Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
We advocate equality, diversity and inclusion and provide a good working environment for our staff.
School of Medicine EDI Pledge
“To respect and engage and celebrate the vast diversity of our student, staff and patient population by the conscious and ongoing review of teaching and learning materials, policies and processes, to ensure that the power of diversity is acknowledged and welcomed.”
We pledge to work together to:
Decolonise the curricula by revising and reviewing teaching materials and increasing cultural consciousness both within the education and healthcare settings.
Challenge unconscious bias by the provision of training for staff, including unconscious bias training online.
Commit to taking an anti-racist stance and to provide support to those who have experienced racism and discrimination on the basis of an individual or group of individual’s protected characteristics.
We will commit to periodically review this pledge
School of Medicine
August 2021
Reviewed by School Executive January 2022
Ensuring equality
We also work towards ensuring women are equally represented in these subjects.
Newcastle University is the holder of a Silver Institutional Athena SWAN Award. This national award recognises the work we do at an institutional level.
We implement good employment practice and the promotion of women working in STEMM subjects. The Faculty of Medical Sciences received the Silver Athena SWAN Award in October 2018.