Staff Profile
Dr Evgenios Kakariadis
Senior Lecturer in Pure Mathematics
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 5374
- Personal Website:
- Address: School of Mathematics, Statistics & Physics
Herschel Building,
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
Dr Evgenios Kakariadis is a Senior Lecturer in Pure Mathematics for the School of Mathematics, Statistics & Physics at Newcastle University. His area of expertise is operator algebras.
Current roles:
- Stage 3 and Stage 4 DPD/Tutor.
- International admissions officer.
- Local coordinator for the Simon Marais Mathematics Competition.
- (Elected) Secretary of the North British Functional Analysis Seminars.
Previous roles:
- Degree Programme Director for Maths, Stats and Physics.
- Deputy Director of Discipline (Pure Section) and Teaching Curriculum Coordinator (Pure Section).
Professional Appointments:
- 2020/today: Senior Lecturer in Pure Mathematics, School of Mathematics, Statistics and Phyiscs, Newcastle University, UK.
- 2014/20: Lecturer in Pure Mathematics, School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics, Newcastle University, UK.
- 2013/14: Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept of Mathematics, Ben Gurion University, Israel. Supervisor: Orr M. Shalit.
- 2011/13: Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept of Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo, Canada. Supervisor: Kenneth R. Davidson.
- 2011: PhD in Mathematics, Dept of Mathematics, University of Athens, Greece.
- PhD Thesis: Operator Spaces and Operator Algebras: Semicrossed Products of Operator Algebras.
- Advisor: Aristides Katavolos.
- 2007: MSc in Pure Mathematics, Dept of Mathematics, University of Athens, Greece.
- MSc Thesis: Wedderburn-type Structure Theorems in Topological Algebras.
- Advisor: Marina Haralampidou.
- 2004: Ptychion in Mathematics, Dept of Mathematics, University of Athens, Greece.
- English.
- French.
- Greek (native).
- MathScinet: Click here.
- Google Scholar: Click here.
Reviewer for Academic Research Councils:
- 2023/today: UKRI Talent Peer Review College.
- 2022/today: Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation Peer Review College.
- 2020/today: Newcastle University Peer Review College.
- 2020/today: European Science Foundation College of Expert Reviewers.
- 2019: National Science Centre of Poland (Narodowe Centrum Nauki - NCN).
- 2018/today: EPSRC Full College Member.
Research Panels:
- 2022: HFRI Review Panel (declined due to conflict of interest).
- 2021: EPSRC Mathematics Prioritization Panel.
- 2017: EPSRC Mathematics Prioritization Panel.
- 2017: Institute of Sustainability, Newcastle University, UK.
EPRSC Interactions:
- 2019: (selected) EPSRC Mathematical Sciences Strategy Workshop.
- 2016/18: (selected) EPSRC Early Career Researcher Forum.
- 2016: (selected) EPSRC Mathematical Sciences Regional Workshop.
Mentor for Postdoctoral Fellows:
- 2022/23: Christos Tantalakis. EPSRC funded project of Dr. David Kimsey.
- 2019/20: Galatia Cleanthous. School Funded.
PhD Students:
- 2023/today: Max Durrant (co-supervisor). School funded.
- 2023/today: Apollonas Paraskevas (main supervisor). HFRI funded.
- 2020/today: Joseph Dessi (main supervisor). EPSRC funded.
- 2017/21: Matina Trachana (co-supervisor). School funded.
- 2015/19: Robbie Bickerton (main supervisor). EPSRC funded. School Postgraduate Prize in Pure Maths (2019).
- 2014/17: William Norledge (co-supervisor). School funded.
MPhil Students:
- 2019/today: Nathan Dixon (co-supervisor). School funded.
MMath Projects:
- 2020/21: Olivia Cook.
- 2018/19: Frances Bingham. Orator for the Graduation Ceremony.
- 2016/17: Chris Barrett. Awarded the Best MMath Project School Prize.
VIVA Examinations:
- 2023: Alexander Frei, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (External Examiner).
- 2021: Nata Machado, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil (External Examiner).
- 2017: Undrakh Batzorig, Newcastle University (Internal Examiner).
- 2016: David Brown, Newcastle University (Internal Examiner).
- MAS1606 Introductory Algebra, MAGIC Operator Algebras.
Teaching Certificates:
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (2017).
- Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (2015).
- 2023 Nominated by the Students’ Union for The Education Awards in the Outstanding Contribution to Teaching - SAGE Faculty category, Newcastle University.
- 2022 Best Lecturer Award at the Maths Society Winter Ball.
- 2022 Nominated by the Students’ Union for The Education Awards in the Outstanding Contribution to Teaching - SAGE Faculty category, Newcastle University.
- 2019 Shortlisted by the Students’ Union for The Education AwardsShortlisted for The Education Award in the Outstanding Contribution to Teaching - SAgE Faculty category by the Students' Union (2018/19).
- Shortlisted for The Education Award in the Outstanding Feedback category by the Students' Union (2018/19).
- Nominated for the Teaching Excellence Award in the Research Supervision category by the Students' Union (2016/17).
- Shortlisted for the Teaching Excellence Award in the Outstanding Feedback category by the Students' Union (2014/15).
- Shortlisted for the Teaching Excellence Award in the Outstanding Feedback category by the Students' Union (2014/15).
- Kakariatis, ETA, Paraskevas, IA. On Fock covariance for product systems and the reduced Hao-Ng isomorphism problem by discrete actions. 2024. Submitted.
- Kakariadis ETA, Katsoulis EG, Li X. Stable Isomorphisms of Operator Algebras. International Mathematics Research Notices 2023, 2024(5), 4094-4118.
- Dessi J, Kakariadis ETA. Equivariant quotients of Nica-Pimsner algebras associated with strong compactly aligned product systems. Dissertationes Mathematicae 2025, 599, 1-130.
- Kakariadis ETA, Katsoulis EG, Laca M, Li X. Couniversality and controlled maps on product systems over right LCM semigroups. Analysis & PDE 2023, 16(6), 1433-1483.
- Dor-On A, Kakariadis ETA, Katsoulis E, Laca M, Li X. C*-envelopes for operator algebras with a coaction and co-universal C*-algebras for product systems. Advances in Mathematics 2022, 400, 108286.
- Kakariadis ETA, Katsoulis EG, Laca M, Li X. Boundary quotient C*-algebras of semigroups. Journal of the London Mathematical Society 2022, 105(4), 2136-2166.
- Dor-On A, Kakariadis ETA. Operator algebras for higher rank analysis and their application to factorial languages. Journal d'Analyse Mathematique 2021, 143, 555-613.
- Eleftherakis GK, Kakariadis ETA, Todorov IG. Morita equivalence for operator systems. 2021. Submitted.
- Kakariadis ETA, Katsoulis EG, Li X. Operator algebras of higher rank numerical semigroups. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2020, 47L25, 46L07.
- Kakariadis ETA. Finite-dimensional approximations for Nica–Pimsner algebras. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 2020, 40(12), 3375-3402.
- Kakariadis ETA. Equilibrium states and entropy theory for Nica-Pimsner algebras. Advances in Mathematics 2020, 362, 106940.
- Kakariadis ETA. Entropy theory and parametrization for the equilibrium states of Pimsner algebras. Journal of Geometry and Physics 2020, 155, 103794.
- Kakariadis ETA. Applications of entropy of product systems: higher-rank graphs. Linear Algebra and its Applications 2020, 594, 124-157.
- Tandogdu Z, Kakariadis ETA, Naber K, Wagenlehner F, Johansen TEB. Appropriate empiric antibiotic choices in health care associated urinary tract infections in urology departments in Europe from 2006 to 2015: A Bayesian analytical approach applied in a surveillance study. PLoS ONE 2019, 14(4), e0214710.
- Davidson KR, Kakariadis ETA. A proof of Boca's Theorem. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A 2019, 149(4), 869-876.
- Davidson KR, Fuller AH, Kakariadis ETA. Semicrossed products of operator algebras: A survey. New York Journal of Mathematics 2018, 24a, 56-86.
- Kakariadis ETA, Shalit OM. Operator algebras of monomial ideals in noncommuting variables. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2018, 472(1), 738-813.
- Dor-On A, Kakariadis ETA. Operator algebras for higher rank analysis and their application to factorial languages. ArXiv 2018.
- Barrett C, Kakariadis ETA. On the quantized dynamics of factorial languages. Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 2018, 69(1), 119-152.
- Bickerton R, Kakariadis ETA. Free multivariate w*-semicrossed products: reflexivity and the bicommutant property. Canadian Journal of Mathematics 2018, 70(6), 1201-1235.
- Arici F, Kakariadis ETA, Larsen NS. Cuntz-Pimsner Cross-Pollination. Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde 2018, 5/20, 34-39.
- Eleftherakis GK, Kakariadis ETA. Strong Morita equivalence of operator spaces. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2017, 446(2), 1632-1653.
- Davidson KR, Fuller AH, Kakariadis ETA. Semicrossed products of operator algebras by semigroups. Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 2017, 247, 1168.
- Kakariadis ETA. On Nica-Pimsner algebras of C*-dynamical systems over \mathbb{Z}_+^n. International Mathematics Research Notices 2017, 2017(4), 1013-1065.
- Eleftherakis GK, Kakariadis ETA, Katsoulis EG. Morita equivalence of C*-correspondences passes to the related operator algebras. Israel Journal of Mathematics 2017, 222(2), 949-972.
- Kakariadis ETA. Semicrossed products of C*-algebras and their C*-envelopes. Journal d'Analyse Mathématique 2016, 129(1), 1–31.
- Kakariadis ETA, Peters JR. Ergodic extensions of endomorphisms. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 2016, 93(02), 307-320.
- Kakariadis ETA. A note on the gauge invariant uniqueness theorem for C*-correspondences. Israel Journal of Mathematics 2016, 215(2), 513-521.
- Kakariadis ETA. KMS states on Pimsner algebras associated with C*-dynamical systems. Journal of Functional Analysis 2015, 269(2), 325-354.
- Kakariadis ETA, Katsoulis EG. Isomorphism invariants for multivariable C*-dynamics. Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 2014, 8(3), 771-787.
- Davidson KR, Kakariadis ETA. Conjugate dynamical systems on C*-algebras. International Mathematics Research Notices 2014, 2014(5), 1289-1311.
- Kakariadis ETA, Katsoulis EG. C*-algebras and equivalences for C*-correspondences. Journal of Functional Analysis 2014, 266(2), 956-988.
- Kakariadis ETA. The Šilov Boundary for Operator Spaces. Integral Equations and Operator Theory 2013, 76(1), 25-38.
- Kakariadis ETA. The Dirichlet property for tensor algebras. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 2013, 45(6), 1119-1130.
- Kakariadis ETA, Peters JR. Representations of C*-dynamical systems implemented by Cuntz families. Münster Journal of Mathematics 2013, 6, 383-411.
- Kakariadis ETA, Katsoulis EG. Operator algebras and C*-correspondences: A survey. Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 2013, 233, 45-73.
- Kakariadis ETA, Katsoulis EG. Semicrossed products of operator algebras and their C*-envelopes. Journal of Functional Analysis 2012, 262(7), 3108-3124.
- Kakariadis ETA. Semicrossed products and reflexivity. Journal of Operator Theory 2012, 67(2), 379-395.
- Kakariadis ETA, Katsoulis EG. Contributions to the theory of C*-correspondences with applications to multivariable dynamics. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 2012, 364(7), 6605-6630.
Authored Book
- Kakariadis ETA. Operator spaces and operator algebras: Semicrossed products of operator algebras (PhD Thesis). Greece: University of Athens, 2011.