Staff Profile
Dr Dominic Bowman
Reader in Astrophysics
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 2088318
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About Me
Dominic was born in the United Kingdom and holds both British and Irish citizenship. He completed his MSci Physics and Astrophysics degree at the University of Birmingham (Sept 2009 - July 2013), and obtained his PhD in astronomy from the Jeremiah Horrocks Institute of the University of Central Lancashire (Oct 2013 - Nov 2016), which was funded by the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC). In February 2017, he moved to Leuven in Belgium to become a postdoctoral researcher in the group of Prof. Conny Aerts at the Institute of Astronomy, KU Leuven, Belgium (Feb 2017 - Oct 2020). In November 2020 he obtained a competitive FWO senior postdoctoral research fellowship also based at KU Leuven (Nov 2020 - Aug 2023). Since September 2023, Dominic holds a Readership Faculty position in the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics at Newcastle University in the UK, in addition to holding a Royal Society University Research Fellowship (URF) and an ERC/UKRI Frontier Research Grant: SYMPHONY.
Research Network
I am a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society (FRAS), a Member of the Institute of Physics (MInstP), a member of the European Astronomical Society (EAS) and a junior member of the International Astronomical Union (IAU). These professional organisations allow me to network with other researchers in physics and astronomy. They also organise scientific meetings, training and mentoring workshops, which I have attended to improve my communication, outreach and career prospects, and pass my knowledge and experience onto others.
I currently hold leading roles in several international consortia focussed on various astrophysical aspects of massive stars, including:
- MOBSTER: Detection, characterisation and understanding of magnetic fields in early-type stars
- CubeSpec: in-orbit proof-of-concept for spectroscopy with a cubesat and facilitating massive star asteroseismology from spectroscopic line profile variability
- XShootU: UV, visible and infrared spectroscopy of massive stars at low metallicity
- BEST: coordination of the BRITE-Constellation network of cubesats assembling time-series photometry of bright stars
- Arago: candidate mission for M7 ESA call; chair of the 'Hot BA star' working group
Asteroseismology is the study of oscillations inside stars, which telescopes capture as changes in their surface brightness. The detection of stellar oscillation frequencies allows us to probe the physics of stellar structure and evolution, with the ultimate goal of asteroseismology being to improve our understanding of the interior physical conditions and processes for a diverse range of stars. The quality of space observations, such as from the CoRoT, Kepler/K2 and TESS space telescopes, provide an excellent opportunity to study physics that is not currently well understood for massive stars.
My current ERC/UKRI Frontier Research Grant, SYMPHONY, focuses on asteroseismology of massive stars and in particular blue supergiants, which are those that will eventually explode as violent supernovae and leave behind a neutron star or black hole. The project is using existing and developing new techniques for applying asteroseismology and determining the physical properties of massive stars, such as their interior rotation profiles, (core) masses and ages. These properties are not accurately known for massive stars, because our best current theoretical models contain large uncertainties. Massive stars pulsate in gravity and pressure mode oscillations which probe the deep stellar interiors and radiative envelopes, respectively, thus provide excellent insight of the physics at work within stellar interiors. The ongoing TESS mission is targeting thousands of massive stars thanks to my several TESS GI proposals as PI spanning cycles 1-6. In addition to these new TESS data, the SYMPHONY project is exploiting high-resolution spectroscopy from ESO and Mercator telescopes, and the KU Leuven CubeSpec mission. Read more at the SYMPHONY project website.
Several PhD and postdoc positions are foreseen as part of the SYMPHONY project. If you cannot find details of any open vacancies on the Newcastle University website, please feel free to contact the PI to discuss possible options.
Read more about massive star asteroseismology:
- Bowman (2020, Fron. Space Sci. Astron., 7, 70), 'Asteroseismology of high-mass stars: new insights of stellar interiors with space telescopes'
- Burssens, Bowman, et al. (2023, Nature Astronomy 7, 913-930), 'A calibration point for stellar evolution from massive star asteroseismology'
- Bowman (2023, Astrophys. Space Sci. 368, 107), 'Making waves in massive star asteroseismology'
Academic years (23/24 - 24/25)
- Physics BSc individual projects (PHY3027 & 3034)
- Physics group projects (PHY3025)
- Physics extended MPhys project (PHY8054)
Online Resources
- Science Communication: How to give a talk
- Asteroseismology: Lectures and Tutorials (2022-2023)
- Bowman DM, Van Daele P, Michielsen M, Van Reeth T. Photometric detection of internal gravity waves in upper main-sequence stars. IV. Comparable stochastic low-frequency variability in SMC, LMC and Galactic massive stars. Astronomy & Astrophysics 2024, 692, 10.
- Ratnasingam RP, Edelmann PVF, Bowman DM, Rogers TM. On the Geometry of the Near-core Magnetic Field in Massive Stars. Astrophysical Journal Letters 2024, 977(1), L30.
- Tkachenko A, Pavlovski K, Serebriakova N, Bowman DM, IJspeert L, Gebruers S, Southworth J. Observational mapping of the mass discrepancy in eclipsing binaries: Selection of the sample and its photometric and spectroscopic properties. Astronomy and Astrophysics 2024, 683, A252.
- Zwintz K, Pigulski A, Kuschnig R, Wade GA, Doherty G, Earl M, Lovekin C, Müllner M, Piché-Perrier S, Steindl T, Beck PG, Bicz K, Bowman DM, Handler G, Pablo B, Popowicz A, Rozanski T, Mikolajczyk P, Baade D, Koudelka O, Moffat AFJ, Neiner C, Orleanski P, Smolec R, St-Louis N, Weiss WW, Wenger M, Zoclonska E. Catalogue of BRITE-Constellation targets. I. Fields 1 to 14 (November 2013-April 2016. Astronomy & Astrophysics 2024, 683, A49.
- Shenar T, Bodensteiner J, Sana H, Crowther PA, Lennon DJ, Abdul-Masih M, Almeida LA, Backs F, Berlanas SR, Bernini-Peron M, Bestenlehner JM, Bowman DM, Bronner VA, Britavskiy N, De Koter A, De Mink SE, Deshmukh K, Evans CJ, Fabry M, Gieles M, Gilkis A, Gonzalez-Tora G, Grafener G, Gotberg Y, Hawcroft C, Henault-Brunet V, Herrero A, Holgado G, Janssens S, Johnston C, Josiek J, Justham S, Kalari VM, Katabi ZZ, Keszthelyi Z, Klencki J, Kubat J, Kubatova B, Langer N, Lefever RR, Ludwig B, MacKey J, Mahy L, Maiz Apellaniz J, Mandel I, Maravelias G, Marchant P, Menon A, Najarro F, Oskinova LM, O'Grady AJG, Ovadia R, Patrick LR, Pauli D, Pawlak M, Ramachandran V, Renzo M, Rocha DF, Sander AAC, Sayada T, Schneider FRN, Schootemeijer A, Schosser EC, Schurmann C, Sen K, Shahaf S, Simon-Diaz S, Stoop M, Toonen S, Tramper F, Van Loon JT, Valli R, Van Son LAC, Vigna-Gomez A, Villasenor JI, Vink JS, Wang C, Willcox R. Binarity at LOw Metallicity (BLOeM): A spectroscopic VLT monitoring survey of massive stars in the SMC. Astronomy and Astrophysics 2024, 690, A289.
- Farrell E, Buldgen G, Meynet G, Eggenberger P, Dupret M-A, Bowman DM. A method for non-linear inversion of the stellar structure applied to gravity-mode pulsators. Astronomy & Astrophysics 2024, 686, A267.
- Frost AJ, Sana H, Mahy L, Wade G, Barron J, Le Bouquin J-B, Merand A, Schneider FRN, Shenar T, Barba RH, Bowman DM, Fabry M, Farhang A, Marchant P, Morrell NI, Smoker JV. A magnetic massive star has experienced a stellar merger. Science 2024, 384(6692), 214-217.
- Thompson W, Herwig F, Woodward PR, Mao H, Denissenkov P, Bowman DM, Blouin S. 3D hydrodynamic simulations of massive main-sequence stars - II. Convective excitation and spectra of internal gravity waves. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2024, 531(1), 1316-1337.
- Holdsworth DL, Cunha MS, Lares-Martiz M, Kurtz DW, Antoci V, Barcelo Forteza S, De Cat P, Derekas A, Kayhan C, Ozuyar D, Skarka M, Hey DR, Shi F, Bowman DM, Kobzar O, Ayala Gomez A, Bognar Zs, Buzasi DL, Ebadi M, Fox-Machado L, Garcia Hernandez A, Ghasemi H, Guzik JA, Handberg R, Handler G, Hasanzadeh A, Jayaraman R, Khalack V, Kochukhov O, Lovekin CC, Mikolajczyk P, Mkrtichian D, Murphy SJ, Niemczura E, Olafsson BG, Pascual-Granado J, Paunzen E, Posilek N, Ramon-Ballesta A, Safari H, Samadi-Ghadim A, Smalley B, Sodor A, Stateva I, Suarez JC, Szabo R, Wu T, Ziaali E, Zong W, Seager S. TESS Cycle 2 observations of roAp stars with 2-min cadence data. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2024, 527(4), 9548-9580.
- Bowman DM, van Saders J, Vink JS. The Structure and Evolution of Stars: Introductory Remarks. Galaxies 2023, 11(5), 94.
- Bowman DM. Making waves in massive star asteroseismology. Astrophysics and Space Science 2023, 368, 107.
- Shenar T, Wade GA, Marchant P, Bagnulo S, Bodensteiner J, Bowman DM, Gilkis A, Langer N, Nicolas-Chené A, Oskinova L, Van Reeth T, Sana H, St-Louis N, de Oliveira AS, Todt H, Toonen S. A massive helium star with a sufficiently strong magnetic field to form a magnetar. Science 2023, 381(6659), 761-765.
- Burssens S, Bowman DM, Michielsen M, Simón-Díaz S, Aerts C, Vanlaer V, Banyard G, Nardetto N, Townsend RHD, Handler G, Mombarg JSG, Vanderspek R, Ricker G. A calibration point for stellar evolution from massive star asteroseismology. Nature Astronomy 2023, 7, 913-930.
- Pedersen MG, Aerts C, Papics PI, Michielsen M, Gebruers S, Rogers TM, Molenberghs G, Burssens S, Garcia S, Bowman DM. Internal mixing of rotating stars inferred from dipole gravity modes. Nature Astronomy 2021, 5, 715-722.
- Bowman DM, Burssens S, Simon-Diaz S, Edelmann PVF, Rogers TM, Horst L, Ropke FK, Aerts C. Photometric detection of internal gravity waves in upper main-sequence stars: II. Combined TESS photometry and high-resolution spectroscopy. Astronomy and Astrophysics 2020, 640, A36.
- Edelmann PVF, Ratnasingam RP, Pedersen MG, Bowman DM, Prat V, Rogers TM. Three-dimensional Simulations of Massive Stars. I. Wave Generation and Propagation. The Astrophysical Journal 2019, 876(1), 4.
- Bowman DM, Aerts C, Johnston C, Pedersen MG, Rogers TM, Edelmann PVF, Simón-Díaz S, Van Reeth T, Buysschaert B, Tkachenko A, Triana SA. Photometric detection of internal gravity waves in upper main-sequence stars I. Methodology and application to CoRoT targets. Astronomy & Astrophysics 2019, 621, A135.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstract)
- Frost AJ, Sana H, Mahy L, Wade G, Barron J, Le Bouquin J-B, Merand A, Schneider FRN, Shenar T, Barba RH, Bowman DM, Fabry M, Farhang A, Marchant P, Morrell NI, Smoker JV. An Interaction and Merger in a Massive Multiple System Create a Magnetic Field in a Massive StarUne interaction et une fusion dans un système multiple massif créent un champ magnétique dans une étoile massive. In: 41st Liège International Astrophysical Colloquium on "The eventful life of massive star multiples". 2024, University of Liège, Belgium: Société Royale des Sciences de Liège.
- Lecoanet D, Bowman DM, Van Reeth T. Asteroseismic inference of the near-core magnetic field strength in the main-sequence B star HD 43317. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2022, 512(1), L16-L20.