MBBS Teachers' Development Programme
More than 7,000 healthcare professionals have benefited from our teaching development workshops. They're available to anyone teaching MBBS students.
Student-centred learning
We design sessions in response to the changing needs of our Programmes. We focus on active learning, communication skills, small group work and student-centred learning. Some sessions have Health Education England North East Course Recognition.
The sessions are informal, friendly and participative in nature. We keep most groups small to encourage participation.
We hold sessions both on campus and across the region at our Local Education Providers (LEPs). Appropriate accreditation is usually available for attendees.
Attending these courses has refreshed issues for me and brought me more up to date for my work with medical students.
We are constantly updating the workshops we offer. Previous programmes include:
- Small Group Teaching
- Clinical Development Feedback
- MOSLER training
- OSCE training
- Practical Professionalism
- Introduction to Fitness to Practice
Book your place on one of our workshops.
Many of our staff development sessions have HENE Course Recognition status and we also offer recognition from the Royal College of Physicians for some courses

Orientation Tutorial
If you are new to teaching on the Newcastle MBBS programme it can be difficult to know where your contribution fits in, to understand the course as a whole or to know who's who at 'The Medical School'. We also know that teachers are keen to find out how they can develop their skills and learn about career opportunities within MBBS. With this is mind, we have put together an orientation package on the Medical Learning Environment (MLE) for new teachers and we warmly invite you to work your way through it. We think it will take about an hour to complete.
It consists of 10 short videos which take you through the following topics:
- Director of Studies Welcome
- Curriculum Overview
- NUMed
- Who's Who
- Assessment Philosophy
- Professionalism
- Student Support and Raising Concerns
- Accessibility
- Supporting Teaching Quality
- Developing as a Teacher
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Clinical Teachers Forum
We run a monthly Clinical Teachers Forum on Teams. This is open to all Clinical Teachers, including allied health professionals. It usually takes place on the final Wednesday of each month from 15:30-17:00 and we have covered topics from professionalism to pastoral care and accessibility to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. We publish an (ever changing!) calendar on the Teams group and the MLE.
We also record each session and upload them to the MLE for you to view at your convenience.
Request to join our community on teams
We are always interested to hear from you if you would like to contribute, please do so by emailing our team with the subject ‘CTForum contribution.’