Sustainable Travel Grant
Sustainable Travel Grant
Discover the rewards of travelling more sustainably

Sustainable Travel Grant
Newcastle University is committed to reducing its carbon footprint.
One of the most significant actions we can take in reducing carbon emissions is by limiting the number of flights taken. We want to encourage students to think before they go abroad about the most climate friendly travel options. The decisions we make as individuals have a collective, positive impact on our environment and the planet in which we live.
Global Opportunities, Newcastle University
Award Summary
The sustainable travel grant is a one off additional payment of £350 for students who are travelling to destinations in the Europe and who make the conscious decision to manage their entire trip (this includes both the outbound and return journey to/from the UK), via more climate conscious modes of transport – for example, train, bus, ferry, rather than via plane.
Number of Awards
Start Date
The grant will be awarded to students as and when they commence their placement in 2025. Dates will vary depending on the placement chosen.
Funding will be awarded on a first come-first served basis throughout the application period.
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for the grant, you must be:
- A current undergraduate Newcastle University student, paying home tuition fees
- In receipt of the GO Global Scholarship
- Taking part in a short-term global placement in Europe which has been approved by the Global Opportunities Team and which takes place between the end of May 2025 and early September 2025.
How to Apply
Applications for the travel grant will be managed via Terra Dotta the University’s global placement system.
Students can only apply once they have been awarded a GO Global Scholarship and have had their place on a partner programme confirmed.
To receive the grant, students will need to provide evidence (transport booking details and receipts etc), to demonstrate that their entire trip (this includes both the outbound and return journey to/from home), will be undertaken using more climate conscious methods of transport – for example, bus, ferry and train. This evidence will need to be uploaded in advance to Terra Dotta before you go.
The Global Opportunities team will review applications on a weekly basis throughout the application period. We aim to inform students on the outcome of their application within two weeks of receipt.