Short-Term Global Opportunities
Short-Term Global Opportunities
Get an international experience outside of term time.

What are short-term global opportunities?
Short-term global opportunities allow you to gain international experience as part of your degree without committing to a full year or semester abroad. These experiences usually occur over the summer months, outside of term time.
Shorter term global placements are a great option if you:
- don’t want to extend the length/duration of your degree, but would like to add an international dimension to your study experience
- have family, work or caring commitments which mean you can’t travel for long periods of time outside of the UK
- just want to try something different without a big-time commitment
There are lots of positive reasons to incorporate a global experience as part of your degree including the opportunity to make cultural connections, improve your intercultural understanding, discover a new country and enhance your skills and CV.
Something for everyone
Undertaking a more flexible placement across the summer lets you choose an experience that’s right for you.
There are a broad range of opportunities to choose from and across a wide range of countries. These include:
- summer schools
- internships and short-term work experience
- volunteering
- online experiential learning
We partner with many fantastic organisations who offer a range of experiences. Whether you’re interested in Sustainability, Community Building or Research and Exploration, there is an opportunity available for everyone.