the Neolithic in Northern Eurasia. St Petersburg, Russia: Teza, 2005.
- Dobler W, Brandenburg A, Shukurov A. Pressure-driven outflow and magneto-centrifugal wind from a dynamo active disc. Kraków, Poland: Astronomical Observatory of the Jagiellonian University, 1999.
Book Chapters
- Carrer F, Sarson G, Baggaley A, Shukurov A, Angelucci DE. Ethnoarchaeology-Based Modelling to Investigate Economic Transformations and Land-Use Change in the Alpine Uplands. In: Saqalli, M; Vander Linden M, ed. Integrating Qualitative and Social Science Factors in Archaeological Modelling. Springer International Publishing, 2019, pp.185-216.
- Dolukhanov P, Mazurkevich A, Shukurov A. Early pottery makers in Eastern Europe: Centres of Origins, Subsistence and Dispersal. In: Zvelebil, M; Jordan, P, ed. Ceramics before Farming: The Dispersal of Pottery among Prehistoric Eurasian Hunter-Gatherers. USA: Left Coast Press, 2010, pp.237-254.
- Feugier FG, Dolukhanov PM, Sarson GR, Shukurov A. Population spread along self-organised paths. In: Dolukhanov, PM; Sarson, GR; Shukurov, A, ed. The East European Plain on the Eve of Agriculture. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2009, pp.246.
- Davison K, Dolukhanov PM, Sarson GR, Shukurov A, Zaitseva GI. Multiple sources of the European Neolithic: mathematical modelling constrained by radiocarbon dates. In: Dolukhanov, PM; Sarson, GR; Shukurov, A, ed. The East European Plain on the Eve of Agriculture. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2009, pp.246.
- Dolukhanov PM, Mazurkevich AN, Shukurov A. Early pottery makers in Eastern Europe: centres of origin, subsistence and dispersal. In: Jordan, P; Zvelebil, M, ed. Origins of Ceramics and Hunter Gatherers of Northern Eurasia. London: UCL Press, 2007.
- Shukurov A. Mesoscale Magnetic Structures in Spiral Galaxies. In: Wielebinski, R., Beck, R, ed. Cosmic Magnetic Fields. Berlin–Heidelberg: Springer, 2005, pp.113-135.
- Shukurov A. Introduction to galactic dynamos. In: E. Dormy, ed. Mathematical Aspects of Natural Dynamos. Paris: EDP Press, 2005.
- Gabov AS, Sokoloff DD, Shukurov A. Turbulent diamagnetism and Galactic Dynamo. In: Dynamo and Dynamics, a mathematical challenge. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic, 2001, pp.233-237.
- Shukurov A. Global magnetic structures in spiral galaxies: evidence for dynamo action. In: Berkhuijsen, EM; Beck, R; Walterbos RAM, ed. The Interstellar Medium In M31 And M33, 232 WE-Heraeus Seminar (Berichte Aus Der Astronomie). Germany: Shaker Verlag, 2000, pp.191-200.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Rodrigues LFS, Chamandy L, Shukurov A, Baugh CM, Taylor AR. The evolution of large scale magnetic fields in spiral galaxies. In: XXXth General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union. 2018, Vienna, Austria.
- Wadkin L, Orozco-Fuentes S, Parker N, Shukurov S, Neganova I, Lako M. Human embryonic stem cell colony formation: statistical analysis and agent-based modelling. In: 19th IUPAB and 11th EBSA Congress. 2017, Edinburgh, UK: Springer.
- Dolukhanov PM, Shukurov A, Davison K, Sarson G, Gerasimenko NP, Pashkevich GA, Vybornov AA, Kovalyukh NN, Skripkin VV, Zaitseva GI, Sapelko TV. The Spread of the Neolithic in the South East European Plain: Radiocarbon Chronology, Subsistence, and Environment. In: Radiocarbon: 5th International Symposium on Radiocarbon and Archaeology. 2009, Zurich, Switzerland: University of Arizona, Department of Geosciences.
- Fletcher A, Korpi M, Shukurov A. Dynamically dominant magnetic fields in the diffuse interstellar medium. In: Cosmic Magnetic Fields: from Planets, to Stars and Galaxies. 2009, Puerto Santiago, Tenerife, Spain: Cambridge University Press.
- Dolukhanov PM, Shukurov AM, Arslanov KA, Subetto DA, Zaitseva GI, Djinoridze EN, Kuznetsov DD, Ludikova AV, Sapelko TV, Savelieva LA. Evolution of waterways and early human settlements in the eastern Baltic area: Radiocarbon-based chronology. In: 19th International Radiocarbon Conference. 2007, Oxford, UK: Radiocarbon, University of Arizona.
- Fletcher A, Shukurov A. Depolarization canals and interstellar turbulence. In: Sky Polarisation at Far-Infrared to Radio Wavelengths: The Galactic Screen Before the Cosmic Microwave Background. 2007, Orsay, France: EDP Sciences.
- Shukurov A, Subramanian K, Haugen NEL. The origin and evolution of cluster magnetism. In: International Conference on Origin and Evolution of Cosmic Magnetism. 2006, Bologna, Italy: Astronomische Nachrichten, Wiley-Blackwell.
- Beck R, Ehle M, Fletcher A, Harnett J, Shoutenkov V, Shukurov A, Sokoloff D. Magnetic fields and mass inflow in central regions of barred galaxies. In: The Evolution of Starbursts: the 331st Wilhelm and Else Heraeus seminar. 2005, Bad Honnef, Germany: American Institute of Physics.
- Dolukhanov P, Shukurov A. Colonisation of Northern Eurasia by early modern humans as viewed through the evidence of radiocarbon dating. In: Radiocarbon and Archaeology: fourth international symposium. 2002, St Catherine's College, Oxford: Oxford University School of Archaeology.
- Dolukhanov P, Shukurov A, Gronenborn D, Timofeev VI, Zaitseva GI, Sokoloff DD. An improved chronology for the neolithic of Central and Eastern Europe. In: Radiocarbon and Archaeology: fourth international symposium. 2002, St Catherine's College, Oxford: Oxford University School of Archaeology.
- von Rekowski B, Brandenburg A, Dobler W, Shukurov A. Two-dimensional disk dynamos with vertical outflows into a halo. In: NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Dynamo and Dynamics, a Mathematical Challenge. 2001, Cargese, France: Springer.
- Fletcher A, Beck R, Berkhuijsen EM, Shukurov A. The regular magnetic fields of M31 and M33, from radio polarization observations. In: The Interstellar Medium in M31 and M33: Proceedings 232. WE-Heraeus Seminar. 2000, Bad Honnef, Aachen, Germany: Shaker Verlag.
- Fletcher A, Shukurov A. The role of magnetic fields in Galactic hydrostatic equilibrium. In: Plasma Turbulence and Energetic Particles in Astrophysics: proceedings of the International Conference. 1999, Kraków, Poland: Astronomical Observatory of the Jagiellonian University.
- Shukurov A. A dynamic interstellar medium: recent numerical simulations. In: Plasma Turbulence and Energetic Particles in Astrophysics: proceedings of the International Conference. 1999, Kraków, Poland: Astronomical Observatory of the Jagiellonian University.
Edited Book
- Dolukhanov PM, Sarson GR, Shukurov AM, ed. The East European Plain on the Eve of Agriculture. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2009.
- Shukurov A, Sokoloff D, Schekochihin A. Editorial Special issue: Macroscopic randomness in astrophysical plasmas: The legacy and vision of Ya. B. Zeldovich. Journal of Plasma Physics 2015, 81(4).
- Beck R, Lyne A, Lynden-Bell D, Ruderman M, Shukurov A, Graham-Smith F, Mestel L, Blandford RD. The magnetic fields of neutron stars - Discussion. PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON SERIES A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES 2000, 358(1767), 839-840.
- Lynden-Bell D, Blandford RD, Falle S, Mirabel IF, Uchida Y, Shukurov A, Priest ER, Mestel L. Quasar jets and their fields - Discussion. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A 2000, 358(1767), 827-829.
- Blandford RD, Mirabel IF, Pudritz RE, Shukurov A, Harflaftis E. Magnetism in microquasars - Discussion. PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON SERIES A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES 2000, 358(1767), 851-851.
- Shukurov A, Pudritz RE, Mirabel IF, Uchida Y, Roxburgh IW, Barker K, Lynden-Bell D, Brandenburg A, Blandford RD. Jets from accretion discs - Discussion. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series A - Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 2000, 358(1767), 756-758.
- Shukurov A, Moran JM. High-resolution maser studies of galactic nuclei - Discussion. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A - Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 2000, 358(1767), 797-810.
- Gent FA, Shukurov A, Sarson GR, Fletcher A, Mantere MJ. The supernova-regulated ISM - II. The mean magnetic field. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2013, 430(1), L40-L44.
- Moss D, Shukurov A. Stars, bars and magnetic fields. Astronomy & Geophysics 2006, 47(2), 6.
- Wadkin LE, Makarenko I, Parker NG, Shukurov A, Figueiredo FC, Lako M. Human Stem Cells for Ophthalmology: Recent Advances in Diagnostic Image Analysis and Computational Modelling. Current Stem Cell Reports 2023, 9, 57-66.