Staff Profile
Dr Otti Croze
Lecturer in Engineering Mathematics
- Personal Website:
Dr Otti Croze is a Lecturer in Engineering Mathematics in the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics at Newcastle University. His areas of expertise are mathematical biology and biological physics of microorganisms.
- Msci Physics, Queen Mary College, University of London (2000)
- PhD Theoretical Soft Matter Physics, University of Edinburgh (2004)
Previous Positions
- Visiting Scholar, Physics, Heriot-Watt University (2006)
- Post-doctoral Research Associate, Biological Physics, University of Edinburgh (2006-2008)
- Post-doctoral Research Associate, Mathematical Biology, University of Glasgow (2008-2012)
- EPSRC mobility researcher co-investigator, Plant Metabolism, University of Cambridge (2012-2013)
- Winton Fellow in the Physics of Sustainability, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge (2013-2019)
- Associate Lecturer in Mathematical Biology, Department of Mathematics, University of York (2020)
- Biologically Active Fluids group
- Institute of physics
- BBSRC Algae-UK
- British Phycological Society
Research interests
- Mathematical biology and biological physics of microorganisms
- Biophysics applied to microbial biotechnologies
- Active matter and biofluids
Our group in the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics investigates the mathemtatical and physical biology of microorganisms. We specialise in the experimental and theoretical study of swimming microbes and microbial symbiosis. Our research is inspired by current problems in microbial biotechnology (photobioreactors, carbon capture, bioremediation and sustainable agritech) and microbial ecology (microbial interactions).
Postgraduate supervision as principal supervisor
- D. Jin Cell-cycle dependent motility of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and its collective motion
- in response to a Poiseuille Flow (2018)
- H. Laeverenz Schlogelhofer Experimental and theoretical study of carbon dynamics
- in an algal-bacterial co-culture (2019)
- T. Jakuszeit Active particles in complex environments (2020)
- A. Johnson Development of an open-source sensor system for the setection of sissolved CO2 throughout a microalgal photobioreactor (ongoing)
- J. Bains Modelling chemo-responses of swimming microbes for environmental applications (ongoing)
PhD studentships
There is a PhD opportunity is currently available in our group at present. Please see below for details and get in touch, quoting 'phd-SnowSwimmers2324' in the subject of the email
PLEASE NOTE: Applications from under-represented groups are particularly encouraged. Under our 2024/25 entry recruitment we have 1 ring-fenced award for candidates who identify as being from a UK minoritised ethnic group. This includes (but is not limited to) Black, Chinese, Asian, Arabic, or another non-white ethnicity. For more information please see
Postdoc positions
There are currently no postdoc vacancies in the group, but some may be available in the near future, please get in touch. If you intend to secure your own long-term funding as a junior fellow at Newcastle (e.g. through a NUAcT Fellowship), please contact me and I'll be very happy to discuss this.
Research Grants and fellowships
- Innovate UK Technology Strategy Board: " ProFlow - Advanced downstream processing for sustainable microalgal product manufacture" (2017-2019), 102795, co-I
- Royal Society Research Grant: "Using microswimmer biophysics to boost algal photobioreactor efficiency" (2016-2017), RG82830, PI
- Winton Advanced Fellowship, "New biophysics for sustainable bioremediation and biofuel production" (2013-2019), PI
- EPSRC postdoctoral mobility grant: "The growth of motile algae: from plankton blooms to biofuel production" (2012-2013), EP/J004847/1, Researcher co-I
Research group website
Industrial collaboration
Undergraduate Teaching (2020/2021)
- MAS2805 - Fluids (Tutor, Semester 2)
- ENG1001 - Engineering Mathematics I (Tutor, Semester 2)
Undergraduate Teaching (2021/2022)
- CEG1716 - Geospatial Mathematics and Statistics (Lecturer, Semester 1)
- ENG1001 - Engineering Mathematics (Tutor, Semester 2)
- PHY3027/PHY3034 - Physics Project (Supervisor, Semester 2)
Undergraduate Teaching (2022/2023)
- ENG2011 - Engineering Mathematics II (Lecturer and module leader, Semester 1)
- CEG1716 - Geospatial Mathematics and Statistics (Lecturer, Semester 1)
- ENG1001 - Engineering Mathematics I (Tutor, Semester 2)
- PHY3027/PHY3034 - Physics Project (Supervisor, Semester 2)
Undergraduate Teaching (2023/2024)
- ENG2011 - Engineering Mathematics II (Lecturer and module leader, Semester 1)
- CEG1716 - Geospatial Mathematics and Statistics (Lecturer and module leader, Semester 1)
- ENG1001 - Engineering Mathematics I (Tutor, Semester 2)
- Jakuszeit T, Lindsey-Jones J, Peaudecerf FJ, Croze OA. Migration and accumulation of bacteria with chemotaxis and chemokinesis. The European Physical Journal E 2021, 44, 32.
- Schlogelhofer HL, Peaudecerf FJ, Bunbury F, Whitehouse MJ, Foster RA, Smith AG, Croze OA. Combining SIMS and mechanistic modelling to reveal nutrient kinetics in an algal-bacterial mutualism. PLoS ONE 2021, 16(5), e0251643.
- Jin D, Kotar J, Silvester E, Leptos K, Croze OA. Diurnal Variations in the Motility of Populations of Biflagellate Microalgae. Biophysical Journal 2020, 119(10), 2055-2062.
- Croze OA, Martinez VA, Jakuszeit T, Dell'Arciprete D, Poon WCK, Bees MA. Helical and oscillatory microswimmer motility statistics from differential dynamic microscopy. New Journal of Physics 2019, 21, 063012.
- Jakuszeit T, Croze OA, Bell S. Diffusion of active particles in a complex environment: Role of surface scattering. Physical Review E 2019, 99(1), 012610.
- Peaudecerf FJ, Bunbury F, Bhardwaj V, Bees MA, Smith AG, Goldstein RE, Croze OA. Microbial mutualism at a distance: The role of geometry in diffusive exchanges. Physical Review E 2018, 97(2), 022411.
- Croze OA, Bearon RN, Bees MA. Gyrotactic swimmer dispersion in pipe flow: Testing the theory. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 2017, 816, 481-506.
- Croze OA, Sardina G, Ahmed M, Bees MA, Brandt L. Dispersion of swimming algae in laminar and turbulent channel flows: Consequences for photobioreactors. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 2013, 10(81).
- Croze OA. Alternative derivation of the Feigel effect and call for its experimental verification. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 2012, 468(2138), 429-447.
- Croze OA, Ferguson GP, Cates ME, Poon WCK. Migration of chemotactic bacteria in soft agar: Role of gel concentration. Biophysical Journal 2011, 101(3), 525-534.
- Croze OA, Ashraf EE, Bees MA. Sheared bioconvection in a horizontal tube. Physical Biology 2010, 7(4), 046001.
- Croze OA, Gates ME. Nonadditivity of polymeric and charged surface interactions: Consequences for doped lamellar phases. Langmuir 2005, 21(12), 5627-5638.
- Bees MA, Croze OA. Mathematics for streamlined biofuel production from unicellular algae. Biofuels 2014, 5(1), 53-65.