Patients as Partners in Healthcare Education
For patients and members of the public (volunteers) who want to get involved in the
training of our students.
The patients as partners service
The Medical School trains a range of students who will work in the NHS. Our students will become doctors, physician associates and clinical scientists. Working with our students helps them to develop their communication and clinical skills.
- the patients as partners service aims to involve patients and public from across our region
- patients and volunteers can help with teaching and assessment in many ways
- you can get involved with all the events below or choose which interests you the most

Involvement opportunities
Examination skills
You would work with a small group of students as they learn how to carry out basic clinical examinations. This includes chest, tummy, eyes, ears and joints.
Students also learn to take a blood pressure and measure your pulses. You would always have a clinically trained tutor with you when the students examine you.
History taking skills
You would work with groups of students, telling them about your condition. You could be talking about your experience of the NHS or the effect your illness has had on you and your family.
Your involvement will help them build confidence in their basic communication.
You would have clinically trained tutors to supervise these sessions.
Clinical assessments
Healthcare students must take clinical exams that mimic real life situations. You would be involved in their exams.
Students would carry out physical examinations, take a history or carry out a procedure. You would always be with a qualified examiner.
Sharing your experiences
Students learn about illness and disease by working through patient cases. These sessions would involve you talking to a larger group of students about your condition.
Students can ask you questions about your experience and condition.
You will always have an expert to support you.
Wider involvement in our programmes
All our healthcare programmes have processes to ensure that we are providing the best education for our students.
We also have a responsibility to ensure that we are meeting the needs of those we serve. We want to have patient input into course development and review course quality. We also want patient input in applicant interviews.
Why get involved
There are many reasons you might want to be involved, here are some:
- it is an opportunity to meet other patients and volunteers and chat about shared experience
- gain insight into how doctors and other healthcare workers are trained
- get satisfaction from being part of the student's development and training
- help to keep our programmes patient focused

How much time would I need to commit?
You can commit as little or as much as you like. History taking skills and examination skills are the most frequent sessions and run most days and most weeks. You can attend one or two sessions occasionally or can commit to several sessions weekly. It is entirely up to you and how it fits in with your lifestyle and your other commitments.
You do not have to take part in events when asked and are within your right to refuse.
Practical details
- all sessions take place at Newcastle University, mostly in the School of Medicine and surrounding buildings
- travel expenses will be covered by the university
- light refreshments will be provided for most sessions – tea, coffee, biscuits
- you would be met by a member of the team on arrival and escorted to the correct venue
- all venues are accessible to wheelchair users
Most events will take place in either our:
- state-of-the-art clinical skills laboratory
- the simulation laboratory in the Medical School
- in the consultation rooms in the Dame Margaret Barbour Building
How do I get involved?
Please contact the team if you are interested in being part of the Patients and Partners in Healthcare Education.