Pathways to Decarbonisation
Our Mobility and Transport NUCoRE team aims to reduce harmful emissions.
Transport is a main enabler of economic and social prosperity. But it has also directly contributed to the significant rise in greenhouse emissions.
We need a radical approach to tackle the global climate emergency and achieve the UN’s Sustainability Development Goals. We must remove transport’s dependency on fossil fuels. We need a behavioural reset on how society uses and accesses mobility solutions. The developing net zero and decarbonisation agendas aim to address these issues.
Via this theme, we’ll develop meaningful contributions to global decarbonisation efforts. This will include:
- building on the multidisciplinary strengths at Newcastle University
- working across faculties building on analytical and behavioural strengths to develop methodologies
- creating methods and tools to design, assess and deliver decarbonisation strategies
- designing policies and strategies that can help achieve transport decarbonisation
Another key aspect is the role of infrastructure in its broadest sense. For example:
- resilience to extreme weather events
- digital infrastructure supporting changes in habits
- energy infrastructure requirements to deliver electrification of mobility
- changing urban form enabling active travel
- role of novel materials in developing infrastructure with a lower carbon content

Our projects
- 2021-2022 - Pathways to decarbonising ferry operations across the River Tyne
- 2019-2022 - Travel companion enhancements and ride-sharing services synchronised to rail and public transport
- 2019-2020 - Digital environment for collaborative intelligent decarbonisation
- 2018-2021 - Mobility as a Service in a multi-European cross-border corridor
- 2018-2021 - E4Future Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G)
- 2015-2019 - Low Carbon Transitions of Fleet Operations in Metropolitan Sites
Our publications
- Shakeri, M, Vigar, G, Palacin R, The UK Transport System and Shared Modes: Narratives, Regulation, Financing and Operation, 2018, Commissioned by the Government Office for Science, Foresight Studies
- Golightly D, Pierce K, Palacin R, Gamble C. A feasibility assessment of multi-modelling approaches for rail decarbonisation systems simulation. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit 2021
- Heidrich O, Hill GA, Neaimeh M, Huebner Y, Blythe PT, Dawson RJ. How do cities support electric vehicles and what difference does it make? Technological Forecasting and Social Change 2017,
- Serradilla J, Wardle J, Blythe P, Gibbon J. An evidence-based approach for investment in rapid-charging infrastructure. Energy Policy 2017, 106, 514–524.
- Neaimeh M, Wardle R, Jenkins A, Hill GA, Lyons P, Yi J, Huebner Y, Blythe PT, Taylor P. A probabilistic approach to combining smart meter and electric vehicle charging data to investigate distribution network impacts. Applied Energy 2015, Volume 157, 1 November 2015, Pages 688–698. DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2015.01.144
- Batty P, Palacin R, Gonzalez-Gil A. Challenges and opportunities in developing urban modal shift. Travel Behaviour and Society 2015, 2(2), 109-123.