Centre for Mobility and Transport
We challenge the boundaries of what sustainable future mobility can deliver.
Our aims
We're driving mobility and transport towards an inclusive, joined-up, healthier, resilient and zero-carbon future. We are uniquely placed to seek innovative solutions to global, national and regional challenges to improve mobility and the transport of people and goods for all.
We work closely with industry, government, delivery stakeholders and users to deliver innovative solutions, using the full multidisciplinary skills the NUCoRE can bring to address challenges.
Addressing key challenges in transport
We generate research outputs that address crucial challenges in relation to the:
- mobility of people and goods
- transport systems that underpin them
- impact that both of the above have on health and wellbeing
- decarbonising and ensuring the reliance of our transport systems and the infrastructure they use
- utilising sensing and data to underpin our understanding of the transport system and deliver the evidence to inform decision makers and practitioners
We do this using a novel cross-disciplinary approach. We provide insight, innovation, experience, expertise and solutions from engineering and science. In doing so, we engage widely, influence and ensure we consider the wider impact this has on society.
Sustainable transport for a better society
Sustainability and net-zero are in the DNA of our NUCoRE however we recognise that transport and mobility is much more than just that.
We recognise the innovation isn’t just the technologies and future systems that we work on, innovation is also how we can do things differently and more optimally with our existing transport systems and services to.
Our work will contribute to a better, more sustainable and healthier zero-carbon world with transport opening up opportunities for all.
By understanding the wider context, this strategy offers us more clarity. We can better assess the pathways to, and mobility implications of a net-zero-carbon society.
Our research aims and ethos
We recognise that science, engineering and technology on their own are not enough. We engage the end user and society to co-create effective solutions together.
Transport thinking cannot take place in silos. We recognise there is a broad multidisciplinary area concerned with mobility.
We can break down silos by:
- understanding the facilitators and barriers to mobility
- looking at technology and innovative system design for solutions
Explore our research
Our vision for the Centre
Listen to our launch event, where our keynote speakers explain the vision for the Centre.
About our work
Hear more from our launch event, where we delivered the vision for the Centre's valuable work. Explore our constantly expanding news items of what we do and the new projects and activities that we are undertaking.
Contact us
If you’ve got any questions about the Centre or you’d like to join our mailing list to keep updated on Centre events, contact us at mobilityandtransport@ncl.ac.uk.