We horizon scan to identify new technologies and systems that can be designed and developed to provide leading edge solutions to our transport and mobility challenges
Creating innovative ways to address issues of mobility
Through technology, we have been able to create innovative ways to address issues of mobility. Our multidisciplinary approach considers global challenges for a more sustainable and healthier net zero transport world.
Our aim is to use technology to bring the best and most appropriate solutions to deliver on transport challenges. Our ability to design trials, evaluate and deliver evidence on the effectiveness of the solutions is a key and unique selling point to what the NUCoRE brings.
- Decarbonisation and resilience
- autonomous and driverless systems
- active modes
- micro-mobility
- passenger technology support
- urban traffic management and control
- freight logistics
- smart city infrastructure
- urban mobility
- accessible transport
- safety and infrastructure
Technology is also important for providing data on how transport affects overall travel means.
We have produced and are developing sensors and monitors to collect qualified and quantified data for:
- reliability of vehicles and infrastructure
- behaviour
- safety
- resilience and mitigations to extreme weather events
- health impacts
- demand management and nudging behaviour
- choice modelling
- transport pollution
With this data, we can make recommendations for improving transport services at a local and international level. This data is vital for governments to improve transport systems design and aid mobility policy.
The technologies theme helps advance knowledge in areas such as:
- vehicles (batteries, automation)
- infrastructure (inspection and monitoring of resilience)
- smart traffic management through 5G connectivity
- urban mobility (active mobility)
This requires the establishment of multidisciplinary teams that bring together:
- engineering disciplines
- urban planners
- geographers
- architects
- ageing experts
- modellers
- economics and analysis
- computer scientists and data analysists
- social scientist and behaviourists
- any other relevant subject specialists
These multidisciplinary teams contribute to the development and deployment of fit-for-purpose technologies. Such technologies aim to minimise the impact of transport and mobility.
Our projects
- Vehicle charging, batteries and autonomous vehicles
- Older travellers and technology engagement
- Sunderland Advanced Mobility Shuttle
- Zehyda 1 and Zehyda 2 (hydrogen Transport
- VCAL – Connected and Autonomous Logistics
- 5G Traffic Management
- Accelerating C-ITS Mobility Innovation and deployment in Europe – C-Mobile
- Connected Autonomous Logistics - 5G CAL
- Challenges of transitioning urban fleets towards low and zero carbon operations – LC Transform
- Development of a lightweight overhead line mast to reduce rail electrification costs - IMAGE
- Subsurface rail infrastructure visualisation for inspection, monitoring and maintenance.
Our publications
Bösehans G, Bell M, Thorpe N, Liao F, Correia G, Dissanayake D. eHUBs—Identifying the potential early and late adopters of shared electric mobility hubs. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 2021.
Li S, Blythe P, Guo W, Namdeo A, Edwards S, Goodman P, Hill H. Evaluation of the effects of age-friendly human-machine interfaces on the driver’s takeover performance in highly automated vehicles. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 2019, 67, 78-100.
Li S, Blythe P, Zhang Y, Edwards S, Xing J, Guo W, Ji Y, Goodman P, Namdeo A. Should older people be considered a homogeneous group when interacting with level 3 automated vehicles? Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 2021, 78, 446-465.
Zunder TH, Islam DMZ. Assessment of Existing and Future Rail Freight Services and Technologies for Low Density High Value Goods in Europe. European Transport Research Review 2018, 10(9).
Thomas McDonald, Mark Robinson and GuiYun Tian. Spatial resolution enhancement of rotational-radar subsurface datasets using combined processing method. ICMSQUARE 2021 IOP Publishing Journal of Physics: 2090 (2021) 012001 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2090/1/012001