Global Opportunities

Partner Opportunities

We have partnered with external organisations to extend the number, variety and locations of our short-term offer. These partnerships include a variety of experiences including internships, work experience and volunteering. They also offer a comprehensive range of online opportunities.

Partner Opportunities

Discover our trusted partner organisations and the opportunities they offer

What to expect

Each provider offers something different, so you’ll need to do your research to ensure that it’s the right option for you. Example experiences include:

  • supporting communities in Northern Peru
  • joining the Sustainable Global Experience Programme in either Amsterdam or Brussels
  • working with NGO’s in various locations across projects in Sri Lanka, Morocco and Nepal

These global experiences often benefit from being ‘packaged’. This means that accommodation, in-country transport, excursions, and some food are included in the price.

The duration of the trips will vary from a few days to a few weeks.

Next steps

  • explore your options and research each organisation/experience to ensure it’s a good fit for you and your finances
  • check the application deadlines with each provider as they will differ
  • join an online information session, or contact the partner to discuss your options
  • apply directly to the partner for your place

Applications for opportunities in Summer 2024 have now closed. These webpages will be updated in the autumn term with information for summer 2025. 


Our partner offer

Explore our partner organisations programmes.