Degree Programme
1002U BA Combined Honours (Year Abroad)
1003U BA Combined Honours (Work Placement)
1004U BA Combined Honours (Study Abroad)
1005U BA Combined Honours (WP & SA)
1100U BSc Hons Chemistry with Study Abroad
1112U BSc Hons Economics & Bus Mgmt with Place
1115U Graduate Diploma in Psychology
1117U Dip Higher Edu Dental Hygiene & Therapy
1120U BSc Hons Int Bus Mg't with Study Abroad
1121U BSc Bus w Prof Pract (Ldn, alt route)
1122U BSc Hons Economics & Bus Mgmt Study Abr'
1123U BSc Int Bus Mgt with Study Abrd (London)
1124U BSc Food and Human Nutrition
1125U Bachelor of Laws - Int. Legal Studies
1135U BA (Hons) Contemp & Pop Mus w Study Ab'd
1136U BSc Jt Hons Psych & Bio W Place Year
1137U BSc Jt Hons Psych & Maths W Place Year
1138U BSc Maths and Economics w Placement Year
1139U BSc Maths and Accounting w Placement Yr
1140U MBiol Biology with Placement Year
1141U MBiol Bio (Cell & Molecular) w Place Yr
1142U MBiol Zoology with Placement Year
1143U BSc Hons Biology with Placement Year
1144U BSc Biology (Ecol and Conserv) w P Year
1145U MBiol Bio (Ecol & Conserv) w Placemnt Yr
1146U BSc Hons Zoology with Placement Year
1147U BEng Hons Chemical Eng W Placement Year
1148U BSc Jnt Hons Psych & Nutrition (Place't)
1149U MEng Chemical Engineering w Placemt Year
1150U MEng Chem Eng Hons Proc Ctrl w Place Yr
1151U BSc Hons Chem with Medic Chem Study Ab'd
1152U BSc Hons Marketing & Mgmt with Placement
1154U MEng Chem Eng Hons Biopro Eng w Place Yr
1156U MEng Chem Eng Hons Sust Eng w Place Yr
1157U BSc Hons Marine Biology W Placement Year
1158U BSc Hons Marine Zoology with Placemt Yr
1159U BSc Marine Bio & Oceanography w Place Yr
1160U BEng Mar Tech Hons Off Eng w Placemt Yr
1161U MEng Mar Tech Hons Offshore Eng w Plc Yr
1162U MEng Mar Tech w Hons in Mar Eng w Pl Yr
1163U BEng Mar Tech Hons Nav Arch w Placemt Yr
1164U MEng Mar Tech w Hons in Nav Arch w Pl Yr
1165U BEng Mar Tech Hons Mar Eng W Placemt Yr
1166U BEng Mar Tech Hons Small Craft Tec w P Y
1167U MEng Mar Tech (Sml Craft Tech) w Place Y
1168U MMath Hons Mathematics with Placement Yr
1169U MMathStat Hons Maths & Stats w Place Yr
1170U BEng Hons Mechanical Eng w Placemt Year
1171U MEng Mech Eng with Placement Year
1172U MEng H Mech & Low Carb Transp Eng W Pl Y
1173U MEng H Mech Eng w Mechatronics w Place Y
1174U MEng Mech Eng w Biomed Eng w Place Year
1175U MEng Mech Eng w Design Manufact w PYear
1176U BEng H Mech Design & Manu Eng w Place Yr
1177U BSc Hons Physics with Placement Year
1178U MPhys Physics with Hons w Placement Year
1179U BSc Hons Theoretical Physics w Place Yr
1180U MPhys Theoretical Physics with Place Yr
1181U MEng Elec & E'tron Eng w Ind Pro w Pl Yr
1182U BEng Hons Elec & Electron Eng w Place Yr
1183U BEng Hons Electronic Eng with Place Year
1184U BEng Hons Microelectronic Eng w Place Yr
1185U MEng Hons Microelec Eng w Place Yr
1186U MEng H E'ronic Comms w Ind Pro w Pl Yr
1187U MEng Hons Elec Pow Eng w Place Yr
1188U BEng Hons Electrical Pwr Eng w Place Yr
1189U BEng Hons Electronic Comms w Place Yr
1190U BEng Hons Electron & Comp Eng w Place Yr
1191U MEng H E'ron & Comp Eng w Ind Pr w Pl Yr
1192U BEng Hons Automation & Cont w Place Year
1193U MEng Hons Automation & Contr w Place Yr
1194U BEng Hons Digital Electronics w Place Yr
1195U MEng Hons Digital Electronics w PlaceYr
1200U BA Hons Business Mgmt with Placement
1205U BEng Hons Marine Engineering (FT)
1206U BEng Hons Offshore Engineering (FT)
1207U BEng Hons Naval Architecture (FT)
1208U BSc with Honours Food & Human Nutri
1209U BEng Chemical Engineering
1210U BEng Mech Design & Manuf Eng
1212U BMus Hons Popular & Contemporary Music
1213U BSc Biomedical Sciences (2 + 1 NUMed)
1214U BEng Electrical Power Eng (Singapore)
1215U BA Hons Town Planning
1217U BSc Hons Financial & Business Econ
1218U BA Hons Architectural Studies
1219U BSc Hons Chem W Study Abroad
1222U BA Hons Business Mgmt with Study Abroad
1280U BSc Hons Agri-Bus Mgt with Placement
1300U BSc Hons Physiological Sciences w P Year
1301U BSc Hons Pharmacology w Placement Year
1302U BSc Hons Biomed Genetics (FT) w Place Yr
1303U BSc Hons Exercise Biomedicine w Place Yr
1304U BSc Hons Biochemistry w Placement Year
1305U BSc Animal Science with Placement
1306U BSc Sport and Exercise Science w Pl Year
1307U MSci Biochemistry with Placement Year
1308U MSci Biomedical Genetics w Placement Yr
1309U MSci Biomedical Sciences with Place Year
1310U BSc Hons Psychology with Placement Year
1311U BSc Hon Biomedical Sciences w Place Year
1312U BSc Applied Plant Science w Placement Yr
1313U BSc Food Bus Mgmt and Markt w Place Year
1314U BSc (Honours) Pharmaceutical Studies
1315U MEng Mech Eng w Energy w Placement Year
1325U MPharm Pharmacy (Durham Award)
1344U BA Hons Folk & Trad Music (Year Abroad)
1400U BSc Agriculture with Placement
1401U BSc Agric Farm Business Mgt with Placem'
1402U BSc Agric Animal Product Sci with Placem
1403U BSc Agric in Agronomy with Place
1410U BSc Joint Hons Psych & Nut w Prof Place
1411U BEng Chemical Engineering (JT Prog SIT)
1412U BEng Elec Power Engineering (JT SIT)
1413U BEng Naval Architecture (JT SIT)
1414U BEng Marine Engineering (JT SIT)
1415U BEng Offshore Engineering (JT SIT)
1416U BEng Mech Design and Manuf (JT SIT)
1420U BA Hons Modern Languages (3 year prog)
1421U BA Hons Mod Lang & Bus Stud (3yr Prog)
1422U BA Hons Modern Lang & Linguis (3yr Prog)
1423U BA Hons Modern Lang, T & I (3yr Prog)
1424U BA H Span, Port & Latin Am Stud (3 yr)
1425U BA Hons Chinese/Japanese Studies (3 yr)
1426U BSc Joint Hons Psych & Bio w Prof Place
1427U BSc Joint Hons Psych & Math w Prof Place
1429U BA Hons Philosophy (with Year Abroad)
1430U BSc JH Psych & Sp & Ex Sci w Prof Place
1431U BSc JH Psych & Sp & Ex Sci w Place Year
1433U BA Media, Comm & Cult Stud w Int St Yr
1434U BA (Hons) Philosophy (with Placement)
1435U BSc Jnt Hons Econ and Maths w Place Year
1436U BSc Jnt Hons Accounting and Mathematics
1437U BSc Jt Hons Accounting & Maths w Place Y
1438U BSc Jnt Hons in Economics & Mathematics
1439U BA Hons Politics & History w Place Year
1440U BA Hons Geography with Placement Year
1441U BSc Hons Geography with Placement Year
1442U MEng Mech Eng with Sus. Trans. Eng P/Yr
1443U BSc Hons Acc & Finance (w Pl & SA)
1444U BSc Hons Economics (w Place and SA)
1445U BSc Hons Economics & Finance (w Pl & SA)
1446U BSc Hons Economics & Bus Mgt (w Pl & SA)
1447U BSc Hons Int Business Mgt (w Pl & SA)
1448U BA Hons Business Management (w Pl & SA)
1449U BSc Marketing and Management (w Pl & SA)
1450U BSc Marketing (w Place and SA)
1451U Bachelor of Laws with Placement Year
1452U BSc Rural studies with Placement
1453U BA Geography & Urban Planning w Place Yr
1454U BA Media, Comm & Cultural Studies w Pl Y
1455U BSc Sust Land & Business Mgmt w Placmt
1456U Foundation in Bio & Biomed Sci (NUMed)
1457U BSc Joint Hons Biology & Psychology
1458U BSc Joint Hons Mathematics & Psychology
1459U BSc Joint Hons Nutrition & Psychology
1460U BA Journalism, Media & Culture w Pl Yr
1461U BA English Language & Literature w Pl Yr
1462U BA Hons Politics & Economics w Pl Yr
1463U BA History with Int Study Year
1464U BA Hons Politics and Sociology w Pl Yr
1465U BA Hons Politics with Placement Year
1466U BA Hons History with Placement Year
1467U BA Ancient History & Archaeology (w SA)
1468U BA Hons Classics with Placement Year
1472U BSc (Hons) Int Bus Mgt WP and SA London
1474U BSc Biomed with Neuroscience
1475U BSc Biomed with Neurosci & Prof Placemen
1476U BSc Biomed with Neuroscience & Placement
1477U BSc Biomed with Ageing
1478U BSc Biomed with Ageing & Prof Place
1479U BSc Biomed with Ageing & Placement
1480U BSc Biomed with Infection & Immunity
1481U BSc Biomed with Infection & Prof Place
1482U BSc Biomed with Infection & Place
1483U MSci Biomed with Neuroscience
1484U MSci Biomed with Neuroscience & Prof Pla
1485U MSci Biomed with Neuroscience & Placemen
1486U MSci Biomed with Ageing
1487U MSci Biomed with Ageing & Prof Placement
1488U MSci Biomed with Ageing & Placement
1489U MSci Biomed with Infection & Immunity
1490U MSci Biomed with Infection & Prof Place
1491U MSci Biomed with Infection & Placement
1492U BA Hons Sociology with Placement Year
1493U Found in Bio & Biomed Sci (NUMed) (Sept)
1494U BA Hons Education with Placement Year
1495U BA Hons Accounting and Finance
1496U BA Hons Acc & Fin (with Placement)
1497U BA Hons Acc and Fin (with Study Abroad)
1498U BA Hons Accounting & Finance (w Pl & SA)
1500U MB BS (NUMed Malaysia)
1501U Diploma Town Planning-Plan & Urb Design)
1502U Diploma Town Planning (Plan & Regen)
1503U Diploma Town Planning (Envir & Planning)
1505F Grad Dip Finance, Accounting & Bus (FT)
1506U Bachelor of Laws (Hons) - Euro Legal Stu
1507U Extra-Curricular Credit
1508F Intnl Foundation Cert - Business
1508J Intnl Foundation Cert - Business
1515U Fnd Degree App Animal Mgmt
1516U Fnd Deg Equestrian Performance & Coach
1517U Fnd Deg Arboriculture
1518U Fnd Deg Rural Tourism & Enterprise Mgmt
1519U Fnd Deg Horticulture
1520U Fnd Deg Agriculture
1521U Fnd Deg Environmental Conservation
1530U BSc (Hons) Int. Bus Mgt with French
1531U BSc (Hons) Int. Bus Mgt with German
1532U BSc (Hons) Int. Bus Mgt with Spanish
1533U BSc (Hons) Int. Bus Mgt with Chinese
1534U BSc (Hons) Int. Bus Mgt German work plce
1535U BSc (Hons) Int. Bus Mgt Span & work plce
1536U BSc (Hons) Int. Bus Mgt Chines work plce
1537U BSc (Hons) Int. Bus Mgt Fren & study abr
1538U BSc (Hons) Int. Bus Mgt Ger & study ab
1539U BSc (Hons) Int. Bus Mgt Span & study ab
1540U BSc (Hons) Int. Bus Mgt Chine & study ab
1541U BSc Int. Bus Mgt Fre study abr & work pl
1542U BSc Int. Bus Mgt Ger study abr & work pl
1543U BSc Int. Bus Mgt Spa study abr & work pl
1544U BSc Int. Bus Mgt Chi study abr & work pl
1545U BSc (Hons) Int. Bus Mgt Fren & work plce
1546U BA Eng Lit with Creative Writing w Pl Yr
1547U BA Hons Film and Media with Placement Yr
1548U BA Hons English Lit (with Placement Yr)
1549U MBiol Zoology with Placement (Y3)
1550U BSc Hons Marketing with Placement
1551U MEng Mar Tech w Hons in Mar Eng w Pl Yr3
1552U BSc Hons Mktg & Mgmt with Study Abroad
1553U MEng Chemical Engineering w Placemt Yr3
1554U MEng Hons Automation & Contr w Pl Yr3
1555U BSc Hons Marketing with Study Abroad
1556U BSc (Hons) Maths w Bus with placement yr
1557U BSc Physics with Astrophysics w place yr
1558U MPhys Physics with Astrophysics w placem
1559U MEng Hons in Engineering wi Civ Eng
1560U MEng Hons in Eng wi Civ Eng wi Pl Yr
1561U MEng Hons in Engineering wi Elc Eng
1562U MEng Hons in Eng wi Elc Eng wi Pl Yr
1563U MEng Hons in Engineering wi Mech Eng
1564U MEng Hons in Eng wi Mech Eng wi Pl Yr
1565U BEng Engineering
1566U MEng Hons Mechanical Eng w Placement Yr
1567U MPhys Theoretical Physics exit award
1568U MPhys Theoretical Phys w Place Yr Exit
1569U MPhys Physics with Hons Exit Award
1570U MPhys Physics with Placement Exit Award
1571U BA History (With Study Abroad Y3)
1572U BSc Hons Environmental Science w ISY
1573U BSc Hons Biology with Int Study Year
1574U BSc Hons Food Business Mngt & Mkting ISY
1600U Master of Planning - Unaccredited
1601U BA Hons Urban Planning - Unaccredited
1602U MArch Architecture (FT) - Unaccredited
1603U BA Hons Architecture - Unaccredited
1604U MEng Elec & E'tron Eng w Ind Pro w Pl Y3
1606U BSc Hons Psychology with Int'l Study Yr
1607U MBiol Bio (Cell & Molecular) w Place Yr3
1608U BSc Mathematics with Internat Study Year
1609U MMath Mathematics with Int. Study Year
1610U BSc Human Nutrition with Placement Year
1611U BSc Nutrition w/ Food Mktg w/ Placement
1612U BA Digital Cultures & Media w Int St Yr
1613U BA Digital Cultures and Media (Placemnt)
1614U BA History & Archaeology w Int Study Yr
1615U BA Archaeology with Int Study Year
1616U BA Politics and History w Int Study Year
1617U BA Classical Studies w Int Study Year
1618U BA Ancient History w Int Study Year
1619U MSci Pharmaceutical Studies
1620U MPhys Physics with Astrophys w placement
1621U MPhys Physics with Astrophysics
1622U MEng Hons Chemical Engineering
1623U BEng Electrical Engineering Science
1624U MEnv Environmental Science with PlaceYr
1625U BA Hons History with Int Study Year
1626U MEng Mechanical Engineering with Energy
1627U MEng Hons Mech Eng with Mechatronics
1628U MEng Mech Eng with Biomedical Eng
1629U MEng Sustainable Transport Engineering
1630U MEng Hons Mech Design & Manuf Eng
1631U MEng Chem Eng Hons Bioprocess Eng
1632U MEng Chem Eng Hons Process Control
1633U MEng Chem Eng Hons Sustainable Eng
1634U BSc Geographic Info Sci w Yr in Industry
1635U MSci Map & Geospat Data Sci (w Yr Ind)
1636U BEng Geospatial Surveying & Map w Yr Ind
1637U BEng Mar Tech Hons Off Eng
1638U MEng Mar Tech with Hons in Offshore Eng
1639U BEng Mar Tech Hons Small Craft Tec
1640U MEng Mar Tech with Hons Sml Craft Tech
1641U BSc Hons Earth Sci with Yr in Industry
1642U MEarthSci Hons EarthSci with Yr in Indus
1643U BEng Hons Mechanical Engineering Science
1644U MEng Hons Mech Eng Sci with Mechatronics
1645U MEng Hons Mech Eng Sci with Biomed Eng
1646U MEng Hons Mech Eng Science with Energy
1647U MEng Hons Mech Eng w Sustain Trans Eng
1648U MEng Hons Mech Design and Manufacturing
1649U BEng Marine Tech Hons in Marine Eng Sci
1650U BEng Mar Tech Hons Naval Architecture Sc
1651U BEng Mar Tech Hons Offshore Engineering
1652U BEng Mar Tech Hons in Small Craft Tech
1653U MEng Mar Tech Hons in Marine Engineering
1654U MEng Mar Tech Hons in Naval Architecture
1655U MEng Marine Tech Hons in Offshore Eng
1656U MEng Mar Tech Hons in Small Craft Tech
1657U BEng Hons Civil Engineering Science
1658U MEng Hons Civil Engineering Science
1659U MEng Hons Engineering Science
1660U M-AUP (Architecture)
1661U Master of Architec and Urb Plan unaccred
1662U BA Film Practices (with Placement Year)
1663U BSc Jt Hons Psyc & Bio w Int'l Study Yr
1664U BSc Jt Hons Psyc & Math w Int'l Study Yr
1665U BSc Jt Hons Psyc & Nutr w Int'l Study Yr
1666U BSc Jt Hons Psyc & SportSci w Int St Yr
1667U M-AUP (Urban Design)
1668U MArch & Urban Plan (Urban Des) Unaccred
1669U BA Hons Music with placement year
1670U BA Hons Contemporary Pop Mus Plce Yr
1671U BMus Hons Music Place Year
1672U BA Hons Folk & Trad Music (Plce Yr)
1673U BEng Hons Marine Engineering Place Yr
1675U BEng Hons Naval Architecture Place Yr
1676U MEng Naval Architecture w Place Year
1677U BEng Naval Architect special Offshor Eng
1679U BEng Naval Architect special Sml Cr Tech
1681U BEng Hons Marine Engineering Science
1682U BEng Hons Naval Architecture Science
1683U BEng Naval Architect Sci Offshore Eng
1684U BEng Naval Architect Sci special SC Tech
1689U MSci Nutrition & Exercise Sci (Place Yr)
1690U BA Hons Urban Planning (Placement Year)
1691U BA Urban Plan (Placement) Non-accredited
1692U Ops or Department Manager Apprenticeship
1693U BA Hons Linguistics (with Placement Yr)
1694U BA Politics and Int'l Relat (w Placement
1695U BA Hons Architect an Urb Plan (w Plcmnt
1696U BSc Hons Computer Science (Study Abroad)
1697U BA Ancient History & Archaeology w ISY
1698U HE Short Course Dig Sci Healthcare
1699U BSc Hons Physical Geography (Placement)
1701U BA Ancient History & Archae. (Inversion)
1702U BA History (Inversion)
1703U BA History and Archaeology (Inversion)
1704U BA Folk & Traditional Music (Inversion)
1709U BSc Economics study abroad (Inversion)
1710U BSc Economics Bus. Mgt Study Abr (Inv.)
1711U BSc Economics & Fin Study Abr (Inv.)
1712U BA Business Management (Inversion.)
1713U Marketing with Study Abroad (Inversion)
1714U BSc Marketing Management (Inversion)
1715U BSc Acc & Finance Placement (Inversion)
1716U BSc IBM with French S.A (Inversion)
1717U BSc IBM with French WP (Inversion)
1718U BSc IBM with German SA (Inversion)
1719U BSc IBM with Spanish SA (Inversion)
1720U BSc IBM with Spanish WP (Inversion)
1722U Bachelor of Laws (Intnat Legal Studies)
1723U BA Combined Honours (Inversion)
1725U BSc Animal Science (Inversion)
1730U MEng Civil Engineering (inversion)
1731U BSc Psychology with Study Abroad
1732U BSc Food and Human Nutrition w placement
1733U BSc Food & Human Nut. place w Placement
1734U BSc Biomedical Sciences with Placement
1735U BSc Pharmacology with placement
1736U BSc Physiological Sciences w placement
1738U BSc Marine Biology (Inversion)
1739U BSc Geographic Info Sci Indu (Inversion)
1740U BSc Civil Engineering Yr Ind (Inversion)
1741U BSc Civil Struct Eng Yr Ind (inversion)
1742U MEng Civil Engineer Yr Indus (inversion)
1743U MEng Civ & Struct Eng Yr Ind (inversion)
1744U BSc Comp Sci Ind Plc (Sec Res) (inv.)
1745U BSc Internation Business Mgt (Inversion)
1747U BSc Comp Sci w Place (HCI) Inversion
1748U BSc Nutrition Food Mkt w place (Inv.)
1749U BSc Comp Sci with Ind Place (inversion)
1750U MEng Mechanical Engineering (inversion)
1751U MEng Mech Eng w Energy w Plcmt Yr (Yr 5)
1752U BA Hons Archaeology (w Study Abroad Yr4)
1800U MPhys Hons with International Study Year
1801U MPhys Hons Sci w Int Sty - Unaccredited
1802U BSc Hons Math and Economics Int Study Yr
1803U BSc Hons Math and Statistics Int Stdy Yr
1804U BSc Hons Physics w Internat Study Yr
1805U BSc Hons Zoology International Study Yr
1806U BEng Hons Chem Engineering Int Study Yr
1807U BA Hons Int'l Relations w Placement
1808U BEng Naval Architecture & Marine Engine.
1810U BSc Food & Human Nutrition Prof Placemt
1811U BSc Food & Human Nutrition with Placem't
1812U BSc (Hons) Food and Human Nutrition
1813U MEarthSci Hons EarthSci with Int. Study
1814U BEng Civil Engineering Yr in Indust Exit
1816U BSc Hons Geography with Int Study Year
1817U BA Hons Geography with Int Study Year
1818U BSc Hons Physical Geography w Int St Yr
1819U BA Hons Politics with Int Study Year
1820U BA Hons Int'l Relations w Int Study Year
1821U BA Hons Politics & Int'l Rel's Int St Yr
1822U BA Hons Sociology with Int Study Year
1823U BA Hons Politics & Economics w Int St Yr
1824U BA Hons Politics & Sociology w Int St Yr
1825U BEng Civil Engineering International
1826U BEng Electrical & Elect Engin. Internatl
1827U BEng Mechanical Engineering Internationa
1828U BSc Nutrition & Exercise Sci (Place Yr)
1829U BSc Maths and Stats with Intern'l Yr
1830U BA Hons Film and Media w Int Study Year
1831U BA Hons Film Practices w Int Study Year
1832U BA Journalism, Media & Cult w Int St Yr
1833U BEng Hons Marine Eng Sci with Place Yr
1834U BEng Hons Naval Architecture Sci Plac Yr
1835U BEng Naval Arch. Special Offshore Eng PY
1836U BEng Nav Arch Sci Special Offshor Eng PY
1837U BEng Nav Architect. Small Craft Tech PYr
1838U BEng Naval Arch Sci Sml Craft Tech PYr
1839U BSc Hons Countryside Management
1840U BSc Countryside Mgmt with Placement
1841U BSC Marine Biology with Int. Study Year
1842U MBiol Biology with Int. Study Year
1843U BSc Physics w Astrophysics w Int. Study
1844U BSc Maths w Bus. w Int. study year
1845U BSc Maths w Finance w Int. Study Year
1846U BEng Mech Eng w Int. Study Year
1847U MPhys Theoretical Physics w Int Study Yr
1848U MEng Electrical Engineering Science
1849U BA Hons Archaeology Unaccr
1850U BSc Hons Archaeology Unaccr
1851U BA Hons Ancient History & Archaeology UA
1852U BA History & Archaeology Unaccr
1853U Level 5 Apprenticeship in Coaching
1854U MBiol Biology with Int. Study Yr
1855U BEng Hons Elec & Comp Eng Int Stdy Yr
1856U MEng Elec & E'tron Eng Ind Proj Int S Yr
1857U BEng Elec & Electronic Eng Int Stdy Yr
1858U Extra-Curricular Credit (FMS)
1860U MEng Elect Eng Sci w Ind Proj (unaccred)
1861U BEng Hons Nav Arch & Mar Eng Sci
1862U BEng Hons Nav Arch & Mar Eng Sci w Pl Yr
1863U MEng Hons Nav Arch & Mar Eng w Nav Arch
1864U MEng Hons Nav Arch & Mar Eng w Mar Eng
1865U MEng Hons Nav Arch & Mar Eng w Sub Eng
1866U MEng Hons Nav Arch & Mar Eng w Off Ren
1867U MEng Hons Nav Arch & Mar Eng w Pl Yr
1868U MEng Hons Nav Arch & Mar Eng NArch w PY
1869U MEng Hons Nav Arch & Mar Eng MEng w PY
1870U MEng Hons Nav Arch & Mar Eng SEng w PY
1871U MEng Hons Nav Arch & Mar Eng ORen w PY
1872U MEng Hons Nav Arch & Mar Eng Sci
1873U MEng Hons Nav Arch & Mar Eng Sci Nav Arc
1874U MEng Hons Nav Arch & Mar Eng Sci Mar Eng
1875U MEng Hons Nav Arch & Mar Eng Sci Sub Eng
1876U MEng Hons Nav Arch & Mar Eng Sci Off Ren
1877U MEng Hons Nav Arch & Mar Eng Sci w Pl Yr
1878U MEng Hons Nav Arch & Mar Eng Sci NArc PY
1879U MEng Hons Nav Arch & Mar Eng Sci MEng PY
1880U MEng Hons Nav Arch & Mar Eng Sci SEng PY
1881U MEng Hons Nav Arch & Mar Eng Sci ORen PY
1882U BEng Hons Nav Arch & Mar Eng w Pl Yr
1883U BSc Hons Oral and Dental Health Sci (DHT
1884U BA Hons Geography and Planning
1885U BA Geography and Planning w Place Yr
1886U MSci Pharmacology w Prof Placement
1887U MSci Pharmacology w Placement Year
1888U MSci Physiological Sci w Prof Placement
1889U MSci Physiological Sci w Placement Year
1890U BSc Hons Nutrition Science w Prof Plcmt
1891U BSc Hons Nutrition Science w Placemt Yr
1892U BSc (Hons) Nutrition Science
1893U BSc Hons Nutrition Sci w Food Marketing
1894U BSc Hons Nutr Sci w Food Mktg w Plcmt Yr
1895U BSc Hons Nutr Sci w Food Mktg Prof Plcmt
1896U BA Hons Eng Lit & Creative Writing
1897U BA Eng Lit & Creative Writing w Pl Yr
1898U BSc Computer Sci with Int. Study Yr
1899U BEng Hons Civil Eng with Int. Study Yr
1900U MPhys Physics w Astrophys Int. Study Yr
1901U BSc Theoretical Physics w Int. Study Yr
1902U BSc Maths & Accounting (Int. Study Yr)
1903U BEng (Hons) in Advanced Manufacturing DA
1904U BEng (Hons) in Battery Engineering DA
1905U BEng (Hons) Power Electro Drives Mach DA
1906U BA Ancient History & History (Place Yr)
1907U BA Ancient History & Hist (Int Study Yr)
1908U BSc (Hons) Data Science w Study Abrd
1909U BEng Hons Chemical Engineering Science
1910U MPhys Physics w Astrophys w Int. Stud Yr
1911U MEng Mech Eng w Mechatronics w Place Yr
1912U MEng Elec & E'tronic Eng Sci w Ind Proj
1913U MEng El'cs & Comp Eng w Ind Pr w ISY
1914U Ops or Dept Manager Apprenticeship (May)
1915U Ops or Dept Manager Apprenticeship (Oct)
1916U MEng El'cs & Comp Eng w Ind Pr w Pl Yr
1917U BA Hons Modern Lang & Linguis Plct Year
1918U BA Hons Modern Lang, Tr & Int w Plct Yr
1919U BA Hons Span, Port & Lat Am Stud w Pl Yr
1920U BA Hons Modern Languages w Plcmt Year
1921U BA Hons Mod Lang & Bus Studies w Plct Yr
1922U BA Hons Chinese/Japanese Stud w Plct Yr
1923U BA Hons East Asian Studies
1924U BA Hons East Asian Studies w Plct Yr
1925U Foundation in Science (NUMed) (May)
1926U BEng Nav Arch & Mar Eng International
1927U BSc Environmental Science International
1928U BEng (Hons) in Elec'l & Elec'nic Eng DA
1929U BEng Mar Tech Hons Mar Eng Sc w Plcmt Yr
1930U BEng Hons Aerospace Engineering w Plc Yr
1931U BEng Hons Aerospace Engineering w ISY
1932U BEng Hons Aerospace Engineering Science
1933U BA Hons Music with Year Abroad
1934U BEng Hons Aerospace Eng Sci w Plct Year
1935U BEng Hons Aerospace Eng Science w ISY
1936U MEng Hons Aerospace Engineering w Plt Yr
1937U BSc Hons Archaeology
1938U MEng Hons Aerospace Engineering w ISY
1939U MEng Hons Aerospace Engineering Sci
1940U MEng Hons Aerospace Eng Sci w Plt Year
1941U MEng Hons Aerospace Eng Science w ISY
1942U BA Hons Mod Languages & Int Relations 3Y
1943U BA Hons Mod Lang & Int Rel w Placement
1944U MSci Hons Clinical Nutrition
1963U BSc Hons IBM with EA Studies
1964U BSc Hons Cognitive Science w Placemt Yr
1965U BSc Hons Cognitive Science w ISY
1966U BSc Hons Finance w Placement
1967U BSc Hons Finance w Study Abroad
1968U BSc Hons Finance w Work Pl & St Abroad
1969U BEng Nav Arch & Mar Eng Internat'l (Jan)
1970U BSc Environm Science International (Jan)
1971U BSc Hons Environment Sci with Placement
1972U BSc Hons Cognitive Science w Prof Placmt
1985U BSc Hons Computing & Mathematics w Pl Yr
1986U BSc Hons Computing & Mathematics w ISY
1987U BSc Dietetics
2033E PG EU Exchange Students in Engineering
2034E PG EU Exchange Students in SNES
2035E UG EU Exchange Students in Engineering
2036E UG EU Exchange Students in SNES
2037B Study Abroad SENG
2038B Study Abroad SNES
2050E PG EU Exchange Students in Computing
2051E UG Exchange Students in COMP
2052B Study Abroad COMP
2080E PG EU Exchange Students in MSP
2081E UG EU Exchange Students in MSP
2082B Study Abroad MATH
2099B International Study Abroad Applications
2151E UG EU Exchange Students in HSSO
2160E PG EU Exchange students in Planning
2161E UG EU Exchange Students in Planning
2170E PG EU Exchange students in SACS
2171E UG EU Exchange Students in SACS
2180E PG EU Exchange students in ECLS
2181E UG EU Exchange Students in ECLS
2190E PG EU Exchange students in SELS
2191E UG EU Exchange Students in SELS
2200E PG EU Exchange students in SSCI
2201E UG EU Exchange Students in GPS
2210E PG EU Exchange students in SHIS
2211E UG EU Exchange Students in SHIS
2220E PG EU Exchange Students in SMLS
2221E UG EU Exchange Students in SMLS
2230E PG EU Exchange students in SLAW
2231E UG EU Exchange Students in SLAW
2240E PG EU Exchange students in NUBS
2241E UG EU Exchange Students in NUBS
2290E PG Exchange Students in PSYC
2291E UG Exchange Students in PSYC European
2300E WELCOME Erasmus Mundus (PG) (FT)
2302O INTO General English
2304B Science W Borders - SAPL Sept (FT)
2305B Science W Borders -(MS - UG) (Sept) (FT)
2310E PG Exchange Students in BNS
2311E UG Exchange Student in BNS
2312B Science Without Borders (COMP) (UG)
2314B Science Without Borders (MATH) (UG)
2322B Loyola (COMP)
2324B Loyola (MATH)
2327B Science Without Borders (MS) (PGR) (FT)
2329B Science Without Borders UG (Jan intake)
2329E PGR Exchange Students in MSGS
2332E UG Welcome Exchange in SML
2333E PG WELCOME Exchange in COMP (FT)
2334O FMS Res Council DTP Admin
2340B Science Without Borders (COMP) - Jan
2341E UG Exchange Students in DENT
2342B Science Without Borders (MATH) - Jan
2346B Science W Borders - SAPL Jan (FT)
2347B Science without Borders (COMP-PGR-FT)
2351E UG Exchange Students in SME
2352F Post-Study Extension Programme - HaSS
2353F Post Study Extension Programme - MED
2354F Post Study Extension Programme - SAgE
2355U International Year On - Architecture
2356U International Year One - Architecture
2360B Science Without Borders (SENG) (UG)
2361B Science Without Borders (SNES) (UG)
2362B Loyola (SENG)
2363B Loyola (SNES)
2364B Science Without Borders (SENG) - Jan
2365B Science Without Borders (SNES) - Jan
2366B SENG Science without Borders (SAgE-PGR)
2367B SNES Science without Borders (SAgE-PGR)
2368O UG Standalone Modules in SENG
2369E UG EU Exchange Students in Architecture
2370E UG non-EU Exchange Students in Architect
2371O MPharm Pre-Registration
2372E PGT EU Exchange students in Architecture
2373E PGR EU Exchange students in SAPL
2374B Study Abr. Business & Finance (Semester)
2375B Study Abr. Arts & Humanities (Semester)
2376B Study Abr. Biomed Sci & Psych (Semester)
2377B Study Abroad Computing (Semester)
2378B Study Abroad Math (Semester)
2379B Study Abr. Engineering (SEng) (Semester)
2380B Study Abr. Nat & Envir (SNES) (Semester)
2381B Loyola Business & Finance
2382B Loyola HaSS
2383B Loyola Biomedical Sciences & Psychology
2384B Loyola Pre Med
2385B Loyola Business & Finance (Semester)
2386B Loyola HaSS (Semester)
2387B Loyola Biomed Sci & Psych (Semester)
2388B Loyola Computing (Semester)
2389B Loyola Math (Semester)
2390B Loyola Engineering (SEng) (Semester)
2391B Loyola Natural & Envir (SNES) (Semester)
2392B Pre Med Loyola (Semester)
2394B Pre Med Study Abroad (Semester)
2396B Study Abroad PG Engineering (Semester)
2397B Loyola Pre-Health (Semester)
2398B Loyola Pre-Health
2400E UG EU Exchange Students in Philosophy
2402E UG non-EU Exchange Students in Planning
2403E UG non-EU Exchange Students in in SACS
2405E UG Exchange Students in BNS Non-European
2406E UG non-EU Exchange Students in NUBS
2410E UG non-EU Exchange Students in Philosoph
2411E UG Non-EU Exchange Students in Computing
2412E UG non-Erasmus Exchange Students in Dent
2413E UG non-EU Exchange Students in in ECLS
2415E UG non-EU Exchange Students in SELS
2416E UG non-EU Exchange Students in GPS
2417E UG non-EU Exchange Students in HaSS
2418E UG non-EU Exchange Students in SHCA
2420E UG non-EU Exchange Students in SLAW
2422E UG Non-EU Exchange Students in MSP
2424E UG Non-Erasmus Exchange Students in SME
2426E UG non-EU Exchange Students in SMLS
2427E UG Exchange Students PSYC Non-European
2428E UG Erasmus Exch Students in NUBS (Sem 1)
2429E UG Erasmus Exch Students in NUBS (Sem 2)
2430E UG Non-EU Exchange Students in SENG
2431E UG Non-EU Exchange Students in SNES
2432B Study Abroad Pre-Health (Semester)
2433B Study Abroad Pre-Health
2530O PG Occasional Students in CEAM
2531O UG Occasional Students in CEAM
2532O PG Occasional Students in SENG (Taught)
2533O PG Occasional Students in SNES (Taught)
2534O UG Occasional Students in SENG
2535O UG Occasional Students in SNES
2540O PG Occasional Students in CIVG
2550O PG Occasional Students in COMP (Taught)
2551O UG Occasional Students in COMP
2560O PG Occasional Students in EECE
2580O PG Occasional Students in MATH (Taught)
2581O UG Occasional Students in MATH
2591O UG Occasional Students in MECH
2594O Incoming Medical Elective
2651O UG Occasional students in HSSO
2652B Study Abroad Arts & Humanities
2653O PG Occasional Students in HSSO (Taught)
2655A International Summer School
2660O PG Occasional Students in SAPL (Taught)
2661O UG Occasional Students in SAPL
2670O PG Occasional Students in SACS (Taught)
2671O UG Occasional Students in SACS
2680O PG Occasional Students in ECLS (Taught)
2681O UG Occasional Students in ECLS
2690O PG Occasional Students in SELS (Taught)
2691O UG Occasional Students in SELS
2700O PG Occasional Students in SSCI (Taught)
2701O UG Occasional Students in SSCI
2710O PG Occasional Students in SHCA (Taught)
2711O UG Occasional Students in SHIS
2720O PG Occasional Students in SMLS (Taught)
2721O UG Occasional Students in SMLS
2722O Occasional Students in Language Centre
2730O PG Occasional Students in SLAW (Taught)
2731O UG Occasional Students in SLAW
2740O PG Occasional Students in NUBS (Taught)
2741O UG Occasional Students in NUBS
2742B Study Abroad Business & Finance
2742O PG Occasional Students NUBS(LDN)(Taught)
2743O UG occasional student in ICaMB
2744O PGR Occasional Students in SAPL
2747O PG Occasional Students in BMS (Research)
2748O PG Occasional Students in DENT(Research)
2749O PG Occasional Students in PSYC(Research)
2750O PG Occasional Students in SME (Research)
2751O PG Occasional Students in COMP(Research)
2752O PG Occasional Students in MATH(Research)
2753O PG Occasional Students in SENG(Research)
2754O PG Occasional Students in SNES(Research)
2755O PG Occasional Students in ECLS(Research)
2756O PG Occasional Students in HSSO(Research)
2757O PG Occasional Students in NUBS(Research)
2758O PG Occasional Students NUBS(LDN)(Res)
2759O PG Occasional Students in SACS(Research)
2760O PG Occasional Students in SAPL(Research)
2761O PG Occasional Students in SELS(Research)
2762O PG Occasional Students in SSCI(Research)
2763O PG Occasional Students in SHCA(Research)
2764O PG Occasional Students in SLAW(Research)
2765O PG Occasional Students in SMLS(Research)
2766O Erasmus Recent Graduate Traineeship
2767O UG Occasional Biosciences
2768O UG Occasional TCRI
2769O UG Occasional PHSI
2771O PG Occasional Students in SCHX(Research)
2790O PG Occasional Students in PSYC (Taught)
2791O UG Occasional Students in PSYC
2800O PG Occasional Students in FMS
2810O PG Occasional Students in BMS (Taught)
2811O UG Occasional Students in CAMB
2812B Study Abroad Pre-med
2813B Study Abroad Biomedical Sciences
2815B Study Abd Prog Summer Research (HaSS)
2840O PG Occasional Students in DENT (Taught)
2841O UG Occasional Students in DENT
2850O PG Occasional Students in SME (Taught)
2851O UG Occasional Students in SME
2870O PG Occasional PHS
2890O PG Occasional T&CR
2900A Pre-sessional English Language UG (Abb)
2900L Pre-Sessional English Language UG (Long)
2901A Pre-sessional English Language PG (Abb)
2901L Pre-Sessional English Language PG (Long)
2902A ISAWE Jan Short 2 Stage
2902L ISAWE Jan Long 2 Stage
2903A ISAWE April Short 2 Stage
2903L ISAWE April Long 2 Stage
2904A ISAWE June Short 2 Stage
2904L ISAWE June Long 2 Stage
2905A INTO Modular
2905L INTO Language Abroad
2910L International Fnd Prog Comp Science
2911A International Fndn Prog Bus Finance (A)
2911L International Fndn Prog Bus Finance
2912L International Fndn Prog Arts Social Sci.
2913L International Fndn Prog Eng Lan Lit
2914L International Fndn Prog Fine Art
2915A International Fndn Prog Physic Sci (A)
2915L International Fndn Prog Physic Sci
2916A International Fndn Prog HaSS (A)
2916L International Fndn Prog HaSS
2917A International Fndn Prog Biol Sci (A)
2917L International Fndn Prog Biol & Biomed Sc
2920O PG Occasional Biosciences
2922O PG Occasional NIRS
2930A PG Fndn Stud International Stud (Abbrev)
2930L PG Fndn Stud Prog Int Studies (Long)
2931A PG Fndn Stud Prog Cult Heritage (Abbrev)
2931L PG Fndn Stud Prog Cult Heritage (Long)
2932A PG Fndn Stud Prog Bus & Finan (Abbrev)
2932L PG Fndn Stud Prog Bus & Finance (Long)
2933A PG Fndn Stud Prog Fine Art (Abbrev)
2933L PG Fndn Stud prog Fine Art (Long)
2934A PG Fndn Stud Prog Social Sci (Abbrev)
2934L PG Fndn Stud Prog Social Sci (Long)
2940A English UG (July)
2941A Academic English (6 weeks of 16)
2942F INTO Graduate Diploma in Music (Sept)
2942J INTO Graduate Diploma in Music (January)
2943F International Year One: Engineering
2944J International Year One - Acc & Finance
2944U International Year One - Acc & Finance
2945J International Year One - Finance
2945U International Year One - Finance
2950A Essential English UG (Sep)
2951A Essential English UG (Oct)
2952A Essential English UG (Nov)
2953A Essential English UG (Jan)
2954A Essential English UG (Feb)
2955A Essential English UG (Apr)
2956A Essential English UG (May)
2957A Essential English UG (Jun)
2958A Essential English PG (Sep)
2959A Essential English PG (Oct)
2960F Int Foundation - Humanities & Social Sci
2961F Int Foundation - Business and Mgt
2962F Int. Foundation - Biomed, Biol & Pharm
2963F Int Foundation - Sci, Comp, Eng & Maths
2964F Int. Foundation - Biomed, Biol & Pharm
2965F Int Foundation - Sci, Comp, Eng & Maths
2966F Int Foundation - Humanities & Social Sci
2967F Int Foundation - Business and Mgt
2970A Essential English PG (Nov)
2971A Essential English PG (Jan)
2972A Essential English PG (Feb)
2973A Essential English PG (Apr)
2974A Essential English PG (May)
2975A Essential English PG (Jun)
2976A Pathway English Term
2977A Academic English (Term 1)
2978A English UG (Jan)
2979A Academic English (Term 2)
2980A English UG (Apr)
2981A Academic English (Term 3)
2982A Pathway English Term
2983A Academic English (Term 4)
2984A Academic English PG (Sep)
2985A Academic English PG (Oct)
2986A Academic English PG (Nov)
2987A Academic English PG (Jan)
2988A Academic English PG (Feb)
2989A Academic English PG (Apr)
2990A Academic English PG (May)
2990E UG Exchange in APL (FT)
2991A Academic English PG (Jun)
2992J International Year One - Business
2992U International Year One - Business
2993J Int. Pre-Master's Business & Humanities
2993U Int. Pre-Master's Business & Humanities
2994J INTO Grad Diploma: Computing (Jan)
2994U INTO NU Found Cert - Architecture (FT)
2995F Int Foundation - Architecture
2995J Int. Foundation Certificate - Architectu
2996 INTO Summer School
2997U Int. Pre-Masters Arch & Landscape Archit
2998U Int. Pre-Masters Arch & Landscape Archit
3005F PgC Research Methods (FT)
3005P PgCResearch Methods (PT)
3007P PgC Marine Tech (Rolls Royce) (PT)
3009F PgC Introduction to Urban Design (FT)
3009P PgC Introduction to Urban Design (PT)
3010F PgC Theory & Methods of Urban Des (FT)
3010P PgC Theory & Methods of Urban Des (PT)
3011F PgC Urban Design Implementation (FT)
3011P PgC Urban Design Implementatin (PT)
3012F PgC Research/Design Studs Urban Des (FT)
3012P PgC Research/Design Studs Urban Des (PT)
3013F Cert Conservation & Planning (FT)
3013P Cert Conservation & Planning (PT)
3014F Cert Conservation Pripls &Tech (FT)
3014P Cert Conservation Pripls &Tech (PT)
3015P PG Cert Adv Stud Academic Practice (PT)
3016P PgC Life Long Learning (PT)
3017P PgC University Administration (PT)
3018F Cert Learning & Teaching HE (FT)
3018P Cert Learning & Teaching HE (PT)
3019P PgC Clinical Education (PT)
3020P PgC Marine Technology (PT)
3021P PgC Heritage, Gallery and Museum Studies
3022P PgC Management Practice (PT)
3023P PgC Counselling Supervision (PT)
3025F PgC Gov : Science Health & Environ (FT)
3025P PgC Gov : Science Health & Environ (PT)
3027F PgC Local & Regional Development (FT)
3027P PgC Local & Regional Development (PT)
3028P PgC Public Health & Health Serv Res (PT)
3030F PgC European Spatial Planning
3031P PgC Cancer Studies (PT)
3033F PG Certificate Creative Writing (FT)
3033P PG Certificate Creative Writing (PT)
3034F PgC Renewable Energy (FT)
3034P PgC Renewable Energy (PT)
3035P PgC Power Distribution Engineering (PT)
3036F PgC Educational Leadership & Mgt (FT)
3036P PgC Educational Leadership & Mgt (PT)
3037P PgC Practitioner Enquiry (PT)
3038U Certificate in Planning Practice
3039P PgC Therapeutics (PT)
3042F PgCert Low Intens Psych Therap (FT)
3042P PgCert Low Intens Psych Therap (PT)
3043P PgCert in Clinical Research (PT)
3044F PgC Research Training (FT)
3044P PgC Research Training (PT)
3045F Pg Cert REEM (FT)
3045P Pg Cert REEM (PT)
3046F PgCert Low Intens Psych Therap SHA (FT)
3046P PgCert Low Intens Psych Therap SHA (PT)
3047P PG Cert Clinical Endodontics (PT)
3048P PG Cert Minimal Access Surgery (PT)
3049F PG Cert Pipeline Engineering (FT)
3049P PG Cert Pipeline Engineering (PT)
3050F PG Cert Adv Stud Aca Prac (Intense) (FT)
3051P PGCert Evid-Based Pract Com Disord (PT)
3052P PG Cert Heritage Mgmt & Tourism (PT)
3053P PG Cert Heritage mgmt & Tourism (CATS)
3054P PG Cert Hge Mgmt & Tourism (Prac) (PT)
3055P PG Cert Hge Mgmt & Tourism (Prac) (CATS)
3057P PGCert in Transplantation (PT)
3058P PG Cert Coaching & Mentoring Teach Dev
3059P PG Cert Coach & Mentor Teach Dev (CATS)
3060P PG Cert Innov Pedagogy & Curriculum PT
3061P PG Cert Innov Pedagogy & Curric (CATS)
3062F Secondary Schools Direct PGCE
3063P PGCert MedEd - NUMed
3066P PG Cert CBT (PRAXIS)
3067F Employer-Based PGCE (ePGCE)
3068P PGCert Clinical Leadership
3069F PG Cert Low Intense Psychol Therap (SHA)
3070F PGCert in Low Intense Psy Therapy
3071P PG Cert Cancer Studies
3072F Primary School Direct PGCE
3073P PG Cert Educational Leadership (Sept)
3074P PG Cert Educ Research & Innov (Sept)
3075P PG Cert Teaching & Learning in HE (Sept)
3077P PG Cert Educational Leadership (January)
3078P PG Cert Educ Research & Innov (Jan)
3079P PG Cert Teaching & Learning in HE (Jan)
3082F PGCert Rail and Logistics (OME)
3082P PGCert Rail and Logistics (OME)
3083F PGCert Rail and Logistics (AMPE)
3083P PGCert Rail Freight and Logistics (AMPE)
3084F PGCert Rail and Logistics (TME)
3084P PGCert Rail and Logistics (TME)
3085P PG Cert Employee Relations
3087F Secondary School Direct PGCE: Geography
3088F Secondary School Direct PGCE: Maths
3089F Secondary School Direct PGCE: French
3090F Secondary SD PGCE: French with German
3091F Secondary SD PGCE: French with Spanish
3092F Secondary SD PGCE: German with French
3093F Secondary SD PGCE: Spanish with French
3094F Secondary SD PGCE: Biology
3095F Secondary SD PGCE: Chemistry
3096F Secondary SD PGCE: Physics
3097F Secondary SD PGCE: Combined Science
3098F Secondary SD PGCE: History
3099F Secondary SD PGCE: RE
3100F Secondary SD PGCE: English
3101F Secondary SD PGCE: Computer Science
3102F Secondary SD PGCE: PE
3103F Secondary SD PGCE: Business Studies
3104F Secondary SD PGCE: Drama
3105F Secondary SD PGCE: Science
3106P PG Cert ClinRes P/T
3107P PG CertClinRes PT EL
3108P PG Cert Clin & HS (PT)
3109P PG Cert Clin & HS Age (PT)
3110P PG Cert Clin & HS Clin Res (PT)
3111P PG Cert Clin & HS Thera (PT)
3112P PG Cert Clin & HS Aller (PT)
3113P PG Cert Clin & HS Lead (PT)
3114P PG Cert Clin & HS Surg (PT)
3115P Extra-Curricular Credit (PG)
3115R Extra-Curricular Credit (PG) (Research)
3116P PG Cert Prof Learnig Pract E in W (Sept)
3117P PG Cert Lship Prof Learng Wkplace (Sept)
3118P PG Cert Innov Pedagogy & Curriculum PT
3119P PG Cert Coaching & Mentoring Teach Dev
3120P PGCert Ldrship & Mgmt for Soc Chg (PT)
3126F Secondary SD PGCE: Physics and Maths
3127P PG Cert MedEd (PT)
3128P PG Cert Genomic Med (PT Sept)
3129P PG Cert Genomic Med (PT Jan)
3130P PG Cert Prof Learnig Pract E in W (Jan)
3131P PG Cert Lship Prof Learng Wkplace (Jan)
3132P PGC Renewable Energy (PT) (Jan)
3133P PG Cert REEM (PT) (Jan)
3134F Secondary School Direct PGCE: Music
3135F Second School Direct PGCE: Design &Tech
3136F Second School Direct PGCE: Engineering
3137F Second School Direct PGCE: Health & Soc
3138F Second School Direct PGCE: Art & Design
3145P PG Cert Clin & Health Sci Molec Pathol
3146D PG Cert in Medical Education (Staff)
3146P PG Cert in Medical Education
3146S PG Cert in Medical Education (Staff)
3147F Secondary School Direct PGCE: Food
3148F Secondary School Direct PGCE: Economics
3149F Secondary Schools Direct PGCE Dance
3150F Secondary SD PGCE Media Studies
3151F Secondary Schools Direct PGCE Psychology
3155F PGCert Data Science
3155P PGCert Data Science (part time)
3156P PGCert Food Packaging (PT) (Sept)
3157P PGCert Food Packaging (PT) (Jan)
3158P PGCert Food Packaging (CATS)
3159P PGCert Oncology (Sept)
3160P PGCert Oncology (Jan)
3161P PGCert Palliative Care (Sept)
3162P PGCert Palliative Care (Jan)
3163P PGCert Oncology Pharm Industry (Sept)
3164P PGCert Oncology Pharm Industry (Jan)
3165P PGCert Cancer Studies (Sept)
3166P PGCert Cancer Studies (Jan)
3167P PGCert Clinical & Health Sciences
3168P PGCert Clinical & Health Sci with Ageing
3169P PGCert Clinical & Health Sci Clin Res
3170P PGCert Clinical & Health Sci with Allerg
3171P PGCert Clinical & Health Sci Molec Patho
3173P PG Cert Marine Technology (Sept)
3174P PG Cert Marine Technology (Jan)
3176P PGCert MedEd - NUMed (Sept Intake)
3177F PGCert Data Science (with Stats) FT
3177P PGCert Data Science (with Stats) PT
3178F PG Cert Geospatial Data Science (FT)
3179F PG Cert Power Electronics for Sust Prop
3180F PGCert Data Science (with AI)
3180P PGCert Data Science (with AI) PT
3181F PGCert Data Science (with Visualisation)
3181P PGCert Data Science (Visualisation) PT
3182P PG Cert in Conscious Sedation
3183P PGCert Clinical Echocardiography
3184f PG Cert in Landscape Design Studies
3185F Employer-based PGCE (ePGCE) Shotton Hall
3188P PG Cert Interventional Nephrology
3190P PG Cert in Medical Education
3191P PGCert Mediat Intl Commer Disput Resolut
3192P PGCert Medical Education
3193P PG Cert in Public Health PT
3196F PGCert Low Intensity Psych Therapy (SF)
3197F PGCert Low Intensity Psych Therapy (NHS
3316F PgD Clean Technology (FT)
3316P PgD Clean Technology (PT)
3319F PgD Applied Process Control (FT)
3340F PgD Computing Science (FT)
3340P PgD Computing Science (PT)
3347P PgD Marine Tech (Nav Arch) (PT)
3348P PgD Marine Tech (Mar Eng) (PT)
3349P PgD Marine Tech (Offshore Eng) (PT)
3350P PgD Marine Tech (Sm Craft Des) (PT)
3351P PgD Marine Tech (Class & Survey (PT)
3352P PgD Mar Tech (Conv & Repair) (PT)
3353P PgD Mar Tech (Defence) (PT)
3355F PgD Landscape Design (FT)
3355P PgD Landscape Design (PT)
3356F PgD Town & Country Planning (FT)
3356P PgD Town & Country Planning (PT)
3357F PgD Housing Studies (FT)
3357P PgD Housing Studies (PT)
3358F PgD Housing Policy & Mgt (FT)
3358P PgD Housing Policy & Mgt (PT)
3359F PgD Urban Design (FT)
3359P PgD Urban Design (PT)
3360P PgD Architectural Practice & Mgmt (PT)
3362F PgD Urban Conservation (FT)
3362P PgD Urban Conservation (PT)
3363F PgD Music (FT)
3363P PgD Music (PT)
3365F Diploma in Music (FT)
3365P Diploma in Music (PT)
3366F PGDip Music (FT)
3366P Diploma Music (PT)
3367F PgD Art Museum & Gallery Studies (FT)
3367P PgD Art Museum & Gallery Studies (PT)
3368F PgD Music Technology (FT)
3368P PgD Music Technology (PT)
3369F PgD Music Composition (FT)
3369P PgD Music Composition (PT)
3370F PgD Music Performance (FT)
3370P PgD Music Performance (PT)
3371F PgD Museum Studies (FT)
3371P PgD Museum Studies (PT)
3372F PgD Heritage Education & Interpret (FT)
3372P PgD Heritage Education & Interpret (PT)
3372S PgD Heritage Educ & Interpret (Staff)
3373F PgD Research Skills Social Science (FT)
3373P PgD Research Skills Social Science (PT)
3374F PG Diploma Classics (FT)
3374P PG Diploma Classics (PT)
3375F PgD GIS & Archaeology (FT)
3375P PgD GIS & Archaeology (PT)
3376F PgD Internet Archaeology (FT)
3376P PgD Internet Archaeology (PT)
3377F PgD Int Film: Hist, Theory, Practic (FT)
3377P PgD Int Film: Hist, Theory, Practic (PT)
3378F Grad Dip Translating (Chinese) (FT)
3378P Grad Dip Translating (Chinese) (PT)
3379F PgD Internationa Financial Analysis (FT)
3379P PgD Internationa Financial Analysis (PT)
3380F PgD Business Administration (FT)
3380P PgD Business Administration (PT)
3381F PgD Human Resource Mgmt (FT)
3381P PgD Human Resource Mgmt (PT)
3382P PgD Therapeutics (PT)
3383P PgD Cons Sedation Dentistry (PT)
3384P PgD Clinical Education (PT)
3385F PgD Public Health & Health Serv Res (FT)
3385P PgD Public Health & Health Serv Res (PT)
3389P PgD Lang & Communication Needs (PT)
3390P PgD Supervisory Mgmt Practice (PT)
3391F PgD Local & Regional Development (FT)
3391P PgD Local & Regional Development (PT)
3392P PgD Management Practice
3393F PgD Spatial Planning (FT)
3393P PgD Spatial Planning (PT)
3394P PgD Mar Tech (General) (PT)
3395P PgD Oncology (PT)
3396P PgD Palliative Care (PT)
3401F PgD Renewable Energy (FT)
3401P PG Dip Renewable Energy (PT)
3402P PgD Hydrogeol & Water Mgt (Flex L) (PT)
3404P PgD Power Distribution Engineering (PT)
3405F PGDip Sustainable Chem Engineering (FT)
3406P PgD Flood Risk Management (FL) (PT)
3408F PgD Educational Leadership & Mgt (FT)
3408P PgD Educational Leadership & Mgt (PT)
3409P PgD Practitioner Enquiry (PT)
3410P PgD Clinical Education (PT) (1YR)
3412F PgD Heritage Management (FT)
3412P PgD Heritage Management (PT)
3413F PgD Art Museum & Gallery Education (FT)
3413P PgD Art Museum & Gallery Education (PT)
3416F PgDip High Intens Psych Therap (FT)
3416P PgDip High Intens Psych Therap (PT)
3418F Pg Dip Arts as Enterprise (FT)
3418P Pg Dip Arts as Enterprise (PT)
3419F Pg Diploma REEM (FT)
3419P Pg Diploma REEM (PT)
3420F PG Diploma IMEC (FT)
3420P Pg Diploma IMEC (PT)
3421F PgDip High Intens Psych Therap SHA (FT)
3421P PgDip High Intens Psych Therap SHA (PT)
3423F PG Dip Sociology
3423P PG Dip Sociology (PT)
3424F PG Dip Healthcare Management (FT)
3424P PG Dip Healthcare Management (PT)
3425P PG Dip Clinical Research (PT)
3426F PgC Research Training (FT) - HESA
3426P PgC Research Train (PT) - HESA Excluded
3427P PG Cert Infect Prevent and Control (PT)
3428P PGCert Clinical Research (e-learning PT)
3429P PG Cert Clin Implant Dent (June) (PT)
3430P PG Cert Clin Implant Dent (Dec) (PT)
3431F PG Dip Pipeline Engineering (FT)
3431P PG Dip Pipeline Engineering (PT)
3432F PG Dip Transport (FT)
3432P PG Dip Transport (PT)
3433F PG Dip Animal Behaviour and Welfare (FT)
3433P PG Dip Animal Behaviour and Welfare (PT)
3435P PG Dip Clinical Research E-Learning (PT)
3436P PG Dip Cog Behav'l Therapy (PT) (2 yr)
3437P PG Dip Cog Behav'l Therapy (PT) (1 yr)
3438F PGDip Fin & Econ (Research) (FT)
3438P PGDip Fin & Econ (Research) (PT)
3439F PG Dip Socolinguistics (Research) (FT)
3439P PG Dip Sociolinguistics (Research) (PT)
3440F PGDip Mang & Bus Studies (Research) (FT)
3440P PGDip Mang & Bus Studies (Research) (PT)
3441P PGDip Evid-Based Pract Com Disord (PT)
3442F PG Dip Clin Ling and EBP (Research)
3442P PG Dip Clin Ling and EBP (Research)
3443P PG Dip Heritage Mgmt & Tourism (PT)
3444P PG Dip Heritage Mgmt & Tourism (CATS)
3445P PG Dip Oncology Pharm Ind (PT)
3446P PGDip Clinical Research (Ageing) (PT)
3447P PGDip Clinical Research (Leadership)(PT)
3448F PG Dip Curating Art
3448P PGDip Curating Art
3449F PG Dip Global Heritage Management
3449P PGDip Global Heritage Management
3450P PG Dip ClinRes (1 YR Accel PT)
3451P PG Dip ClinRes Leadership (1 Yr Acc PT)
3452P PG Dip ClinRes Ageing (1YR Accel PT)
3453P PG Dip ClinEd PT (1 YR Accel)
3454P PG Dip MedEd NUMed
3458F PG Dip Regional Dev & Spatial Planning
3458P PG Dip Regional Dev & Spatial Planning
3459P PG Dip Oncology
3460P PG Dip Palliative Care
3461P PGDip Onc for the Pharma Industry
3462P PG Cert CBT for Anxiety Disorders
3463P Post Graduate Diploma CBT (HEE-funded)
3464P Post Graduate Diploma CBT (Self funded)
3465P PG Dip CID Mar intake
3466F PGDip Rail and Logistics (OME)
3466P PGDip Rail and Logistics (OME)
3467F PGDip Rail and Logistics (AMPE)
3467P PGDip Rail and Logistics (AMPE)
3468F PGDip Rail and Logistics (TME)
3468P PGDip Rail and Logistics (TME)
3469P PGDip Employee Relations
3472F PGDip Cloud Computing for Big Data
3474P PG Dip CID - July intake
3475P PG DipClinRes PT EL
3476P PG DipClinRes P/T
3477P PG DipClinRes Acc PT EL
3478P PGDip Marine Tech (Offshore Mar Ren En)
3479P PG Dip Clin & HS (PT)
3480P PG Dip Clin & HS Age (PT)
3481P PG Dip Clin & HS Clin Res (PT)
3482P PG Dip Clin & HS Thera (PT)
3483P PGDip Ldrship & Mgmt for Soc Chg (PT)
3484P PG Dip MedEd (1Yr PT)
3485P PG Dip MedEd (2Yr PT)
3486P PG Dip MedEd (Accel)
3487F PG Dip Genomic Med (FT)
3488P PG Dip Genomic Med (PT Sept)
3489P PG Dip Genomic Med (PT Jan)
3490P PGD Renewable Energy (PT) (Jan)
3491P PgD Conscious Sedation Dent (April PT)
3492P PG Diploma REEM (PT) (Jan)
3493P PgD Conscious Sedation Dent (Oct PT)
3495F PGDip Physician Associate Studies
3497P PG Dip Clin & Health Sci with Molec Path
3498F PG Diploma in Public Health (FT)
3498P PG Diploma in Public Health (PT)
3499F PG Dip in Health Services Research (FT)
3499P PG Dip in Health Services Research (PT)
3500F PG Dip Global Public Health
3500P PG Dip Global Public Health
3502P PG Dip CBT (Prim Care) HEE Non-contract
3503F PGCert LIPT HEE Non-Contract
3504F PG Dip Forensic Psychology Practice
3505F PGDip Data Science
3505P PGDip Data Science (part time)
3506P PGDip Oncology (Sept)
3507P PGDip Oncology (Jan)
3508P PGDip Palliative Care (Sept)
3509P PGDip Palliative Care (Jan)
3510P PG Dip in Medical Education
3511P PGDip Oncology Pharmaceutical Ind (Sept)
3512P PGDip Oncology Pharm Industry (Jan)
3513P PG Dip Clinical and Health Sciences
3514P PG Dip Clinical and Health Sci with Agei
3515P PG Dip Clinical & Health Sci wi Clin R
3516P PG Dip Clinical & Health Sci Molec Patho
3518P PG Dip Marine Tech (General) (Sept)
3519P PG Dip Marine Technology (General) (Jan)
3520P PG Dip Marine Tech (Marine Eng) (Sept)
3521P PG Dip Marine Tech (Marine Eng) (Jan)
3522P PG Dip Marine Tech (Naval Arch) (Sept)
3523P PG Dip Marine Tech (Naval Arch) (Jan)
3524P PG Dip Mar Tech (Off Mar Ren En) (Sept)
3525P PG Dip Mar Tech (Off Mar Ren En) (Jan)
3526P PGDip MedEd - NUMed (Sept Intake)
3527F PGDip Data Science (with Stats) FT
3527P PGDip Data Science (with Stats) PT
3528F Secondary SD PGCE: Spanish with German
3529F Secondary SD PGCE: German with Spanish
3530P PG Diploma in Medical Ed 2Yr (e-learn)
3531P PG Diploma Med Ed 1Yr Accel
3532F PGDip Data Science (with AI)
3532P PGDip Data Science (with AI) PT
3533F PGDip Data Science (with Visualisation)
3533P PGDip Data Science (Visualisation) PT
3534P PGCert in Dental Education
3535P PG Dip Mgt Studies (Apprenticeship) Sept
3536P PG Dip Mgt Studies (Apprenticeship) Jan
3537P PG Dip Strat Leadership (Apprentice) Sep
3538 PG Dip Strat Leadership (Apprentice) Jan
3538P PG Dip Strat Leadership (Apprentice) Jan
3539F Secondary School Dir PGCE: Psy Heal Soci
3540F Secondary Schools Dir PGCE Des Tech Food
3541F ULaw PgD (Jan)
3544F PG Diploma in Landscape Design Studies
3548F PG Dip Urban Planning (FT)
3548P PG Dip Urban Planning (PT)
3549F PGDip Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (NHS
3549P PGDip Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (NHS
3550F PGDip Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (SF)
3550P PGDip Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (SF)
3551F PG Dip Mediat Intl Commer Disput Resolut
3551P PG Dip Mediat Intl Commer Dispute Resolu
3552F PG Dip Mediat Intl Commer Disput Resolut
3552P PG Dip Mediat Intl Commer Disput Resolut
3553P PGDip Medical Education
3554F PG Diploma in Public Health FT
3554P PG Diploma in Public Health PT
4001F MA Housing Studies (FT)
4001P MA Housing Studies (PT)
4002F MA Arch, Planning & Landscape (FT)
4002P MA Arch, Landscape and Planning (PT)
4003F MA Landscape Design Studies (FT)
4003P MA Landscape Design Studies (PT)
4004F MA Urban Design (FT)
4004P MA Urban Design (PT)
4005F MA Urban Conservation (FT)
4005P MA Urban Conservation (PT)
4006F MA Planning & Environ Research (FT)
4006P MA Planning & Environ Research (PT)
4007F MA Museum Studies (FT)
4007P MA Museum Studies (PT)
4008F MA Heritage Education & Interpret (FT)
4008P MA Heritage Education & Interpret (PT)
4009F MA Music (FT)
4009P MA Music (PT)
4011F MA Music Technology (FT)
4011P MA Music Technology (PT)
4012F MA Popular Music Studies (FT)
4012P MA Popular Music Studies (PT)
4013F MA Music Meaning and Culture (FT)
4013P MA Music Meaning and Culture (PT)
4015F MA Creative Music Technology (FT)
4015P MA Creative Music Technology (PT)
4016F MA Music (FT)
4016P MA Music (PT)
4017F MA Art Museum & Gallery Studies (FT)
4017P MA Art Museum & Gallery Studies (PT)
4018F MA Education Research (FT)
4018P MA Education Research (PT)
4019F MA Modern & Contemporary Lit (FT)
4019P MA Modern & Contemporary Lit (PT)
4020F MA The Americas:Hist Soc Cult (FT)
4020P MA The Americas:Hist Soc Cult (PT)
4021F MA Creative Writing (FT)
4021P MA Creative Writing (PT)
4022F MA English Literature
4022P MA English Literature
4023F MA Gender Studies (FT)
4023P MA Gender Studies (PT)
4024F MA Applied Policy Rsch (FT)
4024P MA Applied Policy Rsch (PT)
4025F MA Human Geography Research (FT)
4025P MA Human Geography Research (PT)
4026F MA Politics (Research) (FT)
4026P MA Politics (Research) (PT)
4027F MA Sociology & Social Research (FT)
4027P MA Sociology & Social Research (PT)
4028F MA Local & Regional Development (FT)
4028P MA Local and Regional Development (PT)
4029F MA Euro Union Studs (FT)
4029P MA Euro Union Studs (PT)
4030F MA International Relations
4030P MA International Relations
4031F MA Intl Political Economy (FT)
4031P MA Intl Political Economy (PT)
4033F MA Ancient History (RPCSAW) (FT)
4033P MA Ancient History (RPCSAW) (PT)
4035F MA Classics and Ancient History (FT)
4035P MA Classics and Ancient History (PT)
4036F MA Latin (FT)
4036P MA Latin (PT)
4037F MA Classical Studies (FT)
4037P MA Classical Studies (PT)
4038F MA North East History (FT)
4038P MA North East History (PT)
4039F MA Film: Theory & Practice (FT)
4039P MA Film: Theory & Practice (PT)
4040F MA Translation and Interpreting
4041F MA Translation and Localisation
4041P MA Translation and Localisation (PT)
4042F MA Conference Interpreting
4043F MA Multi & Internet Lang Train (FT)
4043P MA Multi & Internet Lang Train (PT)
4044F MA Modern Languages (PT)
4044P MA Modern Languages (PT)
4046F MA International HRM (FT)
4046P MA International HRM (PT)
4047F MSc Intern'l Business Management (FT)
4047P MA Intern'l Business Management (PT)
4048F MA Human Resource Management (FT)
4048P MA Human Resource Management (PT)
4049F MA International Management (FT)
4049P MA International Management (PT)
4050F MSc Accounting, Finance Financial Analys
4050P MSc Accounting, Finance Financial Analys
4052F MA Media Technology in TESOL (FT)
4052P MA Media Technology in TESOL (PT)
4053F MA CCC & International Mgmt (FT)
4053P MA CCC & International Mgmt (PT)
4054F MA CCC & International Relations (FT)
4054P MA CCC & International Relations (PT)
4055F MA CCC & International Trade Law (FT)
4055P MA CCC & International Trade Law (PT)
4056F MA Applied Linguistics & TESOL (FT)
4056P MA Applied Linguistics & TESOL (PT)
4058F MA L M & C: Phil lang Br & M (FT)
4058P MA L M & C: Phil lang Br & M (PT)
4059F MA Translating Studies (FT)
4061F MA Hist of Greek & Roman Med (FT)
4061P MA Hist of Greek & Roman Med (PT)
4062F MA Local & Regional Dev (Research) (FT)
4062P MA Local & Regional Dev (Research) (PT)
4064F MA in English Language & Linguistics
4064P MA in English Language & Linguistics
4065F MA History of Medicine (FT)
4065P MA History of Medicine (PT)
4066F MA British History (FT)
4066P MA British History (PT)
4067F MA CCC and Applied Linguistics (FT)
4067P MA CCC and Applied Linguistics (PT)
4068F MA CCC and International Marketing (FT)
4068P MA CCC and International Marketing (PT)
4069F MA CCC and Education (FT)
4069P MA CCC and Education (PT)
4070F MA CCC and Media Studies (FT)
4070P MA CCC and Media Studies (PT)
4071F MA Prof Transl for Euro Langs (FT)
4071P MA Prof Transl for Euro Langs (PT)
4072F MA Linguistics & Language Acquisition FT
4072P MA Linguistics & Language Acquisition PT
4074F MA Landscape Archaeology and GIS (FT)
4074P MA Landscape Archaeology and GIS (PT)
4075F MA Media & Journalism (FT)
4075P MA Media & Journalism (PT)
4076F MA Media & Public Relations (FT)
4076P MA Media & Public Relations (PT)
4077F MA Heritage Management (FT)
4077P MA Heritage Management (PT)
4078F MA Art Museum & Gallery Education (FT)
4078P MA Art Museum & Gallery Education (PT)
4079F MA History of the Americas (FT)
4079P MA History of the Americas (PT)
4080F MA European History (FT)
4080P MA European History (PT)
4081F MA Int Devt & Educ (FT)
4081P MA Int Devt & Educ (PT)
4082F MA Int Multimedia Journalism (FT)
4083F MA Music and Education (FT)
4083P MA Music and Education (PT)
4084F MA Latin Am Interdisc Studies (FT)
4084P MA Latin Am Interdisc Studies (PT)
4085F MA Linguistics of European Langs (FT)
4085P MA Linguistics of European Langs (PT)
4086F MA Int Pols (Global, Pov & Devt) FT
4086P MA Int Pols (Global, Pov & Devt) PT
4087F MA Int Pols (Global Justice & Ethics) FT
4087P MA Int Pols (Global Justice & Ethics) PT
4088F MA Int Pols (Critical Geopolitics) (FT)
4088P MA Int Pols (Critical Geopolitics) (PT)
4089F MA Archaeology (F/T)
4089P MA Archaeology (P/T)
4090F MA Archaeology of Historic Periods (F/T)
4090P MA Archaeology of Historic Periods (P/T)
4091F MA Greek and Roman Archaeology (F/T)
4091P MA Greek & Roman Archaeology (P/T)
4092F MA Roman & Byzantine Archaeology (F/T)
4092P MA Roman and Byzantine Archaeology (P/T)
4093F MA Arts, Business and Creativity (FT)
4093P MA Arts, Business and Creativity (PT)
4094F MA Arts as Enterprise (FT)
4094P MA Arts as Enterprise (PT)
4095F MA East Asian History (FT)
4095P MA East Asian History (PT)
4096F MA East Asian History with Chinese (FT)
4096P MA East Asian History with Chinese (PT)
4097F MA East Asian History with Japanese (FT)
4097P MA East Asian History with Japanese (PT)
4098F MA East Asian History and Chinese (FT)
4098P MA East Asian History and Chinese (PT)
4099F MA East Asian History and Japanese (FT)
4099P MA East Asian History and Japanese (PT)
4100F MA Roman Frontier Studies (FT)
4100P MA Roman Frontier Studies (PT)
4101F MA Later European Prehistory (FT)
4101P MA Later European Prehistory (PT)
4105F MA Sociology (FT)
4105P MA Sociology (PT)
4107F MSc Advanced Int Bus Manag (FT)
4108F MSc Advanced Int Bus Manag Markt (FT)
4109F MA World Politics & Popular Culture (FT)
4109P MA World Politics & Popular Culture (PT)
4110P Master Teaching & Learning (PT)
4111F MA Arch, Plan & Landscape (Design) (FT)
4112F MA Digital Media (FT)
4112P MA Digital Media (PT)
4113P MA Urban Design (by Thesis) (PT)
4114F MA Future Landscape Imaginaries (FT)
4114P MA Future Landscape Imaginaries (PT)
4115F MA Architectural Theory and Criticism
4115P MA Architectural Theory and Criticism
4116F MA Finance and Economics (Research) (FT)
4116P MA Finance and Economics (Research) (PT)
4117F MA Sociolinguistics (Research) (FT)
4117P MA Sociolinguistics (Research) (PT)
4118F MA Manag and Bus Studies (Research) (FT)
4118P MA Manag and Bus Studies (Research) (PT)
4119F MA Architectural Design Research
4120F MSc Ops & Supply Chain Mgmt (Dual award)
4121F MA Greek and Byzantine Archaeology
4121P MA Greek and Byzantine Archaeology
4122F MA Early Medieval & Byzantine Archaeolog
4122P MA Early Medieval & Byzantine Archaeolog
4133F MA Cross-Cultural Communication
4133P MA Cross Cultural Communication (PT)
4134F MA Creative Arts Practice
4134P MA Creative Arts Practice
4135F MA History
4135P MA History
4136P MA Heritage Mgmt & Tourism (PT)
4137P MA Heritage Mgmt & Tourism (CATS)
4138F MA in Curating Art
4138P MA in Curating Art
4139F MA Global Heritage Management
4139P MA Global Heritage Management
4140F MA Linguistics
4140P MA Linguistics
4141F MA Regional Dev & Spatial Planning
4141P MA Regional Dev & Spatial Planning
4148P MA Employee Relations
4151F MSc Adv'd Landscape Planning and Mngmt
4152F MA Intl Dev & Ed W Cross Cult Comms (FT)
4153P MA Ldrship & Mgmt for Soc Chg (PT)
4154P MA Writing Poetry (Newcastle)(PT)
4155P MA Writing Poetry (Poetry School London)
4156F MA Media Society & Cult'l Studies (Res)
4156P MA Media Society & Cult'l Studies (Res)
4157F Master of Landscape Architecture
4160F MA Prehistoric Archaeology (FT)
4160P MA Prehistoric Archaeology (PT)
4161F MA Greek Archaeology (FT)
4161P MA Greek Archaeology (PT)
4162F MA Roman Archaeology (FT)
4162P MA Roman Archaeology (PT)
4163F MA Roman Frontier Studies (FT)
4163P MA Roman Frontier Studies (PT)
4164F MA Late Antiq, Med and Byzan Arch (FT)
4164P MA Late Antiq, Med & Byzan Arch (PT)
4165F MA Classical Archaeology:Greek &Roman FT
4165P MA Classical Archaeology:Greek &Roman PT
4166F MA Historical Archaeology (FT)
4166P MA Historical Archaeology (PT)
4167F MA Archaeology, Artefacts & Technologies
4167P MA Archaeology Artefacts & Technolog PT
4168F MA English Lit (Childrenâ??s Literature)
4168P MA English Lit (Children's Literature)PT
4169F MA Public History FT
4169P MA Public History PT
4170F MA Landscape Design Studies
4174F MA Transla & Interp (FT)
4175F MA Translating (FT)
4176F MA Interpreting (FT)
4177F MA Landscape Architecture
4178F MA Translation and Interpreting
4179F MA Translation and Localisation
4179P MA Translation and Localisation
4180F MA Conference Interpreting
4181F MA Translating Studies
4181P MA Translatin Studies (PT)
4182F MA Music Education (FT)
4182P MA Music Education (PT)
4183F MA Music Industries Management (FT)
4183P MA Music Industries Management (PT)
4184F MA Contemp Art History and Curating (FT)
4184P MA Contemp Art History and Curating (PT)
4185F MA Global Sustainable Futures
4185P MA Global Sustainable Futures (PT)
4186F MA Fine Art (FT)
4186P MA Fine Art (PT)
4190F MA in Music (FT)
4190P MA in Music (PT)
4191F MA in Gender (FT)
4191P MA in Gender (PT)
4192F MA in Gender & Sociology (FT)
4192P MA in Gender & Sociology (PT)
4193F MA in Gender & Int'l Relations (FT)
4193P MA in Gender & Int Relations (PT)
4194F MA in Gender & Global Sust Futures (FT)
4194P MA in Gender & Global Sust Futures (PT)
4195F MA in Gender & Public Policy (FT)
4195P MA in Gender & Public Policy (PT)
4801F MSc Food Rural Devel Research (FT)
4801P MSc Food Rural Devel Research (PT)
4805F MRes Technology in Marine Envi (FT)
4805P MRes Technology in Marine Envi (PT)
4806F MA Applied Linguistic Research (FT)
4806P MA Applied Linguistic Research (PT)
4807F MRes Medical & Molecular Biosci (FT)
4809F MSc Bioinformatics & Comp Sys Biol (FT)
4809P MSc Bioinformatics & Comp Sys Biol (PT)
4810F MSc Social Science & Health Research (FT
4810P MSc Social Science & Health Research (PT
4812F MRes Nanomedicine (FT)
4813F MRes Immunobiology (FT)
4814F MRes Ageing Health (FT)
4815F MRes Systems Biology (FT)
4816F MRes Cancer (FT)
4817F MRes Regen Medicine & Stem Cells (FT)
4818F MRes Neuroscience (FT)
4819F MRes Biotechnology Bus Enterprise (FT)
4820F MRes Toxicology (FT)
4821F MRes Digital Media (FT)
4821P MRes Digital Media (PT)
4822F MRes Translat Med and Therapeutics (FT)
4824P Master of Clinical Research
4825F MRes Animal Behaviour (FT)
4826F MRes Epidemiology (FT)
4827F MRes Medical Genetics (FT)
4828F MRes Molecular Microbiology (FT)
4829F MRes Transplantation (FT)
4830F MRes Medical Sciences (FT)
4831F MRes Biosciences (FT)
4832F MRes Evolution and Human Behaviour (FT)
4834F MRes Mitochondrial Biology & Med (FT)
4835F MRes Diabetes (FT)
4836F MRes Neuro Diseases
4837F MRes Cardio Science
4838F MRes Healthy Musculoskeletal Age (CIMA)
4839F MRes Medical Technology Innovation
4840F MRes Global Health
4841F MRes Sustainable Agric & Food Sec (FT)
4843F MRes Digital Civics
4850F MRes/PhD (Medical Sciences)
4851F MRes/MD (Medical Sciences)
4852F MRes Cloud Computing For Big Data
4853F MClinRes FT EL
4853P MClinRes PT EL
4854P MClinRes PT
4855P MClinRes Acc PT EL
4856F MRes Urban Energy Tech & Policy (FT)
4857F MRes Marine Ecosystems (FT)
4857P MRes Marine Ecosystems (PT)
4858F MRes Biopharmaceutical Process Dev
4861P MRes Sustain Agric & Food Security 2 YR
4862F MRes Molec Cell Biology in Health & Dis
4863F MRes Clinical Exercise Physiology
4864F MRes Biofabrication and Bioprinting (FT)
4865F MRes Physics (Theoretical) FT
4865P MRes Physics (Theoretical) PT
4866F MRes Physics (Experimental) FT
4866P MRes Physics (Experimental) PT
4867F MRes in Environmental Geoscience
4868F MRes Biotechnology and Biodesign FT
4869F MRes Drug Delivery and Nanomedicine
4870F MSc Data Science (with Stats)
4870P MSc Data Science (with Stats) PT
4871F MRes Ecology FT
4871P MRes Ecology PT
4872F MRes Oral & Dental Sciences
4873F MRes Animal Welfare
4881F MRes Geospatial Data Science (FT)
4882F MRes Human Nutrition
5006P MSc Oncology (PT)
5007P MSc Palliative Care (PT)
5008F MClinDent Restorative Dentistry (FT)
5008P MClinDent Restorative Dentistry (PT)
5009F MSc Orthodontics (FT)
5009P MSc Orthodontics (PT)
5011F MSc Public Health & Health Serv Res (FT)
5011P MSc Public Health & Health Serv Res (PT)
5011S MSc PubHealth &Health Ser Resrch (staff)
5017F MSc Industrial & Commercial Biotech (FT)
5021F MSc Agricultural & Envt'l Science (FT)
5021P MSc Agricultural & Envt'l Science (PT)
5023F MSc Envi Res Assessment (FT)
5023P MSc Envi Res Assessment (PT)
5026F MSc Biodiiv Cons & Ecosystem Mang (FT)
5026P MSc Biodiv Conser & Ecosyst Manag (PT)
5028F MSc Clean Technology (FT)
5028P MSc Clean Technology (PT)
5029F MSc App Process Control (FT)
5031F MSc Sustainable Chemical Engineering(FT)
5034F MSc Petroleum Geochem (FT)
5038F MSc Environmental Engineering (FT)
5038P MSc Environmental Engineering (PT)
5039F MSc Transport Planning and Eng (FT)
5039P MSc Transport Planning and Eng (PT)
5040F MSc Hydrology and Climate Change (FT)
5040P MSc Hydrology and Climate Change (PT)
5041F MSc Geotechnical & Geological Eng
5041P MSc Geotechnical & Geological Engineerin
5042F MSc Geotechnical Engineering (FT)
5042P MSc Geotechnical Engineering (PT)
5043F MSc Hydroinformatics (FT)
5043P MSc Hydroinformatics (PT)
5044F MSc Structural Engineering (FT)
5044P MSc Structural Engineering (PT)
5045P MSc Transp Plan & Policy (PT)
5047F MSc Transport Planning and Bus Mgt (FT)
5047P MSc Transport Planning and Bus Mgt (PT)
5054F MSc Ecological Consultancy
5055F MSc Computer Science (FT)
5055P MSc Computer Science (PT)
5056F MSc Cloud Computing (FT)
5056P MSc Cloud Computing (PT)
5057F MSc Automation & Control (FT)
5059F MSc Electrical Power (FT)
5059P MSc Electrical Power
5060F MSc Microelectronics (FT)
5066F MSc Comms & Signal Proc (FT)
5068F MSc Marine Engineering (FT)
5068P MSc Marine Engineering (PT)
5070F MSc Offshore Engineering (FT)
5070P MSc Offshore Engineering (PT)
5072F MSc Marine Eng Inc Prelim Yr (FT)
5073F MSc Offshore Eng Inc Prelim Yr (FT)
5074F MSc Pipeline Eng inc prelim Yr (FT)
5078F MSc Naval Architecture Inc Pre Yr(FT)
5080F MSc Pipeline Engineering (FT)
5080P MSc Pipeline Engineering (PT)
5081P MSc Marine Tech (Nava Arch) (PT)
5082P MSc Marine Tech (Marine Eng) (PT)
5083P MSc Marine Tech (Offshore Eng) (PT)
5084P MSc Marine Tech (Sm Craft Design) (PT)
5085P MSc Marine Tech (Class & Survey) (PT)
5086P MSc Marine Tech (Conver & Repair) (PT)
5087P MSc Marine Technology (Defence (PT)
5091F MSc Naval Architecture (FT)
5091P MSc Naval Architecture (PT)
5095F MSc Mechatronics (FT)
5099F MSc Drug Chemistry (FT)
5099P MSc Drug Chemistry (PT)
5101U Certificate in Architectural Practice
5102U Bachelor of Architecture
5103F MSc Human Communication Scis (FT)
5103P MSc Human Communication Scis (PT)
5104F MSc Language Pathology (FT)
5105F MSc Educational Psychology (FT)
5106F MSc GIS & Archaeology (FT)
5106P MSc GIS & Archaeology (PT)
5109F MSc Town Planning (FT)
5109P MSc Town Planning (PT)
5112F MSc Experimental Architecture
5112P MSc Experimental Architecture
5115P MSc Marine Technology
5116P MSc Marine Technology (General) (PT)
5117F MSc Innov'n, Creativity & Entrepren'ship
5118F MSc Economics & Finance FT
5120F MSc Mechanical Engineering
5121F MSc Clean Technology for China
5122F MSc Renewable Energy (FT)
5122P MSc Renewable Energy (PT)
5123F MSc Medical Genetics
5124F MSc Digital Business
5124P MSc E-Business and Information Systems
5126F MSc Architecture
5126P MSc Architecture
5127P MSc Hydrogeol & Water Mgt (Flex L) (PT)
5129F MSc Power Distribution Engineering (FT)
5129P MSc Power Distribution Engineering (PT)
5130P MSc Flood Risk Management (PT)
5134F MSc Embedded Systems & Int of Things FT
5135F MSc Materials Design & Engineering (1Y)
5136F MSc Materials, Design & Engineering (2Y)
5140F MSc Hydroinformatics & Water Mgt (EA)
5141P MSc Town Planning (Accelerated route)
5144F MSc in Cyber Security (FT)
5144P MSc in Cyber Security (PT)
5145F MSc International Marketing (FT)
5148F MSc Banking & Finance (FT)
5149F MSc Finance (FT)
5150F MSc Microsystems Engineering (FT)
5152F MSc Computer Game Engineering
5153F MSc Hydrogeology & Water Mgt (FT)
5154F MSc Ops, Log and Supply Chain Mgmt (FT)
5155F MSc Ops Mgmnt, Logistics and Accoun (FT)
5156F MSc Accounting Finance & Strategic Inves
5158F MSc Marine Conservation & Sustainability
5158P MSc IMEC (PT)
5160F MSc REEM (FT)
5160P MSc REEM (PT)
5161F MSc Org Farming & Food Prod Systems (FT)
5161P MSc Organic Farm & Food Production Systm
5162F MSc Finance and Financial Reg (FT)
5163F MSc Finance and Law with Islamic Finance
5164F MSc Advanced Food Marketing (FT)
5164P MSc Advanced Food Marketing (PT)
5165F MSc Subsea Engineering & Management (FT)
5165P MSc Subsea Engineering & Management (PT)
5167F MSc Transport Plan and the Enviro (FT)
5167P MSc Transport Plan and the Enviro (PT)
5168F MSc Medicinal Plants & Funct'l Food (FT)
5168P MSc Medicinal Plants & Funct'l Food (PT)
5169F MSc Healthcare Management (FT)
5169P MSc Healthcare Management (PT)
5170F MSc Evid-Based Pract in Com Disord (FT)
5170P MSc Evid-Based Pract in Com Disord (PT)
5172P MSc Conscious Sedation Dentistry (PT)
5173F MSc Quantitative Fin & Risk Mang (FT)
5174F MSc E-Business (Info Systems) (FT)
5175F MSc Digital Business (e-Marketing) (FT)
5176F MSc Plan Sustain and Clim Change (FT)
5177F MSc International Spatial Planning
5177P MSc International Spatial Planning
5178F MSc Advanced Computer Science (FT)
5178P MSc Advanced Computer Science (PT)
5180F MSc Appd Animal Behav & Welfare (FT)
5180P MSc Appd Animal Behav & Welfare (PT)
5182F MSc Hydroinform & Water Mgt (EA) Granted
5184F MSc Medical Sciences
5186F MSc Sustainable Bldgs and Envmts (FT)
5187F MSc Transp Plan & Intel Transp Sys (FT)
5187P MSc Transp Plan & Intel Transp Sys (PT)
5188P MSc Clin Sci (Physio Sci-Card Sci) (PT)
5189P MSc Clin Sci (Physio Sci-Vasc Sci) (PT)
5190P MSc Clin Sci (Physio Sci-Resp Sleep)(PT)
5191P MSc Clin Sci (Physio Sci-Gastro Phy)(PT)
5192P MSc Clin Sci (Physio Sci-Urodyn Sci)(PT)
5193P MSc Clin Sci (Med Phy - Rad Phy) (PT)
5194P MSc Clin Sci (Med Phy-Rad Saf Phy) (PT)
5195P MSc Clin Sci (Med Phy-Imag w Ionis)(PT)
5196P MSc Clin Sci (Med Phy-Imag w nonIon)(PT)
5197F MSc Clin Linguistics and EBP (Research)
5197P MSc Clin Linguistics and EBP (Research)
5198F MSc Bioinformatics (FT)
5199F MSc Comp Neurosci and Neuroinf (FT)
5200F MSc Synthetic Biology (FT)
5201F MSc Computational Systems Biology (FT)
5202F MSc Foundations in Clinical Psychology
5203P MSc Oncology for the Pharm Ind (PT)
5204F MSc Biomedical Engineering (FT)
5205F MSc Low Carbon Transport (FT)
5206F MSc Design & Manufact Engineering (FT)
5207F MSc Rail and Logistics (OME)
5207P MSc Rail and Logistics (OME)
5208F MSc Envirot'l Consultancy (CIVIL) (FT)
5208P MSc Environm'l Consultancy (CIVIL) (PT)
5209F MSc Environ'l & Petroleum Geochem (FT)
5209P MSc Environ'l & Petrol Geochem (PT)
5211P MSc Oncology
5212P MSc Palliative Care
5213P MSc Onc for the Pharma Industry
5214P MSc Hydrology and Climate Change (PT)
5215P MSc Hydrology and Climate Change (PT)
5216P MSc Hydrology and Climate Change (PT)
5217P MSc Hydroinformatics (PT)
5218P MSc Hydroinformatics (PT)
5219P MSc Hydroinformatics (PT)
5223P MSc Hydrogeology and Water Mgmt (PT)
5224P MSc Hydrogeology and Water Mgmt (PT)
5225P MSc Hydrogeology and Water Mgmt (PT)
5226P MSc Flood Risk Management (PT)
5227P MSc Flood Risk Management (PT)
5228P MSc Flood Risk Management (PT)
5230F MSc Health Services Research FT
5230P MSc Health Services Research 2YPT
5231F MSc Global Public Health
5231P MSc Global Public Health (2Yrs)
5232F MSc Psy (Fdn in Clinical & Forensic Psy)
5233F MSc Rail and Logistics (AMPE)
5233P MSc Rail and Logistics (AMPE)
5234F MSc Rail and Logistics (TME)
5234P MSc Rail and Logistics (TME)
5235F MSc Wildlife Management
5235P MSc Wildlife Management (PT) (2 Years)
5236P MSc Wildlife Management (CATS)
5237F MSc Sustainable Agric and Food Sec (FT)
5238F MSc Flood Risk Management (FT)
5238P MSc Sustain Agric and Food Sec (PT) 2YR
5239F MSc Advanced Elec Power Eng (2 Year)(FT)
5240P MSc Public Health & Health Serv Res 3YPT
5241P MSc Health Services Research 3YPT
5242P MSc Global Public Health (3 Yrs)
5243F MSc Mech Eng (2 Year)
5244F MSc Mechatronics (2 Year)
5245F MSc Biomedical Engineering (2 Year)
5246F MSc Low Carbon Trans Eng (2 Year)
5247F MSc Design and Man Eng (2 Year)
5248P MSc Marine Tech (Offshore Mar Ren En) PT
5249P MSc Clin Sci (Rad Phys) (PT)
5250P MSc Clin Sci (Rad Saf and Diag Rad) (PT)
5251P MSc Clin Sci (Nuclear Medicine) (PT)
5252P MSc Clin Sci (Imag w Non-Ion Rad) (PT)
5253P MSc Clin Sci (Card Sci) (PT)
5254P MSc Clin Sci (Vasc Sci) (PT)
5255P MSc Clin Sci (Resp & Sleep) (PT)
5256P MSc Clin Sci (Gastro Phys) (PT)
5257P MSc Clin Sci (Uro Sci) (PT)
5259P MSc Clin & HS (PT)
5260P MSc Clin & HS Age (PT)
5261P MSc Clin & HS Clin Res (PT)
5262P MSc Clin & HS Thera (PT)
5263F MSc Intl Bus Mgmt (London)
5265F MSc Urban Energy Tech & Pol (Plan)(FT)
5266F MSc Urban Energy Tech & Pol (Arch)(FT)
5267F MSc Urban Energy Tech & Pol (Eng) (FT)
5268F MSc Banking and Finance (London)
5269F MSc International Marketing (London) FT
5270F MSc Forensic Psychology F/T
5270P MSc Forensic Psychology P/T
5272F MSc Genomic Med (FT)
5273P MSc Genomic Med (PT Sept)
5274P MSc Genomic Med (PT Jan)
5275P MSc Renewable Energy (PT) (Jan)
5276F MSc Shipping and Logistics
5276P MSc Shipping and Logistics (PT)
5277F MSc Transport Planning and Eng (FT)(Jan)
5277P MSc Transport Planning and Eng (PT)(Jan)
5278F MSc Transport Plan & Bus Mgt (FT) (Jan)
5278P MSc Transport Plan & Bus Mgt (PT) (Jan)
5279F MSc Transport Plan & the Env (FT) (Jan)
5279P MSc Transport Plan & the Env (PT) (Jan)
5280F MSc Trans Plan & Int Trans Sys (FT)(Jan)
5280P MSc Trans Plan & Int Trans Sys (PT)(Jan)
5284P MSc REEM (PT) (Jan)
5285F MSc Forensic Psychology (non-accredited)
5285P MSc Forensic Psychology (non-accredited)
5287P MSc Clin & Health Sci with Molec Pathol
5288F MSc Foundations in Clin Psy w Internship
5289F MSc Psy (Clin & Forensic Psy) w Intern
5290P MSc Clinical Science
5291F MSc Global Human Resource Management
5292P MSc Power Distribution Engineering (PT)
5293P MSc Transport Planning and Eng (2YR PT)
5310P MSc Environmental Engineering (PT) 2 Yr
5363F MSc Sust Build and Environ (Accelerated)
5364F MSc Sustainable Transport (FT)
5365F MA Urban Design (Accelerated route) (FT)
5367F MSc Transport Planning and Modelling FT
5367P MSc Transport Planning and Modelling PT
5368F MSc Transp Plan and Modelling (FT) (Jan)
5368P MSc Transp Plan and Modelling (PT) (Jan)
5369F MSc Electrical Power Eng (Singapore)
5369P MSc Electrical Power Eng (Singapore) PT
5370F MSc Sustainable Transport Eng (2 Year)
5371F MSc Chemistry
5372F MSc Chemical Engineering (FT)
5373F MSc Urban Planning (FT)
5373P MSc Urban Planning (PT)
5374F MSc Urban Planning - Development (FT)
5374P MSc Urban Planning - Development (PT)
5375F MSc Urban Plan - Env Change & Just (FT)
5375P MSc Urban Plan - Env Change & Just (PT)
5376F MSc Urban Plan - Global Development (FT)
5376P MSc Urban Plan - Global Development (PT)
5377F MSc Urban Planning - Regeneration (FT)
5377P MSc Urban Planning - Regeneration (PT)
5378F MSc Urban Planning - Conservation (FT)
5378P MSc Urban Planning - Conservation (PT)
5379F MSc Urb Plan - Green Inf & Land Pl (FT)
5379P MSc Urb Plan - Green Inf & Land Pl (PT)
5380F MSc Urban Plan - Cities & Security (FT)
5380P MSc Urb Plan - Cities and Security (PT)
5381F MSc Energy and Sustainability
5381P MSc Energy and Sustainability PT
5382F MSc Process Safety and Risk Magmt (FT)
5382P MSc Process Safety and Risk Management
5383F MSc Adv Arch Design: Arch & Cities (1yr)
5384F MSc Adv Arch Design: Arch & Cities (2yr)
5385F MSc Adv Arch Design: Computation
5386F MSc Adv Arch Design: Sust Build & Env
5387F MSc Adv Arch Des: Property Development
5388F MSc in Computational Ecology
5389F MSc in Ecology and Wildlife Conservation
5390F MSc Global Wildlife Science & Policy
5391F MSc Urban Planning - Accelerated Route
5392F MSc Physician Associate Studies
5393F MSc Microelectronics: Systems & Devices
5395F MSc Data Science
5395P MSc Data Science (part time)
5396F MSc Smart Systems Engineering FT
5396P MSc Smart Systems Engineering PT
5397P MSc Oncology (Sept)
5398P MSc Oncology (Jan)
5399P MSc Palliative Care (Sept)
5400P MSc Palliative Care (Jan)
5401P MSc Oncology Pharm Industry (Sept)
5402P MSc Oncology Pharm Industry (Jan)
5403P MSc Clinical and Health Sciences
5404P MSc Clinical and Health Sci with Ageing
5405P MSc Clinical & Health Sci with Clin Res
5406P MSc Clinical & Health Sci wi Molec Patho
5407F MSc Hydrogeology and Water Management
5407P MSc Hydrogeology & Water Management (PT)
5408F MSc Hydrology and Water Management
5408P MSc Hydrology and Water Management (PT)
5409P MSc Marine Technology (General) (Sept)
5410P MSc Marine Technology (General) (Jan)
5411P MSc Marine Tech (Marine Eng) (Sept)
5412P MSc Marine Tech (Marine Eng) (Jan)
5413P MSc Marine Tech (Naval Arch) (Sept)
5414P MSc Marine Tech (Naval Arch) (Jan)
5415P MSc Marine Tech (Off Mar Ren En) (Sept)
5416P MSc Marine Tech (Off Mar Ren En) (Jan)
5417F MSc Sport and Exercise Psychology (FT)
5417P MSc Sport and Exercise Psychology (PT)
5418F MSc Digital Tech Sol Deg App - Cyb Secur
5418P MSc Digital Tech Sol Deg App - Cyber Sec
5419F MSc Digital Tech Sol Deg App - Data Anal
5419P MSc Digital Tech Sol Deg App - Data Anal
5420P MSc Geotechnical Engineering (PT 2 Yrs)
5421P MSc Strategic Leadership (Sept Entry)
5422P MSc Strategic Leadership (Jan Entry)
5423P MSc Strategic Leadership (L7 Apprentice)
5424P MSc Coaching & Mentoring (Jan Entry)
5425P MSc Coaching & Mentoring (Sept Entry)
5427F MSc Offshore, Subsea and Pipeline Engine
5427P MSc Offshore, Subsea and Pipeline Eng PT
5430F MSc Exercise Physiology
5431F MSc Urban Planning (FT) - Unaccredited
5431P MSc Urban Planning (PT) - Unaccredited
5432F MSc Urban Planning - Develop (FT) Unaccr
5432P MSc Urban Planning - Develop (PT) Unaccr
5433F MSc Urban Plan - Global Dev (FT) Unacc
5433P MSc Urban Plan - Global Dev (PT) Unacc
5434F MSc Urban Planning - Regen (FT) Unaccr
5434P MSc Urban Planning - Regen (PT) Unaccr
5435F MSc Urban Planning - Conser (FT) Unaccr
5435P MSc Urban Planning - Conser (PT) Unaccr
5436F MSc Urb Pl - Green Inf&LandPl (FT) Unacc
5436P MSc Urb Pl - Green Inf&LandPl (PT) Unacc
5437F MSc Conservation and Ecosystem Mangt FT
5437P MSc Conservation and Ecosystem Mangt PT
5438F MSc in Ecology and Biodiversity
5439F MSc Transport Eng, Plan and Mgt (Jan)
5439P MSc Transport Eng Plan and Mgt PT (Jan)
5440F MSc Transport Eng, Plan and Mgt (Sept)
5440P MSc Transport Eng Plan and Mgt PT (Sept)
5441F MSc Electrical Power (2 year)
5442F MSc Marine Technology (FT)
5442P MSc Marine Technology
5444P MSc Digital & Tech Sol - Deg Appr
5445F Master of Medical Education
5446P MMedEducation Accel
5447F MSc Human Computer Interaction
5448P MSc Engineering Geology (2Yr PT)
5449F MSc Data Science and AI
5449P MSc Data Science and AI PT
5450F MSc Data Science with Visualisation
5450P MSc Data Science with Visualisation PT
5451F MSc Industrial Auto & Mach Learn (Jan)
5451P MSc Industrial Auto & Mach Learn (Jan)PT
5452F MSc Industrial Auto & Mach Learn (Sept)
5452P MSc Industrial Auto & Mach Learn(Sept)PT
5453P MSc Digital & Tech Sol - Deg Appr (Jan)
5454F MSc Electrical Power Eng (Singapore) Jan
5454P MSc Electrical Power Eng PT (Jan)
5455F MSc Energy and Sustainability (Jan)
5455P MSc Energy and Sustainability PT (Jan)
5456P MSc Marine Technology PT (Jan)
5457F MSc Process Safety and Risk Mgt (FT) Jan
5457P MSc Process Safety and Risk Mgt (PT) Jan
5458P MSc Digital & Tech Sol - Deg App (Feb)
5461F MSc Int.Bus.Management (Sustainability)
5462F MSc International Marketing - Unaccredit
5463F MSc Mechanical Engineering Science
5464F MSc Economics (FT)
5465F MSc Economics and Data Science (FT)
5466F MSc Behavioural and Experimental Econom
5467F MSc Electrical Engineering
5468F Msc Electronic Engineering
5469F MSc Hydroinformatics & Water Mgt Sc (EA)
5470F MSc Water Management
5471F MSc Transport Management
5472F MSc Engineering Geology Science
5473F MSc Appl Geotech Engineering Geolog Sci
5474F MSc Environmental Engineering Science
5475F MSc Accounting, Finance Financial Analys
5476F MSc Entrepreneurship, Innovation Sustain
5477F MSc Acc, Fin & Fin Analysis (Study Abr)
5478F MSc Acc, Fin and Strat Invst (Study Abr)
5479F MSc Banking & Finance (Study Abr)
5480F MSc Digital Business (Study Abr)
5481F MSc Dig Business (E-Market) (Study Abr)
5482F MSc Finance (Study Abr)
5483F MSc Glob Human Res Management (Study Ab)
5484F MSc Int Business Management (Study Abr)
5485F MSc Int Economics & Finance (Study Abr)
5486F MSc International Marketing (Study Abr)
5487F MSc Ops Logs & Sup Chain Mgmt (Study Ab)
5488F MSc Quant Fin & Risk Mngmnt (Study Abr)
5489F MSc Entr, Innov & Sustain'ty (Study Abr)
5490F MSc Int Bus Management (Sust) (Study Ab)
5491F MSc Digital Business (E-Commerce)
5492F MSc Business Analytics
5493F MSc Digital Marketing
5494F MSc Digital Business (E-Comm) (Stdy Ab)
5495F MSc Leadership Climate Chge Sustainabi
5496P Master of Medical Education
5497F MSc Maritime Engineering
5498F MSc Maritime Engineering w Prel Yr
5499F MSc Sust Management
5500F MSc Sust Management St Abroad
5501P MSc Physician Associate Studies
5502F MSc Maritime Engineering Sci
5503F MSc Maritime Engineering Sci w Prel Yr
5504F MSc Management
5505F MSc Management (with Study Abroad)
5506F MSc Clinical Psychology Profession Skill
5507F MSc Clin Psych Profession Skill & Intern
5508F MSc Digital Marketing (Study Abroad)
5509F MSc Business Analytics (Study Abroad)
5510P MSc Marine Technology
5511F MSc Economics (with Study Abroad)
5512F MSc Economics & Data Science (w St Abr)
5513F MSc Behav & Experim Economics (w St Abr)
5514F MSc Global Conservation
5515F MSc Electrical Power (FT)
5518F MSc Statistics
5519F MSc Medical Statistics
5520F MSc Advanced Data Science w Statistics
5521F MSc Advanced Data Science w Health
5522F MSc Engineering Management Science
5523F MSc Engineering Management
5524F MSc Robotics and AI
5525F MSc Public Policy
5525P MSc Public Policy (PT)
5526F MSc Robotics and AI Science
5528F MSc Oral Sciences
5529F MSc Sustainable Chemical Engineering Sci
5530F MSc Project Management
5531P MSc Transport Planning & Eng Science
5532F MSc Digital Architecture
5533F MSc Project Management w Study Abroad
5801F Master Town Planning Disrt Only (FT)
5801P Master Town Planning Disrt Only (PT)
5802F Master of Landscape Architecture(FT)
5802P Master of Landscape Architecture (PT)
5803F Master Town Planning (FT)
5803P Master Town Planning (PT)
5804F Master International Housing Sci (FT)
5804P Master International Housing Sci (PT)
5805F Master of Architecture (FT)
5805P Master of Architecture (PT)
5806F Master of Town Planning (Europe) (FT)
5806P Master of Town Planning (Europe) (PT)
5807F Master Town Planning (UConsrv) (FT)
5807P Master Town Planning (UConsrv) (PT)
5808F Master of Fine Art (FT)
5808P Master of Fine Art (PT) DO NOT USE
5809F Master Music Composition (FT)
5809P Master Music Composition (PT)
5810P Master Music Performance (PT)
5811F Master of Music (FT)
5811P Master of Music (PT)
5813F Master Education (Course) (FT)
5813P Master Education (Course) (PT)
5814F Master Education (Modular Route) (FT)
5814P Master Education (Modular Route) (PT)
5815F MEd Special Educational Needs (HK) (FT)
5815P MEd Special Educational Needs (HK) (PT)
5816F MEd Ed Mgmt - Abu Dhabi (CISE) (FT)
5816P MEd Ed Mgmt - Abu Dhabi (CISE) (PT)
5817F MEd (Cnslg & Guidne) HK (CISE) (FT)
5817P MEd (Cnslg & Guidne) HK (CISE) (PT)
5818F Med TESOL Dubai (CISE) (FT)
5818P Med TESOL Dubai (CISE) (PT)
5819F Master of Laws (By Research) (FT)
5819P Master of Laws (By Research) (PT)
5820F LLM International Law & Global Challenge
5820P LLM International Law & Global Chal (PT)
5821F LLM International Trade Law
5821P LLM International Trade Law
5822F LLM Environ'l Reg & Sustain Dev (FT)
5822P LLM Environ'l Reg & Sustain Dev (PT)
5823F MBA (FT)
5824P Executive MBA (Sept)
5825P MBA (Credit Accum. - RR) (PT)
5826F Master of Clinical Education (FT)
5826P Master of Clinical Education (PT)
5828F MA Education: Int Perspectives (FT)
5828P Master of Education (MEd)
5829F Master of Art Museum & Gallery Practice
5829P Master Art Museum & Gallery Prac (PT)
5830F Master of Heritage Practice (FT)
5830P Master Heritage Practice (PT)
5831F Master of Museum Practice (FT)
5831P Master of Museum Practice (PT)
5832F LLM International Commercial Law (FT)
5832P LLM International Commercial Law (PT)
5833F MPA Educational Leadership & Mgt (FT)
5833P MPA Educational Leadership & Mgt (PT)
5834F LLM Environmental Law & Policy (Res) FT
5834P LLM Environmental Law & Policy (Res) PT
5835F LLM Research Methods in Law (FT)
5835P LLM Research Methods in Law (PT)
5836P MEd Practitioner Enquiry (PT)
5837P MEd Practitioner Enquiry (Leadership) PT
5838F MA Education:Int Perspectives (L&M) (FT)
5839F MEd (Inclusive Education) (FT)
5840F MA Education: Int Perspectives (TinE) FT
5841F MA Education: Int Perspectives (D&E)(FT)
5842F MA Education: Int. Perspectives
5843F MArch Architecture (FT)
5844P Master in Clinical Research (Ageing)(PT
5845F MClinRes (Leadership) FullTime
5845P MClinRes (Leadership) (PT)
5846P Master of Clinical Research (1 YR Accel)
5847P MClinRes (1Yr Acc Leadership) PT
5848P MClinRes (1 Yr Accel Ageing PT)
5849P Master of Clin Ed PT (1 Yr Accel)
5852F MClinRes Full Time
5853P Executive MBA (January)
5854F Master of Public Health
5854P Master of Public Health 2YPT
5855P Master of Public Health 3YPT
5858P MEd Practitioner Enquiry (PT)
5859P MEd Practitioner Enquiry (Leadership) PT
5860P MMedEd Accel
5861F MMedEd (FT)
5861P MMedEd (PT)
5862F LLM Law
5862P LLM Law
5865F LLM Law and Society (Legal Research)
5865P LLM Law and Society (Legal Research) PT
5866P Master of Medical Education (e-Learning)
5867P Executive Master of Business Admin (Sep)
5868P Executive Master of Business Admin (Jan)
5869P L7 Senior Leader Master Deg Appre (EMBA)
5870P L7 Senior Leader Master Deg Appre (EMBA)
5871F MBA (FT) (Jan Start)
5872F MArch Architecture with Study Abroad Yr
5873F MArch Architecture wth Study Abr (UnAcr)
5874F Ulaw MA
5875F ULaw LPC
5875P ULaw LPC (Part-Time)
5876F Ulaw GDL
5877F Master of Clinical Dentistry in Endodont
5878F Master of Clinical Dentistry in Periodon
5879F Master of Clinical Dentistry in Prosthdn
5880F Master of Landscape Studies
5882F ULaw LPC (Jan)
5883P ULaw LPC (Jan)
5884P ULaw LPQ (Jan)
5885F ULaw MA (Jan)
5886P Master of Medical Education (e-Learning)
5887F LLM Emerging Technologies & the Law
5887P LLM Emerging Technologies & the Law
5890F LLM Mediation & Int. Comm Dispute Resolu
5890P LLM Mediation & Int. Comm Dispute Resol
5891F ULaw (Sept) 12 months
5891P ULaw PT (Sept entry) 24 months
5892F ULaw (Jan) 12 months
5892P ULaw PT (Jan entry) 24 months
5893F ULaw (June) 12 months
5893P ULaw PT (June entry) 24 months
5894F LLM Comp Law & Dig Economy
5894P LLM Comp Law & Dig Economy PT
5895F ULaw Masters with SQE (Sept)
5896F ULaw Masters with SQE (Jan)
5897F LLM Mediat & Int Com Dispute Reso (Jan)
5897P LLM Mediat & Int Com Dispute Resol (Jan)
5898F Master of Public Health
5898P Master of Public Health PT 2Y
5899P Master of Public Health PT 3Y
5900F Master of Fine Art
5901F MScL International Security
5901P MScL International Security (PT)
5902F ULaw (March) 12 months
5902P ULaw PT (March) 24 months
5909P Master of Fine Art (PT)
6003P CPD in Edu CISE 2003-04
6010P CPD in Dental Sciences (PT)
6015P CPD in Therapeutics
6016P CPD in Oncology/Palliative Care
6017P CPD Public Health & Health Serv Res (PT)
6018P Modules in Arch Practice (PT)
6019P CPD Modules Art and Enterprise (PT)
6020A German Extension Course Ab Initio
6020P CPD REFLEX Modules
6021A German Extension Course (Main)
6023P CATS Mod Marine Science and Technology
6025P Standalone Modules (HaSS)
6027P CPD Master in Clinical Education
6028P CPD Clinical Research Attendance
6029P Standalone Mods (Scl of Psych) (PG) (PT)
6031P Standalone Mods (Scl of Psych) (UG) (PT)
6032P Delve Deeper Course (MAST) (PT)
6036O NE Doc Train Cent (ESRC) - HaSS Admin
6037P CPD PG MAST Singapore Modules (PT)
6038P CPD PG MAST MTEC Modules (PT)
6041P CPD Oncol/Pall Care
6043P CPD Cert in Clinical Research
6044P CPD Clinical Sciences
6045P CPD Graduate School
6046O NB Doc Train Partner (AHRC) - HaSS Admin
6047P CPD Clin & HS (PT)
6048P CPD Power Distribution Eng (PT)
6049O Visiting DTC in SAgE
6050P CPD Genomic Med
6051P CPD Clinical Leadership
6053P CPD Clinical Research E-Learning
6054P CPD SENG (assessed)
6057O Visiting DTC in SNES
6058P PGT CPD Modules - NewRIIS
6059O Visiting Doctoral training centre in MSP
6060P CPD Medical Education
6063P CPD SENG (not assessed)
6807F PgD Advanced Educ Studies (Dubai) (FT)
6807P PgD Advanced Educ Studies (Dubai) (PT)
6906P CFPS in Education (Sunderland) 2006-7
7004C MPhil Dental Science (Biosci) (COMB)
7004D MPhil Dental Science (Biosci) (Staff)
7004F MPhil Dental Science (Biosci) (FT)
7004P MPhil Dental Science (Biosci) (PT)
7004S MPhil Dental Science (Biosci) (Staff)
7005C MPhil Dental Science (T&CR) (Comb)
7005D MPhil Dental Science (T&CR) (Staff)
7005F MPhil Dental Science (TCRI) (FT)
7005P MPhil Dental Science (TCRI) (PT)
7005S MPhil Dental Science (T&CR) (Staff)
7006C MPhil in Dental Science (PhS) (Comb)
7006D MPhil Dental Science (PhS) (Staff)
7006F MPhil Dental Science (PHSI) (FT)
7006P MPhil Dental Science (PhS) (PT)
7006S MPhil Dental Science (PhS) (Staff)
7010D MPhil in AFRD (Staff)
7010F MPhil in AFRD (FT)
7010P MPhil in AFRD (PT)
7010S MPhil in AFRD (Staff)
7011D MPhil SAgE (Singapore) (Staff)
7011F MPhil SAgE (Singapore) (FT)
7011P MPhil SAgE (Singapore) (PT)
7011S MPhil SAgE (Singapore) (Staff)
7012F MPhil Agric Economic & Food Marketing FT
7012P MPhil Agric Economic & Food Marketing PT
7013F MPhil Physics (FT) (Theoretical)
7013P MPhil Physics (PT) (Theoretical)
7014F MPhil Music (FT)
7015P MPhil Music (PT)
7016F MPhil Fine Art/Art History (FT)
7017P MPhil Fine Art/Art History (PT)
7018F MPhil Media, Culture and Heritage (FT)
7019P MPhil Media, Culture and Heritage (PT)
7020D MPhil in BIOLOGY (Staff)
7020F MPhil in BIOLOGY (FT)
7020P MPhil in BIOLOGY (PT)
7020S MPhil in BIOLOGY (Staff)
7022D MPhil in Geoscience (Staff)
7022F MPhil in Geoscience (FT)
7022P MPhil in Geoscience (PT)
7022S MPhil in Geoscience (Staff)
7023D MPhil in Marine Science (Staff)
7023F MPhil in Marine Science (FT)
7023P MPhil in Marine Science (PT)
7023S MPhil in Marine Science (Staff)
7024D MPhil Pharmacy (PHS) (Staff)
7024F MPhil in Pharmacy (PHS) (FT)
7024P MPhil in Pharmacy (PHS) (PT)
7024S MPhil Pharmacy (PHS) (Staff)
7025D MPhil Pharmacy (Biosciences) (Staff)
7025F MPhil Pharmacy (Biosciences) (FT)
7025P MPhil Pharmacy (Biosciences) (PT)
7025S MPhil Pharmacy (Biosciences) (Staff)
7026D MPhil Pharmacy (T&CR) (Staff)
7026F MPhil Pharmacy (T&CR) (FT)
7026P MPhil Pharmacy (T&CR) (PT)
7026S MPhil Pharmacy (T&CR) (Staff)
7030D MPhil in CEAM (Staff)
7030F MPhil in CEAM (FT)
7030P MPhil in CEAM (PT)
7030S MPhil in CEAM (Staff)
7031D MPhil Philosophy (Staff)
7031F MPhil Philosophy FT
7031P MPhil Philosophy PT
7031S MPhil Philosophy (Staff)
7040D MPhil in CIVG (Staff)
7040F MPhil in CIVG (FT)
7040P MPhil in CIVG (PT)
7040S MPhil in CIVG (Staff)
7041F MPhil Civil Engineering(Transport) FT
7041P MPhil Civil Engineering (Transport) PT
7050D MPhil in COMP (Staff)
7050F MPhil in COMP (FT)
7050P MPhil in COMP (PT)
7050S MPhil in COMP (Staff)
7060D MPhil in EECE (Staff)
7060F MPhil in EECE (FT)
7060P MPhil in EECE (PT)
7060S MPhil in EECE (Staff)
7070D MPhil in MAST (Staff)
7070F MPhil in MAST (FT)
7070P MPhil in MAST (PT)
7070S MPhil in MAST (Staff)
7080D MPhil in MATH (Staff)
7080F MPhil in MATH (FT)
7080P MPhil in MATH (PT)
7080S MPhil in MATH (Staff)
7081F MPhil Museum Studies (Pt Exempt) (FT)
7081P MPhil Museum Studies (Pt Exempt) (PT)
7090D MPhil in MECH (Staff)
7090F MPhil in MECH (FT)
7090P MPhil in MECH (PT)
7090S MPhil in MECH (Staff)
7091F MPhil Engineering Maths FT
7091P MPhil Engineering Maths PT
7100D MPhil CHEM (Staff)
7100F MPhil in CHEM (FT)
7100P MPhil CHEM (PT)
7100S MPhil CHEM (Staff)
7110D MPhil NIRES (Staff)
7110F MPhil Energy (FT)
7110P MPhil Energy (PT)
7110S MPhil NIRES (Staff)
7160D MPhil SAPL (Staff)
7160F MPhil SAPL (FT)
7160P MPhil SAPL (PT)
7160S MPhil SAPL (Staff)
7170D MPhil SACS (Staff)
7170F MPhil SACS (FT)
7170P MPhil SACS (PT)
7170S MPhil SACS (Staff)
7180D MPhil ECLS (Staff)
7180F MPhil ECLS (FT)
7180P MPhil ECLS (PT)
7180S MPhil ECLS (Staff)
7190D MPhil SELS (Staff)
7190F MPhil SELS (FT)
7190P MPhil SELS (PT)
7190S MPhil SELS (Staff)
7200D MPhil Human Geography (Staff)
7200F MPhil SSCI
7200P MPhil SSCI
7200S MPhil Human Geography (Staff)
7201F MPhil Physical Geography (full time)
7201P MPhil Physical Geography (part time)
7202D MPhil Sociology (staff)
7202F MPhil Sociology (full time)
7202P MPhil Sociology (part time)
7202S MPhil Sociology (staff)
7203D MPhil Politics (Staff)
7203F MPhil Politics (full time)
7203P MPhil Politics (part time)
7203S MPhil Politics (Staff)
7204F MPhil Physics (FT) (Experimental)
7204P MPhil Physics (PT) (Experimental)
7210D MPhil SHIS (Staff)
7210F MPhil SHCA (FT)
7210P MPhil SHCA (PT)
7210S MPhil SHIS (Staff)
7214F MPhil Human Geography (full time)
7214P MPhil Human Geography (part time)
7215F MPhil ASSC (FT)
7215P MPhil ASSC (PT)
7220D MPhil SMLS (Staff)
7220F MPhil SMLS (FT)
7220P MPhil SMLS (PT)
7220S MPhil SMLS (Staff)
7230D MPhil SLAW (Staff)
7230F MPhil SLAW (FT)
7230P MPhil SLAW (PT)
7230S MPhil SLAW (Staff)
7240D MPhil NUBS (Staff)
7240F MPhil NUBS (FT)
7240P MPhil NUBS (PT)
7240S MPhil NUBS (Staff)
7250F MPhil Culture Lab (FT)
7250P MPhil Culture Lab (PT)
7300F MPhil Faculty of Medical Sciences (FT)
7300P MPhil Faculty of Medical Sciences (PT)
7370D MPhil Population Health Sci (Staff)
7370F MPhil Population Health Sciences (FT)
7370P MPhil Population Health Sciences (PT)
7370S MPhil Population Health Sci (Staff)
7420D MPhil Biosciences (Staff)
7420F MPhil Biosciences (FT)
7420P MPhil Biosciences (PT)
7420S MPhil Biosciences (Staff)
7440D MPhil Translational & Clinical Res Staff
7440F MPhil Translational & Clinical Res FT
7440P MPhil Translational & Clinical Res (PT)
7440S MPhil Translational & Clinical Res Staff
7800F MLitt Religious Studies (Non M (FT)
7800P MLitt Religious Studies (Non M (PT)
7801D MLitt Fine Art (Staff)
7801F MLitt Fine Art (FT)
7801P MLitt Fine Art (PT)
7801S MLitt Fine Art (Staff)
7802D MLitt Music (Staff)
7802F MLitt Music (FT)
7802P MLitt Music (PT)
7802S MLitt Music (Staff)
7803F MLitt Religious Studies (FT)
7803S MLitt Religious Studies (Staff)
7804F MLitt Museology (FT)
7804P MLitt Museology (PT)
7804S MLitt Museology (Staff)
7805D MLitt History of Art (Staff)
7805F MLitt History of Art (FT)
7805P MLitt History of Art (PT)
7805S MLitt History of Art (Staff)
7806D MLitt English Language (Staff)
7806F MLitt English Language (FT)
7806P MLitt English Language (PT)
7806S MLitt English Language (Staff)
7807D MLitt English Literature (Staff)
7807F MLitt English Literature (FT)
7807P MLitt English Literature (PT)
7807S MLitt English Literature (Staff)
7808F MLitt American Studies (FT)
7808P MLitt American Studies (PT)
7809D MLitt Linguistics (Staff)
7809F MLitt Linguistics (FT)
7809P MLitt Linguistics (PT)
7809S MLitt Linguistics (Staff)
7810F MLitt Gender Studies (FT)
7810P MLitt Gender Studies (PT)
7811D MLitt Classics (Staff)
7811F MLitt Classics (FT)
7811P MLitt Classics (PT)
7811S MLitt Classics (Staff)
7812D MLitt History (Staff)
7812F MLitt History (FT)
7812P MLitt History (PT)
7812S MLitt History (Staff)
7813D MLitt Archaeology (Staff)
7813F MLitt Archaeology (FT)
7813P MLitt Archaeology (PT)
7813S MLitt Archaeology (Staff)
7814D MLitt French (Staff)
7814F MLitt French (FT)
7814P MLitt French (PT)
7814S MLitt French (Staff)
7815D MLitt German (Staff)
7815F MLitt German (FT)
7815P MLitt German (PT)
7815S MLitt German (Staff)
7816D MLitt Spanish (Staff)
7816F MLitt Spanish (FT)
7816P MLitt Spanish (PT)
7816S MLitt Spanish (Staff)
7817F MLitt Portuguese (FT)
7817P MLitt Portuguese (PT)
7817S MLitt Portuguese (Staff)
7818D MLitt Latin American Studies
7818F MLitt Latin American Studies (FT)
7818P MLitt Latin American Studies (PT)
7818S MLitt Latin American Studies
7819D MLitt Film Studies (Staff)
7819F MLitt Film Studies (FT)
7819P MLitt Film Studies (PT)
7819S MLitt Film Studies (Staff)
7820D MLitt Ancient History (Staff)
7820F MLitt Ancient History (FT)
7820P MLitt Ancient History (PT)
7820S MLitt Ancient History (Staff)
7821F MLitt Translation Studies (FT)
7821P MLitt Translation Studies (PT)
7821S MLitt Translation Studies (Staff)
7822D MLitt Heritage, Museums & Galleries (St)
7822F MLitt Heritage, Museums & Galleries (FT)
7822P MLitt Heritage, Museums & Galleries (PT)
7822S MLitt Heritage, Museums & Galleries (St)
7823F MLitt Japanese Studies (FT)
7823P MLitt Japanese Studies (PT)
7824F MLitt Chinese Studies (FT)
7824P MLitt Chinese Studies (PT)
7825F MLitt Philosophy
7825P MLitt Philosophy (Part time)
7826F MLitt Cultural Property Protection FT
7826P MLitt Cultural Property Protection PT
7827F MLitt Interpreting Studies FT
7827P MLitt Interpreting Studies PT
7828F MLitt English Literature (Creat Wri)
8010C PhD AFRD (Comb)
8010D PhD AFRD (Staff)
8010F PhD AFRD (FT)
8010P PhD AFRD (PT)
8010S PhD AFRD (Staff)
8012C PhD AEFM (Comb)
8012F PhD AEFM (FT)
8012P PhD AEFM (PT)
8020C PhD BIOL (Comb)
8020D PhD BIOL (Staff)
8020F PhD BIOL (FT)
8020P PhD BIOL (PT)
8020S PhD BIOL (Staff)
8030C PhD CEAM (Comb)
8030D PhD CEAM (Staff)
8030F PhD CEAM (FT)
8030P PhD CEAM (PT)
8030S PhD CEAM (Staff)
8040C PhD CIVG (Comb)
8040D PhD CIVG (Staff)
8040F PhD CIVG (FT)
8040P PhD CIVG (PT)
8040S PhD CIVG (Staff)
8041C PhD Civil Engineering (Transport) Comb
8041F PhD Civil Engineering (Transport) FT
8041P PhD Civil Engineering (Transport) PT
8050C PhD COMP (Comb)
8050D PhD COMP (Staff)
8050F PhD Comp Science (FT)
8050P PhD Comp Science (PT)
8050S PhD COMP (Staff)
8050T PhD Computing (PGTA)
8060C PhD EECE (Comb)
8060D PhD EECE (Staff)
8060F PhD EECE (FT)
8060P PhD EECE (PT)
8060S PhD EECE (Staff)
8070C PhD MAST (Comb)
8070D PhD MAST (Staff)
8070F PhD MAST (FT)
8070P PhD MAST (PT)
8070S PhD MAST (Staff)
8071C Int PhD Eng Sci in Marine Envi (Comb)
8071F Int PhD Eng Sci in Marine Envi (FT)
8071P Int PhD Eng Sci in Marine Envi (PT)
8080C PhD MATH (Comb)
8080D PhD MATH (Staff)
8080F PhD MATH (FT)
8080P PhD MATH (PT)
8080S PhD MATH (Staff)
8090C PhD MECH (Comb)
8090D PhD MECH (Staff)
8090F PhD MECH (FT)
8090P PhD MECH (PT)
8090S PhD MECH (Staff)
8091C PhD Engineering Maths (Comb)
8091F PhD Engineering Maths (FT)
8091P PhD Engineering Maths (PT)
8100C PhD CHEM (Comb)
8100D PhD CHEM (Staff)
8100F PhD CHEM (FT)
8100P PhD CHEM (PT)
8100S PhD CHEM (Staff)
8110C PhD NIRES (Comb)
8110D PhD Energy (Staff)
8110F PhD Energy (FT)
8110P PhD Energy (PT)
8110S PhD Energy (Staff)
8160C PhD SAPL (Comb)
8160D PhD SAPL (Staff)
8160F PhD SAPL (FT)
8160P PhD SAPL (PT)
8160S PhD SAPL (Staff)
8161C Int PhD Urban Design (Comb)
8161F Int PhD Urban Design (FT)
8161P Int PhD Urban Design (PT)
8170C PhD SACS (Comb)
8170D PhD SACS (Staff)
8170F PhD SACS (FT)
8170P PhD SACS (PT)
8170S PhD SACS (Staff)
8180C PhD ECLS (Comb)
8180D PhD ECLS (Staff)
8180F PhD ECLS (FT)
8180P PhD ECLS (PT)
8180S PhD ECLS (Staff)
8181C Int PhD Edu & Communications (Comb)
8181F Int PhD Edu & Communications (FT)
8181J Int PhD Edu & Communications (JFT)
8181P Int PhD Edu & Communications (PT)
8182C Int PhD Edu & Applied Ling (Comb)
8182F Int PhD Edu & Applied Ling (FT)
8182J Int PhD Edu & Applied Ling (JFT)
8183C PhD Speech and Language Sciences (Comb)
8183D PhD Speech and Language Sciences (Staff)
8183F PhD Speech and Language Sciences
8183P PhD Speech and Language Sciences
8183S PhD Speech and Language Sciences (Staff)
8184F IPhD Phonetics and Phonology (FT)
8184P IPhD Phonetics and Phonology (PT)
8185F Int PhD Maths and Stats (FT)
8185P Int PhD Maths and Stats (PT)
8190C PhD SELS (Comb)
8190D PhD SELS (Staff)
8190F PhD SELS (FT)
8190P PhD SELS (PT)
8190S PhD SELS (Staff)
8191C IPhD Linguistics & Eng Lang (Combined)
8191D IPhD Linguistics & Eng Lang (Staff)
8191F IPhD Linguistics & Eng Lang (FT)
8191P IPhD Linguistics & Eng Lang (PT)
8191S IPhD Linguistics & Eng Lang (Staff)
8192C IPhD English Literature (Combined)
8192F IPhD English Literature (FT)
8192P IPhD English Literature (PT)
8192S IPhD English Literature (Staff)
8194F IPhD Orthodontics (FT)
8195F IPhD Computer Science
8195P IPhD Computer Science (PT)
8200C PhD SSCI (combined)
8200D PhD SSCI (Staff)
8200F PhD SSCI
8200P PhD SSCI
8200S PhD SSCI (Staff)
8201C PhD Physical Geography (combined)
8201F PhD Physical Geography (full time)
8201P PhD Physical Geography (part time)
8202C PhD Sociology (combined)
8202D PhD Sociology (Staff)
8202F PhD Sociology (full time)
8202P PhD Sociology (part time)
8202S PhD Sociology (Staff)
8203C PhD Politics (combined)
8203D PhD Politics (Staff)
8203F PhD Politics (full time)
8203P PhD Politics (part time)
8203S PhD Politics (Staff)
8204F PhD Behaviour Informatics
8205C PhD Geospatial systems
8205F PhD Geospatial systems
8205P PhD Geospatial systems (Part Time)
8206F PhD Power Electron Sustainable Elec Pro
8207F PhD Molecular Sciences for Med (SNES)
8208F PhD Energy Materials
8208P PhD Energy Materials (part time)
8209F PhD Water Infrastructure & Resilience
8209O PhD Water Infrastructure & Resilience
8210C PhD SHCA (Comb)
8210D PhD SHCA (Staff)
8210F PhD SHCA (FT)
8210P PhD SHCA (PT)
8210S PhD SHCA (Staff)
8211F PhD Offshore Wind Energy Environ
8211P PhD Offshore Wind Energy Environ
8212F Jnt PhD w Northumbria Uni-One Planet DTP
8213F PhD FMS International Special Study (FT)
8214F PhD Human Geography (full time)
8214P PhD Human Geography (part time)
8215F PhD Molecular Sciences for Med (FMS)
8216F PhD in Astrophysics
8220C PhD SMLS (Comb)
8220D PhD SMLS (Staff)
8220F PhD SMLS (FT)
8220P PhD SMLS (PT)
8220S PhD SMLS (Staff)
8221F Int PhD Film Studies (FT)
8221P Int PhD Film Studies (PT)
8222F Int PhD Interpreting & Translating (FT)
8222P Int PhD Interpreting & Translating (PT)
8230C PhD SLAW (Comb)
8230D PhD SLAW (Staff)
8230F PhD SLAW (FT)
8230P PhD SLAW (PT)
8230S PhD SLAW (Staff)
8240C PhD NUBS (Comb)
8240D PhD NUBS (Staff)
8240F PhD NUBS (FT)
8240P PhD NUBS (PT)
8240S PhD NUBS (Staff)
8250C PhD Culture Lab (Comb)
8250F PhD Culture Lab (FT)
8250P PhD Culture Lab (PT)
8300F PhD Faculty of Medical Sciences (FT)
8300P PhD Faculty of Medical Sciences (PT)
8302F FMS PhD2 (Restricted)
8303f FMS PhD3 (Restricted)
8304F FMS PhD4 (Restricted)
8305F FMS PhD5 (Restricted)
8306C PhD NUBS London (Combined)
8306F PhD NUBS London FT
8306P PhD NUBS London PT
8306S PhD NUBS London (Staff)
8307D PhD Philosophy (Staff)
8307F PhD Philosophy (FT)
8307P PhD Philosophy (PT)
8307S PhD Philosophy (Staff)
8308D PhD CEAM (Staff)
8308S PhD CEAM (Staff)
8309F PhD Biosciences (FT) Durham Award
8313F PhD Population Health Sciences (PT) Durh
8313P PhD Population Health Sci (FT) Durham Aw
8314C PhD Geoscience (Comb)
8314D PhD Geoscience (Staff)
8314F PhD Geoscience (FT)
8314P PhD Geoscience (PT)
8314S PhD Geoscience (Staff)
8315C PhD Marine Science (Comb)
8315D PhD Marine Science (Staff)
8315F PhD Marine Science (FT)
8315P PhD Marine Science (PT)
8315S PhD Marine Science (Staff)
8316F PhD Translational & Clinical Res (FT) DA
8317C PhD Pharmacy (PHS) (Comb)
8317D PhD Pharmacy (PHS) (Staff)
8317F PhD Pharmacy (PHS) (FT)
8317P PhD Pharmacy (PHS) (PT)
8317S PhD Pharmacy (PHS) (Staff)
8319C PhD Pharmacy (T&CR) (Comb)
8319D PhD Pharmacy (T&CR) (Staff)
8319F PhD Pharmacy (T&CR) (FT)
8319P PhD Pharmacy (T&CR) (PT)
8319S PhD Pharmacy (T&CR) (Staff)
8322C PhD Pharmacy (Biosciences) (Comb)
8322D PhD Pharmacy (Biosciences) (Staff)
8322F PhD Pharmacy (Biosciences) (FT)
8322P PhD Pharmacy (Biosciences) (PT)
8322S PhD Pharmacy (Biosciences) (Staff)
8324F PhD ASSC (FT)
8324P PhD ASSC (PT)
8370C PhD Population Health Sciences (Comb)
8370D PhD Population Health Sciences (Staff)
8370F PhD Population Health Sciences (FT)
8370P PhD Population Health Sciences (PT)
8370S PhD Population Health Sciences (Staff)
8420C PhD Biosciences (Comb)
8420D PhD Biosciences (Staff)
8420F PhD Biosciences (FT)
8420P PhD Biosciences (PT)
8420S PhD Biosciences (Staff)
8440C PhD Translational Clinical Res (combine)
8440D PhD Translational & Clinical Res (staff)
8440F PhD Translational and Clinical Res (FT)
8440P PhD Translational and Clinical Res (PT)
8440S PhD Translational & Clinical Res (staff)
8800F MD Faculty of Medical Sciences (FT)
8800P MD Faculty of Medical Sciences (PT)
8801F Doctor Applied Educatl Psychology (FT)
8802F EngD Biopharm Process Dev (FT)
8804C PhD Dental Science (Biosciences) (Comb)
8804D PhD Dental Science (Biosciences) (Staff)
8804F PhD Dental Science (Biosciences) (FT)
8804P PhD Dental Science (Biosciences) (PT)
8804S PhD Dental Science (Biosciences) (Staff)
8805C PhD Dental Science (T&CR) (Comb)
8805D PhD Dental Science (T&CR) (Staff)
8805F PhD Dental Science (T&CR) (FT)
8805P PhD Dental Science (T&CR) (PT)
8805S PhD Dental Science (T&CR) (Staff)
8806C PhD Dental Science (PhS) (Comb)
8806D PhD Dental Science (PhS) (Staff)
8806F PhD Dental Science (PhS) (FT)
8806P PhD Dental Science (PhS) (PT)
8806S PhD Dental Science (PhS) (Staff)
8811F EngD STREAM (FT)
8818F PhD Philosophical Studies (FT)
8818P PhD Philosophical Studies (PT)
8819C PhD SAgE (Singapore) (Comb)
8819D PhD SAgE (Singapore) (Staff)
8819F PhD SAgE (Singapore) (FT)
8819P PhD SAgE (Singapore) (PT)
8819S PhD SAgE (Singapore) (Staff)
8821F PhD Physics (FT) (Theoretical)
8821P PhD Physics (PT) (Theoretical)
8821T PhD Physics (PGTA)
8824F Doctor of Clinical Psychology (Int SF)
8825F PhD Music (FT)
8826C PhD Music (Comb)
8827P PhD Music (PT)
8828D PhD Music (Staff)
8828S PhD Music (Staff)
8829F PhD Fine Art/Art History (FT)
8831C PhD Fine Art/Art History (Comb)
8832P PhD Fine Art/Art History (PT)
8833D PhD Fine Art/Art History (Staff)
8833S PhD Fine Art/Art History (Staff)
8834F PhD Media, Culture and Heritage (FT)
8835C PhD Media, Culture and Heritage (Comb)
8836P PhD Media, Culture and Heritage (PT)
8837D PhD Media, Culture and Heritage (Staff)
8837S PhD Media, Culture and Heritage (Staff)
8838F IPhD Additive Manufacturing & 3D Print
8839F PhD Physics (FT) (Experimental)
8839P PhD Physics (PT) (Experimental)
8843F PhD NUMed
8843P PhD NUMed
8844F PhD NUMed
8844P PhD NUMed
8845F PhD NUMed
8845P PhD NUMed
8846C PhD Clin Medical Sci Education (TCRI)
8846D PhD Clin Medical Sci Education (TCRI)
8846F PhD Clin Medical Sci Education (TCRI)
8846O PhD Clin Medical Sci Education (TCRI)
8846P PhD Clin Medical Sci Education (TCRI)
8846S PhD Clin Medical Sci Education (TCRI)
8847C PhD Clin Medical Sci Education (NUBI)
8847D PhD Clin Medical Sci Education (NUBI)
8847F PhD Clin Medical Sci Education (NUBI)
8847O PhD Clin Medical Sci Education (NUBI)
8847P PhD Clin Medical Sci Education (NUBI)
8847S PhD Clin Medical Sci Education (NUBI)
8848C PhD Clin Medical Sci Education (PHSI)
8848D PhD Clin Medical Sci Education (PHSI)
8848F PhD Clin Medical Sci Education (PHSI)
8848O PhD Clin Medical Sci Education (PHSI)
8848P PhD Clin Medical Sci Education (PHSI)
8848S PhD Clin Medical Sci Education (PHSI)
8849C PhD Psychology (PHSI) (Comb)
8849D PhD Psychology (PHSI) (Staff)
8849F PhD in Psychology (PHSI)
8849O PhD in Psychology (TCRI)
8849P PhD in Psychology (PHSI)
8849S PhD Psychology (PHSI) (Staff)
8851C PhD Psychology (TCRI) (Comb)
8851D PhD Psychology (TCRI) (Staff)
8851F PhD in Psychology (TCRI)
8851O PhD in Psychology (PHSI)
8851P PhD in Psychology (TCRI)
8851S PhD Psychology (TCRI) (Staff)
8852C PhD Psychology (NUBI) (Comb)
8852D PhD Psychology (NUBI) (Staff)
8852F PhD in Psychology (NUBI)
8852O PhD in Psychology (NUBI)
8852P PhD in Psychology (NUBI)
8852S PhD Psychology (NUBI) (Staff)
8853C PhD Biomedical Nutrition Sport Sci (Comb
8853D PhD Biomed Nutrition Sport Sci (PHSI)
8853F PhD Biomed Nutrition Sport Sci (PHSI)
8853O PhD Biomed Nutrition Sport Sci (PHSI)
8853P PhD Biomed Nutrition Sport Sci (PHSI)
8853S PhD Biomed Nutrition Sport Sci (PHSI)
8854C PhD Biomed Nutrition Sport Sci (TCRI)
8854D PhD Biomed Nutrition Sport Sci (TCRI)
8854F PhD Biomed Nutrition Sport Sci (TCRI)
8854O PhD Biomed Nutrition Sport Sci (TCRI)
8854P PhD Biomed Nutrition Sport Sci (TCRI)
8854S PhD Biomed Nutrition Sport Sci (TCRI)
8855C PhD Biomed Nutrition Sport Sci (NUBI)
8855D PhD Biomed Nutrition Sport Sci (NUBI)
8855F PhD Biomed Nutrition Sport Sci (NUBI)
8855O PhD Biomed Nutrition Sport Sci (NUBI)
8855P PhD Biomed Nutrition Sport Sci (NUBI)
8855S PhD Biomed Nutrition Sport Sci (NUBI)
8856F PhD Process Industries; Net Zero (PINZ)
8857F PhD by Prior Publication
8861C Doctor of Clinical Psychology (Comb)
8861F Doctor of Clinical Psychology (FT)
8861P Doctor of Clin Psychology (PT)
8870C Doctor of Medicine (PHS) (Comb)
8870D Doctor of Medicine (PHS) (Staff)
8870F Doctor of Medicine (PHS) (FT)
8870P Doctor of Medicine (PHS) (PT)
8870S Doctor of Medicine (PHS) (Staff)
8890C Doctor of Medicine (T&CR) (Comb)
8890D Doctor of Medicine (T&CR) (Staff)
8890F Doctor of Medicine (T&CR) (FT)
8890P Doctor of Medicine (T&CR) (PT)
8890S Doctor of Medicine (T&CR) (Staff)
8901C EngD Power Elec. Drives & Mach (Comb)
8901F EngD Power Elec. Drives & Mach (FT)
8901P EngD Power Elec. Drives & Mach (PT)
8902C EdD Education (Comb)
8902D EdD Education (Staff)
8902F EdD Education (FT)
8902P EdD Education (PT)
8902S EdD Education (Staff)
8903C DEdPsy (Comb)
8903F DEdPsy (FT)
8903P DEdPsy (PT)
8903S DEdPsy (Staff)
8904C DBA (with ESC Grenoble) (Comb)
8904F DBA (with ESC Grenoble) (FT)
8904P DBA (with ESC Grenoble) (PT)
8904S DBA (with ESC Grenoble) (Staff)
8905C Doctor of Business Admin (Comb)
8905F Doctor of Business Admin (FT)
8905P DBA (Joint award with Grenoble) (PT)
8905S Doctor of Business Admin (Staff)
8906P DBA Grenoble (Grenoble based) (PT)
8907F DAppEdPsy (FT)
8907P DAppEdPsy (PT)
8908F DBA Newcastle-based (FT) DO NOT USE
8912F Jnt Doctl (PhD) Degree Prog (Biosci FT)
8913F Jnt Doctl (PhD) Degree Prog (T&CR) (FT)
8914F Jnt Doctl (PhD) Degree Prog (PHS) (FT)
8918F Jnt Int Doct IDEALAB (FT)
8918O Jnt Int Doct IDEALAB (Occ)
8919F Jnt Doctl (PhD) Deg with Galway (FT)
8919P Jnt Doctl (PhD) Deg with Galway (PT)
8921F Joint Doctl (PhD) Degree Prog w Trento
8922F Joint PhD wi Ross University Vet Med
8923F Dual PhD with PUC - Chile
8924F Joint PhD with Monash University
8924I Joint PhD with Monash Uni (in-coming)
8930C Doctor of Medicine (Biosciences) (Comb)
8930D Doctor of Medicine (Biosciences) (Staff)
8930F Doctor of Medicine (Biosciences) (FT)
8930P Doctor of Medicine (Biosciences) (PT)
8930S Doctor of Medicine (Biosciences) (Staff)
9014 PhD French
9015 PhD Geography (Social Science)
9016 PhD German
9017 PhD Modern Languages
9018 PhD History
9019 PhD Music
9022 PhD Religious Studies
9023 PhD Span & Latin US Stud
9024 PhD Town & Country Planning
9026 PhD Archaeology
9027 PhD Language Centre
9028 PhD English Language
9029 PhD English Literature
9030 PhD Linguistics
9036 PhD Geography (as a science)
9071 PhD Accounting
9072 PhD Management
9091 PhD Economics
9092 PhD Social Policy
9093 PhD Politics
9095 PhD Law
9098 PhD Education
9099 PhD Speech
909E DEd Education
90C4 PhD Dental Surgery
90CB PhD Microbiology
90CJ PhD Biochemistry & Genetics
90CP PhD Immunology
90CS PhD Virology
90EP Doctor of Educational Psychology
90NC PhD Physiological Sciences
90P1 Integrated PhD Urban Design
90P5 Int PhD Edu & Communications
90P6 Int PhD Education & Applied Linguistics
9108 MPhil Modern Languages
9109 MPhil Archit Planning & Lndsc
9110 MPhil Architecture
9112 MPhil Film Studies
9115 MPh Geography (Social Sci)
9117 Diploma Classics
9124 MPh Town & Country Planning
9128 MA Engl Lang (Pg A)
9130 MPhil Linguistics
9136 MPh Geography (As a Science)
9147 MPhil Classics
9148 MPhil Fine Art
9149 MPhil French
9151 MPhil German
9152 MPhil History
9153 MPhil Music
9154 MPhil Religious Studies
9155 MPhil Spanish Latin US Studies
9156 MPhil Archaeology
9157 MPhil Language Centre
9158 MPhil English Language
9159 MPhil English Literature
9171 MPh Accounting
9172 MPh Management
9191 MPh Economics
9192 MPh Social Policy
9193 MPh Politics
9195 Master Laws (By Rsch)
9198 MPh Education
9199 MPh Speech Sciences
91C4 MPhil Dental Surgery
91CB MPh Microbiology
91CJ MPh Biochem & Genetics
91CP MPh Immunology
91CS MPh Virology
91LW MPh Law
91NC MPh Physiological Sci
9211 MSc Restorative Dentistry
9213 MSc Orthodontics
9223 MSc Biochem & Genetics
9224 MSc Human Communication Scis
9234 MSc GIS & Archaeology
9235 Master Town Plang Disrt Only
9250 LLM Intl Legal Studies
9251 LLM Intl Trade
9256 LLM Envtl Legal Studies
9279 MBA (Credit Accum. - RR)
9281 MBA
9292 MEd (By Unit)
9299 Master Educ (Modular Route)
9320 Master of Landscape Archit
9321 Master Town Planning
9322 Master Int. Housing Sci
9323 Master of Architecture
9324 Master of Town Planning (E)
9325 Master Town Planning (UConsrv)
9329 MSc Internet Archaeology
9343 MSc Agric&Food Market for Chin
9348 MSc Computing Science for Chin
9376 MSc Digital Architecture
9381 MBA (PT)
9397 BPhil Early Childhood Studies
9398 BPhil Educ Stud
9402 MA Greek & Roman Arch
9404 MA TESOL (Modular)
9405 MA Museum Studies
9406 MA Film Studies
9407 MA Gender Studies
9408 MA Heritage Ed & Interpret
9409 MA Ancient History
9410 MA History of Roman Italy
9411 MA Classics
9414 MA Translating & Interpreting
9417 MA Music
9418 MA Housing Studies
9420 Master of Fine Art
9424 MA Translating
9426 Master Music Composition
9427 Master Music Performance
9428 MA Latin
9430 MA Interpreting
9432 MA Modern & Contemporary Studi
9435 MA Planning Studies
9436 MA Media Technology for TESOL
9437 MA Landscape Design Studies
9438 MA Applied Theology
9442 MA Classical Studies
9443 MA Urban Design
9445 MA Applied Policy Rsch
9446 MA Multi & Internet Lang Train
9450 MA Music Technology
9455 MA Urban Conservation
9457 MA Popular Music Studies
9458 MA Music Meaning and Culture
9459 MA International HRM
9460 MA International Studies (RT)
9462 MA Applied Linguistics & TESOL
9463 MA L M & C: Ling Bi & La Tec
9464 MA L M & C: Phil Lang Br & M
9465 MA L M & C: Lan Var & Cha
9468 MA The Americas:Hist Soc Cult
9469 MA Religion and Contemp Soc
9472 MA Creative Writing
9473 MA North East History
9474 MA Literary Std: Wri Mem & Cu
9477 MA Media Technology in TESOL
9479 MA Music
9480 Master Music
9481 MA Chinese Lang & Cult for Bus
9482 MA Gallery Studies
9483 MA Human Geography Research
9484 MA Politics (Research)
9485 MA Sociology & Social Research
9486 MA Planning & Environ Research
9487 MA Regional Development
9488 MA Intl Business Management
9489 MA Human Resource Management
9490 MA Euro Union Studs
9491 MA Translating Studies
9494 MA International Management
9495 MA International Studies
9497 MA Intl Political Economy
9498 MA Intl Financial Analysis
9501 MA Byzantine Archaeology &Text
9502 MA CCC with Int Management
9510 MA CCC with Int Relations
9511 Mlitt Classics (Non Mod)
9512 MA CCC with Int Trade Law
9513 Mlitt Fine Art (Non Mod)
9514 Mlitt French (Non Mod)
9516 Mlitt German (Non Mod)
9522 MLitt Religious Studies (Non Mod)
9523 Mlitt Span Lat US Studs (NM)
9526 Mlitt Archaeology (Non Mod)
9528 Mlitt English Language (Non M)
9529 Mlitt English Literature (NM)
9530 MPhil Museum Studies (Pt Exempt)
9560 PgD Music
9561 Dip Lang & Communication Needs
9562 Dip Supervisory Mgmt Practice
9563 PG Dip Regional Development
9564 PG Cert Regional Development
9571 DBA (with ESC Grenoble)
9572 Doctor of Business Administration
9578 Dip Creative Music Technology
9579 Diploma Music
9580 Diploma Music
9581 PgD Gallery Studies
9601 PgD Conscious Sedation in Dentistry
9608 PgD Music Technology
9610 PgD Music Composition
9611 PgD Landscade Design
9613 PgD Town & Country Planning
9615 PgD International Financial Analysis
9616 PgD Music Performance
9617 PgD Housing Studies
9618 PgD Linguistics for Tesol
9619 Dip Housing Policy & Mgt
9628 PgD Tesol (Modular)
9629 PgD Museum Studies
9645 PgD Business Administration
9656 Advanced Diploma in Education
9660 PgD Rsch Skills in Soc Sci
9662 PgD Urban Design
9663 PgD Human Resource Mgmt
9667 PgD CAD & Mgmt
9669 PgD GIS & Archaeology
9672 PgD Film Studies
9690 PgD Prof Practice & Mgmt
9691 PgD Translating
9703 PgD Planning
9706 Diploma Urban Conservation
9707 PgD Heritage Ed & Interpret
9717 PgC Intro to Urban Design
9718 PgC Theory & Meth Urb Design
9719 PgC Urban Design Implementatin
9720 Cert Rsch/Des Studs Urban Des
9730 Cert Conservation & Planning
9731 Cert Conservation Pripls &Tech
9750 MLitt Gender Studies
9751 MLitt Classics
9753 MLitt French
9754 MLitt German
9755 MLitt Spanish
9756 MLitt Portuguese
9757 MLitt Fine Art
9758 MLitt History
9759 MLitt Music
9760 MLitt Religious Studies
9761 MLitt Latin American Studies
9762 MLitt Archaeology
9763 PG Dip Internat Archaeology
9764 MLitt English Language
9765 MLitt English Literature
9766 MLitt American Studies
9767 MLitt Ancient History
9768 MLitt Museology
9769 MLitt History of Art
9770 MLitt Linguistics
9771 MLitt Film Studies
9772 Grad Diploma in Translating
9774 PgC Gov : Sci Health & Environment
9777 PgC Life Long Learning
9779 PgC Museum Studies
9797 Cert Learn & Teach HE
9799 PgC Further Professional Studies Speech
9861 MA Education Research
9862 MRes Applied Linguistics
9890 PgC Management Practice
9897 MEd Ed Mgmt - Abu Dhabi (CISE)
9898 MEd (Cnslg & Guidne) HK (CISE)
9899 Med TESOL Dubai (CISE)
9912 Occasional Dentistry P/G
9913 Occasional Arts P/G
9916 Occasional LESS P/G
9917 Occasional Education P/G
9920 UG Occasional HSSO
9932 Occasional Dentistry U/G
9936 Occasional LESS U/G
9937 Occasional Education U/G
9941 English Language & Study Skills
9952 Exchange Dentistry P/G
9953 Exchange Arts P/G
9956 Exchange LESS P/G
9957 Exchange Education P/G
9972 UG Exchange Dentistry
9973 Exchange Arts U/G
9976 UG Exchange LESS
9977 UG Exchange Education
99LA UG Occasional in Arts (Loyola)
A100 MB BS
A101 MB BS (Accelerated Programme)
A206 Bachelor of Dental Surgery
A207 BSc Hons in Dental Therapy
B100 BSc Hons Physiological Sciences
B103 BSc Physiological Sciences w Prof Place
B122 MSci Physiological Sciences
B210 BSc Hons Pharmacology
B211 MSci Pharmacology
B213 BSc Pharmacology w Prof Place Year
B230 Master of Pharmacy with Honours
B401 Master of Dietetics
B46D BSc (Hons) Human Nutrition
B4D6 BSc Human Nutrition with Prof. Placemt
B620 BSc Hons Speech & Language Sciences
B621 BSc Speech and Language Therapy
B62M Master of Speech and Language Sciences
B900 MSci Biomedical Sciences
B901 BSc Hons Biomedical Genetics (FT)
B902 BSc Hons Biomedical Science Defer choice
B903 MSci Biomedical Genetics
B904 MSci Biomed Genetics with Prof Place Yr
B913 BSc Biomedical Genetics w Prof Place Yr
B940 BSc Hons Biomedical Sciences
B941 BSc Biomedical Sciences (NUMed 2+1)
B942 BSc Hons Biomedical Sciences with IP
B943 BSc Biomedical Sciences w Prof Placement
B944 MSci Biomedical Sciences w Prof Place Yr
B9C3 BSc Exercise Biomedicine w Prof Place Yr
B9C6 BSc Hons Exercise Biomedicine
B9N2 BSc Biomedical Sciences with Business
BB96 MSc Physician Associate Studies
BC48 BSc Jnt Hons Nutrition & Psychol (FT)
BC95 BSc Hons Biomed Sci w Med Microbiology
BD46 BSc (Hons) Nutrition with Food Marketing
BD64 BSc Nutrition w Food Mktg Prof Placemt
C100 BSc Hons Biology
C101 BSc Hons Biological Sciences
C103 MBiol Biology
C161 BSc Hons Marine Biology
C180 BSc Biology (Ecology and Enviro Biology)
C181 MBiol Biology (Ecology and Environ Biol)
C182 BSc Biology (Ecology and conservation)
C183 MBiol Biology (Ecology and Conservation)
C1C7 BSc Biology (Cell & Molecular Biology)
C1X1 PGCE Secondary Biology
C211 BSc Applied Plant Science
C300 BSc Hons Zoology
C301 MBiol Zoology
C305 BSc Hons Animal Science
C350 BSc Hons Marine Zoology
C400 BSc Hons Genetics
C410 BSc Hons Human Genetics
C535 BSc Medical Microbiology (Ord)
C600 BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science
C6B4 MSci Nutrition and Exercise Science
C700 BSc Hons Biochemistry
C701 MSci Biochemistry
C703 BSc Biochemistry w Prof Place Year
C704 MSci Biochemistry w Prof Placement Year
C7C1 MBiol Biology (Cell & Molecular)
C7C5 BSc Hons Biochemistry with Immunology
C800 BSc Hons Psychology
C801 BSc Hons Psy with Prof Placement
C802 BA Hons Psychology
C859 BSc Hons Cognitive Science
C8B4 BSc Jt Hons Psychology & Nutrition
C8C1 BSc Jt Hons Psychology & Biology
C8C6 BSc Jt Hons Psych & Sport & Exercise Sci
C8G1 BSc Jt Hons Psychology & Mathematics
CB64 BSc (Hons) Nutrition and Exercise Sci
CC17 BSc Biology (Cell&Mollec) with placement
CC18 BSc Jt Hons Biology & Psychology
CC59 BSc Hons Med Microbiology & Immunology
CF17 BSc Marine Biology & Oceanography
CG81 BSc Jt Hons Maths & Psychology
D400 BSc Hons Agriculture
D402 BSc Agric with Hons Farm Bus Mgmt
D422 BSc Agric with Hons Animal Prod Science
D444 BSc Agriculture with Hons Agronomy
D452 BSc Hons Rural Studies
D455 BSc Hons Sustainable Land & Business Mng
DB46 BSc Hons Food Mktg & Nut with Placement
DB64 BSc Food Marketing and Nutrition
E100 BA Hons Fine Art
F100 BSc Hons Chemistry
F102 BSc Hons Chemistry (Industrial Training)
F103 MChem with Hons in Chemistry
F106 MChm Hon Chemistry (Industrial Training)
F107 MChem Chemistry with Study Abroad
F109 BSc Hons Chemistry with Study Abroad
F122 BSc Hons Med Chemistry (Indust Train)
F123 MChem with Hons in Medicinal Chemistry
F124 MChem Medicinal Chem (Ind Train)
F151 BSc H Chemistry w Medicinal Chemistry
F155 BSc Hons Chem with Medic Chem Study Ab'd
F156 MChem Chem with Medicinal Chem Study Abr
F1X1 PGCE Secondary Chemistry
F300 BSc Hons Physics
F303 MPhys Physics with Hons
F304 BSc Physics with Foundation Year
F305 MPhys Physics with Foundation Year
F344 MPhys Theoretical Physics
F345 BSc Theoretical Physics
F3F5 BSc Physics with Astrophysics
F3FM MPhys Physics with Astrophysics
F3X1 PGCE Secondary Physics
F640 MEarthSci Earth Science
F641 BSc Hons Earth Science
F645 MEarthSci Earth Science with Year in Ind
F646 BSc Earth Science with Year in Industry
F800 BSc Hons Geography
F850 BSc Hons Environmental Science
F851 BSc Hons Environment Sci with Placement
F862 BSc Hons Geographic Info Science
F867 BSc Geographic Info Sci w Yr in Industry
F8C1 MEnv Ecosystem Management (FT)
F8D4 MEnv Agricul'l & Enviro'l Science (FT)
F8F6 MEnv Environmental Geochemistry
F8H8 MEnv Clean Technology (FT)
F8X1 PGCE Secondary Geography
F900 MEnv Environmental Science
FC81 MEnvSci Ecosystem Management with Place
FD84 MEnvSci Agric & Environ Sci with Placemt
FF86 MEnvSci Enviro Geochem with Placement
FH82 BSc Hons Physical Geography
FH88 MEnvSci Clean Tech with Placement
G100 BSc Hons Mathematics
G101 BSc Mathematics (FndY)
G103 MMath Hons Mathematics
G10X BSC Mathematics with Placement Year
G140 BSc Hons Maths Sciences (Def Choice)
G1C1 BSc Hons Mathematics with Biology
G1N2 BSc Hons Mathematics with Management
G1N3 BSc Hons Mathematics with Finance
G1N4 BSc (Hons) Mathematics with Business
G1NF BSc Hons Financial Maths with Management
G1NX BSc Financial Maths w Mgt w Placement Yr
G1NY BSc Maths w Mgt w Placement Yr
G1NZ BSc Maths w Finance w Placement Yr
G1X1 PGCE Secondary Maths
G200 BSc (Hons) Data Science
G300 BSc Hons Statistics
G30X BSc Statistics with Placement Year
G3N2 BSc Hons Statistics with Management
G400 BSc Computer Science
G401 BSc Computer Sci with Ind Placement
G402 BSc Hons Computing Science (FndY)
G405 MComp (Hons) Computer Science (FT)
G406 MComp (Hons) Comp Science (St Abrd) (FT)
G420 BSc Hons Comp Sci (Mob & Distrib System)
G421 BSc Hons Comp Sci w P(Mob & Dist System)
G450 BSc Computer Science (Game Eng)
G451 BSc Computer Science w Ind Plac (GE)
G500 BSc Hons Information Systems
G504 BSc Hons Information Systems (Ind P)
G5N1 Bsc Hons Information Sys w Bus and Markt
G5N2 BSc Hons Information Systems w Mgt
G5N4 BSc Hons Information System w Accounting
G5NC BSc Hons Info Syst w Bus & Markt (Ind P)
G5NF BSc Hons Info Systems w Mgt (Ind P)
G5NK BSc Hons Inf System w Accounting (Ind P)
G600 BSc Computer Science (Software Eng)i
G603 BSc Computer Scii w Ind Plac (Sftwr Eng)
GG13 BSc Hons Maths & Stats
GG1X BSc Maths and Stats with Placement Yr
GG40 BSc Hons Computing & Mathematics
GGC3 MMaths Hons Maths & Stats
GL11 BSc Mathematics and Economics
GN13 BSc Financial Maths
GN1X BSc Financial Maths with Placement Yr
H101 BEng Engineering with Fdn year
H103 MEng Engineering with Foundation year
H104 MEng with Honours in Engineering
H200 BEng Hons Civil Engineering
H201 BEng Hons Civil Eng (FndY)
H202 BEng Hon Civil & Surv Eng
H205 BEng Civil Engineering with Yr in Indust
H206 BEng Civil & Struct Engineer with Yr Ind
H208 BEng Civil & Survey Engin with Yr Indust
H210 BEng Hon Civil & Struc Eng
H242 MEng Hons Civil & Struc Eng
H244 BSc Hons Surveying & Map Science
H245 BEng Geospatial Surveying and Mapping
H246 BEng Geospatial Surveying & Map w Yr Ind
H249 BSc Surveying and Mapping Sci w Yr Ind
H270 MSci Mapping and Geospatial Data Science
H271 MSci Map & Geospat Data Sci (w Yr Ind)
H290 MEng Hons Civil Engineering
H291 MEng Hons Civil Eng (FndY)
H292 MEng Hon Civil & Surv Eng
H295 MEng Civil Engineer with Yr in Industry
H296 MEng Civ & Structure Engin with Yr Indus
H298 MEng Civ & Survey Engineer with Yr Indus
H300 BEng Hons Mechanical Eng
H301 MEng Hons Mechanical Engineering
H304 BEng Hons Mechanical Eng (FndY)
H305 MEng Hons Mechanical Eng (FndY)
H355 BEng Mar Tech Hons Off Eng
H356 MEng Mar Tech with Hons in Offshore Eng
H390 MEng Hons Mech & Low Carb Transp Eng
H392 MEng Mech Eng with Sus. Trans. Engineer
H3H2 MEng Mechanical Engineering with Energy
H3H6 MEng Hons Mech Eng with Mechatronics
H3H8 MEng Mech Eng with Biomedical Eng
H400 BEng Hons Aerospace Engineering
H401 MEng Hons Aerospace Engineering
H501 MEng Mar Tech with Hons in Mar Eng
H502 BEng Mar Tech Hons Nav Arch
H503 MEng Marine Tech with Hons in Naval Arch
H504 BEng Mar Tech Hons Mar Eng
H506 BEng Marine Engineering
H507 MEng Marine Engineering
H508 BEng Naval Architecture
H509 MEng Naval Architecture
H515 BEng Hons Nav Arch & Mar Eng
H517 MEng Hons Nav Arch & Mar Eng
H520 BEng Mar Tech Hons Small Craft Tec
H524 MEng Mar Tech with Hons Sml Craft Tech
H602 MEng Hons Electronic Eng w Ind Project
H604 BEng Hons Elec & Electronic Eng (FndY)
H605 MEng Hons Elec & E'tronic Eng w Ind Proj
H606 MEng Hons Elec & Electronic Eng (FndY)
H607 BEng Hons Elec & Electronic Eng
H610 BEng Hons Electronic Eng
H611 BEng Hons Microelectronic Engineering
H612 MEng Microelec Eng w Ind Proj
H621 MEng Hons Electronic Comms w Ind Project
H622 MEng Elec Pow Eng w Ind Proj
H623 BEng Hons Elect Power Eng
H630 MEng Power Eng (Degree Apprenticeship)
H640 BEng Hons Electronic Comms
H652 BEng Hons Electronics & Computer eng
H654 MEng Hons E'ronics & Comp Eng w Ind Proj
H660 BEng Hons Automation and Control
H661 MEng Hons Automation & Control w Ind Pro
H810 BEng Hons Chemical Engineering
H813 MEng Hons Chemical Engineering
H814 BEng Hons Chemical Engineering (FndYr)
H815 MEng Hons Chemical Engineering Industry
H816 MEng Hons Chemical Engineering (FndYr)
H830 MEng Chem Eng Hons Process Control
H831 MEng Chem Eng Hons Bioprocess Eng
H990 BEng Hons Digital Electronics
H991 MEng Hons Digital Electronics w Ind Proj
HH37 MEng Mech Eng w Design Manufacturing
HH73 BEng H Mech Design & Manuf Eng (New'le)
HH82 MEng Chem Eng Hons Sustainable Eng
I100 MComp (Hons) Comp Sci W Ind Placemt
I120 MComp Comp Sci (Mob & Dist System)
I122 MComp (Hons) Comp Sci W Ind P (M & D S)
I140 BSc Hons Comp Sci (Hum-Comp Int)
I141 BSc Hons Comp Sci W Ind P (Hum-Comp Int)
I190 BSc Hons Comp Sci (Sec and Res)
I191 BSc Hons Comp Sci Ind Pl (Sec and Res)
I192 Mcomp Comp Sci (Sec and Res)
I194 MComp (Hons) Comp Sci W Ind P (Se & Res)
I195 BSc Computer Science (Cyber Security)
I196 BSc Comp Sci w Indust. Place (Cyber Sec)
I197 MComp Comp Sci w Ind Plcmnt (Cyber Sec)
I198 MComp Computer Science (Cyber Security)
I520 BSc Computer Science (Bio-computing)
I521 BSc Comput Sci w Ind Place-BioComputing
I522 MComp Comp Sci (Bio-Computing)
I524 MComp (Hons) Comp Sci W Ind P (Bio-Comp)
I610 MComp Computer Science (Game Engineer)
I612 MComp (Hons) Comp Sci W Ind P (Game Eng)
IU99 Secondary PGCE (Computing)
J615 BEng Mar Tech Hons Mar Eng (FndY)
J616 MEng Hons Marine Technology (FndY)
J618 BEng Marine Engineering Foundation Year
J619 MEng Marine Engineering Foundation Year
J700 BSc Hons Biotechnology
J701 BSc Biotech w Ind Pl Yr
K100 BA Hons Architecture
K190 BA Hons Architecture and Urban Planning
K400 Master of Planning
K421 BA Hons Urban Planning
K430 Environment Planning and Society
K450 BA Hons Environment Planning & Society
K495 Diploma Town Planning
K496 Diploma Town Planning
L100 BSc Hons Economics
L101 BSc Hons Economics (with Placement)
L102 BSc Hons Economics (with Study Abroad)
L161 BSc Hons Economics and Finance
L166 BSc Hons Econ and Fin (with Placement)
L167 BSc Hons Econ and Fin with Study Abroad
L200 BA Hons Politics
L241 BA Hons Gov & Europ Studies
L250 BA Hons International Relations
L290 BA Hons Politics & Int. Relations
L300 BA Hons Sociology
L340 BA Hons Social Studies
L400 BA Hons Social Policy
L701 BA Hons Geography
LG15 BA Hons Econ with Information Systems
LK74 BA Geography and Urban Planning
LL14 BA Hons Economics & Social Policy
LL18 BA Hons Economics & Geography
LL21 BA Hons Politics & Economics
LL32 BA Hons Politics and Sociology
LL34 BA Hons Sociology & Social Policy
LN12 BSc Hons Economics & Bus Mgt
LN14 BA Hons Economics & Accounting
LR21 BA Hons French & Politics
LR22 BA Hons German & Politics
LR24 BA Hons Spanish & Politics
M101 Bachelor of Laws
M105 LLB Global Legal Studies
M1R1 BA Hons Law with French
MTC3 BA Hon Politics & East Asia St (Chinese)
MTC4 BA H Pol & E As St (Japanese)
MTC5 BA Hons Pol & E Asian Stud(Kor)
N110 BA Hons European Business Mgt
N120 BSc Hons Intl Bus Mgmt with Placement
N121 BSc Hons International Business Mgt
N122 BSc Hons Intl Bus Mgmt (London)
N123 BSc Hons Intl Bus Mgmt (London)
N124 BSc Hons Intl Bus Mgmt Fnd Yr (London)
N1T4 BA Hons Business Mgt with Japanese
N200 BA Hons Business Management
N280 BSc Hons Agri-Bus Mgt
N300 BSc Hons Finance
N400 BSc Hons Accounting and Finance
N401 BSc Hons Acc and Fin (with Placement)
N402 BSc Hons Accounting & Fin (London)
N403 BSc Hons Acc and Fin (with Study Abroad)
N404 BSc Hons Accounting & Fin (W Pl) Lond
N405 BSc Hons Accounting & Fin (W SA) Lond
N406 BSc H Accounting & Fin Fnd Yr (London)
N4L1 Accounting with Economics
N500 BSc Marketing
N5N2 BSc Hons Int Marketing and Mgt (London)
N5N3 BSc Hons Int Mkting and Mgt (w Pl) Lond
N5N4 BSc Hons Int Mkting and Mgt (w SA) Lond
N5N5 BSc H Int Markt and Mgt Fnd Yr (London)
ND61 BSc Food Bus Management and Marketing
NG41 BSc Mathematics and Accounting
NM43 BA Hons Accounting & Law
NN14 BSc (Hons) Bus Acc & Finance w Work Plcm
NN49 BSc (Hons) Accounting Studies
NN52 BSc Marketing and Management
P303 BA Hons Film and Media
P305 BA (Hons) Digital Cultures and Media
P313 BA Hons Film Practices
P500 BA Hons Journalism, Media and Culture
P990 BA Hons Applied Communication
PQL0 BA Media, Communic'n & Cultural Studies
Q100 BA Hons Linguistics
Q1R1 BA Hons Linguistics with French
Q1R2 BA HonsLinguistics with German
Q1R4 BA Hons Linguistics with Spanish
Q1T4 BA Hons Linguistics with Chinese/Japanes
Q300 BA Hons English Language and Lit
Q302 BA Hons English Language
Q306 BA Hons English Literature
Q3X1 PGCE Secondary (English)
Q800 BA Hons Classics
Q810 BA Hons Classical Studies
QQ83 BA Hons Classical Studies and English
QT19 BA Hons Modern Lang & Linguis
QV31 BA Hons English Literature and History
QW38 BA Hons Eng Lit with Creative Writing
QX31 PGCE Secondary English (With Drama)
R120 BA Hons French
R1M1 BA Hons French with Politics
R1N4 BA Hons French with Accounting
R1R2 BA Hons French with German
R1R4 BA Hons French with Spanish
R1R5 BA Hons French with Portuguese
R1X1 PGCE Secondary French
R220 BA Hons German
R2M1 BA Hons German with Politics
R2R1 BA Hons German with French
R2R4 BA Hons German with Spanish
R2X1 PGCE Secondary German
R400 BA Hons Spanish, Port & Lat Am Stud
R4M1 BA Hons Spanish with Politics
R4N4 BA Hons Spanish with Accounting
R4R1 BA Hons Spanish with French
R4R2 BA Hons Spanish with German
R4R5 BA Hons Spanish with Portuguese
R4X1 Secondary PGCE (Spanish)
R600 BA Hons Latin American Studies
R9N2 BA Hons Mod Lang with Management Studies
R9Q9 BA Hons Modern Languages, T & I
RN11 BA Hons French and Business Studies
RN21 BA Hons German and Business Studies
RN41 BA Hons Spanish and Business Studies
RN94 BA Hons Modern Languages with Accounting
RQ23 BA Hons German & English Language
RR12 BA Hons French & German
RR14 BA Hons French and Spanish
RT47 BA Hons Spanish, Port & Latin Am Stud
RX11 PGCE Secondary French with German
RX21 PGCE Secondary German with French
RX41 PGCE Secondary Spanish with French
RX4C PGCE Secondary Spanish with German
RXD1 PGCE Secondary French with Spanish
RXG1 PGCE Secondary German with Spanish
T190 BA Hons Chinese & Cultural Studies
T290 BA Hons Japanese & Cultural Studies
T711 BA Hons Latin American Studies
T900 BA Hons Modern Languages
T901 BA (Hons) Modern Languages
TL12 BA Hons Modern Languages & Int Relations
TN92 BA (Hons) Mod Languages and Bus Studies
TT12 BA Hons Chinese/Japanese Studies
TT41 BA Hons Chinese/Japanese & Cultural Stud
TW96 BA Hons Mod Lang & Film Stud
V000 BA Hons Phil Studies:Knowledge & Hum Int
V100 BA Hons History
V110 BA Hons Ancient History
V1X1 Secondary PGCE (History)
V400 BA Hons Archaeology
V401 BSc Hons Archaeology
V490 BSc Hons Archgy w Bioarchaeological Sci
V491 BA Hons Heritage, History & Archaeology
V500 BA Hons Philosophy
V627 BA Hons Religious Studies
V6X1 PGCE Secondary Religious Education
VL12 BA Hons Politics & History
VV11 BA Ancient History and History
VV14 BA Hons Ancient History & Archaeology
VV41 BA History & Archaeology
VV56 Philosophy-Religious Studies
W150 BA Hons Fine Art
W300 BA Hons Music
W301 BA Hons Contemporary and Popular Music
W302 FD Music Production
W304 BMus Hons Music
W340 BMus Folk & Traditional Music
W341 FD Popular Music
W344 BA Honours Folk and Traditional Music
W9X1 Secondary PGCE (Design and Technology)
X100 PGCE Primary 5 - 11
X110 PGCE Advanced Early Years
X121 PGCE Lower Primary
X390 BA Hons Education
XR11 PGCE Primary French (5 - 11)
xxGIO xxBSc Hons Mathematics w Ind Placexx
XXX48 MA Applied Linguistic DO NOT USE
XXXLN BA Hons Economics & Bus Mgt DO NOT USE
Y001 BA Combined Honours
Y600 BA Hons Humanities
Y999P MSc Testing
Z009 Staff PhD Archit Plan & Lndsc
Z010 Staff PhD Archictecture
Z011 Staff PhD Classics
Z012 Staff PhD Film Studies
Z013 Staff PhD Fine Art
Z014 Staff PhD French
Z015 Staff PhD Geography (soc sci)
Z016 Staff PhD German
Z018 Staff PhD History
Z019 Staff PhD Music
Z022 Staff PhD Religious Studies
Z023 Staff PhD Span & Latin US Stu
Z024 Staff PhD Town & Country Plan
Z026 Staff PhD Archaeology
Z027 Staff PhD Language Centre
Z028 Staff PhD English Language
Z029 Staff PhD English Literature
Z030 Staff PhD Linguistics
Z031 Staff PhD Biochemistry
Z036 Staff PhD Geography (science)
Z071 Staff PhD Accounting
Z072 Staff PhD Management
Z091 Staff PhD Economics
Z092 Staff PhD Social Policy
Z093 Staff PhD Politics
Z095 Staff PhD Law
Z098 Staff PhD Education
Z099 Staff PhD Speech
Z09E Doctor of Education (Staff)
Z0C4 Staff PhD Dental Surgery (Clin)
Z0CB Staff PhD Microbiology
Z0CJ Staff PhD Biochem & Genetics
Z0CP Staff PhD Immunology
Z0CS Staff PhD Virology
Z0DS Doctor of Dental Surgery (Staff)
Z0EP Doctor of Educational Psychology (Staff)
Z0N4 Staff PhD Dental Surgery (P-C)
Z0NC Staff PhD Physiological Science
Z109 Staff MPhil Arct Plan & Landscape
Z110 Staff MPhil Architecture
Z112 Staff MPhil Film Studies
Z115 Staff MPhil Geography (Social)
Z124 Staff MPhil Town & C'try Planning
Z130 Staff MPhil Linguistics
Z131 Staff PhD Biochem & Genetics
Z136 Staff MPhil Geography -science
Z147 Staff MPhil Classics
Z148 Staff MPhil Fine Art
Z149 Staff MPhil French
Z151 Staff MPhil German
Z152 Staff MPhil History
Z153 Staff MPhil Music
Z154 Staff MPhil Religious Studies
Z155 Staff MPhil Span Latin US Stud
Z156 Staff MPhil Archaeology
Z157 Staff MPhil Language Centre
Z158 Staff MPhil English Language
Z159 Staff MPhil English Literature
Z171 Staff MPhil Accounting
Z172 Staff MPhil Management
Z191 Staff MPhil Economics
Z192 Staff MPhil Social Policy
Z193 Staff MPhil Politics
Z198 Staff MPhil Education
Z199 Staff MPhil Speech Sciences
Z1C4 Staff MPhil Dental Surg (Clinical)
Z1CB Staff MPhil Microbiology
Z1CJ Staff MPhil Biochem & Genetics
Z1CP Staff MPhil Immunology
Z1CS Staff MPhil Virology
Z1LW Staff MPhil Law
Z1N4 Staff MPhil Dental Surg (P-C)
Z1NC Staff MPhil Physiological Science
Z530 Staff MPhil Museum Stds -Pt Ex
Z571 DBA (with ESC Grenoble) (Staff)
Z572 Doctor of Business Admin (Staff)
Z750 Staff MLitt Womens Studies
Z751 Staff MLitt Classics
Z753 Staff MLitt French
Z754 Staff MLitt German
Z755 Staff MLitt Spanish
Z756 Staff MLitt Portuguese
Z757 Staff MLitt Fine Art
Z758 Staff MLitt History
Z759 Staff MLitt Music
Z760 Staff MLitt Religious Studies
Z761 Staff MLitt Latin US Studies
Z762 Staff MLitt Archaeology
Z764 Staff MLitt English Language
Z765 Staff MLitt English Literature
Z766 Staff MLitt American Studies
Z767 Staff MLitt Ancient History
Z768 Staff MLitt Museology
Z769 Staff MLitt History of Art
Z770 Staff MLitt Linguistics
Z771 Staff MLitt Film Studies
ZZZZ Invalidly coded course