Staff Profile
Professor Rachel Carr
Professor of Glaciology
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 6436
- Address: HDB 3.106
School of Geography, Politics and Sociology
Newcastle University
Research interests: Climate change and the cryosphere
- Response of polar ice masses to climate change
- Outlet glacier dynamics
- Himalayan ice loss and debris cover
- Glacial hazards
- Extra-terrestrial ice
- Application of remote sensing / GIS to glaciated environments
Aug 2023 - present: Professor in Glaciology, Newcastle University
Aug 2019 - Aug 2023: Senior Lecturer in Physical Geography, Newcastle University
Sep 2014 - Aug 2019: Lecturer in Physical Geography, Newcastle University
Oct 2013 – Aug 2014: Lecturer in Glaciology, Aberystwyth University, Climate Change Consortium of Wales.
Oct 2010 – Oct 2013: PhD, Department of Geography, Durham University. Thesis title: ‘Ice-ocean-atmosphere interactions in the Arctic Seas’.
Aug 2008-Oct 2010: Environmental and GIS/remote sensing specialist at Environmental Research and Assessment (ERA), Cambridge.
Oct 2007 – Jul 2008: M.Phil. in Polar Studies, Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge. Thesis title: ‘The role of atmospheric and oceanic forcing in Greenland outlet glacier behaviour.’
Jul 2005 – Aug 2005: Intern, World Glacier Monitoring Service, Zurich.
Oct 2004 – June 2007: Geography, BA (Hons), St Catharine’s College, University of Cambridge.
Google scholar: Click here.
My research focuses on the response of glaciated regions to climate change. In order to do this, I use a combination of remote sensing, GIS and numerical modelling. My study areas include Greenland, Svalbard, Russian High Arctic, New Zealand and the European Alps. Current projects include:
- Assessing the impact of key input parameters on forecasts on 21st Century ice loss from Greenland outlet glaciers.
- Analysing multi-decadal changes in Novaya Zemlya outlet glacier dynamics.
- Quantifying trends in world-wide hazard and risk from glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs).
- Determining the sensitivity of mountain glaciers to climate forcing.
Undergraduate teaching:
Stage 1:
GEO1019: Physical Geography Field Course (module leader)
GEO1020: Introduction to Physical Geography
Stage 2:
GEO2127: Doing Physical Geography Research: Theory and Practice
GEO2137: Key Methods for Physical Geographers
GEO2226: Glacial Environments (module leader)
Stage 3:
GEO3099: Dissertation
GEO3128: Polar Environments (module leader)
Postgraduate teaching
HSS8005: Quantitative analysis (GIS component)
External examining
M.Phil. In Polar Studies, Scott Polar Rsearch Institute, University of Cambridge (2021 - present).
Current PhD students
PhD – primary supervisor (Newcastle University)
Alex Hyde, Sep 2022 – present. TBC. Funding: National Environmental Research Council.
Caroline Taylor, Sep 2019 – present. Are glacial lake hazards increasing in the Bhutan Himalaya? Funding: National Environmental Research Council.
Emma Carr, Sep 2020 – present. Response of the north-west Greenland Ice Sheet to recent and future climate change. Funding: National Environmental Research Council.
PhD – additional supervisor
Sonam Rinzin (Newcastle) Sep 2022 – present. Glacial lake outburst flood process chain modelling and downstream risk assessment in Bhutan. Funding: National Environmental Research Council.
Richard Parsons (Northumbria University) Sep 2022 – present. Glacier calving – observations and modelling. Funding: National Environmental Research Council.
Becky Sanderson (Newcastle) Dec 2022 – present. Antarctic radar-derived englacial stratigraphy and structure: glaciological and palaeoclimate implications. Funding: National Environmental Research Council.
Oliver Hall (St Andrews), Jan 2020 – present. Ice dynamic controls on tidewater glacier terminus position in Greenland. Funding: National Environmental Research Council.
Natasha Lee (Northumbria University), Sep 2020 – present. Global warming and the future of ice caps in Iceland. Funding: National Environmental Research Council.
Previous PhD students
Jennifer Arthur (Durham University), Sep 2018 – Jul 2022. Remote Sensing of Supraglacial Lakes in East Antarctica. Funding: National Environmental Research Council.
Joshua Leigh (Durham University), Sep 2017 – Aug 2021. Past, Present and Future Response of Norwegian Glaciers to climate forcing. Funding: National Environmental Research Council.
Jake-Collins May, Sep 2017 – May 2022. The glacial and fluvial history of the Nereidum Montes; Argyre Impact Basin, Mars. Funding: Newcastle University Research Excellence Academy.
Charlie Bunce (Edinburgh University), Sep 2016 – Apr 2021 Investigating tidewater glacier dynamics, submarine melt and retreat in Greenland's fjords. Funding: National Environmental Research Council.
Arminel Lovell, Sep 2015 – 2020. Explaining the varying response of Himalayan glaciers to climate change. Funding: National Environmental Research Council.
Emily Hill (PhD, Newcastle University), 2015 – 2019 (primary supervisor). The Greenland Ice Sheet in a warming world: Determining drivers of current and future change on northern Greenland outlet glaciers. Funding: National Environmental Research Council.
Johnathan Ryan (PhD, Aberystwyth University) 2013-2017. Investigating the short-term controls on tidewater glacier behaviour. Funding: National Environmental Research Council.
Previous M.Res. students:
Joseph York Sep 2021-Aug 2022. An Assessment of Glacier Lake Outburst Flood Risk in Bhutan.
Katelyn West Sep 2021-Aug 2022. Quantifying spatially variable change for smaller glaciers (<0.5 km2) in the New Zealand Southern Alps from 2008 to present.
Alasdair Richardson Sep 2020-Aug 2021. Modelling the response of Shallap Glacier, Peru to ENSO.
Ed Holt Sep 2020-Aug 2021. Investigating the effects of surface mass balance variability on terminus position over decal timescales in south-easter Greenland.
Myfanwy Arch Sep 2020-Aug 2021. Quantifying the extent and seasonality of supraglacial lakes in northwest Greenland from 2014-2019.
Elizabeth Hendry Sep 2020- Jan 2021. An Investigation into the controls of the velocity of Tasman Glacier, New Zealand between January 2012 and November 2019.
Emily Heslop Sep 2020- Jan 2021. Assessing glacial lake outburst flood hazard at Thorthormi Glacier, Bhutan, between 2010 and 2019, and determining the temporal variability in both hazard and exposure.
Matthew McKay Sep 2020- Sep 2020. Spatially and temporally variable glacier changes in the Lunana region, Bhutan Himalaya, 1972 to 2019.
Tristan Green Sep 2020- Dec 2020. Assessing the temporal and spatial variation of glacier dynamics of multiple maritime glaciers at Mt. Cook, New Zealand in response to the 2015 El Niño.
Previous M.Phil. students:
Caroline Taylor (MPhil, Newcastle University), 2018 – 2019 (primary supervisor). A study of the temporal and spatial patterns of supraglacial pond evolution in the Bhutan-China border region of the Himalayas.
Hayley Andrews (MPhil, Newcastle University), 2018 – 2020(primary supervisor). Characterisation of a NE Greenland ice stream and the assessment of the driving factors behind the initiation of fast flow.
Emily Cave (MPhil, Newcastle University), 2018 – 2019 (primary supervisor). Hydrology and Hydrochemistry of a debris covered glacier during an ablation season: a case study of Miage Glacier, Italy.
Connor Dowes (MPhil, Newcastle University), 2018 – 2020 (primary supervisor). To assess the impact that temporal and spatial variations in supraglacial lakes have on an active glacial system.
Lauren Derby (MPhil, Newcastle University), 2018 – 2020 (second supervisor). Subglacial controls on the flow of Foundation ice stream, West Antarctica.
Amy Barrett (MPhil, Newcastle University), 2017 – 2020 (primary supervisor). Short-term supraglacial melt pond formation, development and coalescence in the Bhutan-China border region of the Himalayas.
James Linighan (MPhil, Newcastle University), 2017 – 2020 (primary supervisor). Examining the temporal and spatial patterns of melt pond evolution on Annapurna South Glacier, Nepal.
Jack Oxtoby (MPhil, Newcastle University), 2017 – 2019 (primary supervisor). Formation of ice cliffs and their impacts on melt rates on Annapurna South Glacier.
Alex McKee (MPhil, Newcastle University), 2017 – 2020 (second supervisor). Assessing the spatial pattern of rockfalls above glaciers in the Mont Blanc area and their coupling with glaciers.
Jake-Collins May (MPhil, Newcastle University), 2016 – 2017 (primary supervisor). Origins of Glacial, Fluvial and Glaciofluvial Landforms in the Nereidum Montes, Mars. Funding: School of Geography, Politics and Sociology Fees Bursary.
Rebecca Dell (MPhil, Newcastle University), 2016 – 2017 (primary supervisor). Structural dynamics and calving behaviour at Fjallsjokull, south-east Iceland, between 1970 and 2017. Funding: School of Geography, Politics and Sociology Fees Bursary.
Charlie Bunce (M.Phil. Newcastle University). 2015 – 2016. Project title: Dynamic response of marine-terminating outlet glaciers to climate forcing in south-east and north-west Greenland. Funded by School of Geography, Politics and Sociology Masters Fees Bursary.
Kay Barker (MSc in Glaciology, Aberystwyth University) 2013-2014. ‘The influence of frontal position, fjord width, glacier structure and sea ice on the velocities of five Northern Greenland marine-terminating outlet glaciers: 1999-2014’.
- Carr JR, Barrett A, Rinzin S, Taylor C. Step-change in supraglacial pond area on Tshojo Glacier, Bhutan, and potential downstream inundation patterns due to pond drainage events. Journal of Glaciology 2025, 71, 1-19.
- Carr JR, Hill EA, Gudmundsson GH. Sensitivity to forecast surface mass balance outweighs sensitivity to basal sliding descriptions for 21st century mass loss from three major Greenland outlet glaciers. Cryosphere 2024, 18(6), 2719-2737.
- Leigh JR, Jones RS, Stokes CR, Evans DJA, Carr JR, Andreassen LM. Reconstructing the Holocene glacial history of northern Troms and western Finnmark, Arctic Norway. Boreas 2024, 53(4), 619-654.
- Richardson A, Carr JR, Cook S. Investigating the Past, Present and Future Responses of Shallap and Zongo Glaciers, Tropical Andes, to the El Niño Southern Oscillation. Journal of Glaciology 2024, 70, e12.
- Rinzin S, Dunning S, Carr R, Sattar A, Mergili M. Exploring implications of input parameter uncertainties on GLOF modelling results using the state-of-the-art modelling code, r. avaflow. EGUsphere 2024, 1-38. Submitted.
- Taylor C, Robinson T, Dunning S, Carr JR. The rise of GLOF risk: trends, drivers and hotspots between 2000 and 2020. Earth's Future 2023. Submitted.
- Carr JR, Murphy Z, Nienow P, Jakob L, Gourmelen N. Rapid and synchronous response of outlet glaciers to ocean warming on the Barents Sea coast, Novaya Zemlya. Journal of Glaciology 2024, 70, e10.
- Brough S, Carr JR, Ross N, Lea J. Ocean-forcing and glacier-specific factors drive differing glacier response across the 69 N boundary, east Greenland. Journal of Geophysical Research 2023, 128(4), e2022JF006857.
- Taylor C, Robinson T, Dunning S, Carr JR, Westoby M. Glacial lake outburst floods threaten millions globally. Nature Communications 2023, 14, 487.
- Carr E, Carr JR, Ross N. Differing seasonal and interannual dynamics of Alison Glacier and Igdlugdlip Sermia Glacier, due to glacier-specific factors. Arctic, Antarctic, Alpine Research 2023, 55(1), 2186456.
- Goliber S, Black T, Catania G, Lea JM, Olsen H, Cheng D, Bevan S, Bjork A, Bunce C, Brough S, Carr JR, Cowton T, Gardner A, Fahrner D, Hill E, Joughin I, Korsgaard NJ, Luckman A, Moon T, Murray T, Sole A, Wood M, Zhang E. TermPicks: a century of Greenland glacier terminus data for use in scientific and machine learning applications. Cryosphere 2022, 16(8), 3215-3233.
- Taylor C, Carr JR, Rounce D. Spatiotemporal supraglacial pond and ice cliff changes in the Bhutan–Tibet border region from 2016 to 2018. Journal of Glaciology 2022, 68(267), 101-113.
- Arthur JF, Stokes CR, Jamieson SR, Carr JR, Leeson AA, Verjans V. Large interannual variability in supraglacial lakes around East Antarctica. Nature Communications 2022, 13, 1711.
- Williams R, Griffiths H, Carr JR, Hepburn A, Gibson M, Williams J, Irvine-Fynn T. Integrating historical, geomorphological and sedimentological insights to reconstruct past floods: insights from Kea Point, Mt Cook Village, New Zealand. Geomorphology 2022, 398, 108028.
- Hill EA, Gudmundsson GH, Carr JR, Stokes CR. Twenty-first century response of Petermann Glacier, northwest Greenland to ice shelf loss. Journal of Glaciology 2021, 67(261), 147 - 157.
- Arthur JA, Stokes CR, Jamieson SSR, Miles B, Carr JR, Leeson AA. The triggers of the disintegration of Voyeykov Ice Shelf (2007), Wilkes Land, East Antarctica, and its subsequent evolution. Journal of Glaciology 2021, 67(265), 933-951.
- Ballinger TJ, Hanna E, Hall RJ, Carr JR, Brasher S, Osterberg EC, Cappelen J, Tedesco M, Ding Q, Mernild S. The role of blocking circulation and emerging open water feedbacks on Greenland cold season air temperature variability over the last century. International Journal of Climatology 2021, 41(S1), E2778-E2800.
- Goliber S, Black T, Catania G, Lea J, Olsen H, Cheng D, Bevan S, Bjork A, Bunce C, Brough S, Carr JR, Cowton T, Gardner A, Fahrner D, Hill E, Joughin I, Korsgaard NJ, Luckman A, Moon T, Murray T, Sole A, Wood M, Zhang E. TermPicks: A century of Greenland glacier terminus data for use in machine learning applications. The Cryosphere 2021, 16(8), 3215–3233.
- Leigh JR, Stokes CR, Evans DJA, Andreassen LM, Carr JR. Glacial and periglacial geomorphological map of central Troms and Finnmark county, Arctic Norway. Journal of Maps 2021, 17(2), 348-366.
- Leigh JR, Stokes CR, Evans DJA, Carr JR, Andreassen LM. Timing of Little Ice Age maxima and subsequent glacier retreat in northern Troms and western Finnmark, northern Norway. Arctic, Antarctic, Alpine Research 2020, 52(1), 281-311.
- Arthur J, Stokes CR, Jamieson SSR, Carr JR, Leeson A. Progress in understanding Antarctic supraglacial lakes using remote sensing. Progress in Physical Geography 2020, 44(6), 837-869.
- Collins-May JL, Carr JR, Balme MR, Ross N, Russell AJ, Brough S, Gallagher C. Post-impact evolution of the southern Hale Crater ejecta, Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research - Planets 2020, 125(9), e2019JE006302.
- Arthur JA, Stokes CR, Jamieson SSR, Carr JR, Leeson AA. Distribution and seasonal evolution of supraglacial lakes on Shackleton Ice Shelf, East Antarctica. The Cryosphere 2020, 14(11), 4103–4120.
- Lovell AM, Carr JR, Stokes CR. Spatially Variable Glacier Changes in the Annapurna Conservation Area, Nepal, 2000 to 2016. Remote Sensing 2019, 11(12), 1452.
- Dell R, Carr R, Phillips E, Russell AJ. Response of glacier flow and structure to proglacial lake development and climate at Fjallsjökull, south-east Iceland. Journal of Glaciology 2019, 65(250), 321-336.
- Leigh JR, Stokes CR, Carr RJ, Evans IS, Andreassen LM, Evans DJA. Identifying and mapping very small (<0.5 km2) mountain glaciers on coarse to high-resolution imagery. Journal of Glaciology 2019, 65(254), 873-888.
- Brough S, Carr RJ, Ross N, Lea J. Exceptional Retreat of Kangerlussuaq Glacier, East Greenland, Between 2016 and 2018. Frontiers in Earth Sciences 2019, 7, 123.
- Hill EA, Gudmundsson GH, Carr JR, Stokes CR. Velocity response of Petermann Glacier, northwest Greenland to past and future calving events. The Cryosphere 2018, 12(12), 3907-3921.
- Lovell AM, Carr JR, Stokes CR. Topographic controls on the surging behaviour of Sabche Glacier, Nepal (1967 to 2017). Remote Sensing of Environment 2018, 210, 434-443.
- Bunce C, Carr RJ, Nienow PW, Ross N, Killick R. Ice front change of marine-terminating outlet glaciers in northwest and southeast Greenland during the 21st Century. Journal of Glaciology 2018, 64(246), 523-535.
- Hill EA, Carr JR, Stokes CR, Gudmundsson GH. Dynamic changes in outlet glaciers in northern Greenland from 1948 to 2015. The Cryosphere 2018, 12(10), 3243-3263.
- Carr JR, Stokes CR, Vieli A. Threefold increase in marine-terminating outlet glacier retreat rates across the Atlantic Arctic: 1992–2010. Annals of Glaciology 2017, 58(74), 72-91.
- Carr JR, Bell H, Killick R, Holt T. Exceptional retreat of Novaya Zemlya's marine-terminating outlet glaciers between 2000 and 2013. The Cryosphere 2017, 11(5), 2149-2174.
- Hill EA, Carr JR, Stokes CR. A Review of Recent Changes in Major Marine-Terminating Outlet Glaciers in Northern Greenland. Frontiers in Earth Science 2017, 4, 111.
- Ryan JC, Hubbard AL, Box JE, Todd J, Christoffersen P, Carr JR, Holt TO, Snooke N. UAV photogrammetry and structure from motion to assess calving dynamics at Store Glacier, a large outlet draining the Greenland ice sheet. The Cryosphere 2015, 9, 1-11.
- Carr JR, Vieli A, Stokes CR, Jamieson SSR, Palmer SJ, Christoffersen P, Dowdeswell JA, Nick FM, Blankenship DD, Young DA. Basal topographic controls on rapid retreat of Humboldt Glacier, northern Greenland. Journal of Glaciology 2015, 61(225), 137-150.
- Carr JR, Stokes CR, Vieli A. Recent retreat of major outlet glaciers on Novaya Zemlya, Russian Arctic, influenced by fjord geometry and sea-ice conditions. Journal of Glaciology 2014, 60(219), 155-170.
- Carr JR, Stokes CR, Vieli A. Recent progress in understanding marine-terminating Arctic outlet glacier response to climatic and oceanic forcing: Twenty years of rapid change. Progress in Physical Geography 2013, 37(4), 435 – 46.
- Carr JR, Vieli A, Stokes CR. Climatic, oceanic and topographic controls on marine-terminating outlet glacier behavior in north-west Greenland at seasonal to interannual timescales. Journal of Geophysical Research 2013, 118(3), 1210-1226.
Book Chapter
- Adalgeirsdóttir G, Ananicheva M, Andersen ML, Carr R, Clason C, Colgan WT, Copland L, Glazovsky A, Hubbard A, Kjeldsen KK, Mernild S, Moholdt G, Wagner T, Wouters B, Van Wychen W. Changes to Arctic land ice. In: Box, JE; Sharp, ME, ed. Snow, Water, Ice and Permafrost in the Arctic (SWIPA). Oslo, Norway: Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP), 2017, pp.137-168.
- Harris CM, Carr JR, Lorenz K, Jones S. Important Bird Areas in Antarctica: Antarctic Peninsula, South Shetland Islands, South Orkney Islands. Environmental Research & Assessment Ltd., Cambridge, 2011.