Staff Profile
Dr Thomas Billam
Senior Lecturer in Applied Maths/Quantum
- Address: School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics
Herschel Building
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
My principal research interest is in the non-equilibrium dynamics of ultracold Bose gases. In particular I am interested in quantum vortex dynamics and quantum turbulence, non-equilibrium Bose-Einstein condensate dynamics and dynamical critical phenomena in the presence of finite temperatures and disorder, and bright solitary matter-waves and their application to interferometry. I am also interested in using ultracold-atom experiments as quantum simulators of physics in the early-universe. In addition to exploring fundamental theoretical questions in these areas, I have a strong interest in modelling current ultracold atom experiments, and working to propose new ones.
Areas of expertise: ultracold atomic physics; ultracold Bose gases; quantum vortex dynamics and turbulence, matter-wave solitons, matter-wave interferometry, quantum simulators.
- Tattersall RJ, Baggaley AW, Billam TP. Non‑equilibrium Dynamics of Vortices in Two‑Dimensional Quantum Gases: Determining the Dynamical Scaling Region Using the Mahalanobis Distance. Journal of Low Temperature Physics 2024, 215, 416-429.
- Flynn TA, Keepfer NA, Parker NG, Billam TP. Harmonically trapped imbalanced quantum droplets. Physical Review Research 2024, 6, 013209.
- Zenesini A, Berti A, Cominotti R, Rogora C, Moss IG, Billam TP, Carusotto I, Lamporesi G, Recati A, Ferrari G. False vacuum decay via bubble formation in ferromagnetic superfluids. Nature Physics 2024, 20, 558-563.
- Doran R, Groszek AJ, Billam TP. Critical velocity and arrest of a superfluid in a pointlike disordered potential. Physical Review A 2024, 109, 013306.
- Flynn TA, Parisi L, Billam TP, Parker NG. Quantum droplets in imbalanced atomic mixtures. Physical Review Research 2023, 5(3), 033167.
- Spada G, Parisi L, Pascual G, Parker NG, Billam TP, Pilati S, Boronat J, Giorgini S. Phase separation in binary Bose mixtures at finite temperature. SciPost Physics 2023, 15(4), 171.
- Billam TP, Brown K, Moss IG. Bubble nucleation in a cold spin 1 gas. New Journal of Physics 2023, 25, 043028.
- Grimshaw CL, Billam TP, Gardiner SA. Soliton Interferometry with Very Narrow Barriers Obtained from Spatially Dependent Dressed States. Physical Review Letters 2022, 129(4), 040401.
- Billam TP, Brown K, Moss IG. False-vacuum decay in an ultracold spin-1 Bose gas. Physical Review A 2022, 105(4), L041301.
- Billam TP, Brown K, Groszek A, Moss IG. Simulating cosmological supercooling with a cold atom system. II. Thermal damping and parametric instability. Physical Review A 2021, 104(5), 053309.
- Wilson KE, Guttridge A, Liu I-Kang, Segal J, Billam TP, Parker NG, Proukakis NP, Cornish SL. Dynamics of a degenerate Cs-Yb mixture with attractive interspecies interactions. Physical Review Research 2021, 3(3), 033096.
- Groszek AJ, Comaron P, Proukakis NP, Billam TP. Crossover in the dynamical critical exponent of a quenched two-dimensional Bose gas. Physical Review Research 2021, 3(1), 013212.
- Wales OJ, Rakonjac A, Billam TP, Helm JL, Gardiner SA, Cornish SL. Splitting and recombination of bright-solitary-matter waves. Communications Physics 2020, 3(1), 51.
- Billam TP, Brown K, Moss IG. Simulating cosmological supercooling with a cold-atom system. Physical Review A 2020, 102(4), 043324.
- Doran R, Billam TP. Numerical method for the projected Gross-Pitaevskii equation in an infinite rotating two-dimensional Bose gas. Physical Review E 2020, 102(3), 033309.
- Billam TB, Gregory R, Michel F, Moss IG. Simulating seeded vacuum decay in a cold atom system. Physical Review D 2019, 100(6), 1-7.
- Helm JL, Billam TP, Rakonjac A, Cornish SL, Gardiner SA. Spin-Orbit-Coupled Interferometry with Ring-Trapped Bose-Einstein Condensates. Physical Review Letters 2018, 120(6), 063201.
- Edmonds MJ, Billam TP, Gardiner SA, Busch T. Noise-free generation of bright matter-wave solitons. Physical Review A 2018, 98(6), 063626.
- Reeves MT, Billam TP, Yu X, Bradley AS. Enstrophy Cascade in Decaying Two-Dimensional Quantum Turbulence. Physical Review Letters 2017, 119(18), 184502.
- Yu X, Billam TP, Nian J, Reeves MT, Bradley AS. Theory of the vortex-clustering transition in a confined two-dimensional quantum fluid. Physical Review A 2016, 94, 023602.
- Liu IK, Pattinson RW, Billam TP, Gardiner SA, Cornish SL, Huang TM, Lin WW, Gou SC, Parker NG, Proukakis NP. Stochastic Growth Dynamics and Composite Defects in Quenched Immiscible Binary Condensates. Physical Review A 2016, 93, 023628.
- Marchant AL, Billam TP, Yu MMH, Rakonjac A, Helm JL, Polo J, Weiss C, Gardiner SA, Cornish SL. Quantum reflection of bright solitary matter waves from a narrow attractive potential. Physical Review A 2016, 93(2), 021604(R).
- Rakonjac A, Marchant AL, Billam TP, Helm JL, Yu MMH, Gardiner SA, Cornish SL. Measuring the disorder of vortex lattices in a Bose-Einstein condensate. Physical Review A 2016, 93(1), 013607.
- Billam TP, Reeves MT, Bradley AS. Spectral energy transport in two-dimensional quantum vortex dynamics. Physical Review A 2015, 91(2), 023615.
- Reeves MT, Billam TP, Anderson BP, Bradley AS. Identifying a Superfluid Reynolds Number via Dynamical Similarity. Physical Review Letters 2015, 114(15), 155302.
- Polo J, Ahufinger V, Mason P, Sridhar S, Billam TP, Gardiner SA. Analysis beyond the Thomas-Fermi approximation of the density profiles of a miscible two-component Bose-Einstein condensate. Physical Review A 2015, 91(5), 053626.
- Reeves MT, Billam TP, Anderson BP, Bradley AS. Signatures of coherent vortex structures in a disordered two-dimensional quantum fluid. Physical Review A 2014, 89(5), 053631.
- Billam TP, Reeves MT, Anderson BP, Bradley AS. Onsager-Kraichnan Condensation in Decaying Two-Dimensional Quantum Turbulence. Physical Review Letters 2014, 112(14), 145301.
- Billam TP, Weiss C. Atomic solitons: These crashing waves. Nature Physics 2014, 10, 902-903.
- Billam TP, Mason P, Gardiner SA. Second-order number-conserving description of nonequilibrium dynamics in finite-temperature Bose-Einstein condensates. Physical Review A 2013, 87(3), 033628.
- Reeves MT, Billam TP, Anderson BP, Bradley AS. Inverse Energy Cascade in Forced Two-Dimensional Quantum Turbulence. Physical Review Letters 2013, 110(10), 104501.
- Gertjerenken B, Billam TP, Blackley CL, LeSueur CR, Khaykovich L, Cornish SL, Weiss C. Generating Mesoscopic Bell States via Collisions of Distinguishable Quantum Bright Solitons. Physical Review Letters 2013, 111(10), 100406.
- Pattinson RW, Billam TP, Gardiner SA, McCarron DJ, Cho HW, Cornish SL, Parker NG, Proukakis NP. Equilibrium solutions for immiscible two-species Bose-Einstein condensates in perturbed harmonic traps. Physical Review A 2013, 87(1), 013625.
- Marchant AL, Billam TP, Wiles TP, Yu MMH, Gardiner SA, Cornish SL. Controlled formation and reflection of a bright solitary matter-wave. Nature Communications 2013, 4, 1865.
- Billam TP, Wrathmall SA, Gardiner SA. Variational determination of approximate bright matter-wave soliton solutions in anisotropic traps. Physical Review A 2012, 85(1), 013627.
- Gertjerenken B, Billam TP, Khaykovich L, Weiss C. Scattering bright solitons: Quantum versus mean-field behavior. Physical Review A 2012, 86(3), 033608.
- Billam TP, Gardiner SA. Coherence and instability in a driven Bose–Einstein condensate: a fully dynamical number-conserving approach. New Journal of Physics 2012, 14(1), 013038.
- Helm JL, Billam TP, Gardiner SA. Bright matter-wave soliton collisions at narrow barriers. Physical Review A 2012, 85(5), 053621.
- Billam TP, Cornish SL, Gardiner SA. Realizing bright-matter-wave-soliton collisions with controlled relative phase. Physical Review A 2011, 83(4), 041602(R).
- Billam TP, Gardiner SA. Quantum resonances in an atom-optical δ-kicked harmonic oscillator. Physical Review A 2009, 80(2), 023414.
Book Chapter
- Billam TP, Marchant AL, Cornish SL, Gardiner SA, Parker NG. Bright Solitary Matter Waves: Formation, Stability and Interactions. In: Boris A. Malomed, ed. Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking, Self-Trapping, and Josephson Oscillations. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2013, pp.403-455.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstract)
- Shmarov I, Docampo P, Billam T, Shafik R, Yakovlev A. Fuzlearn: A Fuzzy Clusterization based Machine Learning using Learning Automata. In: International Symposium on the Tsetlin Machine (ISTM 2022). 2022, Grimstad, Norway: IEEE.