Psychology & Biomedical Sciences
Psychology and Biomedical, Nutritional, and Sports Sciences
Students are invited to enrol in Newcastle University’s Faculty of Medical Science - the home of undergraduate learning for a range of courses in the fields of Biomedical and Biomolecular Science, Food and Human Nutrition, Psychology, and Sport and Exercise Science.
These subject areas are supported by academic staff who are world leaders in their respective fields. We have a policy of continual investment and renewal in teaching resources, and we are happy to boast some of the best resourced and most inviting facilities available.
The Faculty also comprises three institutes – centres of research excellence with each institute focused on a single research theme:
- Biosciences Institute
- Translational and Clinical Research Institute
- Population Health Sciences Institute
Newcastle University has one of the finest reputations in the United Kingdom for undergraduate teaching. This is justified by the 97% score that the Faculty of Medical Science received in the last national review of teaching quality.

Subject areas
Overseas students are free to choose from a broad range of modules (classes) available within:
Details of all modules outside of Biomedical Science and Psychology can be found in our full Study Abroad and Exchanges Module Catalogue.
For advice on how to select modules, visit our guidance page.
Further information
Study Abroad and Exchange students can study at Newcastle University for a semester or full academic year. Find out how to apply or contact the Study Abroad Team for further information.