ARA3036 : Neolithic & Early Bronze Age Britain in its European Context
ARA3036 : Neolithic & Early Bronze Age Britain in its European Context
- Offered for Year: 2025/26
- Module Leader(s): Professor Chris Fowler
- Owning School: History, Classics and Archaeology
- Teaching Location: Newcastle City Campus
Your programme is made up of credits, the total differs on programme to programme.
Semester 1 Credit Value: | 20 |
ECTS Credits: | 10.0 |
European Credit Transfer System | |
Modules you must have done previously to study this module
Pre Requisite Comment
Modules you need to take at the same time
Co Requisite Comment
This module aims to provide students with an advanced understanding of social, cultural, and economic developments in the British Isles from c. 4000 BC to c. 1500 BC. The module will explore changes in how and where people lived, what and how they ate, what they did with their dead, how they moved during their lifetimes and how they interacted with one another at differing scales, the places they built and altered, the things that shaped their daily lives, and their understandings of life, death, community and the cosmos.
The module also aims to provide students with a detailed knowledge of current debates in the interpretation of Neolithic and Early Bronze Age Britain - from how we interpret the art and monuments of the period to how we assess the evidence used to infer dramatic changes in diet and/or populations in some centuries. The module aims to stimulate students to reflect on how arguments about the interpretation of the prehistoric past are produced, and evaluate the contribution made by different approaches to various kinds of archaeological evidence.
The module will focus most closely on Britain, but most sessions will also include evidence from Ireland, and throughout reference will be made to how the British evidence fits in with (or sometimes contrasts with) the evidence from the near Continent.
Outline Of Syllabus
Although session titles may vary from year to year the following syllabus is indicative of the kind of topics that will be taught.
The basics: What, where and when / Projects, presentations and essays
Material culture: Earlier Neolithic; Later Neolithic/ Mines and quarries
Subsistence and consumption: Earlier Neolithic; Later Neolithic / Neolithic foodways
Dwelling: Earlier Neolithic; Later Neolithic / ‘House societies?’ and other models for kinship
Monuments and landscapes: Earlier Neolithic; Later Neolithic / Cosmology (architecture and art)
Death: Earlier Neolithic; Later Neolithic / Mortuary practices and identity
Identity and mobility: Earlier Neolithic; Later Neolithic; EBA / Debating identity and mobility: aDNA, isotopes, material culture, architecture
Change and continuity: the later second millennium /The Beaker phenomenon
Death and Material Culture: Beakers to Cordoned Urns / Early Bronze Age mortuary practices and identities
Monuments and landscapes: Chalcolithic to Early Bronze Age / Cosmology (architecture and art)
Learning Outcomes
Intended Knowledge Outcomes
In successfully completing the module, students will be able to demonstrate:
- A detailed knowledge of the sequence of cultural developments in the fourth, third and early second millennium BC in Britain
- An understanding of how cultural phenomena in Britain related to contemporary phenomena in Ireland and the near Continent (e.g. subsistence; settlement; monuments; mortuary practices; material culture)
- A detailed understanding of the evidence for the key features of life in the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age in Britain, including subsistence, diet, mobility and settlement, material culture, mortuary practices, monuments, and uses of different parts of the landscape.
- A sound knowledge of how archaeologists draw inferences about social and cultural relations and past understandings of the world based on the evidence available from this period of prehistory (e.g. identity and shared cultural experience; social organization; social differentiation; violence; cosmology)
- An understanding of how archaeologists identify and explain patterns of change and continuity during this period and region
Intended Skill Outcomes
In successfully completing the module, students will also have developed:
- an ability to employ both oral and written communication to describe and discuss prehistoric archaeological evidence and critically evaluate its interpretation
- the ability to combine different kinds of archaeological evidence in producing a detailed interpretation of prehistoric societies
- the ability to critically appraise interpretations of archaeological evidence
Teaching Methods
Teaching Activities
Category | Activity | Number | Length | Student Hours | Comment |
Scheduled Learning And Teaching Activities | Lecture | 20 | 1:00 | 20:00 | Pip lectures |
Guided Independent Study | Assessment preparation and completion | 53 | 1:00 | 53:00 | N/A |
Guided Independent Study | Directed research and reading | 53 | 1:00 | 53:00 | N/A |
Scheduled Learning And Teaching Activities | Small group teaching | 10 | 1:00 | 10:00 | Pip seminars |
Scheduled Learning And Teaching Activities | Workshops | 2 | 2:00 | 4:00 | Student presentations (formative assessment) in weeks 7 and 14. |
Scheduled Learning And Teaching Activities | Workshops | 2 | 1:00 | 2:00 | Student presentations (formative assessment) in week 7 and 14 |
Scheduled Learning And Teaching Activities | Fieldwork | 1 | 6:00 | 6:00 | Fieldtrip |
Guided Independent Study | Independent study | 52 | 1:00 | 52:00 | N/A |
Total | 200:00 |
Jointly Taught With
Code | Title |
ARA8036 | Neolithic and Early Bronze Age Britain in its European Context |
Teaching Rationale And Relationship
Key knowledge about the archaeological evidence and main interpretive approaches will be provided through lectures. Each lecture topic will also have an associated seminar for which students will each read a text and discuss it with the rest of the class and the seminar leader. The student presentations provide an opportunity for the student to present the ideas they are pursuing in their long assignment and receive oral feedback ahead of writing the long assignment. The fieldtrip will provide first-hand experience of relevant archaeological sites in their landscape setting. The fieldtrip provides practical experience of the observation and study of physical remains of past societies, and, in conjunction with classroom based-learning, allows the student to gain experience with the diverse sources of evidence used in archaeology and build links between class-room based learning and application of knowledge in the field.
Reading Lists
Assessment Methods
The format of resits will be determined by the Board of Examiners
Other Assessment
Description | Semester | When Set | Percentage | Comment |
Essay | 1 | M | 40 | 1500 words. May be M or A. |
Essay | 1 | A | 60 | 2500 words. May be M or A. |
Formative Assessments
Formative Assessment is an assessment which develops your skills in being assessed, allows for you to receive feedback, and prepares you for being assessed. However, it does not count to your final mark.
Description | Semester | When Set | Comment |
Oral Presentation | 1 | M | On topic of long assignment. 15 minutes |
Assessment Rationale And Relationship
Students complete two summatively assessed assignments – a long and a short assignment. One deadline is mid-module the other in the assessment period following the end of the module. Each student may choose whether to do their long assignment for the first deadline or the second, and must do the short assignment for the other deadline. Each student will give a 15 minute formative presentation on their long assignment topic in a student presentation workshop timed for c. 2 weeks or more before the assignment submission deadline. Formative verbal feedback will be provided on each presentation.
The long assignment will be a project designed to explore one aspect of the module in depth, focussed on exploring a theme within one region or period, or critically evaluating a specific line of argument in detail (e.g. the argument for interpreting Late Neolithic communities in Orkney as ‘house societies’). The short assignment is designed to consider a more general thematic issue at a broader scale (e.g. how we interpret changes in settlement evidence during the British Neolithic). This combination tests different aspects of the students’ knowledge, and research and writing skills.
- Timetable Website:
- ARA3036's Timetable
Past Exam Papers
- Exam Papers Online :
- ARA3036's past Exam Papers
General Notes
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You may have some queries about the modules available to you. Your school office will be able to signpost you to someone who will support you with any queries.
The information contained within the Module Catalogue relates to the 2025 academic year.
In accordance with University Terms and Conditions, the University makes all reasonable efforts to deliver the modules as described.
Modules may be amended on an annual basis to take account of changing staff expertise, developments in the discipline, the requirements of external bodies and partners, staffing changes, and student feedback. Module information for the 2026/27 entry will be published here in early-April 2026. Queries about information in the Module Catalogue should in the first instance be addressed to your School Office.