Staff Profile
Emeritus Professor Brian Lunn
Emeritus Professor
- Address: School of Medicine
The Medical School
Newcastle University
I retired from my clinical post in May 2017 but continued in my academic role as Sub Dean for Assessment until May 2021 when I fully retired and moved into my current emeritus role.
Current roles
Speciality Member National Anti-Doping panel
GMC MLA Applied Knowledge Test Advisor
Emeritus professor
Previous Positions
Professional Standards Review Committee
Examinations Sub Committee
Assessment Working Group
Course Director Stage 3 and 5 Mental Health Rotations
Board of Medical Studies
Sub Deans Group
Senior Officers Group
Phase 1 Coordinating Committee
Phase 2 Coordinating Committee
Medical Schools Council Assessment Alliance
GMC Clinical and Professional Skills Assessment Sub Group
Examiner RCPsych
Chair RCPsych OSCE Panel
Chair RCPsych CASC Panel
Associate Dean for Examinations RCPsych
Member Academy of Medical Royal Colleges Assessment Group
Clinical Director for Medical Education (Undergraduate) Northumberland Tyne & Wear NHS Foundation Trust
Subject Advisor Higher Education Academy
External examiner:
Hong Kong University MB BS
Sri Lankan MD Psychiatry
Hong Kong FPsych
Birmingham University BMedSc in Psychiatry
Leeds University MBBS
Cardiff University MSc in Psychiatry
Dundee University MB BS
Research Interests
Assessment pedagogy
- developing novel clinical assessments
- exploring the utility and validity of clinical assessments
- developing feedback models that automatically generate output for candidates from assessment data
- developing processes to quantify and make informed decisions from free text using Natural Language Processing (NLP) in R
- developing approaches in NLP that reflect the semantic difference in medical texts, including feedback to medical students
From starting as Lecturer in Neuropsychiatry in 1993 teaching was a central part of my role. Initially, in an sabbatical from clinical work at the end of this post I set up the Psychiatry Teaching Resource website, primarily aimed at Medical Students’ needs but is became widely used by others groups within the university and externally, including police psychologists, nurses and dentists as well as patient groups and the general public.`
From shifting to a Senior Lecturer/Consultant Psychiatrist role in 1998 my role in postgraduate teaching developed. These included:
- College Tutor 1998-2002, South Tyneside
- Educational Supervisor in Northern Deanery, School of Psychiatry
- Clinical Director for Medical Education (Undergraduate) NTW NHS Foundation Trust until May 2017
Within the university focus shifted to development of teaching resources for psychiatry within the School of Medical Education and Open Educational Resources through membership of several HEA groups and as a contributor to and member of JISC Reusable Learning Objects Project
For the Royal College of Psychiatry (RCPsych) I was involved in the development of the Part I OSCE which I then ran for its duration. I then chaired the group designing and implementing the new MRCPsych Clinical Assessment of Skills and Competencies (CASC) before, after its implementation, passing on its running as I took up the role of Associate Dean for Examinations. My term in office there ended in June 2012 and I moved to Sub Dean of Assessment in Newcastle University Medical School.
I continue to provide support for UK Sport, Sport England and Greater Manchester Police in developing skills in coaches and hostage/crisis negotiators respectively.
- Pereira DSM, Falcao F, Costa L, Lunn BS, Pego JM, Costa P. Here's to the future: Conversational agents in higher education- a scoping review. International Journal of Educational Research 2023, 122, 102233.
- McAllister-Williams RH, Cousins D, Lunn B. Clinical assessment and investigation in psychiatry. Medicine 2008, 36(8), 393-398.
- Porter RJ, Lunn BS, O'Brien JT. Effects of acute tryptophan depletion on cognitive function in Alzheimer's disease and in the healthy elderly. Psychological Medicine 2003, 33(1), 41-49.
- Porter RJ, Gallagher P, Watson S, Lunn BS, Young AH. The effects of sub-chronic administration of hydrocortisone on hormonal and psychological responses to L-tryptophan in normal male volunteers. Psychopharmacology 2002, 163(1), 68-75.
- Ashton CH, Lunn B, Marsh VR, Young AH. Subchronic hydrocortisone treatment alters auditory evoked potentials in normal subjects. Psychopharmacology 2000, 152(1), 87-92.
- Porter RJ, Lunn BS, Walker LLM, Gray JM, Ballard CG, O'Brien JT. Cognitive deficit induced by acute tryptophan depletion in patients with Alzheimer's disease. American Journal of Psychiatry 2000, 157(4), 638-640.
- O-Brien JT, Porter R, Lunn B, Walker L, Gray J, Ballard C. The role of serotonin and the effects of acute dietary depletion of tryptophan on cognitive and non-cognitive symptoms in Alzheimer’s disease.”. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 1999, 53:2, 92-93.
- Porter RJ, Lunn B, Walker LLM, Leitch MM, Alderson E, Ballard C, O'Brien JT. Tryptophan depletion causes significant cognitive impairment in patients with Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of Psychopharmacology 1998, S3, 39.
- Porter RJ, McAllister-Williams RH, Lunn BS, Young AH. 5-Hydroxytryptamine receptor function in man is impaired by cortisol. Psychopharmacology 1998, 139(3), 243-250.
- Porter RJ, McAllister-Williams RH, Lunn BS, Young AH. 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor function in humans is reduced by acute administration of hydrocortisone. Psychopharmacology 1998, 139(3), 243-250.
- Egan EA, Lunn B, Campbell M, O'Brien JT. Delusional jealousy in old age: case presentation in with previously undiagnosed carcinoma of the bronchus. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 1996, 11, 565-566.
Book Chapters
- Lunn B. Assessment of Undergraduates in Psychiatry. In: Hughes, P; Langan-Martin, J, ed. Teaching Psychiatry to Undergraduates. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022, pp.42-51. In Press.
- Currie A, Lunn B. Cycling. In: Glick,ID,Todd,S;Kamis,D, ed. The ISSP Manual of Sports Psychiatry. London: Routledge, 2018.
- Lunn B. Schizophrenia. In: Dogra N; Lunn B; Cooper S, ed. Psychiatry by Ten Teachers. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2017.
- Lunn B, Day R. Psychiatric Emergencies. In: Dogra N; Lunn B; Cooper S, ed. Psychiatry by Ten Teachers. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2017.
- Lunn B. Mental Health Legislation. In: Dogra N; Lunn B; Cooper S, ed. Psychiatry by Ten Teachers. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2017.
- Lunn B, Dogra N. Assessment and engagement with patients. In: Dogra N; Lunn B; Cooper S, ed. Psychiatry by Ten Teachers. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2017.
- Lunn B. Education in Psychiatry. In: Wright JD, ed. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. Oxford: Elsevier Ltd, 2015, pp.185-193.
- Cooper S, Dogra N, Lunn B, Wright B. Undergraduate psychiatry teaching – the core curriculum. In: Brown,T;Eagles,J, ed. Teaching Psychiatry to Undergraduates. RCPsych Publications, 2011. In Preparation.
- Lunn B. Schizophrenia. In: Dogra,N;Lunn,B;Cooper,S, ed. Psychiatry by Ten Teachers. CRC Press, 2011.
- Lunn B, Dogra N. Psychiatric History Taking. In: Dogra,N;Lunn,B;Cooper,S, ed. Psychiatry by Ten Teachers. CRC Press, 2011.
- Lunn B, Day R. Psychiatric Emergencies. In: Dogra,N;Lunn,B;Cooper,S, ed. Psychiatry by Ten Teachers. CRC Press, 2011.
- Lunn B. Mental Health Legislation. In: Dogra,N;Lunn,B;Cooper,S, ed. Psychiatry by Ten Teachers. CRC Press, 2011.
- Lunn B. Assessment of undergraduates in psychiatry. In: Brown,T;Eagles,J, ed. Teaching Psychiatry to Undergraduates. RCPsych Publications, 2011.
- Wisineiwska-Young E, Ferrier N, Lunn B, Brittlebank A. Mood disorders/affective psychoses. In: Puri,B;Treasden,I, ed. Psychiatry: An Evidence Based Text. Hodder Arnold, 2010.
- Lunn B, Corral MR, Mihai A. Assessment in Psychiatric Education. In: Gask,L;Coskun,B, ed. Teaching Psychiatry. John Wiley and Sons, 2010.
- Lunn B. The OSCE blueprint and station development. In: Rao,R, ed. OSCEs in Psychiatry. Gaskell, 2005.
- Hughes J, Lunn B, O’Brien JT. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors and patient groups with specific treatment problems. In: Stamford C, ed. The SSRI’s: A Multidisciplinary Appraisal. Elsevier, 1999.
- Lunn B. Cognitive function testing following a dive injury. In: Elliott,DH, ed. Medical Assessment of Fitness to Dive: Proceedings of an International Conference at the Edinburgh Conference Centre, 8th-11th March 1994. London: Biomedical Seminars, 1995, pp.215-223.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Lunn B. The use of Natural Language Processing to aid understanding of free text feedback. In: Annual European Conference on Assessment in Medical Education. 2019, Łodz, poland: European Board of Medical Assessors.
- Lunn B. High-fidelity Acute Care Simulation using a mix of low – and high-tech. In: Annual European Conference on Assessment in Medical Education. 2018, Braga, Portugal: European Board of Medical Assessors.
- Lunn B. The impact on practice of a change to prescribing assessment. In: Annual European Conference on Assessment in Medical Education. 2017, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands: European Board of Medical Assessors.
- Lunn B. Predictive abilities of standard setters using the Angoff method. In: European Board of Medical Assessors Annual Academic Conference: Crossing Boundaries: Assessment in Medical Education. 2016, Exeter: University of Exeter Medical School.
- Kennedy D, Lunn B. Lessons from assessing Professionalism through monitoring Professional attitudes and behaviours. In: European Board of Medical Assessors Annual Academic Conference: Crossing Boundaries: Assessment in Medical Education. 2016, Exeter, UK: University of Exeter Medical School.
- Lunn B, Kennedy D, Jones S, Moss J, Luke J, McKeegan K. Developing an Enhanced Personalised Web-based OSCE Feedback System to Help Students Understand OSCE Performance. In: Ottawa Conference on the Assessment of Competence in Medicine and the Healthcare Professions 2016. 2016, Perth, Australia.
- Woodhouse L, Lunn B, Kennedy DJ. Comparison of Cohen and Angoff methods of standard setting: is Angoff worth it?. In: European Board of Medical Assessors Annual Academic Conference: Crossing Boundaries: Assessment in Medical Education. 2016, Exeter, UK: University of Exeter Medical School.
- Woodhouse L, Kennedy D, Moss J, Lunn B. Candidate use of a feedback site and how that relates to examination performance. In: European Board of Medical Assessors Annual Academic Conference: Crossing Boundaries: Assessment in Medical Education. 2016, Exeter, UK: University of Exeter Medical School.
- Bussey S, Jones S, Barton R, Lunn B, Luke J, Myers A. The Utility of a new clinical assessment of final year medical students – the patient perspective. In: Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) 2014. 2014, Milan, Italy.
- Jones S, Bussey S, Barton R, Lunn B, Luke J, Myers A. Educational impact of a new summative assessment of clinical skills for final year medical students. In: Association for the Study of Medical Education (ASME) Annual Scientific Meeting 2014. 2014, Brighton, UK.
- Jones S, Bussey S, Barton R, Lunn B, Luke J, Myers A. Acceptability of a new summative assessment of clinical skills for final year medical students. In: Association for the Study of Medical Education (ASME) Annual Scientific Meeting 2014. 2014, Brighton, UK.
- O'Brien J, Porter R, Lunn B, Walker L, Gray J, Ballard C. The role of serotonin and the effects of acute dietary depletion of tryptophan on cognitive and non-cognitive symptoms in Alzheimer's disease. In: 40th Annual Meeting of the Scandinavian Society for Psychopharmacology. 1999, Copenhagen, Denmark: Informa Healthcare.
- Lunn B, McAllister-Williams RH, Pearce G, Alderson E, McIntire M, Milne J, Young AH. The effects of hydrocortisone administration on the neuroendocrine response to l-tryptophan. In: British Association for Psychopharmacology Abstract, annual meeting. Journal of Psychopharmacology. 1996, British Association for Psychopharmacology.
- Lunn B. Recruitment into psychiatry: an international challenge. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 2011, 45, 805-807.
- Richardson J, Cousins D, Lunn B. Could the development of an interactive website facilitate communication between psychiatric trainees?. Psychiatric Bulletin 2006, 30(2), 75.
- McAllister-Williams RH, Cousins D, Lunn B. Clinical assessment and investigation in psychiatry. Medicine (United Kingdom) 2016, 44(11), 630-637.
- Lunn B, O'Brien JT. "Annals of Psychiatry, Basic and Clinical Neurosciences (Volume 4); Alzheimer’s Disease." By R. Cacabelos and B. Winblad (Eds.). International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 1996, 11, 565-566.