Outgoing Exchanges
Outgoing Exchanges
Study at one of our partner universities for a semester or an academic year.

What is a student exchange?
Newcastle University has student exchange agreements with universities across the world. This means our students can study at our partner universities for a semester or a full academic year, and their students can do the same here at Newcastle. We call the institutions we have student exchange agreements with our ‘partner universities’.
Some of our student exchange agreements are subject-specific, which means that you will be competing for places against students who study the same subject as you. Others are university or faculty-wide. This means that you will be competing for places against students from across the faculty or university.
To apply, first you apply to the Global Opportunities team, choosing five partner universities and indicating your order of preference. We score your application, and rank all applications we receive for each institution. The higher your score, the more likely you are to get your top choices.