Staff Profile
Dr James Fisher
Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer
- Email:
- Address: School of Medicine
The Medical School
Framlington Place
Newcastle upon Tyne
I’m an Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer in the School of Medicine.
I'm the Course Director for MBBS Years 1 and 2 - Early Transitions and Essentials of Clinical Practice.
I'm a Consultant Geriatrician working at Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.
I look after the Parkinson's service for the Central Northumberland area.
I sit on ASME's Educator Development Committee as Deputy Chair.
I co-founded the Association for Elderly Medicine Education (
MBBS (Distinction), Newcastle University. 2006.
MRCP, Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. 2010.
Masters of Clinical Research, Newcastle University. 2012.
MD, Newcastle University. 2014.
Masters of Clinical Education, Newcastle University. 2020.
Senior Fellow Advance HE (SFHEA). 2022.
FRCP, Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. 2024.
Winner of the Bright Ideas in Health Awards (Demonstrating an Impact upon Patient Safety). 2024
Winner of the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) Clinical Audit Hero Award for Patient Safety. 2024
Nominated for The Education Awards (TEAs), Newcastle University. 2024.
ASME Institutional ‘Commitment to Scholarship’ Award. 2021 [led on application process]
TEL Highly Commended Poster, ASME Annual Scientific Meeting, Gateshead. 2018.
Poster prize winner. 7th National Scottish Medical Education Conference. 2017.
Best poster. British Geriatrics Society Spring Scientific Meeting. 2017.
Special Commendation (in the John Munro Medal for Excellence in Teaching prize). Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. 2015.
Winner of the Association for the Study of Medical Education (ASME) Educator Development Group 'Educator Innovator Award'. 2015.
1st place/ British Geriatrics Society Movement Disorders Section Poster Travel Bursary Competition. 2014.
Winner of the Association for the Study of Medical Education (ASME) Teaching Innovation and Excellence (TIE) prize. 2013.
Best poster. Newcastle University Medical School's Clinical Teaching Forum. 2013.
Shortlisted (final six) for the Public Lecture Prize: INSIGHTS Public Lecture Series. Newcastle University Faculty of Medical Sciences. 2013.
Best Poster Presentation. Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare (ASPiH) Annual Conference. 2012.
I’m Course Director for MBBS Years 1 and 2 - Early Transitions and Essentials of Clinical Practice.
I'm responsible for the following modules:
- Early Clinical and Community Experience (Years 1 & 2)
- Transition to Clinically Based Learning (Year 2)
- Essentials of Clinical Practice (Year 3)
I supervise the team of clinical teaching fellows working at Newcastle University Medical School.
I contribute to teaching and assessment for medical students across all stages of the Newcastle University MBBS programme.
I regularly deliver faculty development sessions and was previously staff development lead for Northumbria’s undergraduate education department.
I also teach junior doctors and allied health professionals working in our geriatric medicine department.
My research interests include faculty development, co-production, Parkinson's disease, attitudes towards older people, communication and innovative teaching strategies for geriatric medicine.
My MD thesis explored the use of body-worn sensors as an objective measurement tool in Parkinson's Disease (
I have reviewed articles for the following journals: Age and Ageing, BMC Medical Education, Clinical Teacher, Medical Teacher, Movement Disorders Clinical Practice, Telemedicine and e-Health.
Newcastle University FMS Educational Research, Development & Practice Grant (2024) - awarded £1,850
Newcastle University Education Enhancement Fund (2024) - awarded £6,619.30
Newcastle University Research Culture Fund (2024) - awarded £2,470 for the ‘Enhancing T&S Pedagogic Research Culture in the School of Medicine' project.
Parkinson's UK Excellence Network Small Project Grant (Dec 2022) - awarded £7,170 for the 'Redeveloping PDMedCalc' project
- Fisher J, Bennett J, Atkinson A, Errington L. Trigger warnings in medical student education: A scoping review. Clinical Teacher 2025, 22(1), e13826.
- Fisher J, Ainsworth A, Thomson R, Matthan J, Nadarajah VDV, Steinert Y. A Guide to Peer Coaching for Health Professions Educators. The Clinical Teacher 2025.
- Robinson L, Andrew I, Kenny L, Garrad S, Thomson R, Fisher J. 'That's someone's grandma': Teaching person-centred care in a frailty context. The Clinical Teacher 2024, 21(1), e13627.
- Fisher J, Leahy D, Lim JJ, Astles E, Salvatore J, Thomson R. Question banks: credit? Or debit? A qualitative exploration of their use among medical students. BMC Medical Education 2024, 24, 569.
- Fisher J, Foggin J, Paes P. Provision of early clinical experience in UK medical schools: a cross-sectional survey. Education for Primary Care 2024, epub ahead of print.
- Lee PHA, Fisher J, Vaideanu-Collins D. How to make the most of your ophthalmology placement. BMJ 2024, 384, q682.
- Stelling H, Ueda M, Tilby-Jones F, Brown M, Burford B, Fisher J, Vance G, Bain R. From passive participants to proactive partners: How to engage students in the design, delivery and development of research using the principles of co-production. The Clinical Teacher 2024, epub ahead of print.
- Fisher J, Mordi N, Thomson R. Clinical teachers' toolbox article: Harnessing narrative medicine to learn from underserved populations. The Clinical Teacher 2024, 21(4), e13761.
- Fisher JM. Reflections on age, ageing and ageism. The Clinical Teacher 2023, 20(6), e13610.
- Thomson R, Fisher J, Steinert Y. Twelve Tips for Small Group Teaching 2.0 – Rebooted for Remote and HyFlex Learning. Medical Teacher 2022, 44(5), 494-499.
- Fisher J, Rothwell C. Detached or Devotee? Medical Students and Research. Clinical Teacher 2022, 19(2), 92-99.
- Osborne F, Harrison M, Fisher J, Bateman B. Using medical reality television as a technology-enhanced learning strategy to provide authentic patient care experiences during clinical placements: a case study research investigation. BMC Medical Education 2021, 21, 15.
- Sebastian R, Gray WK, Foley A, Trendall L, Oh D, Hand A, Dodds S, McClenaghan E, Santos VD, Oates LL, Fisher J, Walker RW. What Predicts Hospital Admissions in Community-Dwelling People With Parkinsonism?. Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology 2020, 33(2), 103-108.
- Scott A, Sudlow M, Shaw E, Fisher J. Medical education, simulation and uncertainty. Clinical Teacher 2020, 17(5), 497-502.
- Song YL, Fisher J, Wand APF, Milisen K, Detroyer E, Sockalingam S, Agar M, Hosie A, Teodorczuk A. Developing delirium best practice: a systematic review of education interventions for healthcare professionals working in inpatient settings. European Geriatric Medicine 2020, 11, 1-32.
- Woodford H, Fisher J. New Horizons in deprescribing for older people. Age and Ageing 2019, 48(6), 768-775.
- Brock P, Fisher JM, Hand A, Walker RW. Highlighting the goals for Parkinson's care: commentary on NICE Guidelines for Parkinson's in Adults (NG71). Age and Ageing 2019, 48(3), 323-326.
- Pickard K, Fisher J. Blood, no sweat and no tears: a novel approach to teaching transfusion‐associated circulatory overload. Transfusion Medicine 2019, 29(4), 284-286.
- Garside MJ, Fisher JM, Blundell AG, Gordon AL. The Development and Evaluation of Mini-GEMs – Short, Focused, Online E-Learning Videos in Geriatric Medicine. Gerontology & Geriatrics 2018, 39(2), 132-143.
- Fisher JM, Tullo E, Stewart J. Pejorative phrases or innocent idioms? Exploring terms used by tomorrow’s doctors in relation to older people. Educational Gerontology 2018, 44(9), 551-561.
- Copeland C, Fisher J, Teodorczuk A. Development of an international undergraduate curriculum for delirium using a modified delphi process. Age and Ageing 2018, 47(1), 131-137.
- Fisher JM, Garside MJ, Brock P, Gibson V, Hunt K, Briggs S, Gordon AL. Why geriatric medicine? A survey of UK specialist trainees in geriatric medicine. Age and Ageing 2017, 46(4), 672-677.
- Fisher JM, Tullo E, Chan K, Teodorczuk A. Twelve tips for teaching about patients with cognitive impairment. Medical Teacher 2017, 39(5), 452-457.
- Fisher JM, Bates C, Banerjee J. The growing challenge of major trauma in older people: a role for Comprehensive geriatric Assessment?. Age and Ageing 2017, 46(5), 709-12.
- Delgaty L, Fisher J, Thompson R. The 'Dark Side' of Technology in Medical Education. MedEdPublish 2017, 6(2), 19.
- Fisher J, Teodorczuk A. Old age psychiatry and geriatric medicine: shared challenges, shared solutions?. The British Journal of Psychiatry 2017, 210(2), 91-93.
- Brock P, Gibson V, Garside M, Hunt K, Fisher J. New ways to teach new doctors about older people. Clinical Teacher 2017, 14(4), 289-91.
- Fisher JM, Masud T, Holm EA, Roller-Wirnsberger RE, Stuck AE, Gordon A, Blain H, Knight P, Frühwald T, Petermans J, Nuotio MS, Ihle-Hansen HB, Blundell A, Bakó G, Burns E, Davidovic MM, Jónsdóttir AB, Kolk H, Krulder JWM, Lambert M, Maggi S, Martinez-Velilla N, Pinter GF, Singler K, Thompson S, Van Den Noortgate NJ, Vassallo MA, Veninšek G. New horizons in geriatric medicine education and training: The need for pan-European education and training standards. European Geriatric Medicine 2017, 8(5-6), 467-473.
- Smith S, Fisher J, Goff I. MediLex: The medical jargon-busting game. Clinical Teacher 2017, 14(4), 273-278.
- Fisher JM, Hand A, Jamieson D, Wood B, Walker RW. Developing an innovative online medication calculator for patients with Parkinson's disease who are nil by mouth. Future Hospital Journal 2017, 4(1), 27-29.
- Fisher J, Garside M, Brock P, Gibson V, Hunt K, Wyrko Z, Gordon AL. Being the 'med reg': an exploration of junior doctors' perceptions of the medical registrar role. Journal of the Royal College of Physicians Edinburgh 2017, 47(1), 70-75.
- Fisher J, Brock P, Saxton N, Garside M. 12 tips for developing trainee-led initiatives to promote recruitment to training in shortage specialties. MedEdPublish 2017, 6(3), 29.
- Fisher JM, Hammerla NY, Ploetz T, Andras P, Rochester L, Walker RW. Unsupervised home monitoring of Parkinson's disease motor symptoms using body-worn accelerometers. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 2016, 33, 44-50.
- Fisher JM, Rudd MP, Walker RW, Stewart J. Training Tomorrow’s Doctors to Safeguard the Patients of Today: Using Medical Student Simulation Training to Explore Barriers to Recognition of Elder Abuse. The Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (JAGS) 2016, 64(1), 168-173.
- Richardson SJ, Fisher JM, Teodorczuk A. The Future Hospital: a blueprint for effective delirium care. Future Hospital Journal 2016, 3(3), 178-181.
- Fisher J, George J. Junior doctors and improving the quality of care for older people in hospital. Future Hospital Journal 2016, 3(2), 103-105.
- Fisher JM. I'm Not Sure I Follow You Doctor …. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2016, 64(10), 2160-2160.
- Fisher J, Smith S. Confessions of a clinical teaching fellow. Clinical Teacher 2016, 13(2), 147-149.
- Fisher JM, Hammerla NY, Rochester L, Andras P, Walker RW. Body-worn sensors in Parkinson's Disease: Evaluating their acceptability to patients. Telemedicine and e-Health 2016, 22(1), 63-69.
- Fisher J. Reflections of a trainee geriatrician. Clinical Teacher 2015, 12(3), 210-211.
- Fisher JM, Harrison JK. Pushing the Boundaries of Geriatric Medicine. Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh 2015, 45(2), 154-5.
- Fisher J, Norris L, Keddie S, Thomson R, Grogan E. 'I see you're angry': actor-reported anger scores. Clinical Teacher 2015, 12(2), 103-8.
- Fisher JM. ‘The poor historian’: Heart sink? Or time for a re-think?. Age and Ageing 2015, 45(1), 11-13.
- Mohamed-Ahmed R, Daniels A, Goodall J, O'Kelly E, Fisher J. ‘Disaster day’: global health simulation teaching. Clinical Teacher 2015, 13(1), 18-22.
- Fisher J, Gordon A, MacLullich A, Tullo E, Davis D, Blundell A, Field R, Teodorczuk A. Towards an understanding of why undergraduate teaching about delirium does not guarantee gold standard practice – results from a UK national survey. Age and Ageing 2014.
- Fisher J, Martin R, Tate D. Hands on + hands free: simulated on-call interaction. Clinical Teacher 2014, 11(6), 425-428.
- Fisher JM, Hunt K, Garside MJ. Geriatrics for juniors: Tomorrow's geriatricians or another lost tribe?. Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh 2014, 44(2), 106-110.
- Fisher JM, Garside M, Hunt K, Lo N. Geriatric medicine workforce planning: A giant geriatric problem or has the tide turned?. Clinical Medicine 2014, 14(2), 102-106.
- Fisher JM, Walker RW. A new age approach to an age old problem: using simulation to teach geriatric medicine to medical students. Age and Ageing 2014, 43(3), 424-428.
- Muniraju TM, Lillicrap MH, Horrocks JL, Fisher JM, Clark RMW, Kanagasundaram NS. Diagnosis and management of acute kidney injury: deficiencies in the knowledge base of non-specialist, trainee medical staff. Clinical Medicine 2012, 12(3), 216-221.
Book Chapter
- George J, Woodford H, Fisher JM. Improving Quality of Care for Older People in England. In: Howard M. Fillit, Kenneth Rockwood, John B Young, ed. Brocklehurst's Textbook of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology. 2016.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Mahwood J, Mackie E, Merritt K, Donkin J, Fisher J. See 111, Do 111, Teach 111: Out of Hours Experience In An NHS 111 Call Centre For Medical Students. In: Association for the Study of Medical Education Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM2024). 2024, Warwick, UK: Association for the Study of Medical Education.
- Scholes A, Chaka A, Spowart E, Oliphant T, Meggitt S, Chawla H, Fisher J. Live From The Clinic: Exploring The Feasibility Of Providing Virtual Early Clinical Experience Using Live-streamed Outpatient Clinics. In: Association for the Study of Medical Education Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM2024). 2024, Warwick, UK: Association for the Study of Medical Education.
- Pass E, Mackie E, Graham S, Tan D, Alberti H, Fisher J. Early, remote clinical experience in general practice: exploring the educational value of different video formats. In: Association for the Study of Medical Education Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM2024). 2024, Warwick, UK: Association for the Study of Medical Education.
- Fisher JM, Leahy D. Online Question Banks: Credit? Or Debit?. In: Association for the Study of Medical Education (ASME) Annual Scientific Meeting. 2023, Birmingham, UK: Association for the Study of Medical Education.
- Fisher JM, Mordi N, Thomson R. Harnessing story-telling to learn from underserved populations: opening eyes, hearts and minds. In: Association for the Study of Medical Education (ASME) Annual Scientific Meeting. 2023, Birmingham, UK: Association for the Study of Medical Education.
- Fisher J, Tullo E, Stewart J. It’s only words…? Exploring the terms used by Tomorrow’s Doctors in relation to Older People. In: Association for the Study of Medical Education (ASME), Annual Scientific Meeting, 2018, Gateshead. UK. 2018.
- Lillicrap M, Fisher J, Thomson R. Grow your own faculty – supporting trainees to facilitate undergraduate education. In: Association for the Study of Medical Education (ASME), Annual Scientific Meeting, 2018, Gateshead. UK. 2018.
- Munjal I, Thomson R, Goff I, Fisher J, Stewart J. 'Great idea', 'sounds scary', 'I'm too busy'; Identifying the barriers in developing a staff peer observation programme. In: Diversity in Medical Education: about people, for people, by people. 2017, Exeter University, UK: Association for the Study of Medical Education.
- Fisher J, Brock P, Gibson V. Beyond Core Curriculum: Tales from Trainees from across the pond. In: Canadian Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting, 2016, Vancouver, Canada. 2016.
- Hammerla N, Fisher J, Andras P, Rochester L, Walker R, Ploetz T. PD Disease State Assessment in Naturalistic Environments using Deep Learning. In: Twenty-ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-2015). 2015, Austin, Texas: Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence.
- Fisher JM, Gordon AL, Pattinson J, Brock P. Innovating for a reason: using new educational technologies to improve learning in geriatric medicine. In: 11th International Congress of the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society. 2015, Oslo, Norway: Elsevier.
- Fisher JM, Rudd MP, Walker RW, Stewart J. Exploring Barriers to the Recognition of Elder Abuse through Medical Student Simulation Training. In: ASME's Annual Scientific Meeting. 2015, Edinburgh: Association for the Study of Medical Education (ASME).
- Fisher J, Copeland C. Developing a consensus statement on undergraduate medical curricula. In: European Delirium Association Annual Meeting, 2015, London. UK. 2015.
- Davison J, Dodds S, Hetherington V, Fisher J, Walker R. Maximising recruitment to pharmaceutical studies in Parkinson’s disease: Recent Northumbria experience. In: 16th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, 2012, Dublin. Ireland. 2012.
Online Publication
- Thomson R, Loveland A, Stewart J, Fisher J. How to stop the runaway train of clinical training. BMJ Group, 2016. Available at:
- Teodorczuk A, Abdool PS, Yap CX, Fisher JM. New horizons in undergraduate geriatric medicine education. Age and Ageing 2024, 53(5), afae050.
- McDonald C, Gordon G, Hand A, Walker RW, Fisher JM. 200 Years of Parkinson's disease: What have we learnt from James Parkinson?. Age and Ageing 2018, 47(2), 209-214.