Undergraduate Research Partnerships
Student Research Partnerships
Undergraduate student partnerships are a key element of the research conducted in the School of Medicine. Colleagues can gain student perspectives on clinical and medical sciences education and educational research by partnering with undergraduate students.
Our undergraduate research projects are supported by the principles of the Advance HE framework. This framework promotes student engagement through partnerships in higher education.
Our partnerships support students and provide opportunities to:
- development of transferable and research-specific skills
- further knowledge and experiences
- to engage in research and scholarship in their future careers

Undergraduate Research Opportunities
The School of Medicine offers extra-curricular undergraduate research projects. These projects are usually held during the Newcastle University summer vacation. Students who want to do clinical education research or medical sciences education research should contact researchers in the school.
Funded opportunities for undergraduate research are available via several internal routes. These include Newcastle University Research Scholarships and Jobs on Campus. External funding awards may also be available.
All undergraduate research students must be paid for non-curricular research work. Projects must abide by the Newcastle University Students Working on Campus Policy (PDF: 170KB).
Undergraduate projects need approval from the Research Management Group (Word:31KB) and the FMS Ethics Committee.
Additional Undergraduate Research Opportunities
Our researchers supervise curricular projects in clinical and medical sciences education research.
Undergraduate students can learn more about extracurricular research projects during their degree.
Undergraduate students seeking laboratory-based projects should contact potential supervisors in the FMS Research Institutes working within their area of interest.
For additional information, contact Dr. Iain Keenan.